HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-25; City Council; 2106; Contracts for Environmental Impact ReportT FI F C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D, C A L I F 0 R N I A Agenda Bill No. Date: July 25, 1973 _ Referred To: Subject: Submitted By: Authority for City Manager City Manager to sign contracts ror preparation of Environmental Impact Reports Statement of the Hatter Provision of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance permit the City of Carlsbad to contract consultant services for the preparation of E.I.R.'s, Sec. i9.04.150' of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. San Diego Gas & Electric has submitted a request to the City for the City to have an Environmental Impact Report prepared for the single stack associated with Encinas Unit #5. Westec Services, Ines. has submitted a proposal for 6ervices for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report. 4 i 1 Exhibit 1. reauest from SDG&E to ,prepare EIR. 2. Request from City for professional assistance. in preparation of EIR. 3. Reply from Westec Services, Inc. 4. Letter from Cite Attorney to SDG&E regarding i requirement to pay fee for preparation of EIR. Staff Recommendations Planning Department solicited professional help in the preparation of the E.I.R. and recommends that the City Manager be authorized to sign contracts for the preparation of same, (Letter attached). eid, v City Manager's Recommendation The San Diego Gas and Electric intends to amend a specific plan to include a "single stack" at their plant in the City of Carlsbad. This will require an Environmental Impact Report. There are provisions for the City of Carlsbad to retain a qualified consultant to prepare E.I.R. Reports with the understanding that the City will be reimbursed for the cost of the report. San Diego Gas and>Electric has asked that the City retain such a qualified consultant to prepare the E.T.R. Report, however, the City Manager feels that an agreement should be entered into between the San Diego Gas and Electric and the City covering the reimbursement to the City for the consultant's fees. It is recommended that such a contract be prepared and that the City Manager be authorized to sign such contracts. Council Action 8-8-73 Resolution #3191 was adopted, authorizing the City Manager to execute contracts for preparation of Environmental Impact Reports. -2- MEMnRANDUM July 25, 1973 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: REQUEST OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN CONTRACTS rOR THE PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS. Provisions of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance permit the City of Carlsbad to contract consultant services for the preparation of E.I.R.'s, Sec.iq.04.154 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. San Diego Gas A Electric has su6initted a request to the City of Carlsbad for the City to have an Environmental Impact Report prepared for the "single stack" associated with Encinas Unit#5 (their written request is attached). This Department has solicited professional help in the pre- paration of the Envirnomental Impact Report. A reply was submitted by Westec Services, Inc. stating their abilities, timing and cost of the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report (the request for assistance and the reply are also attached). It is my recommendation that the City Council give the City Manager the authority to sign a contract which would allow for soliciting E.I.R. assistance. l ✓ y �-�nN A. AGATEP, ` Planning Director t Attachments,; s 1. Request from SpG&E to prepare EIR 2. Request from City, for prOfessl onal assistance in preparation of UR 3. Reply from Westec Services, Inc. 4. Letter from City Attorney to SDG&E re: requirement to pay fee for preparation of EIR CS��f SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY P 0 BOX 1931 CAN DIGO, CALIFOR%1A 92117 b1r. Don Agatep Director of Planning City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Air. Agatep: C=-CDPy .i'o ,c,,T-r-r ;r il— NO CNB 100 June 12, 1973 L F JUll 14 i-'r. CITY AE ,{,}.�!' RLS Manning pepartn,, Sap. Diego Gas & Electric Company will soon submit an application to the City of Carlsbad to modify the specific plan covering our Encina Power Plant property. The modification will consist of the addition of a single stack to ensure compliance with applicable air quality standards in connection with operation of the five generating units west of Interstate 5 which are approved on the specific plan. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to be prepared by the Public Utilities Commission in connection with our application for certificate to construct and operate Encina Unit No. 5 will include the single stack. However, the draft of their report is not expected to be issued until August and the final report probably will not be issued tuitil November 1973. With the many permits required for this project this results in the further lengthening of the schedule. Also, we understand that the Coastal Zone Commission will not act on our project until the City of Carlsbad has approved the amendment to the specific plan. In the interest of time it would be desirable to proceed with the specific plan amendment to include the single stack at an early date. We understand that to do so in advance of the PUC environmental report would require the City to prepare an EIR which it is not in a position to under- take at this time. Accordingly, we respectfully request that the City retain a qualified consultant to prepare an EIR for the single stack, with the idea that processing of the specific plan amendment can be completed in a few months. San Diego Gas & Electric Company agrees to reimburse the City for the consultant's fees. This letter is, therefore, your authorization to proceed with having the EIR prepared. r WD/P.LE: sc Phone 232-4252 Extension 1505 Sincerely, , F. W. DeVore, I•Ianager Engineering Land Department 1NV,STCV4116 :D BY h'04Z THAPh 13CV0 SrOCKH0,0rRs -.. 1200 EL1d AVENUE CARMAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 David L. Parkinson President WESTEC Services, Inc. 1520 State Street - San Diego, CA 92112 Dear Mr. Parkinson: .— .� - Cit2 Af Carfdab duly 13, 1973 TELEPHONE: (714) 729.1181 The City of Carlsbad has recently received a request from the San Diego Gas and Electric Company to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the proposed 400 ft. Single "Stack" which is to be built in conjunction with the 5th generating unit of the Encina Power Plant in Carlsbad. The Planning Department does not have the ability or the Staff' to adequately prepare a comprehensive environmental report as required by the California Environmental Quality Act of 1.97.0. Therefore, the City is soliciting the assistance of acknowledged professionals in the field of air quality and power generation. The specific request by the Gas and Electric Company is' to amend an existing Specific Plan (City of Carlsbad Ord. 9279) by pro- posing the construction of a 400 ft. single stack in conjunction with the 5th generating unit, and additionally it tiiould replace the four smaller existing stacks. The assumed intent of the Amendment and the application is to ensure applicable air quality standards in connection with the Encina power plant. If your firm is desirous of preparing such a report, please indi— cate so in writing, and include proposed -cost and time necessary to complete the impact report. This department has substantial information relating to the proposed "stack" and the 5th generating unit which you are free to review and use if you wish. Your timely response to this request would be appreciated. HILSTEC Services July 13, 1973 Page 2 Enclosed is the referenced City of -Carlsbad Ordinance and the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972, as well as the application as submitted by the Gas and Electric Company. Sincerely, CITY j0F; DONALD A.•.AGATEP, Planning Director DAA : l e Encls. I ,3 �n-5'7'g7'3'3 ``�.. JUL 16 1973 WESTEC Services, Inc. / 1520 State StrtCIT-41OFP,(AR6GUD2 / (714) 233-7572 73P_lgging Department ' July 13, 1973 Mr. Donald Agatep Director Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California Subject: Proposal for Consulting Services Dear Mr. Agatep: In response to your letter of July 13, 1973, WESTEC Services, Inc. is pleased to submit this letter agreement to prepare an environmental impact report for the planned Encina Plant Stack Modification Project. This project consists of replacing the existing four stacks at elevation 190 feet with a single stack at elevation 400 feet. The single stack i will service all five (encina 1-5) steam units. The impact report would be prepared to the City of Carlsbad guidelines. Scope of Services E WESTEC Services, Inc. will prepare a draft environmental impact report for the Encina Plant Stack in a format suitable for submittal to the City of Carlsbad. The analysis will assemble available data and pro- vide assessments of the probable short-term and long-range effects of the project, as well as any measures to mitigate impacts. The analysis will be addressed to: 1. Human environmental impacts of the project related to: a. Aesthetic and visual characteristics b. Safety C. Construction -related functions (noise, socio-economic implications, etc.) 2. Physical impacts dealing with: a. Air quality effects b. Geologic and soils conditions 3. Any other impacts pertinent to the stack addition The impact report will follow the format and ordinances adopted by the City of Carlsbad to implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and State of California Environmental Impact Statement Guide- lines adopted on February 5, 1973. A draft report in the amount of bfr. Donald Agatep July 13, 1973 Page 2 5 copies can be provided is signed. Thereafter, are received, 50 copies provided in five workin g 5 weeks after an agreement to perform the work when the City's review is complete and comments of the final environmental impact report will be days. Program Responsibilities WESTEC Services, Inc. will be responsible for the preparation of the environmental impact report with David L. Parkinson serving as study director. The objective of our work will be a complete and comprehensive analysisnt ect. Our1reporttwillmdrawsonJotherociatenvironmental ed with the nstudies cina aper - Stack Pboj formed by consultants to San Diego Gas $ Electric Company for t e expan- sion of the Encina Plant. Fees We estimate $7rtoal fee 9ve will 00t00 and werwill notthe vexceed ices uthis ecost owithout be in the vicinity d. Monthly progress specific authorization from the City of Carlsba payments based on invoices submitted for work accomplished are requested. g the TheQuotesubmissiondcover costs involved in Of the draft environmental impactnreportsstogn assign- ment withth th the City of Carlsbad. A submission fee ce es imate. payable to uheCity of assign - Carlsbad is included inthe above reviewsswithtpublicybodies wcould be ments related to p r Te table supplemental agreement. best provided for in a mutually P Acceptance assign - you may authoriZeetS EC Services, lcopytofPthis eagreement d with efor sour ment outlined Y r files. Respectfully submitted, Approved by: i liam K. E re ge Vice President WRE:jlr or t e City 01 UU17.LsUIAV, Date VINCENT F. CIONOO JR. CITY ATTORNEY CITE( OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 729.1181 July 12, 1973 San Diego Gas & Electric Company P.O. Box 1831 - San Diego, California 92112 Attention: Mr. Frank W. DeVore, Manager Engineering Land Dept. Dear Frank: Enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Resources Agency of California dated July 9, 1973, regarding your request to process the specific plan amendment for the smoke stack concurrently with related PUC matters. There now appears to be no remaining obstructions which would prevent the City from proceeding to process your applica- tion for a specific plan amendment. . I do think it would be useful to firm up in writing your company's assumption of the obligation to fund the cost of the Environmental Impact Report. Very truly yours, I VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney VFB,Jr/mem Enclosure 1 `t 2 {`� 13 5 6 7 8 9 101 12 13 a 14 co § 15 a du » 16 ooZ5 ¢ �~'%5 17 }.3V Wz d 18 Z O ^ N >Q a 19 } 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 RESOLUTION NO. 3191 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CiFY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS FOR CONSULTANTS' SERVICES FOR THE PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS AS REQUIRED FROM TIME TO TIME PURSUANT TO THE "CITY OF CARLSBAD ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ORDINANCE OF 1972". 1 following vote, to wit: 2I AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee 3 NOES: None ¢ ABSENT: None 5 6 7 ayo r 8 9 ATTEST: ? 10 11 KARGARET d E. AUAM5, City Clerk 12 (seal) 13 0 14 a m C 15 a 16 z�W� a U' 26 17 o } LU Z 18 Z >Q cc 19 20 21 22 23 24 ' 25 26 27 28 29 30 31� 32 i • 2.