HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-07; City Council; 2108; LAKE CALAVERA PROPERTYi -0 ’+. / j C A L I F’O li ?? a .w THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, e r Agenda B~II xc. J/o~ ate: August 7, 1973 Referred To: Subject: Submitted By LAKE CALAVERA PROPERTY City Manager - Statement of the flatter The San Diego Board of Supervisors has proposed that the City of Carlsbad participate in the purchase of approximately 2500 acres adjacent to City Water Department property commonly referred to as Lake Calavera. For several years the Lake Calavera property which consists of 257 acres has been held in an unuseable condition at the expense of the City service area water consumers. The San Die@ County Board of Supervisors have so far taken no positive action tc purchase it for park purposes. Bond debt service charges cost watt consumers of the City Water Department service area on an average of $180,000.0~ gearly, according to the letter from the CMWD Citizi Advisory Commit ee. The CMWD Citizens Advisory Committee is unanimously opposed to thc San Diego Board of Supervisors proposal that the City of Carlsbad participate in the purchase of the adjacent property, therefore, tl Committee feels it incumbent at this time to present alternatives and time schedules to the City Council relative to the Lake Calave property. Exhibit . Letter from CMWD Citizens Advisory Committee Staff Recorrnenda tions , 0 0 e. . 1971 Date: August 7 1 AB No. - City Manager's Recommendation This matter is on the agenda as a result of a letter from the CMWD Citizens Advisory Committee addressed to Mayor David Dunne. This matter has been processed directly to the Mayor from the Committee and the City staff has not analyzed the contents of the letter. Mayor Dunne has asked that the matter be placed on the Council agenda of August 7 for consideration. If the City Council desires an expression from the staff, the letter should be referred back to the staff for study, comment, and recommendations. Co unci 1 Action 8-8-73 The letter from the CMWD Citizens Advisory Committee was re- to the staff for study and report back to the City Council. -2- e 0 .<' 4 * July 26, 1973 Honorable David ki. Dunne Piayor, City of Carlsbad 1203 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Cal i forni a 92008 Dear Mayor Dunne: At the regular meeting of the CMiWD Citizens Advisory Committee, July 19, 1973, the members present were unanimously opposed to the proposal of the San Diego Board of Supervisors for the City of Carlsbad to participai in the purchase of approximately 2500 acres adjacent to the City Nater Department property commonly referred to as Lake Cal avera. The water consumers of the City Water Department service area are paying bond debt service charges or: the average of $180,000.00 yearly, which is a big factor in the studies now being conducted by this Committee. There- it was deemed to be incumbent upon this Committee to recommend a consensi of alternative actions that should be taken by the City Council resardin! the Lake Calavera property. For several years this property bas been held in an unuseable condition ( the expense of the City service area water consumers, while the San Diegc County Board of Supervisors have failed to take any positive action to purchase it for park purposes. If past performance can be used as a critr no positive action will be taken by the County so long as the water cons of the City of Carlsbad will continue to pay !j180,000.00 per year to hol this property for the County. Consequently, this Committee submits the following alternatives and time schedules that we believe to be fair and equitable for City Council acti 1. The entire 257 acres be offered to the County of San Di ego for outright purchase at fair market value. Such purchase agreement to be executed by Cecember 31, 1973 and concluded by June 30, 1974. 2. The County of San Diego enter into a Lease-Purchase Agreement at full fair market value, with payments to be no less than $185,000 per year with combined principal and interest plus legal reserves requirements as set forth in our outstanding water works bond issue Paynent dates to be arranged so as to meet the bond redemption pay- ment dates. 3. The County of San Diegs enter into an option to purchase agreemc for a yearly option fees not to be applied to the purchase prices sufficient to pay all interest plus legal reserve requirements of ( outstanding waterworks revenue bonds. -1- e 0 -. ~ * ’. v Honorable D. M. Dunne July 26, 1973 In the event the County of San Diego fails to enter into one of the a1 ternati ve purchase agreements by Decerher 31 , 1973, the Ci “cy Counci 1 of Carlsbad, at their first regular meeting in January, 1974, call for bids for the Lake Calavera property on each of the following alternatives 1. Land Lease of approximately 157 acres for residential development at a minimum yearly lease fee of $200,000.00 for a minimum period of 30 years. Such land lease to incur at least lake shoreline devel optxent by the 1 essee for pub1 i c park purposes. The approxi matel 100 acres retained for park purposes to be adjacent to and include the lake area. 2. The outright sale of the entire 257 acre property at fair market value for residential development. It is further the consensus of this Committee that all revenues received shall be ear-marked by Ordinance to first be used to pay prificipal and interest of our Waterworks Revenue Bonds and all revenues in excess of those requirements be used for necessary replacement at such time as required of antiquated or worn out existing capital distribution and storage facilities within the City service area. Again we iterate the water consumers of the City service area of Carlsba are being penalized at an average of $180,000.00 per year to subsidize the County of San Giego Regional Park program until some positive action is taken by the City Council to dispose of this presently unuseable property. Sincerely , CMWD Citizens Advisory Commi ttee cc: Committee Nembers City Counci 1 men CMWD Board of Directors -2- 6 * e MEMORANDUM April 29, 1966 TO: Carlsibad City Council FROM: PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION SUBJECT : Mr. A. R. Andrews request for special City Manager use permit. The Park & Recreation Commission requests that the Carlsbad City Council refuse to accept Mr. A. R. Andrews' request for a special use permit on the basis that his proposal is not clear or complete, The Commission would like more information concerning his plans before giving this matter further consideration. Sincerely yours, / PARK & RECREATIOId COMMISSION * * 0 f' -- ,- T I. i'se A, R, A&ipel:.s Vista 9 C3dlkf0rni2d 2271 i{Qn<;e vistF* A:;PI~ 16, 1946 C3..ylsbad Cftg CsunGil 2960 Fio Pic0 Carlsbad 9 Californiz Dear Sirs i 3-m inqu.ipkxg as to the possibility of ~3-L~,inlns z speclel u.se per nit 8% ~~.?_a~e,~~~s Lake Fop ~*ecpeatio~, p~.rposes. L'LM City Attorney Q Carlsbad. directed me Lo the Cov-mil for consideration, 1 nou2.d - n-7 propose to L182 the area, 88 iF0llcws: 1. 20 Clear brush fro% ;i. suitable area for pic~icing and possibl camping* Install a removable o sroall dock for unpowered- paddle, sail To 3rad.e the accer';s road so as to be uszble e 3, 4, Furnish and rent powerless boats to the pmb2ic. 5. 6. Furnish chemical toilets for pztrons uee, 7. and P~OW boat. Furnish litter cans and keep area well maintalned and clec Establish a smal7. CQ~C~SS~Q-~~ stand for sale of bait for fishing, rental c~f fishing equipmeat and sales of snacks. Ii 8, FQP~~s~ ~TUJ own i~~~ra,i~~e -POP liability ~ith EL b-j-Jity c~L~d~i;~'' to <:ze ~$-+7r <Ay q* ir1. GwlsSad-. EO P~S~O~S 9 o No S1447j.mmling Wlj-2. be 2"lLcri.red in 1 wo~ld appreciate consideration on %his mz.-Lte~* be a ppbofitable ventizre for myself 2,s well as the City. area such as this would benefit the vihole Tri-Cfky area, I believe 1% w07; A reereet (C!ontif,rll. J ,- .A e a *..' .L ~epm of cc;atps,st e.3~ild be ag-seed upon at a later date UPOZZ app?oT I am s,vafla,ble an;? %ime at, 722-1573 Bu.ai~ess or 127-0413 RES~~~CE Xy l~oroe address is stated on the f'i~st page of thia letter. Tharal; you for yow ^size e Sincerely yours 7 lb,km Aa Ra Andrews 62P /-- ' ' BY% 1. E 0 a k" January 20, 1966 are John Nannaux City Manager City of Carlsbad Dear Hr. Pamaux, I am writing in regard to the January 18, 1966 meeting of the City Council in which I was OR the agenda for a request of a sewer easement. Z would like to state that P was not aware of the City Council meeting that evening and that I would like the right to present to the City Council the benefits which would favor the City sf Carlsbad. This I was intending to do but was not Gotified that this item was placed on the agenda. Under the circumstances and with no one speaking in favor of said easement, I feel the City of Carlsbad acted correctly. Fly request Ps again submitted with the further understanding that I will be notified as to when this wP1l be placed on the City of Carlsbad agenda so that 'I may be present and represent myself, -_ -_ "LL d Jkck McElhose / \ 3 I *?* rt 6 CONFIDENTIAL * ---_-- REPORT March 11, 1966 TO : CITY COUNCIL FROM : CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Request for Sewer Easement by Mr. Jack McElhose. 1. The proposed sewer easement as requested by Mr. McElhose and recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission is of only partial value to the City of Carlsbad, The total de*elopment of Lake Calaveras will depend largely upon the Master Plan for sewer facilities as prepared, presented and approved by the City Council. 2. The utilization of Oceanside sewer facilities creates several problems: a. The court ruling regarding operation of the Oceanside Sewage Treatment Plant located on Vista Way speciflic- ally requires the City of Oceanside to maintain said plant in a manner in which no odors emanate from said facilities. Should the City accept Mr. McElhose's request, we Would then be adding sewage to a plant and placing the City in a precarious position whenevf it becomes objectionable, and the City of Carlsbad attempts to take the necessary steps for removal of the said plant. establish a precedent which would place the City of Carlsbad in a precarious position should Oceanside request arrangement for use of our Joint Sewer Syster 3. Conceivably, the proposal presented by Mr. McElhose coul conflict with the future total development of Lake Cala- veras. b. Utilization of the Oceanside sewer facilities may 4. There is no assurance at the present time that Mr. McEl'h can obtain the cooperation of the City of Oceanside in t matter. "f>* - 6 0 -* -2- 5. The person benefiting the most from this proposal, is, of course, Mr. McElhose. Therefore, it is recommended that this request for sewer servi through Lake Calaveras be denied. Respect fu Ily submitted , City Manager JJM:cnh e 4?2 ____ ? -* zc QUC~~ w '3ayht, 3%. -- REAL ESTATE 81 2520 Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar, California ORiole 3-3327 February 3rd, 1961 City Counc:il City of Carlsbad California Gentlemen :: It is riiy understanding that within the near future you myconsider selling the Calaveras Reservoir and the surrounding property, W.ll you please let me know if you do contemplate such a move, as I would like the opportmity to negotiate for the property. ThaEk you very much. Verg,,trulg yours, / I /' /: Willlam W. Taylor, Jr. ' 1,4bJYT, Jr. mhr -- q!!y \ 7- - t Thank YQU for the inquiry concerning the sale of the ix at their regular ir ajad surrow&ntg pPOperty, Your era pf something