HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-03; City Council; 2079; EVALUATION OF CITY SALE AND ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY CASE NO. CA-1b a, E C!TY cc CXLLSDAC), CAL*?WA Agenda Bill No, Bate 7/3;71 . Referred .To: CITY COUNCIL" . Subject : Submitted By: EVALUATIOrj OF 'CITY SALE AND ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY PLANNING CONI ! CASE NO. CA-I f - - *Statement - of the Matter This matter was considered by the Planning Commission at their . approved by the Commission, which resolution states their finding of the proposed City action as being in conformance with the - regular meeting of June 12, 1973. Resolution No. 911 was .* General Plan comrni tmen't. Exhibit 1. Staff Report dated June 12, 1973 2. Memo dated May 18:, 1973 (W.C.Baldwin to Planning Commission) 3. Planning Cornmission Resolution No. 911 Staff Recorrmenda t ions Staff recommends acceptance of findings of Planning Commission. 8 3. i;' ?;a 1 a *: Dr m : I* .. . ..- -. .. ..- . . .. ._ ~ .. 7% .- -- - .... - . .-. .- . .. __ ~ ~- - -9 .. .- City Manaacr's Recogmendation .. .. .- - .. .. .. -A - .. .. . -. ._ . -- -- Council-~ct' 10R - 7-3-73 Th,e-City Council acce.pted the findings of the Plannin-g Commi in regards to Evaluatio'n 'of. City=Sale and Acquisi-tion of Pro Case No. CA-I, as contained in Resolution #911 of the Planni Commi tti on. 5 . .. _. . >- .. . -.: . * .. - .. -2- .. 0 rL LII r si- LAIKLbtjHU PLA?,!IIHG ~E?ART~tNI- REPOAT FOR JUNE 12, 1973 TO: REPORT : CASE NO: CA-1 PLAN TI I N G CO ?4>1 I S S I ON EVALUATIOX OF CITY SALE AND ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY BY: WILLIAM BALDWIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER. BACKGROUND: acquire property until the location purpose and extent of such acquisition or disposition has been submitted to, and reported updn by the Planning Commission, as to conformity with the adopted General Plan or part thereof. REQUEST: That the Planning Commission find the proposed sale or acquisitioi of the following parcels are in conformance with the General Plan commitmen for the area: State Law (Sec 65402) requires that the City not sell or PARCEL #1 - ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 156-200-16 1. This is a surplus reservoir site located southerly of the inter- section of Arland Drive and Buena Vista Way which th2 City proposes to sell The approximately 3.16 acre parcel is located in the R-7 Zone and the Gener Plan commitment is Low-Density Residential with from 3-7 dwelling units per acre. No changes in zoning or General Plan is contemplated. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission find that the propos 2. sale of this parcel is in Conformance with the adopted General Plan. PARCEL #/ 2 - ASSESSOR'S PARCEL PIO. 205-060-26 1. This is a 16,126 sq. ft. parcel which is located northerly of the intersection of James Drive and Basswood Avenue. The parcel was originally acquired for the extension of James Drive, which is not now feasible, and the proposal now is to sell this parcel. The property is located in the R- zone district and the General Plan commitment is Low-Density Residential wi from 3-7 dwelling units to the acre. Staff recornvends that the Planning Commission find that the propos 2. sale of this property is in conformance with the adopted General Plan. PARCEL #3 - LOTS 6-12, YNO?dLES TERRACE(State R/C.I) 1. The property is located at the northeast corner of the intersectic Said property, containing approx. 1. of Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Knowles Avenue. -1 - 0 w ,. acres is located in the R-1-75 zcne district. The General Plan indicates the property to be potential low density indicated with from 3-7 dwelling units to the acre. The City proposes to acquire the subject property and utilize it for permanent open space. 2. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission find that the acquisition of this parcel ~ould be in conformance with the adopted General Plan. PARCEL nu4 - PORTION OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA R/bJ 1. The property is located at the northwest corner of the intersestior of Oak Avenue and Pi0 Pic0 Drive. Said property, irregular in shape, is located in the L-C Zone district and the General Plan indicates the propertj to be potential low density residential with from 3-7 dwelling units to the acre. The City proposes to acquire the subject parcel to be used for permanent open space. 2. Staff recommends that the Planning Cormission find that the acquisi of this parcel would be in conformance with the adopted General Plan. PAKCEL #5 - PORTION OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA R/W 1. The property is located easterly of and adjacent to Pi0 Pic0 Drive approximately 310 ft. southerly of the intersection of Pine Avenue and Pi0 Pic0 Drive. Said property with approximately 10,000 sq. ft. is present1 part of Holiday Park and the'City is acquiring it. Upon acquisition, no chan use of the parcel is proposed. The parcel is located in the R-1-75 zone district and the General Plan indicates the property to be potential park in use. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission find that the 2. acquisition of this parcel would be in conformance with the adopted General P1 an. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACE REPORT CONSIDERATIONS: Staff, in evaluating these requests has determined that the proposed sale or acquisition of these properties are not a project as defined under the State Guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and would not require E.I.R. considerations. ATTACHED MATERIALS: 1. used by the Planning Commission. I A draft resolution approving the proposed transactions which can be !dhQL PAUL A. !dILLIAMS, fissociate Planner e 0 I- CITY OF CARLSBAD AZnFnistrative Offices ;4E E TO RLN DUM DATX : Nay 18, 1973 T3 : THE PLPANNING COL~/IISSiON FROM : Willian C. Baldwin, Assistant to the City Xanager SUBJECT: SALE OF CITY OWXED PROPERTY It is the City Council's intention to sell City owned property which has been declared "surplus, I' State law requires that the Planning Commission give approval to the sale of City ownn,d properties. We are requesting the authorization by your group for the sale of the following parcels of land which were professionally aspraised for the City by resolution of the City Council. The price listed would be the minimum bid acceptable. '1. Parcel 1 - City Reservoir Site #2, Arland and Suena Vista Drive. APPRP-ISOR PRICE - $53,400.00. 2. Parcel 2 - A Portion of Mesa Reservoir Site, Mesa Drive, Oceanside. APPrWISOR PXCE - $28,000.00. 3. Parcel 3 - Pro2erty at Foussat and inlission Road, Oceanside. AP2RAISOR PRICE - $98,000.00. 4. Parcel 4 - 3onsall Property--11.62 acres. ,W?RAISOR PRICS - $11,600. 00. . 5. Parcel 5 - Baiidixg Lot between Highland and Valley on BasswooZ. APPX?lISOZ PRICE -$lO,OOO. If the Conmission so desires, slides can be projected tc show the property in relation to the size and surrounding area. 8 pi 6 ") '- // ' SIGNED: ,- yt, wci3/vs c /!/ .&ZLd--4- PLAF~YI~~G COYYISSIO~I RESOLUTiON PiO. 91 1 i i 1 1 31 5 6 71 *I 9 10 XI- and Section 65402 of the State Government Code requires that the Planni Commission evaluate the sale or acquisition of property in terms of conformity to said General Plan, WHEREAS, a representative of the City has presented the follow: i transactions to the Planning Commission for evaluation: 1. The sale of Assessor's Parcel No. 156-200-16. 2. The sale of Assessor's Parcel No. 205-060-26. 3. The purchase of Lots 6-12 Knowles Terrace Tract. 1 I-3 I 14 i 15 16 4. right-of-way, at the northwest corner of the inter- section of Oak Avenue and Pi0 Pic0 Drive. 5. The purchase of a portion of State of California The purchase of a portion of State of California ri! I? I-8 I of-way, approximately 310 ft. southerly of the intersecl of Pine Avenue and Pi0 Pic0 Drive;, and i I 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I actions are exempt from the requirements of the State of California Gu 1 lines for implementing the Environmental Quality Act of 1970; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered said report an 1 all other evidence relating to said projects and are fully informed in i premises; 1 1 the City \of Carlsbad, California, FINDS, EETERMINES AND DECLARES AS I 1 FOLLO14S: I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of I 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the real property which the City proposes to acquire I 2 I l City of Carlsbad at its regular meeting, held on the 12th day of I ’I June , 1973, by the following vote, to wit; AYES: Commissioners Jose, Forman, Casler, !4rench and 1 61 71 I *I 9 10 7.1 I-2 13 14 X’ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 EDMOND W. DOMINGUEZ, Chai man ATTEST: DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary I I I I I -2- 11 II Julie 5, 7973 --- -- ,. r451 -2 ‘ _-- Aqenda Bill ii2052. Parcel Split #18 Monreal Properly, located on Roosevelt Street. ~451 3. Agenda Bill 2‘2053. Breihan Apartments located at 342 Juniper Avenue. 1145.1 4. Agenda Bi 11 ;/2054. Four-uni t apartment located at 40GZ Garfield Street. (:4illiken) [107] E. Agenua -_l_l__ Bill +2055. Authorization was given the Mayor and City Cleri to execute a quitclaini deed releasing a waterline c2sei;ient in connection with CT 72-18 - Carlsbad ;ianor, Unit ;;l. E991 I1071 was given tile i-inal ::ap for CT 72-23, Alta Plira ij3, and authorization given the Nayor and City Clerk to execute quitclairn deed releasing drainage easeriient. [99] G. Agenda Bill _____I- J;lOOl. - Supplement #l. Approval vas given the Final Nap for CT 72-32, Cali- fornia Property Brokers, Royal Hones, located on the Southeast side of Chinquapin and between Adams Street and Highland Drive. [26] H. Agenda Bill $933.- Supplerilent #I. The wor for Cannon Road Iciprovement, AD 1-1970, Contract #lo1 was accepted and the Clerk was instructed to record Notice of Conpletion and to release the bonds 35 days after recording ljotice of Completion. r07i 1 fim- __I_ n.7- t-tnnt- ?..-.-.l n,.,r)nt $3. F. Aqenda Bill !/032. - Supple _,-----.--c-”- -_ . ... - , I...- 2z;;;j?;c;; Q -. , -: Y .z J ::cum mi 1; .-.E '.,it\/ of Carisbad 1 Tf F; f; ;i I I - - - ' . -e .. ,4 ; ; .,; .~ ~. F 1200 E-in A,Vefic$ Carfsbad, CA 920'38 1 rt5'> ^. I --I , .r (y& 92'' ; d i-l 5 %,I. i j i; oa (j , 208 AH0 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO lU .4; .- I ! ;ub 10 12 I I! -i I ! SPACE ABOVE THIS FINE FOR .?EC3RDER'S I - .._. _-I_- LL - 3ocuxent3ry :r3;lstsr '?a:< s 1.4 .+A,! AA jTA1Z)rEWiS i3 CsrL::ctsd on ?,ill vaiue-5I?rzWy or Com?utel on f.lll v3h;e Less lien - - -. ,&':-, i- 1 cancia; Scene, 1 RC. - cumS;ancga ym2in;?.q t:1er5q1 311 ;i2e of 23-3 2 G.3 rnet ;:?/e. LL' .r &&a+/? .A?-/-&< --_ .:.,c, 7. . aran-t 'ST 2?eP.t 3etPml :cr:i, '- .,~:i7 c ; 299, CA S2'?j9 01 C=.risSad &__ &m.ora claim Deed .i THIS F2Ci FCIRNISHED 3Y TITLE INSb9X>UCE AN3 T?!JST C3uP4iuy r i FCR A 'VALUABLE CONSIDEXATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowiedged, I the City of Carlsbad, a nuniciGai corporation i i j i a corporation organized under the laws of the state oi Ca 1 i fern ia hereby REMISE,s, RELuSES AND QUITCLAIMS to F i na Tic j a 1 Scene, 1 nc. City of Carlsbad i i the following described real property in the , State cf California: San Diego County of See *ached Exhibit "A" for legal description of an easement for pub1 ic drainage purposes All as shown for convenience sake on Attachment "A", attache and made a part hereof. Assessbr's Parcel No. 2'14-l40-23 I In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to he a6firied hereto am nient to he executed by- its-- si ,!;rPc!<>:<. -,+5e!Ap. --- .- -_._. .- ..-. . ~. . . .~ .-.-. . .______ .____.__I .--. _L--- _-I_____ .--____ I___ ~~~.~~ I 5-3-73 --I--- DESCR f 0 T! I). k. REVISIONS DATE ay . v * i JJ'L, .. _I__ .-.--._- _____ -.-.- ----~~- ..~ .---. -.-- -.-. ~ ~ ~ _--.___ ~.- A 7 ,?$ C ,L+;p/F;;,,iT ') 1 * r. __ - .-_I ..._. !! ; !/ i 5 ' i-; \i j I! I. 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