HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-03; City Council; 2078; Poinsettia Lane Bridge,"."-. . Agenda Bill No. 2678 Date 7~.9-79 . Referred .To: CITY COUNCIL - ._ Subject : Subm.itted By: PROPOSED CITY. PROJECT- f POINSETTIA'LANE BRIDGE (OVER AT&SF RAILROAD TRACKS) P LAN N I M G C 0 M M I S S ION s * - . -Statement - of the Matter - . This matter was.considered by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of June 12, 1973. Resolution No. 912 was adopted by the Commission, which resolution states their finding of the proposed City project as being in conformance with the adopted Genera3 P1 an. 0. .. I L Exhibit 1. Memoran'dum dated June 7, 1973 (EngineeringJIept. to Plan. Comm.) 2. Attachments to Memo (1) page 19-20 EIR "Casas De Las Poinsettias" (2) Resolution No. 912 Staff Recommenda t ions c Staff recommends a-cceptance of report from Planning Commission. Da tc: AB NO- . -. -. . I- .- - Cit'y Manaqer's Recommendation t .. -. .. 0. .. .. i .. , .; . .. . Counci 1 * Action 7-3-73 Th'e report Poinsettia from the Planning Commission on the prDposed City project- Lane Bridge(over A.T. & S.E. R.R. tracks) was accepted. c .. . 5 .,.. .... .. .. .. -.:* - I. = .. -2- - L MEMORANDUM : TO: P 1 a nn i ng Comm i s s i on FROM: Eng i neer i ng D ivi s ion Porposed City Project for . SUBJECT: Poinsettia Lane Bridge (over ATGSF Railroad tracks); June 7, 1973 Backqround: Poinsettia Lane is shown on the existing General Plsn as a four lane collector road extending from Carlsbad Blvd. (old 101) easterly to Melrose Avenue, a distance of approximately 6 miles. Existing Poinsettia Lane consists primarily of an overcrossing of Interstate 5 (with on/off ramps), and a short extension westerly to Avenida Encinas. The road terminates just easterly of the Santa Fe rai 1 road Ra i 1 road right of way. In its present "dead end" configuration, the road functions as the only access to Lakeshore Gardens Mobile Homes. This development is the first phase of a much larger planned community. In 1969; the City approved an overall specific plan on the planned community development subject to several conditions including that the developer and the City enter into an agreement to construct a grade separation across the ATGSF railroad at Poin- settia Lane. The City and the developer are now ready to proceed with the construction of this overcrossing. The Planning Commission is required to review the proposed project with respect to its environmental impact and to determine whether the proposed project conforms to the General Plan. Specific Proiect Description The proposed project will provide a four lane (with median) roadway from Carlsbad Blvd. easterly over the ATGSF Railroad tracks and connect to existing Poinsettia Lane at Avenida Encinas, a distance of approximately 1300 feet. The project would include approximately 40,000 cubic yards of fill for the approach ramps and a concrete bridge structure (either precast or cast in place) which will provide the 23'required clearance over the railroad tracks. The maximum grade on the approach ramps will be 7% and will have a 35 mile per hour design speed. The project cost is a pp rox i ma t e 1 y $3 7 5,000 The roadway surface at its highest point on the bridge will be approximately 77.0 feet above mean sea level. This is below the elevation of Im5 (82.0f) and considerably below the existing bridge over 1-5 (113.01 M.S.L.). In other words, the proposed bridge will have minimal visual impact as viewed from the free- - ..- Memo P 1 ann i ng Comn i s - I on Poinsettia Lane Bridge Page 2 -- way and ocean views will not be impaired. Additional specific engineering data on the proposed bridge is , contained in the SiDesign Report- Poinsettia Lane Railroad Over- crossing prepared by VTN, the design consultants. This report is available for review in the offices of 'the City Engineer. Envi ronmental Statement An Environmental Impact Statement for the "Casas De Las Poinsettia" planned community was accepted by the Planning Commission on April 24, 1973. Pages 19 and 20 of the report pertain to traffic circ- ulation in the area of the proposed bridge, and are attached to this memorandum as Exhibit IrA". In discussing mitigating measures proposed to minimize the impact of the planned community develop- ment, the report states: "To further minimize the traffic impacts of the-proposed project, the. construction of a bridge over the railroad right-of-way connecting Poinsettia Lane to Carlsbad Blvd. should be initiated as construction begins? Based on the fact that the General Plan shows Poinsettia Lane as a continuous collector highway from Carlsbad Blvd. easterly to Melrose Avenue (future), and that construction of an overcrossing at the ATGSF railroad will minimize the impact on traffic circula- tion from an approved planned community, and that the proposed bridge project will have minimal or ,no effect on ocean views from Interstate 5 highway, it is requested that the Planning Commission make findings that the proposed project is in conformance with the City's General Plan. A sample resolution is attached, Tim Flanagan Principal Ci TCF/mac Encl: (1) page 19-20 EIR "Casa De Las Poinsettias (2) resolution Traffic: As mentioned earlier, the sroposed population will generate about 4,950 motor vehicles, The capacity of the road systex will be sufficiept to handle the expected motor vehicles. . The on and off razps, hoxever, will have to be expanded or widened to acccraodate traffic flow on and off the San Diego Freeway. mented at strategic intersections to allow €or efficient traffic flows, Specific recommendations for implementation of these and other measures are set forth in a separate study conducted by Herman Ximmel and Associates, and appear in total in the appendix of this study.12 To further minimize the traffic impacts of the proposed project, the construction of a bridge over the railroad right-of-way connecting Poinsettia Lane to Carlsbad Boule- vard should be initiated as construction begins. congestion will most likely occur at the Poinsettia Lane - Carlsbad Boulevard intersection during the summer months when visitations to South Carlsbad State Beach will increase, The project's impact on traffic should be limited to this one area.. Signalization will have to be imple- . - Traffic 12, See Ap2endix C, . . .. . . . . 1' ! E f I i I' 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.1 12 13 14 15 t 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PLANNfNG COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 912 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNlNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REPORTlNG AS TO THE CON- FORMITY OF THE POINSETTIA LANE GRADE SEPARATION OVER THE ATCH ISON TOPEKA & SANTA FE RA lLROAD RIGHT OF WAY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is proposing to construct a four lane street overcrossing on Poinsettia Lane at the ATGSF Railroad right of way; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Sect ion has submitted a report to the Planning Commission project in relation to the project's conformity w General Plan; and 65402, City staff analyzing said th the Carlsbad WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered said report and all other evidence relating to said project and is fully informed in the premises; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, FINDS, DETERMINES, AND DECLARES, 3s follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the purpose and extent of the proposed project conforms with the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on the 12 day of JUNE , 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Jose, Forman, Casler, Wrench and Little NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Dominguez and Palmateer E.W. DOMINGUEZ, Chairman ATTEST: DON AGATEP, Secretary