HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-06; City Council; 2086; DEVELOPMENT ENCROACHMENT ON THE PROPOSED CALAVERA LAKE REGIONAL PARKs "/p --2 > . *T H E CITY. #OF C A R L S B A D, 0 CALIFOR Agenda Bill No. Date: July 6, 197 Ref erred To : Subject: Submitted € "Development Encroachment" on the proposed Calavera Lake Regional Park Mayor Du Statement of the Matter Attached is a letter from James 0. Tennant, Project Coordinator, I Works Agency, County of San Diego, requesting an opportunity for , representative of the County to appear before the City Council on July 17, 1973 relative to "development encroachment" on the propo Calavera Lake Regional Park. Exhibit 1. Letter dated July 3, 1973 from James 0. Tennant. Staff Recomrnenda tions , a e AB No. Date: City Manager’s Recommendation Council Action 7-10-73 It was agreed that the County of San Diego, Public Works that they are welcome to appear before the City Council a regular meeting held July 17, 1973. 7-17-73 Mr. James 0. Ternnant, Project Coordinator, addressed the and presented a recording of a meeting held by the Board visors, expressing its concern of the Development Encroal on the proposed Calavera Lake Regional Park. He requestc Council to consider the following questions: (1) Does - Council wish to have a joint meeting with the Board of S to discuss the development of the property, and (2) Is willing to join with the County in the acquisition of th adjacent to the property. The Mayor requested the matter referred to the staff for mendation prior to a decision being made by the Council. -2- . . 4- '* c e COUNTY OF S~NDIEGO e Pubkc i%rh Agency DAVID K. SPEER Public Works Administrator County Operations COtItCr. 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego.Califernia 92123.. . . . . . . . Telephone: 271 July 3, 1973 Honorable David M. Dunne Mayor of Carl s bad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad , CA 92008 Subject: Dear Mayor Dunne: Thank you very much for the opportunity to talk with you by telephone July 3! 1973, about matters re1 ative to "development encroachment" on the proposed Calavera Lake Regional Park. As we discussed at that time, as per instructions of the Board of Supervisor: on June 27, 1973, we are hereby requesting an opportunity for a representat!\ of the County to appear before your City Council on July 17, 1973, for the following purposes: Request for Place on Council Meeting Agenda, July 17, 1973 1. To offer the Council an opportunity to hear a brief recording (approximately 8 minutes) of the Board's discussion of the Calavera Lake matter in order to clarify the Board's position, 2. point out the development which is about to happen, and 3. to consider (repeat to consider) a share to match the County in view of the urgent need to proceed. To advise the Council of the problems the Board is having and to To inquire if the Council is willing to meet with the Board and At the same time, some discussion of the possible avenues for implementing t various proposed regional parks that are of immediate concern to you and the Council as referred to in your letter of January 23, 1973, to Mr. Jack Walsh Chairman of the Board of Supervisors,may be appropriate. In the meantime, t principals of Kamar Construction Company will be contacted so that discussio of acquisition methods and conditions can be continued with them. The County staff enjoys and appreciates the cooperative and amiable manner w PLEASE ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO THC ATTENTION OF : park Developn'ent Division, Public I!orks Agency ... .__. . ... ...... ._.... , _.. _._ _. ... Telephone: 278-9200, Ext. 663 E. J. Moses "- 0 2 0 July 3, 1973 ' - ' Mayor David M. Dunne -- .I which City staff and consultants have approached regional park matters of considerable mutual concern. Their joint efforts wi 11 undoubtedly produce mutual benefits. Respectful ly yours, D. K. SPEER PuWc Works Admini strator \ 4 l i \ A&y& JAMES 0. TENNANT Froject Coordinator JOT: jb cc: Public Works Administrator Park Development Division m 0 *.. n c, 7 CAL,\VEl<A LtlKE Griicral l<ccrea tioti Calnvcm Like: owned by tlic City of Cxlsbatf, is rcconiiiicnded for cicvrlopmctit as :I ni;ijor url general rccrcation rc;5onal !>:irk I‘oi- d:iy use sild overxi$ t campin:: with active play areas, ink watcr rccrcation. ainplc c:impirig 31id picnic ;ITC;IS, md i;i3jor c:ilttir;il ;inti cqvcs!ri;in facilities. r proposcd Calavcra Lakc I<cyional i):!rk: cciitcrccl around tlic existing 4O-:!crc Cainvera L:&c geograpiiically loc:! ted to sc~:c 3s ;I ~ii~jor foci1 point in tlic rcgioii:ii !>;irk system for tlic iiorthi county ;ires. I>cvclopnicn t recoinmcriiicd is for :i brod program of gcncr;il r-ccrerttion arid cult activities including a rcginnsi cultural ccn tcr, ex!crisivc xtivc plnq’ xex: pnssive ni:turc 31 inoderate wntci rccrcation :!rid cqucstrim laciiitics. ’I‘he prk sitc hs furthcr poiential ;is thc Iiu a Iinkagc of public rcc:es!tio;i tr:iiIs ZiiId opcli sp::ce corxitlor.; C~I~IIL~C~I!I~ wi til Bucnn Vista h,g along 13r:cna Vista Creek md with Aya IIctlioi;c!a tai_coon soutI;::;estcrly don:; A913 IIciiio Creek. A largei lake is nceclcii for loii;:-tci-m 1,v;iLcr rccrcation denimd, arid lo provide an adeqi basic attraction for users of this major rcgiond facility. * / RECREATION A4CT~ViTIES Rei Picnicking 15.61 Acres 18.82 Fishing 23. IO Acres 26. Playing Games 41.81 Acres 46.93 Hiking 2.22 Acres 2. Bicycling 13.12 Acres 13.21 Equcstrim 19.4 1 Acres 13. Swirnining 0.85 Acrcs -0.85 Equestrim Faciiities 10.00 Acres 10. 47.90 Acres 62.17 Multi-Use 16.00 Acres 16. Boating Camping 50.5 1 Acres 6 1.1 1 Nature Trails 16.12 Acres 12. Group Camping 20.00 Acres 20.00 Cultural Facilities 10.00 Acres IO. Oricjnal -- Revised +L.- OririnaI - Caravan Camping 5 -00 Acres 5-00 Activities 291.76 Acres 323.35 Support Fxilitics 291.7G Acres 328.35 Developable Acres 583.42 Acres 657.70 Total Park Size 19SO 2,043.00 Acres 2302.00 Available for Park 252.00 Acres Totd Park Size 1993 2,665.00 Acres 2665.00 Lxid Sccded 2,4 13.CO Acres Accpisifioiz r’riori~~es~~’ro~~e~~z.~: The 352-acre City of C3rlsbatf ivater property will be transfern the county. Additions! developable land will need to be purchased for park facilities. Portio1 the park site are margirxl :crrain for other Innci use nnd may be incixiecl in the open s preservation program. Di3i:iage courscs to the otlicr paiks should iiicludc easeiiicnts for trails. Agemy 10 Acquire, Deivlop, Opemte: County of San Dicgo, with the City of Carlsbad to tra Calavera L‘ake property as its s!inr.e of tlie project. NOTE: Existing Park Six - Changes in thc acrmge result from actions taken subsequent to submission of the re as described ii1 the Sequel. _. v-lo