HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-03; City Council; 599-2; Contract NO. 1010 - Traffic signal installationi, - THE CITY OF CARLSFAD, CALIFORNIA Ayerda 3 i 11 '>jo. 599 Supplement No. 2 \*a' Date July 3, 1973 - Subject : Submitted By: Contract #lOlO- Traffic Signal Installation Carlsbad and Tamarack- Change Orders #1, 2, G 3 Pub1 ic Works Director and Notice of Final Completion 9 -- Statement of the Matter The subject contract has been satisfactorily completed for a Final Contract price of $48,332.67, which was less than the original contract amount of $48,822. The reason for the difference in contract price was due to minor modifications in the unit quantities and three change orders. The change orders are itemized as follows: Sub iect Amount Chanqe Order No. 1. 2. 3. Correct ion to "Equipment Rental and Prevai 1 ing Wage Rates" -0- Change in photoelectric control and pedest r ian pushbut tons. ($400.00) ( dec rea s e) Change in Signal Controller contact relays. -0- 4. Extension of time due to R/W delay -0- Change (1) is administrative. Changes (2) G (3) reflect field changes made during construction. Exhibit 1) Change Orders No. 1, 2, 3, G 4. 2) Notice of Completion Staff Recorninendations Adopt a mot ion: 1) approving change orders No. 1, 2, 3, G 4 to Contract No. 1010, 2) 3) instructing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, and 4) accepting work on behalf of the City, instructing City Clerk to release the bonds 35 days after recordation of notice of completion. ' L* .. .I ' A3 No. ~ .. Date. July 3. . 1973 .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. - .. .. . .- -. .. .. .- .. -. City J!a na qer 's Reconmenda ti on .C -. . Concur. .' .. .. -. . .. t -. .- .. .. Co unci 1 - Ac ti on .. to Contrakt No. 1010 were approved; 7- 3- 73 - Chanqe. orders No. I, ~,"3 arrd 4 The council accepted the wor+k;on behalf. of thi C7ty and-the'clerk was instructed to record the Notice of Completion and to release . days after- recordation of Notice pf Completion. the bonds 35 .* '. . :*. -. .. .. .. .- -. .- Affidavit of Publication 1 ss. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego .................................. " ......................... ,,.,l :* ,~~:t.---.i;~~.--~~k~~~--....------------.------.-r says that she is the Principal Clerk of The Carlsbad Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and State of California, and that the notice of which the 1,5; I annexed is a true copy, was published ..... -.l- .... times in said newspaper, commencing on the . ......._..... day of ................ Q~*A.:Lr ............ .............................. A.D. 19 7,~..-, namely on the following dates: _._-. CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE INVITING BIDS Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the City Clerk, 1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad, California 92008, Until 2:OO P.M. on August 4, 1972, at which time they will be publicly opened and read in Council Chambers of said office, for the City of Carlsbad in San Diego County, in accordance with the specifications therefor, to which special reference is hereby made, and which is generally described as follows: The installation, at locations indicated on the plan of traffic signals at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack bvenue, together with certain appurten- ant materials and facilities to befurnishedby the con- tractor, all as described inthe specifications and in- dicated on the plans. No bid will be received unless it is made on a pro- posal form furnished by the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certified or cashier's check, or bidder's bond made payable to the City of Carlsbad for an amount equal to at least ten per,cent (1%) of the amount bid, such guarantee to be for- feited should the bidder to whom the contract is a- warded fail to enter into the contract. Each bid and proposal must conform and be re- sponsive to the plans and specifications, copies of which are now on file and may be obtained in the Of- fice of the City Engineer, 1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad, Californa 92008, upon payment, of $5.00. per set if picked up at Carlsbad City Hallor $10.00 per set if mailed. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a periodof twenty (20) days after the date set for the opening thereof. The City of Carlsbad in ac'cordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252) and the Regulations of the Department of Commerce (15 , C.F.R., Part 8), issued pursuant to'such Ad, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that the contract entered into pursuant to this adver- tisement will be awafded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin. Minimum wage rates for this project as prede- termined by the Secretary of Labor are set forth in the special provisions. If there is a difference between the minimum wage rates predetermined by the Sec- retary of Labor and the prevailing wage rates de- termined by the Department of Public- Works for similar classifications of labor, the Coqtractor and his subcontractors shall pay not less thalr the higher wage rate. Pursuant to Section 1770 of the Labor Code, the Department has ascertained the general prevailing rate of.wages in the county in which- the work is to be done. to be as listed in the DeDartment of Public I .................... d..-u.:tiL -? ..... '< :+. ./.. %...,+.Q.i ^'"2 ....-....-.... ~ .........._...__.__._... .. ................................................ _.- .........._................. .. ......................... ........ .. .... .. .... L... ......................... I .......... - .... - ... .................-...._.._._.._.. .......... ........ .............. - .... - .... - ...................... - I-...I ...._......" - ....-.._....... ..... ................................_.__................-....-...............................-........- ................................................................... I ..........-............__......--..... ............................................ - ................-....-.........._...........-....-....-..-. . ....................................................................... . ........_.........._...._..._^._..... Signed at Ca rls bad, Ca I ifornia this _.._._ -LI..u...~- 7 Z4-k' ..... r, day of ...........d.&-,- ........... .................................... 19 .L. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that @e foregojng is true 4 correct. ..... 6 k'. L&iiL ....................... J .... 54 ........ P d&.?.W ......... ~ ..... PrincipA Clerk CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. REV. NO. ,' SUPPL. NO.- d 1 OF-SHEETS 1 1010 SHEET ROAD Carlsbad B ,C at Tamarack Ave. FEDERAL NO.6) EPS T-3052 (3) CONTRACT NO. To Smith Electric Supply Contractor You ore hereby directed to moke the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications on this contract. )TE: This change order is not effective until approved by The State Highwuy Engineer. Description of work to be done, estimate of quantities, and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and force account. Unless otherwise stated, rates for rental of equipment cover only such time as equipment is actually used and no allowance will be made for idle time. Change requested bv E ng f fleer The last percentage shown is the net accumulated increase or decrease from the original quantity in the Engineer's €slimate. Contract No. fOlO Is reformed in that Section 5-2 of the contract is modified by correction of certain listed wage rates prlnted in the pub1 icatlon emitled "Equipment Rental Rates and General Prevailing Wage Rates", dated July, $972, AI 1 construction faborpr wages +@tes shatm ?-_ for San Diega County will be reduced 15c. This contract reformation Is based upon a mutual mistake of fact whereby the parties believed that the corrected rates were those rates whlch'actually applied and prevaild at' the time the contract was entered into. This contract Change Order is issued pursuant to Civil Code Section 3399 in order that the contract correctly reflect the true Intention of the parties. ,I * ' Estirndled C& Decrease $ n 8 ii or Increase By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: IdR =&dl Submitted by: / HUNTER 1. Coot, Resident Engineer Approval Recommended: Date Approved: Slate Highway Engineer by Date HEADQUARTERS CONSTRUCTlON OCT Ar OSP ___ - ___ __ _Contractor You ale herebv directed to make the herein deacribed chanqes from the plans and specifications or do the foliowins described work not included n the plans and To specifications dn this contract. OTE This chonge order is not effective until approved by The State Highway Engineer. - Description of work to be done, estima-e of qaantitiea, ond prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at cantract grice. cgreed price ond force account. Unless otherwise stated, rates for rental of equipment caver only such time os equipment is actually used und no allowance will be made for idle time. Change requested by Enqfneer The last percentage shown is the net accumulated increase or decrease from the original quantity in the Engineer's Estimate. f~Xlawing item am deleted this contract: 2, PIbdQsslrian pushbuttons (type 'An) - potential vandalism ais area makes this type of pitsNstntton undesirable. -$a64 ,, 00 Estimated Cost Decrease $- or Increase $ x By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjurted as follows: no 36 i Us tment Approval Recommended: __~ . - __ --._Date- Approved: State Highway Engineer by ~____ ._____ Date We, the undersigned contr aye given careful consideration fo t Is, except as may otherwise be note ved, that we will prw, de specified, and will accept DISTRICT ENGINEER OCT Ar asp CT CHANGCORDER NO. ' REV. NO. SUPPL. NO.- SHEET OF SHEETS ROAD CIBP~S~~ &I ,. and Tamarack AveD tOIO CONTRACT NO. EW T.13052 (3) Contrador You are hereby directed to make'the herein described changes from the plans md specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications on this contract. To Saafth EfacSrfc Supply DTE: This drange order is not effective until approved by The State Highway Engineer. Description of work to be done, estimate of quantities, and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work ot contract price agreed price and force account. Unless otherwise stated, rates for rental of equipment cover only such time a5 equipment is actually used ond no allowanle will be made for idle time. Change requested by Ew Tho last percentwe shown is the net accumulated increase or decrease from the original quantity in the Engineer's Estimate. Q x, Estimated Cost Decrease $ or Increase $ Approval Recommended: Date Approvedr State Highway engineer by Dote FORM CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO REV. NO. SUPPL. NO. t Hk.5 ' ' - ... 4 -HE3 OF ' SHm Carlsbad F-td. at Tamarack Ave. ROAD CONTRACT NO 1010 EPS T-3052 (3) . FEDERAL NO.(S) COntroctor You are hereby directed to make the herein described changer from the plans cnd specifications or do tha fallowing described work not includd in tha dons and To Smith Electric Supply specifications on this contract. 3TE: This change order is not effective until approved by The State Highvmy Eng'Mr. Description of work to be done, estimate of quantities, and prices to be paid. Segrsgate between additional work at contract price, ayead price and +a account. Unless otherwise stated, rates for rental of equipment cover only such timo as equipment is actually used and no allowance wtll be made far idle time. Change requested by E ng i nee r The last percentow shown is the net occumubld increase 01 d- fmm tho origird quuatity in Le Engirmr's Mi- Riqht of Way Delay A conflict between the signal standard mast arm and overhead power lines necessitates replacement of the service pole with a taller pole. The Utility Co. (San Diego Gas C Electric) required three weeks to complete the work. An extension of time is hereby granted in accordance with Section 8-1.07 but no compensation is allowed for equipment idle time. Estimated Cost D-w t 0 or ~n- s 0 Add (16) working days to contract time. By rcayul of this ardor the time of completion will be adjusted cn falbwsr Submitted by: D-+- HUNTER T. COOK, Resident Engineer Approval Recommended: Dah Approved: Slate Highway Engineer by DCm We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the changa propod and hereby agree if this proposal is approved that we will rovlde all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services nec&ary for the work above skifieel, and wil?accspt as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accepted, Date Contractor BY Titia If the Contractor does not sign acceptance of this order, his ottentim is directed to the requirements of the specifications as to proceeding with the ordered work and filing a written protest within the time therein speflfid. CONTRACTOR . 0craro.P ; 1.. NOTICE OF COMPLETION ENGINEERING . To All Laborers and Material Men and to Every Other Person Interested: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 15, ,1973 I the Engineering project consisting of Roadwork and instal lalion of a traffic siqnal at Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Avenue, Contract No. 1010 on which Smith Electric Supply, 10792 Knott Ave., Stanton, CA 90680 was the contractor, and Houston General Insurance, San Diego, CA was the surety, was completed. CITY OF CARLSBAD City Engineer VERIFICATION I I, the undersigned, say: I am the City Engineer of the City of Carlsbad; fhe foregoing Notice of Completion is true of my own knowledge, 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and Executed on 71 at Carlsbad, California, correct. Hunter J, Cook VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK L, the undersigned, say: Executed on 2 /471 at Carlsbad, California, Hunter J, Cook VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK I am the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad; the City Council of said City on JUlY 3, 1973 accepted the above described work as completed and ordered that a Notice of Completion be fired, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregorng..is true and :: .$ . -I >. correct. .. .. .I -: -SA" DIEGC. COAST REGIONA+ COMMISSION@ .. 6154 Mission Gorge Road, Sm Diego, California 92120 Tele : 280-6992 Malcom A. Love, Chairman William A. Craven, Vice-chairman Daniel Gorfain, Secretary - Jeffery D. Frautschy, Representative California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission .. i '. . May 17, 1973 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Re: Administrative Permit for Repairs Control No. 0495 Project Address Intersection- of Tamarack & Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, Ca. traffic signa PHmWD: Install a traffic-actuated F Your application for an administrative permit is hereby approved and a permit hereby issued subject to the following terms and conditions: NONE . .. . Note that no permit issued herewith shall become valid until the happening of'the following two conditions: (1) Commission Meeting. The close of the meeting of the San Diego Coast Regional Commission at which time a report concerning the issuance of this permit has been presented and where there is no opposition from the Commission (2) a copy of the permit is returned to the Regional Commission signed by the permittee acknowledging the receipt of a copy of the permit and the fact that the permittee understands the contents thereof. Receipt - and Acknowledgement. Until This determination was made upon the following findings: Installation and costs not in excess of $25,OOO, to wit, $20,000.00. This executive determination has been made upon your proposed project that will not have any special adverse environmental or ecological effect and that it is consistent with the findings and declaration set forth by the Public Resources Code Section 27001 and with the objectives set forth in Public Resources Code Section 27302. It should be noted that the determination and the terms and conditions of the permit shall be perpetual and it is the intention to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property except in the following particulars : Very truly yours, Executive Director I TAC : gd I have read and understand the terms, conditions and limitations of this permit and agree to abide by them. gned by Permittee eontml No. 0495