HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-07; City Council; 2015-2; CT 72-25 |ALICANTE HILLS - SUBDIVISION IN LA COSTA| ACCEPTANCE OF PREVIOUSLY REJECTED OFFER OF DEDICATIONi e 0 igE C I TV OF CARLSPA3, CA? I FOR'] IA / - Aacnda G i 11 t c. ~d/,- * i+d&& Da t e- Aug. -~ 7, __ 1973 Referred To: -- 33 Subject : Submi t ted By: Cp5---_2iS-CAlicante Hills-subdivlslon in La Costa) Acceptance cf previously rejected offer of dedication Public Works Direct ---_ - -- -- - <G A previously rejected ffer of dedication cf lot C L-eservcd for future public street on MZF 45781 (see Exhibit "A") should now be acceLkc?d. Nineteen feet (19') of Lot C was accepted by the County on Hap #G730 (see Exhibit "B"). Forty-one feet (41') of lot C remains tc be accepted. Since Alicante Road is to be widened full width as part of CT 72-25, the need for barrier lot C will no longer exist (see Exhibit "C''j. I ~ Ststewrlt of tne Matter E::hibi t A. Sketch of previously rejected lot C, per nap 5781. B. Sketch of previously rejected lot C, per map 6730. C. Resolution No.3 , accepting previously relected lot C. Y s t a f f Re c 0wr.c PC? a t ion s --. Adopt a motion approving Resoluticn No. J/,,97 , accept1r.g prcvlously rejected lot C of Map t5781. e e -__ ~;lte: Aug. 7, 1973 A E ?lo . .. ?. .. - C i t y Ma na 4 e r ' 5 ii e con n c n d a t i on concur : i*!her. +,he subdivision VJBS ziecoycied in -the CoLnty the offer of dedication for Foaciway purpsses V:~S 20.5 accepted by the County. The sdbaivider wL11 extend thts r.oad, therefore, .it is ln Order for t,hp City to accept 'chis yeservee stnip for- p:~.ijllc right-of-wag. . .. .. -_ Counci 1 ?.ction 8-8-73 Resolution #3197 :vas adopted, accepting previously rejected tot iic" of: ~ap i,5778i. * 9S9 I) \ -- - -qT T?mT 4. ~?J>bUu-2.03i 30, 3? 3:' .., >) ;1 __ ~::so~,~TI~N ~3 ?=HE ciyy ~3~iyc1~ ijp "E C:ITY 07 2-V-LS3-X) $CCZ"TING 503 ?'TJ3Li/,: I, .3 S'TxXT ~7~~~c)~Zs czxrAI?7J p~~'J~c)~sL~ 23J-XCTZD -__-__ _- lc3 r '?he Cit.2 Cguncll of the City of Carlsbad 3Des heraby ; as follms : 1. Thz following described real property ioeated in 71 I oE Carlsbad, County of San Dizgo, State of California, par described as Lot "C", La Costa Valley Unit No. 4, accorzin lo;, I thersof No. 5791, recorded Septerriber 14, 1966, ivhich vas p II IllI 12 I/ 1 I 13, street purposes. rejected by the County Board of Supervisors of the County Diego for public street ~UT~SES~ is rxcm hereby accept&. 5 I I1 2. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall caus certified copy of this resolution to be recorded in the of the County Recorder of ~zn i~iegc courlty an2 to ezuse c? cc; to be forwarded -to the Coanty Assessor of the County of S; I 16'1 17'1 11 18,i state 05 California. 11 an zdjourned 11 19 \! PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at / regular meeking 04 City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held thc day of August , 1973, by the following vote, to wi- AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Fr !I I' 22 ,I ! 23 Ij NOES: Noue ABSENT : \I 0 n e - 25 I ATTEST: ~ / -1 -. z _- PLX?GAXE'T E. A3-WlS, Cirry Clerk 11 3.L , \I I 7 e 960 . c- mT No.10 OF 10 ALLEY UNIT NO. 4 A!;$! /.=i ::;4?TpJ,jf AqcT * z. k4p -2 \x ~ t -- '_ /c-cX/4/&/7 " B e i 4 '"2 ,Q @ .I STATE CF CALIFORN!A, ) COUNTY OF SAN OKGOJ ss. her&y cerlify tfiat I Iiavct c-iiiil)ai-td tlw forcgoiiig ccl;)y with tlic. origiii:ll ...... Resolution ................................. passed snd Virginia . I, .Sm.ith.,.D.e.pu.~,;y.. City Clcsrk of tliv City of CarIsI):td, County of Sui IIiego, State of California, an adjourned arioptcJ I~Y :;tit1 (:icy ~iitiiici!, ;it/ ..........re.g~.l.~.~..... nwcsting t~irrc.of, nt tIie tilw arx~ 11y tlic votc tIicr-c.in statcbrl, wiiict3 ori!;iil;!t ... Re.s.O.J. ~.t.i..O.?. .. is now on fi1t3 in illy oiiicca: tlmt ttw siww contains n fr111. tnlc ;ild c~rrec,t I r::iiwri!)t tli:m-frorri itid of tlii. v~~li~ilc tfic~col'. 7:iy l.;tnct ;ititt tlics sc*:i~ of slid city of (::ir1\lm(I, !Iiis ..21.. clay of ..... A.u.~.u.s..~., .... .1..9.7..3.* ........