HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-07; City Council; 2104; La Costa Land Co Meadowbrook 1 - Request for assignment of portion of City sewage and Treament plant capacity rights to San Marcos County Water District to serve 303-unit subdivisionTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Agenda Bill No. 2/ Q*f ^Date Aug. l, .1973 (. Referred To: £f 0 £/ Subject : Submitted By: La Costa Land Co. Meadowbrook #1; request for Public Works Director assignment of portion of City sewage treatment plant capacity rights to San Marcos County Water 1~H cj-t-Ti fit- to Hp>TVf» 303— unit Rnhdivision Statement of the Matter A portion of the La Costa area (Meadowbrook #1) within the City limits is also within the San Marcos County Water District (SMCWD) . Said District provides sewer service to the area. The District has declared a moratorium on all future sewer connections in that the District is at (or hae exceeded) capacity rights in the Encina Treatment Plant. The City has been requested (see Exhibit "A") to assign a portion of the City's unused capacity to the SMCWD for the express purpose of allowing sewer connections in the planned 303 dwelling unit development known as Meadowbrook Unit #1. A summary of existing and project flows at the Encina Plant, by agency, is attached as Exhibit "B". Exhibit A. letter from La Costa Land Co. dated July 9, 1973. B. Encina Water' Pollution Control Facility Monthly Report of Existing and Projected Flows of Participating Agencies, report for month of July 1973. Staff Recommendations AB Wo. ' • Date: Aug. 7, 1973 City Manager's Recommendation • • This agenda bill results from two meetings-with La Costa officials at which time they pointed out that a development now under way is within the .San Marcos County Water District. It is a matter of general knowledge that the San Marcos .County Water District has placed a moratorium'on sewer connections, and as a result, this La Costa development cannot be guaranteed sewer connections for the above mentioned development. La Costa is asking the Carlsbad City Council to assign a portion of their sewer capacity rights to the San Marcos County Water District to service the La Costa development in question. At the discussions it was stated that there is a definite policy determination to be'made and that the matter would be brought before the City Council for discussion. This matter, therefore, is b.eing placed on the agenda for discussion purposes by the City Council, and if the City Council looks with favor on such an assignment the matter should, be directed back to •the staff for further discussions,, and also discussions with the San Marcos County Water District to work out any details prior to an official document being drawn'up. There will Be considerable legal work attached. Before,,;such work takes place there definitely should be an indication as.to whether the Council desires t6 make this assignment of capacity'. If the Council does look with, favor upon an assignment of capacity, the staff can compile a recommendation for the City Council. Council Action 8-8-73 The Council approved in principie -the assignment of a portion of Carlsbad's sewer capacity to San Marcos County Water District, and instructed the staff to return.to the Council with an agreement to implement the assignment by the first meeting in September, 1973, re COSTA DEL MAR ROAD»RANCHO LA COSTA. CALIFORNIA » 92OOS » AREA CODE 7 14 » TELEPHONE 729-9111 July 9, 1973 HONORABLE MAYOR DUNNE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL City of Carlsbad ..;...- • 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen r At its meeting of June 4, 1973, the Board of Directors of the San Marcos Connty Water District adopted a resolution of moratorium on all future sewer connections within that District. A portion of Rancho La Costa lies both within the San Marcos District and the City of Carlsbad. An area of immediate concern to us is the project known as MEADOWBROOK UNIT #1 , a 303-dwelling planned development, $;lii(Jli "licit! liad "€he approval of your Council and Commission. The project is now in final design and grading plans have been submitted to and reviewed by your City Engineer. We anticipate that move-ins would occur in late 1973 and early 1974. Apparently the zoned limit on the ability of the San Marcos County Water District to serve this as well as other property is the limit that that agency has on its capacities within the Encina Plant. Further, we understand that all agencies contributing to the Encina Plant are still below the rated capacities permitted. It is our hope that the City of Carlsbad might be able to assign a small part of its capacity to San Marcos for the purpose of covering the needs of this particular development. We anticipate and request that such coverage would apply only until such time as the San Marcos County Water District can once again accept connections into its system. Very truly yours , . Irving Roston, Vice President LA COSTA LAND COMPANY IR/tc Exhibit "A1 ENCINA WATER POLLUTION' CONTROL FACILITY - MONTHLY REPORT OF -'EXISTING AND PROJECTED FLOWS OF PARTICIPATING AGENCIES Report for Month of July L973 COPY •H X!X COLUMN r oncy STA SANITATION DISTRICTo TY OF CARLSBAD IENA SANITATION DISTRICT ; IN MARCOS. COUNTY WATER DISTRICT :UCADIA COUNTY WATER: DISTRICT sCLN'Ub SANITARY DISTRICT !TY OF OCEANSIDE 3TALS New Conn, (1) for Past Month 22 29 ;•• 17 Conn. 18.5 E.D.U 25 99 192 Est. Add, Flow from ' New Conn. (2) (3) 0.006 0.007 0.005 0.007 0.028 •• w .-.. 0.053 Projected New •Ccnn. for Next 6 nos. 600 795 ._ 90 ... 350 400 - Ml 2,235 list. Add. Flow for Next 6 ir.os. 6.168' 0.191' • 0.025 0.098 0.112 - - • 0.59^ Agency Flow for Previous1' Month '2.A67 i.5^5 0.205 1.212 ..0.603^ 0 * 0.099 6.131 » Est. Total Flow for This Month 2.473 1.552 0.210 t 1.219 ' 0.631 0 0.100 6.185 Projected Total Flow in 6 rr.os. 2.635 1.736 " • ' 0.230 1.310 0.715 0 0.100 6.726 •r- ) All connections converted to equivalent residential units >) Equivalent residential unit equal to 280 gpd (3.5 people x SO g/p/d) i) All flows in Billion gallons nor day , ,, • . . ' V vy *?<603 sngd to Encina'j 0;lll isigd to La Costa,- total 0^714 . • "• -4 ' • - » * t . * • * ' s ' ' * • * . Capacity Rights Of Acer.cv 2.67. 2.26- 0.62 1.20 :,l1 1 0 0 0 6.73 d)Z//'/&£- rro;cc;cd Net Coar.cctior. • For 12 r.r,s.yi I-st. Flow > 200 ^^l ^^ 2.72J 1.200 .^ ^^^^^1.85) 130 ' .^ , ^^-^ 500 .^' ^x^l.3521 1,200 ^^ ^^^1.05 o ^s* ^^^^0 0 ^S* ^^-^0 3.530^^^ ^*-**"^ 7.23*4 t