HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-04; City Council; 741-5; SURPLUS FREEWAY PARCELS - PURCHASECALIPOR 9 c .I I? L s” 3 d Sept. 4 , $F 5--- crTyO OF *T R 5 741 SUT33121”.23P.t ,~li;,-nda ail1 ;lo. -- i3a x21 - ,?elerred To: 3IL),f_lctt: Sn>.?Ii lrted -_. s rj 3? L‘IT s F R3 E WAY ? x3c c L s - - T 11 r Z :? 3 s 3 lii:IL2m c. “-sst. to c 5tztenent of the i,!acter Ths Division of Highways of tk-2 State of California has fordarc?? the necessary contract for the purchase of three (3) surplus properties. It is necessary for the Council to ado9t a res3luti stating these parcels are to be used for a public purpose. Turc price of the three parcels kotals $6,250.00. Previous Colclncii action establishes purchase a9,proval and source of funds. Exhibit Resolution *d 4 4 Contract Letter from California Stare DEpartinent of Trznsportation, Right of Way agent. Staff Recommenda tions to the city xanayer: -- These parcells slnould be purchased using park-in-liw fees in the amount of $3,-850.03 and genGr51 fux-d monies’ in ti; amount 02 $2, to the total purchase price of $6,250.00. City attorney services are requested with resolution drafting. Adopt Resolution No. 3211 authorizing acquisition of property. 4 Sept. 4 , 1973 4 Date: 0 AB No. City Manager's Recornmenda tion This matter pertains to the purchase of three surplus parcels from the State Division of Highways and requires a resolution stating that these parcels sre to be used for public purposes. It is the recommendation of the staff that $3,850.00 be taken from Park-in-Lieu fees and 32,400.00 from General Fund monies. It is recommended tha'c thls nethod of funding be approved and that the resolution authorlzing the acquisition of these State properties be adopted. The purchase price of the three parcels is $6,250.00. Council Action 9-4-73 Resolution #3211 was adopted, authorizing the acquisition of surplus State Highway properties and reserving same for pub1 purposes. -2- , ,. . . , . . .- 0 _~, . ~ . . I. , :: II c3 [I z:! -. .- -. ~. j .. . . ,i .A -. ... ,> ;> ..-, :2 ; - ,. I ~2. LA - .* - A. --I.-- .-,j-. 7 ,; - - -, > ,$A I'dii.:ir~- I Y.?? to d=-\ ,,3sj,t 2 chtck 7ijftp: t'r, 1 1 .- , T cordin, in,^* 4 I :;.z;de:-s.tt3nd that this sal? oxst 32 a???.roved 'cy C,?-? Czlifsrnie High R<.sz:~D.~, ~;pan acceptance 'sir t:?e De2artment of Transporr2tion or" tb. bJd, a,~~d the appro-ciai of' th? progcsed sale by the California Higkwa stan, '!;he Sta-te cf California shall issue a Director's D?ed to the n._s assignee conveying tne ~tg'nt, tltle and int2rest of the State o -qn;~~i.ay,fn saId real property, No assignment of the b5.dderzs intere !-?E,2 , "nd any such attempted or pu~ported assignrent snall be null as against the State of CaliTornie, DepartneRt of Transportation. I \mc?erstand that i acquire EO rrght, tltle or intgrest in said rea mtil the sale has been approved in the Eamer gnovl.ded by law and tor's Deed has bgen executed, Tecorded 2nd delivered. Said Direct0 wiKL be processed In ar; expeditious manner by th? Degaytment of Tra i -- un,2erstand that .the right, title acd interest In "LE ixo?e;?2y to fe.rr?d by this sale shall not exceed that vested in the State of @a nei:t,ion with this fransactim. The fee title to the parcsl of' lanc! Ir: :;he Stat.e of Cal-lfornia i'ree and elgar ci' 211 encumbrances, exce ~~:~.;.~srr.er,ks, If any, rzstrlctisns, ~:ese~vaticns and nas~nen$s si' TP 'I3c3 property shall be conveyed by sa.lC! ~j~rectar's D.--ed ts _- 1 I Iq i i- f made 21+t;er the executLon of this contract end pr:or ta reczipt of a ! i ar,d that n*s po].icy of tl_tla Iy;s'&-~?lc=.' y4iL-J. :32 f:~y:*~~5>i.~~ by .kj?? S"La-;: -3 1__-.- -- THE CITY Or" CAFSSBAD, A MUNICIPAL CORPOIlF,TIOX. ,- -- - .--.e-,.- -.- ~-_1~__.---..-*-"..--.-+,...-~~-, (Ti&J how title $3 ,to be ::ested] T L understand that the Departmentrot' "mnspcirtatian shall record sat -.. 'i;o~'s Deed, arrd that L PAY take 3sssesa2.o~ 02' ss.2d -.~.zi pr~3ert;l as sa:d Director's Eeed has been filed i3r ~ecerd by the 3-;a.p, Said State of C,-jifornia Te3e,"';eS ??is r2g:h;g ,a rz;Ec@ nr all. si cazci?llntion of sale, all non*.ys C2?)c?slti?d shall be rPf!J.nd..d wifhcu A It r!.:; z:greed that 311 no";iz2.s per",a2ning to T2tt2TS arlsing in corm I )iL.,n .f 'r' ti;.is transactl3n cay be as62 u?c=,r! bid63r 117: pe~ssn or by rezis iTz-!-I. ~~~~ZSSZCI to bidder at: to cancel .$he sale at any $In? prror 50 I?ecsrdirig of D CL' interest D -r .. . ..?. r..P <*: 1 r] P bw 17-13 {''.?-p-! ,-2'q34 r;, .*-9.d ' ' , -L*.r-p"lcb;- d.-- ' - &LAALL y A, F2.k nn ,. ,,,i, .= c (7:L.;:; 733-115jl- '-.-~.~---~,,~~.------- c ~'=DkE:rr.?l2T 11 J 1973 -!2..-2-..- ---__I_ - (-7-l-7- ,ii :i- 07 CAXLS;3AD, CALIFa?JTI;& 0 e ., ;1, ,;:I 03- if e ZL-SZ-3 -__I ,p.; ;;o . -3 /';%j i -< :75, , 9: "'<C~S~~ s;;s;F ;..zF*s z,g;z:?E- yQQr r1gp.t OI' ::izy T.T.a? 3s ?a?, e - L 'q L&<-L >-,I \.*...,; a-T-? - 212 ---' ~ " .. 7.- r., .. ~P, ., . ~ . 1, ,' .1 - i A?. .J 1- '- G --- L - -, .. - .-- .. -j;Jl-jarS (5 - l&SS*Q.J ) .s;'c.=ss pai"cei, ~ d enc'iosz a t 9a;;a3:e $9 ti-:.. eyS.2y Tf C?.? ;le;?b -3.f ~.'~~an~n~~rtaslon,, 1 ~ip;~A~~ zzyee to de;y)si-b 3 c;r.2c:c ;;;ith $'?? .iqt ".\+' Tyansp:,:r";tAoiz fO" pE>T!?nb 3: F2coy6:Eg fees azd :,3CUTil?Tltary _- I ur!lje.rst2r.d that this sale ncat 'E? ?32?9-;ee - oy the C..L,.-dJ.li-a IlLgsQ bid, ,and "cG apgroval of $he gTqmed sale by the l&lifornia 'rilghway .. 7 L n .~ .I_ j; ilpcjn notification by said 9~par%~1~nt thak 'c3e Dii'~~k3~:~ ~??d is r" 07' :..e (2 9.. d In z ,, e 1-7 f,-n5,i '7: niss-j~n, -ui>on acceptance by t?.e De7z~tnent of TF~ZS~OT~~;~O~? of the siofl, the State of Caiifornla s?.all issue a Dfrectm's Deed tc; the 3 p.15 assignee conveying the right, tlt'ie and interest of the State of fornia in said real propertg. ?J3 asstgnment of the Siddi?~~~ Interes xade after the execution of' this cont?ac,t 2nd pr5or to ~%ceLpk of a 'Deed, and any such attempted or psrported assignment shall 32 ~ull a 2.5 against the State of California, Department of Transportation. I understand that 1 acquiTe no rl,ght, title or interest in said Teal until. the sale has been approved in the manner grovided by law and a tor's Deed has been executed, recorded and delivered, SaiE Director wlil be processed fn an expeditious nanner by the Deparknent of T'rar I understanti that the right, titie and int?:rzst %E the? 2yoger:y to t feryed by this sale shall not exceed that vested in 'cne Stat? of Cal ne~t~ion with this transactim, %le fee ti.tI.2 to ttie pa~cel of land 111 i,he State of Ca'lAZornia fy?? ~ZC! clcar or" a11 encunbrznces, exce; 2nd f;'i-iat no polj-cy of' title ~~;J~~-~-*-*~P~ Ciiar wll'l * assessments, If aE;T, restrickions, ~ese:-vations and ~~EL-z;,ET~~s or" ;?sc The property shall be conveye~2 by :;.eld Te:txF?s Deed tcJ - I_ -- THE --_- CITY OF CAB-LSBA!, .v-p-'------II- Pa .P~fJNICIP,GL COKPOPL\TION. I_. .__c --",- ._-- -_ **---".-__I (Show how tikle i.s to .2?? .\restedj- I Ltnderstand tnat the Dep%rtmnt:-of Ykazsportaation shzll r;e.co,-d 83%:: ';or's Deed, ar,d that f nay take ?sssessLon of seld z;ezl pror~erty as said Elrector's Deed has been fl2.zd for recssd by the StaLe, Said State of Cziifornia reserves t;;.e right to rsji?cf; any I- or a1.i Sfi to cancel the sale at any time prlar to recording of 3eed. in the C ?ancellation of sale, ail mo~kgs deposited skrali be r?fi:nded xithou' oP interest. It is agreed that all zo;;ices p2srtainlzg 'eo ?.3tt?I:S ilrislng in C3TiYlt I,= ,S,-L~~-! t' thls transaction may be ma2e upon bidder in person or by regis. rmi1 addressed to 'uiddsr at: F j-t\? 0-f' ~ar.ls.zad, 1290 Elin Avenue, Cs~~lsbad, Ca. P'n.3n2 (714) 729-1181 zip Code 9201 I - -_I IjcltECi September 11, 1973 CITY or" CARLSSAD I CALIF~;JcILA& 0 x.-. 1 A..Ju<d2 : 7 -;7-5 I .- :, ;\:t ,JL3 :I -:I .. -. d .. " ;:2* L7?f;/-G? - . .y, 2, c' - ., ,-" 7 '? ,. h 7 y Ly < :- - _-__ -- 2 ',- __-I_ 1 = I- -.~ .3 7 - 2: 2s st?;? l.22Z Id,22zon. ;r ;r.a? a s Y2.T -3; r :? ;:, j- 3 1 2 .t "1 .~ .- <. .. .-. .n * - L :7. Li L- v ;3 --. .d , -1 <I -3 >JC - _.. c ''-- . .- \ 1 ecclose a Tc??I? or t'-? ,pa!: sf Tn;!n::;ictsrtaticn, I L -T L!--: e+ _i Y T .I. c. 9 yn I I 5 <I, r" ';;y E 2 j 3 0 r L, :-, d L: '" i '3 1? f~? ?~,:~.sr\it -Y 2f ypc3rZing fees an< xcumn"Lzry fo:' ri:?coFding, i,lLsi.ia:n* ,* 3 .- r. '31(?, n::d thfc epprovar of the ~~70~303~d m2.e by th;t Czllfor~ia Kighsray ~it3n, t;he State of' C3.lifo~r.i2 sFAaii Issue a Director's Dee6 to th.e 'c 'n:.~ assig~ee conveying +,he right, title and interest - or' I> tb-3 State of fc-nia In said real property. Mo assignment of the aidd?r'S interez made after the execution of this contract and prior to Feceipt or" a geed, and any such attempted OF pljrported assignmzrrt S:?all b2 ;?all 8 as against the State of Californ'a, Department of Tpansportation. I understand that 1 acquire no right, title 0;" inlierest In said Teal until the sale has been approved in the manner provlded by law and E t3rjS Deed has bken executed, Tesorded and delivered, Said Eb?eetoI will be processed in an expeditious vanner by the hpailkmenk Of TTSr I understand that Ihe ~Lght, tit.1.e and interest in the prr~pertg to 1 ferred by this sale shall not exceed that vested In the State of Caj and that no policy of 'cltle insurance wL1'3. Se furnished by the S+Vati I.n r,he State of' California free and clear cf all zncumbrances, exce; as:?wm.ents, if any, resfrictiens, r~rervatfons 2nd .?~.;.se~en%:s of ~e( c 1 ,?. --3-4 r-*+f)a;, - lo &ipgsl$ z ,,,A,,*,, "-q,Jp/i -.-?Ai. !1,iLbLi ';';Le :-?a;< !,trj3n not; ;lea 5jc~ %. u~ sale Z=.~?.T",ZE~ $kLa t '=he Dipeci,ay I s 3?2C 1s 1 1-lccje.ys.k;anij 'i;i..at this sale mzst 32 e32roved by t?!? Californiz ,. Xig.ri>, rJ'-,On acc~ptzn~e uy the 3r??ar",ent of 'Y'rans?orfec~on of tile - 5, -. nefr3tlon with thls transaction, Tq.3 A.-- $32 ti.i;le 'crj 5 ::;.ypsex of I.ar-d /X 1 '7 operty shall be conveyed by said Directoris Wed to THE CITY Or" CAXLS3AE I A 3XJSICIPAL GOKFGEATION. I__ -%-I - .*-,._qrC__*-------.--___U_I *-. --- (Show how title 1.5 50 bi; nilsted) - _I I i understand t'na?; the De?artment<.of ';?.ansp::rts;tion snaii recoycf s2.L ter's Deed, and khat i may take possessfan Of safd ??e21 r..L- TFoP@l?t$ i 29 sai6 m-re.ctgF*s Geed hzs been ?il,s< f'ct~ Y~CGT~ bg %?'e ~>~h,e, Said Stat2 of California reserrles th= right to rtject zny CFT .- 211 bi to csncel the sale at any ti~~ ~??,ST to ~eco~d%ng of C.~sd, in the cancellation of sale, all rnongys deposited shall be yefunded withou of j-nterest, :Et is agreed that all notic-zs pertnlninF-to mt"c,ars aTising in corn msll addr2ssed to biddeT at: .I__iyl-a Citv of' Caylsbarj., 120'5 Z3-x AVB,TL~J.~ L.;3+-:~sbadb CalFr"orn5.L .c 5-:-1.-ti: t'nis 'c:?aF,sac"Lion nay bl V2d? iinon o2.dct2-r ir, pl?son or by reg3.s (714) 729-1181 Zip Code __d_ G ---&F-I_ ?53?i? -- -2 --.a h6iL,/d c~'~.~~ I -I September 11, 1973 NYE , Mayor \A> - CITY OF C:l3SS8;"lilI CALIF'OPJJZA 7 __ -7 -> ;, e. -1 '1 2. , - ,> ; , *.i .. . ..., ...-**-.. ... -. . .-. . e - --. . ,- - .I-- -. -=..y,y.-:- - -.i- - .- - , ~- .~ -- .* ./ - .. -- - . - ' ?> XI [\ 3 If -:I :-> I . . . . - . d- 'L 3 ._ ,- :L---;g-? - ~~ . .> :-. ~ - I h ,< #-\ -; f __ ! '2 '2 - UA -. ,. . . .-- /' . .,\~ ..--...- .. < , , /' ., L - . \,' ._ %. ii ..'. L! _.-_-A;-"--- 3T'S De2.r': ?.: .L 4' " r- _L -P i' .-I .. c: <) 1' d 2.1'1 7 :, *7< . II T ~;i;der';;tacd that ti+;3 sale p-c;st 5~ a??rDTjed i.-- t?-.e Czlffoynia eii-cq~, 2 "17q ;q qn RW - =) L 5 m"i;s;.on. 'Ugm a,2r,ept?lnce by the Ce?aTsment oi I, G-.":""- ,,,-",Oi? of LC'.: OICj, 2nd th? q)pYy;a:- 0.i- tb.2 .9y,?3Daefj sal.. by Y.h? G;?:-i:'S-n:a x?g;--;q2; _... ,> sjbgn,, the ;State of California shall issue a Dir?ctor's 9e.d ts the 1 ;7,''i 3 z.ssl',g-iee convey-lng the right, tltle and I~feresz ' of t're Stake o! inzsre:: fs;*nia in said real property, i~o assignment of t:?~ 3i.?!=ier?s Fade efter the executF3,n of thls contract and: prlor to recslpt of a Seed, and any sxch attenpled G? purported esSigEi5:rlerit shall be ~uI.1 2 as against the State of CalLf'ornia, Department of Pansportation. I mderstand that I acquire no right, tltle or intzrest in :-;aid rea: Enti1 the sale has been ai)grmeC! -In tF.e ziannejcl povided by law and i tor r s Deed has b'ken execated, recorded and delivered * Sa5.d Dltrecto; will be processed in an expeditious rranner by the Depar.Screi.1t of Trai I understand that the right, 5it.l~ and intrreet 3.n tk pi-<jpn;:ty to 1 ferred by this sale shall not ~xc~EC! $ha'; ~ested in %?-2 St.?te of Cay and thet no policy of title insurance wlll be furnished by the Stat( in th? State of' CalifornLa free and clr_ar cf a11 e~cuabrances, exce! 1T nertlon with this trznsactlsn, FiTqa --.L rea - b-' .,.i~.d.z i - ko %'n? -xrc?i of lard E,.S:.:e?SSments, -if zny, T?strlct?ona, F~servs.tion3 and 3aseme:nts; ef Te( r-T ne property shall 32 eoinvzyed by said Dlrcctor's Geed tc. ?'HE CITY OF CAKSEA9, A MUNICIPAL COXPOI?~ATIGN. .- - - (Show h3w titi?? z',.a t@ be sleS-Lr- -- ~ u,;?derstand -t;'nat -~he De;~a~~~i~nt:~~,~ ~F--~~s~:--c~~- AJ. - i)i uuc,i.<>n - :..I s?iaYi?i FecOYd SZ~ tor's geed, and -that I my take pcssession of' safd x-~zl pxserty as sa3.d Directorts Seed hzs been flki TDF recard b:~ th? State, Said State of Califomfa rese?~y~es the right to reject any or - all 511 to cancel the sale zt any time grirsi~ tc recor.di;zg of Deer',, in ~?L"LE: cancellation 3f sale, all rm~&ys deposited shall be refund'ed W~$~GU ol' :interest ,. 7'1 LL Is agreed thasJ all n3tLcr.s pz?taininr to ~&+-2.pI*~ Yul u) arising PX COiTz I_ * !,;i ih i~.:., thLs transactisn ray be rr,ede ups= i31.dde~ %T, ~~rson or by res;-t.s rnail addressed to bifid@,- a:: .*cj-ty OQ .ea.?- Q c.1, Fho:?~ -. (714) 729-1181 ,--, zip Code q.23, - --_-_.-_ ---- B:!tii:j --I- Septembe:c .-.- 11, 1973 CITY OF CA2LS3ADI CALiFOm;;IA ., , , ,. * .e - .~ -. . . ._._ ~. . 0.- 7 : ?3-,7 12 ..-:-aL, , .,. . ;. '',f\'I /-,?< llE:l - i .L . .I P. - ,., -. .,/, .:.3. -; --? ,'X ' . , > 77 I -- ~ . i LI .-/ L 3 -- 2 ,. r2-c li' 5::: ';:?-. / .i , \ a 7- - - - - - -..o2-;-S/'S i;; -- ]-,73:>.00 i s :x~z?i, 9;:ci ~nclosa a 2s '-? tc, ';:.-Le crez- 3r :>L? ij??az.iZ 3 c>.tc',.. 7;jLk>L :zbA:2 I;$ . g~g an(:! u)cagefitay:r -Y .- . 'CI .;I .. 2-. 2t:Lo:cil by sz;c fienart..ent tfi.2'C t5.2 DlrzC$Oy'S 2$ed f;; -i !-~~cle~~~t~~nd tha 'L .L?qL1 jl 3 sale rest -G? 2>7m-.:ed by the Ca1ifor;nFa Hig?lx I' (jy .T ~2 :: 3yc]i ~g B - T 1'? .._ f ..> ,-, 7 L .: __ L. I,\ 'n A. , %on acc2pta:nce by ti?.? i;zp-tment of Tra~spo~tation of -,;he S?~O~, the State of California shall issue a GirectDr's Deed to the G his ass:l-gnee conveying the right, title and interezt of the? State of i'ornia In said real pnoperty. No assignment of the biddcls interes {Jade after the execution of this cont~'?i~t and p~ior to receipt of' 2 'Ih.?~, aRd any such attempted or puyporterl assign~ent s'rrall be null a as agair.st the State of California, 2epartment of Transportation, I understand that I acquire no right, title OP fntzr-est in said real ur,t,il the sale has been agproved in the manner provided by law end a tor's Deed has b'ken executed, recorded and delivered, Said Director i:illl be processed in an expditlous Fanner by the ~epar-tment of Wan L understand that the right, title and interest in the: p?cjperty 'co b ferred by this salt? shall not z~ceeci Z;hl;et -i:asted 9i2. the Sl;ate of C%1. and !:hat no policy of S-itie i;ris!xance wlll be furnished by the State nect!.on with this Sransac'slc~n, *YES fee ti"i;le to tk? prcel. r,i' land in the State of California free and cimr cf all ~~cu.xGF~~z~s, exce~ a~s+~sments, if anyJ r?strictions, ~eszrv~tion~ and eaasYients of rec bld, and thp ;3p?Tr>I;Zii of the pyopDs-ed sale bjr th2 Zalll'o~~Lz Hig'n~ay - %.(? property shall be conveyed by said Dir-ectcr's Cued to I_ I-... THE CITY OF CARLSaArj, A MLJNICIPAL COmOp-pA~l~~j. -- - -_I I___--N_~.-,--.NII.13---r~.ll.I .-- ,-- {Show ~ON tLt>e is to be ;rested) - .. - I i understand t'pac t3ie Cepaptaent:-o$ ~~-~~n,g<j~)~;;~i~~~ ynz,il ;cec.jz:d z,z3s<j said 'Mrec.toy1s Deed has XPOE i'il2Z. fc;. pecfix*d og -k& State, to1" s Deed, and that I ray take possession of safd real pmperty as - 'I Said State or' California reserves t'rie Tight to r;lject zny 31; all 3fc cancellation of szlz, all mon&ys deposited shall be yefunded wlthoui of -interest e J.-1 - to cancel tile sale at 2ny time prior to recordl.ng of Se?d* in LTLZ c I'r, -1.5 agr3ed -khzt ;ll:i notices pzrtacn3ng to :rittters 2yi~Lrig 23 ~onzf w.iC:i this tr2nsaction nzy b? adz upon bldder ir* p~ssori or by regist n!ai1 .d.7,ressec? to bidder at: .A*.-.- i: rj-.t..; a-r carisbad, 12.30 Eln Av~me, Czrls'aad, Ca e 213 Code 933:; r. _--__I. "~?~ne (714) 729-1181 .--- -\ !~2.t.e:,-j Sent2pber I]., 1973 S1,52& l -- __- -I__ ', -._ --__ CITY 3$' CJL23;LS3AD ~ CALiF(jp2jIA?3L -- ~. "- __ ..- .A - .+ .- e . .. ~ -, ,- ' <, - ,c ? 1 .-< ;,' , I . ,. .I ,. ->., r7 . ,> -.- :i .d .I - i.' . -- :. ~ . > --, ,. ,-., i, _, I - . $>' .r . I - - ___--------- 7- --., ,~~-;., 3 '-.7T '- ; {< ';? ., .L . -LA , . L ,-, .~ .-. . .,I ~ fo?a record in:^, I us:derstar!d that thi: sale v.xst 3~ aspnoved by t3:,e California . ," H%,~h-,~; sion, the State of Californiz skall issue a I;lr~?cto~'s 9,?ed to the b k:is ;:is3ignee cor,yeying the riEht, title and intw2st or" the State of nade after the e~ecution of this Corit-aCt and p~ifir to ~2pm3 --Apt or" a mis;;:io~ ~ b,p<j.fi zcc.-.pt..nce 3;; t:22 7.?.-,aytn;@n$ oi' Trzgs~~~s~;lo~~ of the -- '+ .__. -1 (--J I and the epprovai of $?,e prcQoaed sale by th.. Cal.:i'3?-nFa nigrlway T13,l-nla 33 sazd real Troperty. NCI essig~ment 07 thz 5i.,2Zer1s interes n L,ee;j, and any such atf,emp";d cy p~y?cz;-:;ed ~ss? ,.sI,nont ':T-' z'f~i.1 LC- nxZ1 3 as against the State of Califom~ia, Department of T-2nsportatlon. I understand that I acquire nu rl$~+ dI title GT fnter.es-6 in mZ.8 real until the sa:Le has beerr apn-oved in tke nanner prr~vided by law arid a tor ' s Deed ?-,as B:@en~ exa-cl,..-led, _T1E!CordEd 2nd clel.ivePK1 e Said ni.?;.ec,'zOT will be proc~ssed in TI expedftlsus PA~IIE~F by the Gspar nenb of' Trar 1 understand t"z*c; kke ;-;:.gh*;, <:?. ferred by this sa.le shz.ll n and that no p3X. @I? t'_t.l..e :- neetion with thr: assessments, 3.j: ;31ily, in t;,he State cf 1:~c;]-~f.3~~ i The property shall he conveyed by saLd Dfrectorfs Eeed GO .__ ----- ;I 1qjg---c- THE CITY cjc CA;-&c i &.i <,LP$J, COE.PGFL?IiTION .I - I yy__-..-----.-. ^Y_--.-__-I__I_..-__I --_-..._I _-.,-_I --A- I_- ___--._I_ *-m1141--- -.-.------_I _--- ms;q pio-,q t~;-..s 5L3 $2 i;e jiezted j 1 un(jpsf-ar,(3 that kys &3;j&pk;r*eF,t<-s: 87.m. i* al,L, %q<pt,;. ., .-.<..;-,- LC~ --- i,Faxi ~~L~~~ ;:-;.cu~d sai::. *.s Toy- .- .-- c, 3 t,a 2- ?,x .=' -. c said Di_r~C~:C~p~ 9 z:";3ed t:z,:;c; -k-p:~ f;*.-zcj. T21p ,-e 'A> , __ Said State of Ca1:i.f ni.a resemes tk rPght to rejrzct any or all b5-c to cancel tihe sal3 =LA,, - .",.I7 f' d.L.;fi? >r?-ar t.3 ~~~~~~:~*~&" of u...od,* j.-J 'i;h2 E cancellation or sal. 31:- moneys derjOSit,ed shall Se T?fj.lRdrd wlthou! of ir?teresti ,3 It ls agreed that a11 ng!tices certalning to rat';ers arj-sing in co~nt torT s. Deed, and that I miy take possess3,on za3.d real pr~iyerty as ., .-. .-- ;,,:A t >, 1; 'fll s -. c,..,L,.-lactl~:g -5 7, -2 T zl8%;r $3 n?3e u.3~~ Srr-dd-r I'.-. pe~;-s;7~ 07 by r-~---' L&L 5: rr.aLi adclye:;sea ';3 bidc??~ at: -. Celifori?,iz - C i t y o I' C a.r.&-5-k-a.L 12 0 0 S;L~I 4 v 2 nu 3 i_--C2?, l_l--_-l_( FhD~? (714) 729-1181 --------- _.__--.-_ _.- gattec: Sepi:emb?r 11, 1973 ----_II__ CITY OF CAEILSBX2 I Cj\LIiOx\jIA '7 7 i , {. -.-, 2 v, .L l.r~!c I . sur!~]~s stat2 hi9h!tiay prapertjes icjcated in the City I Carl shad; and 3-1, i 12 j Zity of ~ar~sbad as ~GIIGWS: l* That the :bov~ recitations are -ccrue 2nd correct. q i: cn u I 19 I .i :r , 'LJ City S3uncil an --the 6th day of Sentember - 9 1973, by F t u 20 2:L 22 /foilo.iing vote, to tqi.t: I ~ j A'{ 5 S : C o 1.1 ii c i 1 r; I. is 2 li e, ;!c_Cor:ias, Lewis; C s.2 Z'\Cd Fraz NOES: (%lone , 25 26 2': i j i j - -