HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-03; City Council; 615-2; BID ON CITY PROPERTY GREENWOOD.I - h‘ c A P L s 9 x De “ALTFOR c1TY. OF A’ TIH E 78 Agenda Bill No. 615 Supplement 82 Date: July 3, 1971 Ref erred To : Subject: Submitted B BID ON CITY PROPERTY (GREENWOOD) William C, E Asst. to C/M Statement of the Matter Instructions of the City Council dated April 5, 1973 instructed staff to examine conditions of the sale of the Greenwood property; (2) obtain recommendations from Lampman and Associates €or the best land use; (3) to prepare alternatives for the City Council tc consider, Exhibit None Staff Recomjendations Research of the deed from I4rs. Greenwood indicated only a life estate to Mrs. Greenwood. No other conditions were cited. Mrs. Greenwood has since quit-claimed her life estate to the City. The property is clearly the City’s without strings; The purchase price was $20,000.00 It should be noted that the existing parcel was partially owned by the City previous to the purchase from Mrs. Greenwood, Staff believes this property can readily be sold. The market for service stations has undoubtedly SloWSd, but other firms have expressed interest or corrnercial purposes, As proposed by the City Manager Arnol could be used to p City Library complex. Another solution to the property would be a long term lease. The following items in the opinion of staff should be considered. money acquired from the sale of this property chase additional city property easterly of the 1. Length of lease 2. Type of use proposed 3. Treatment of site: (a) architectural, (b) use orientatior (c) landscaping, (d) signing, (e) access, (f) lighting, (9) trash control, (h) maintenance Lampman and Associates advise that until a land use study is completed for the master plan they cannot advise usage. Staff respectfully requests a City Council Policy Statement in orde that Grospective purchasers may be properly briefed. . t t* m q AB No. Date: July 3, 1973 City Manager's Recommendation Many cities appropriate large amounts of money to advertise and promote their city and many times the monies are spent to identify the city. The City of Carlsbad has been particularly fortunate in that their attractive city hall is in full view of the freeway resulting in thousands of people traveling the freeway being able to identify the City of Carlsbad by the city hall with the name "City of Carlsbad" shown on the front of the building. This is definitely an advantage and to block the view of city hall by constructing a building between the city hall and the freeway could void the above-mentioned advantage. I think the City Counci should give due thought to this matter before making their decisioi Also I wish to point out that the budget for the fiscal year 1973-' shows a large revenue amount which supposedly will be obtained by the sale of this property. This matter is placed on the agenda by direction of the City Council and it is hoped that a policy determination can be made as to whether this property should be sold or not. Co unci 1 Ac ti on 7-17-73 No action was taken by the City Council. -2-