HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-07; City Council; 2099; Education Incentive Program for Misc EmployeesT K E C I T Y o f C A R L S B A L "-e A L r F' o R N 'r A Agenda Bill No. 1 ! Date: August 7,`1973 •Peferred To: Subject:l. EDUCATION INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR. Submitted By: MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES. William C. Baldwin 2. AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION 1727. Personnel Director Statement of the Matter Pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding,.dated June, 1972, with the Carlsbad Miscellaneous -Employees Association an Education Incentive Program for employees designated "miscellaneous" is submitted for the approval of the City Council.and ,for implementation at the earliest.:possible date. Police and fire department EIP plans are implemented by previous City Council motion. The exhibited Resolution No. incorporating three plans will formally amend the personnel rules and regulations. Exhibit Resolution No.'al?-4-incorporating Education Incentive Programs for Police Department Employees, Fire Safety Employees and Miscellaneous Employees and to _ameiid*.the personnel rules and regulations. Staff Recommendations The exhibited program has the input and support of.the employees' association, tPe personnel director and the departing city manager. July 1, 1973 is recommendcd for an implementation date. An, estimate to fund this mii;c� .laneous group benefit for FY 1.973-74 will approximate $10,000."' Staff recommends the acceptance of the "misc211aneous plan" and the adoption of the resolution. AB No. City Manager's Recommendation Date: August 7, 1q7� Both the Police Department and the Fire Department have Education Incentive Programs but a provision has not been provided for the miscellaneous employees. In a Memorandum of Understanding the miscellaneous employees were advised that an Education Incentive Program for Miscellaneous Employees would be provided. At the recent budget meeting funds were appropriated for this program and it is recommended to the City Council that a resolution adding Rule 15 to the Personnel Rules, providing for an Education Incentive Program, be approved. Council Action 8-7-73 This matter was deferred until the meeting of -August 21, 1973, at the request of Cmn. Chase. 8-21-73 Resolution No. 3186 incorporating Education Incentive Programs for Police Dept Employees, Fire Sgfdty Employees and Miscellaneous Employees and amending the personnel rules and regulations was adopted. -2- c �f 1 2 3 41 ;N 19,u 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3savue A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALI'FORNIA, AMENDIPIG THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY BY THE ADDITION OF RULE XV TO PROVIDE FOR AN EDUCATIONAL 'INCENTI'VE PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did cause to be implemented, effective July 1, 1972, an Education Incentive Program for pay for police department employees with classifications relative to that department only, described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did cause to be implemented, effective April 1, 1973, an Education Incentive Program for pay for fire department employees with classifications relative to that department only, described in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did cause to be implemented, effective July 1, 1973, an Education Incentive Program for pay for employees with various classifica- tions designated miscellaneous, described in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to complete the implementation process by the amendment of the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of Carlsbad adopted by Resolution No. 1727, pursuant to Municipal Code, Section 2.44.040, to fully provide for said programs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Personnel Rules and Regulations are hereby amended by the addition of Rule XV to provide for an Education Incentive Program. Rule XV will encompass Exhibits "A", "'B" and "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by 1 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0G reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 21st day of August 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: R-GPETWKS,� Ci ty C I er by: rginia M. Smith, Deputy (seal) 2. f� DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor l CITY OF CAR,SBAD EDUCATION INCENTIVE PROGRAM Fire Safety Employees I OBJECTIVE: A. To encourage full time career employees to strive for, and maintain, a high level of educational achieve- ment. B. To acknowledge that with a high level of education, the employee is more valuable to the community, there- fore he should be compensated for this asset. C. To define educational goals, and to aid employees in attaining them. II AUTHORITY: The authority shall be Resolution No. 1727 pertaining to personnel salaries, wages, and working conditions within the jurisdiction of the City of Carlsbad. III QUALIFYING Experience: At least two (2) years continuing full STANDARDS: time employment with the City of Carlsbad. The employee will have maintained a permanent classification for one (1) year and performed his duties in a satisfactory, or above, manner. IV ESTABLISHING EXCLUSION: A fire safety employee in the classified ELIGIBILITY: position FIRE CHIEF will not be eligible for pay because of this education incentive program. Eligibility for compensation shall be established quarterly from January of each year. Proof of eligibility will be the responsibility of a Fire Department Education Committee of three (3), representative of top, middle and basic levels, this committee being responsible for the initial approval of an accepted study curriculuri using the criteria fire science or an associated one, recognizing those prerequisite courses towards the attainment of an associate baccalaureate degree from an accredited college. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to forward the names and supportive materials to establish education incentive pay to the. personnel director for the ultimata approval of the city managar. n Pige 2 - EDUCATIO,' - TNCM1TIVE PROG C,,!--F.; re E _ty E.zm oyaes Only employees who have been perfori*,inc satisfactory work, or above, for the previous year will be eligible for education achievement cn_:ipansation. All applications must be accompanied with a grade card or certified transzript or certificate of comple- tion showing the following: ` I. A grade of "C' or better, or a satisfactory rating of :ompletion. 2. Number of units or classroom hours. 3. where the course was taken. V COMPENSATION: The following schedule will be used to determine compensation for fire safety training or college achievement. SERVICE U14ITS PERCENT YEARS CREDITS* PAY 2 24 2 1/2 3 40 5 4 55 7 1/2 5 90 10 *College unit equals fifteen (15) hours. Credit equals approximately twenty (20)hours. In accordance with the City of Carlsbad Employee Education Program and Council Policy Statement No. 3, tuition, registration and text reimbursement will continue to benefit fire department empl yees. Vs CONDITIO';S: A. It will be recognized that an accumulation of _ more than seven (7) units per semester would interfere with the efficiency and/or health of a qualifying employee. 5/_3/72 B. Qualifying units or credits are not accumulated within regular scheduled working hours unless justified by a department education committee for the approval of the personnel director, representing a city manager. C. A Fire Department Education Coitmittee as specified in Section IV will sub, -it for the approval of the personnel director, representing a city manager, a set of standards pertaining to fire safety seminars and a relative credit value as analyzad by the California Fire Chiets' Assoc4.ation. t* CITY OF CARLSBAD EDUCATION INCENTIVE PROGRU•£ Police Safety and Police Miscellaneous Emo loyees T OBJECTIVE: A. To encoarage full-time career employees to strive for, and maintain, a high level of educational achievement. B. To acknowledge that with a high level of education, the employee is more valuable to the community, there -Fore he should be compensated for this asset. C. To define educational goals, and to aid c:aployees in attaining them. II AUTHORITY: The authority shall be Resolution No. 1727, pertaining to salaries, wages, and working conditions within the jurisdiction of the City of Carlsbad. III QUALIFYING Experience: At least two (2) continuing ,years of full-time rfA DARDS: employment with the City of Carlsbad, The employee will have maintained a permanent classification for one (1) .full year and performed his duties in a satisfactory, or above, j manner. IV M:aSiErSHRG EXCLUSION: A police safety employee in the classified ELIGMILITY:.posi.tion POLICE CHIEF and police miscellaneious employees with classifications relative to other City departments will not be eligible for pay because of this education incentive program. i Eligibility for compensation shall be established quarterly from January of each year. Proof of eligibility will be the responsibility of a Police Department Education Committee of three (3), representative of top, middle and basic levels, this committee being responsible for the initial approval of an accepted study curriculum using the criteria police science or an associated one, recognizing those prerequisite courses towards the attainment of an associate or baccalaureate degree from an accredited college. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to forward the names and supportive materials to establish education incentive pay to the personnel director for the ultimate approval of the city manager. Only employees who have been performing satisfactory work, or above, for the previous year will be eligible for educational compensation. All aonlications must be accompanied with a grade card r or cetified transcript s:zowing the following: 2 - RDEIC-7 T_ON !NCENT_TV= PROGrrS_.i__poli— =,ate-<• wnd P-lica _Miscall ei ous Employees 1. A Grade Point Average of 2.00 or above. 2. Nurioar of units or classroom hours. 3. where the course was tak'an. V MMFENISMON: The following schedule will be used to determine compen- sation for police safety training or college achieve-ment. POST POINTS or SERVICE COLLEGE UNITS CERTIFICATE OR DEGREE % INCREASE 2 27 Police Science Certificate 2 1/2 of Competence ' 3 1/2 45 Courses accredited toward A.A. 5 or A.S. (to include Police Science Certificate of Competence y 5 60 A.A. or A.S. with Police Science 7 1/2 major, or P.O.S.T. Advanced Certificate ; 7 90 Accredited courses toward B.S. 10 or B.A. in appropriate field 9 120 B.S. or B.A. in appropriate field 12 1/2 In accordance with the City of Carlsbad Employee education Program and Council Policy Statement No. 3, tuition, registration and text reimbursement will continue to benefit police department employees. VI CONDITIONS: A. It will be recognized that an accumulation of more than seven (7) units per semester would interfere with the efficiency and/or health of a qualifying employee. B. Qualifying units or points are not accumulated within regular scheduled working hours unless justified by a department education committee for the approval of the personnel director, representing the city manager. C. Certificated training for the five (5) designated police safety levels, chief", captain, lieutenant, sergeant and officer is established by the State of California Police Officer Standard Training Commission. D. Incentive pay increase awarded under this program will continue to benefit the individual advancing in rank to and including the position POLICE CAPTAIN. 6/12/72 1-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD r- EDUCATION INCENTIVE PROG:2 L1 miscellaneous Employees i OLJECTIVE: It is agreed that benefits for educational achievement for each probationary and or regular employee, designated miscellaneous member, and excepting police and fire department miscellaneous members with classifications relative only to those department, in the City of Carlsbad shall be authorized as follows. II AUTHORITY: The authority shall be Resolution No. 1727 pertaining to personnel salaries, wages, and working conditions within the jurisdiction of the City of Carlsbad. III QUALIFYING qualifying standards shall consist of two/four (2/4) STANDARDS: consecutive years of full-time employment with the City of Carlsbad, during which time the employee shall have maintained a permanent classification for one (1) full year, and performed his duties in a satisfactory manner, meeting criteria established by a joint Management/ Employees Association Member/Employee Committee of three (3). IV ESTABLISHING INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION: All full time positions listed ELIGIBILITY: in the annual salary resolution are eligible to receive education incentive pay, subject to the other provisions of this program, except City Council appointed staff members, heads of a department,and those regular employees with the classification title Assistant City Engineer, Assistant City Manager, Assistant to the City Manager, Associate Planner, Civil Engineering Assoccate, Principal Civil Engineer and Recreation Superintendent. All other classifications to be designated professional and specifying graduation from a four-year college or above as a standard of employment, will cttain eligibility for education incentive pay at the time -rate of 4,5 1/2, 7, 9 and 12 years as City service applies itself to the SECTION V scale for rate of additional compensation. ELIGIBILITY FOR EDUCATION INCENTIVE PROGRAN PAY will be determined as follows. A. Quarterly from the beginning of the fiscal year. B. Proof of Eligibility: The employee will submit for the appro-ial of the Education Committee evidence of ?aga 2 - EDUCATIO�.!.:.XEMTIVE PROGR.� l--i-iisceil --z-aous Employees satisfactory completion of approved courses (job/municipal government related), to be supported by grade card (GPA 2.0 or above), transcript, certificate of completion or statement of Instructor. C. Units completed prior to employrcent with the City of Carlsbad, or during the first two/four (2/4) years of employment, including the probationary period, shall be considered in determining compensation eligibility, provided all other requirements of this amendr.;ent are met. V CUUMNSATION: A. Academic Education: Upon compliance with qualifying standards/proof of eligibility as set out in this amendment, persons eligible shall receive -compensation according to the following schedule. B. Non-academic Training or Instruction: In those divisions of City government where few job oriented college units have been made available (namely, divisions of public works) the Education Committee will reduce non-academic training or -instruction at the rate of 20 hours to one (1) college level unit, evaluating to the satisfaction of the chief administrator, personnel director and related department head, those seminars, workshops and lectures as apropos and credible. Thus, 20 training/instruction hours equals one (1) college unit, and education incentive pay may be received for courses of instruction or training other than college units according to the following schedule. (Base Pay shall :Wean the monthly salary/wages set forth for the Range and Step of an eligible persor_. SCHEDULE OF PAY SERVICE SERVICE YEARS YEARS (Non -Pro) (Pro) UNITS RATE 2 4 21 2 1/2% of Base Pay 2 4 24 2 1/2% of Base Pay 3 1/2 5 1/2 45 5% of Base Pay 5 7 60 7 1/2% of Base Pay 7 9 90 10% of Base Pay 10 12 120 12 1/2% of Base Pay VI CONDITIONS: A. Onset Date of Education Incentive Pay: Education incentive pay for eligible employees shall commence on _. the first of the month following acepted proof of eligibility B. Loss of Benefits: Any employee promoted, reclassified or transferred to a position not eligible for benefits authorized here (SECsION IV) shall lose education incentive pay effective with the date of promotion, reclassification or transfer. 6,/1/73