HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-04; City Council; 2139; School Policy-----.....---...-----....,,,...---,~~---------..........~~-~----- T Ii E C I T Y u F C A R L S B A tJ, CAL I F·o RN I A i",genda Date: __ S_e~p_t_._4~,'-'-1_9_7_3 __ ;Referred To: Subject: Submitted By: ,, School Policy City Manager Statement of the Matter The growth in the City of Carlsbad, particularly in the residential areas,· has the school district concerned. They are-concerned that they cannot provide adequate school sites and school buildings to house the anticipated students from the proposed new residential devel opment_s • . The school district has asked for help from the City of Carlsbad. The Carl~bad Ci~y Council has indicated a desire to help the school district w~th the problem. However, it should be pointed out that some cities feel ·that school sites and buildings are the problem of the school districts and separate-governmental entities, and do not want to be involved in the school district problems. As stated, the City Council of the City" of Carlsbad has indicated a desire to cooperate a·nd h-as asked the. C.arlsbad Unified School District for a proposed policy. The scho·or district has responded by submitting a proposed policy, a copy of -which is attached. · The policy wou11 require that before th~ Carlsbad City Council gives approval to·razoning applications, that the proponent of the rezoning will have entered into an agreement satisfactory to the governing board of the school district to 1nsure that initial emergency public sc~ool services will be provided concurrently with the need. The effect of the policy desired by the school district would require the City Council to deny a· zone change if a proponent has not insured emergency school s~~vices to the school district. I wish to call attention of the City Council to the fact that if such a denial is made, legal action could be taken by the proponent. "And, if such legal action is commenced, it becomes a-question of who will fund the defense of the legal action. ihe City also should expect reports from the school district at interval's -on how the monies ~eceived by the school district from the proponent have been disbursed. It would ~lso seem appropriate that at the tiwe of adopting such a policy,.that an additional policy would be in order regarding joint use of school playground property and joint use of City owned land adjacent to school property. Also, it might be ·appropriate to have an understanding when either party has land or buildings for sale that each would give notification to the other. Exhibit Proposed City Council ·Policy Staff RecommendBtions ... l .l!.B No. Date: Sept. 4, 1973 City Manager's Recommendation It is recommended that the City Attorney be directed to formalize the recommended school policy submitted by the school district; however, it is again pointed out that the City may become involved in legal action.• Council Action 9-4-73 The City Council took no action on this matter, and the Mayor requested that copies of the policies adopted by the City of Chula Vista and the City of San Diego, as well as the policy adopted by the County of San Diego be forwarded to the Council for study and review. -2-