HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-18; City Council; 2155; Carlsbad Municipal Swimming Pool. . +. 1 c . .. .. I . .._ . Agenda ail2 No. c -Referred TO: Sept. Da te : 18, 1973 - Subject: Submitted By : Ed Johnson, Parks and CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL Recreation & Swimming Pool Committee f\ -. Statement of the Matter The City of Carlsbad Ad Hoc Pool Committee (including Councilmen Frazee and Lewis) and the Communi-ty Swimming Pool Committee seem to be in general agreement that there is a need in the City of Carlsbad for a 'community swimming pool. There also seems to be agreement between.the City and the Carlsbad Unified School 'District that the most practical - and feasible means for acquiring the swimming pool is to utilize a joint powers agreement. The staff and the citizens committee and the school district have been working for many months on this project. The Council has previously accepted the report of the Community Committee. .If the Council approves, Staff is prepared to go forward with the project. It 7s Staff's intention to fund a portion of the bonds to be issued' by the joint powers agency with funds from the transient occupancy tax. The Finance Dfrector has.indicated this fund will be more than adequate for that purpose. If the Council approves-going forward with the joint powers agreement, Staff also recommends an allocation from the General Fund of $5,000.00 to employ an architect to prepare preliminary drawings. Whien the joint powers agreement is executed and -the authority functioning, the General Fund would be reimbursed by the swimming pool authority. Exhibit - 1. Report by the Swimming'Pool Committee and Parks and Recreation Department. 1 . Contents: A. Design Report B. Location C. Financial Report City Council Resolution No. 3222 2. Staff Recommendations to the City Manager The Parks and Recreation Commission, the Parks and Recreation Department, and the Citizens Swimming Pool Committee, all recommend going forward - with the community.swimming pool project on the basis of a joint powers agreement with the school district and recommend the advance of the General Fund money for the employment of the architect. (cont. on page 2) .. . .- .. RB No. Date: Sept. 18, 1973 It is recommended that the Council: (1) adopt a motion authorizing the Staff to proceed with the community pool project utilizing a joint powers agreement between the City and the Carlsbad Unified School District to be financed by revenue bonds sup orted, in part, with funds from the transient occupancy tax; and (2 P accept resolution no. authorizing the expenditure not to exceed $5,000.00 for the employment of an architect to prepare preliminary drawings for the pool. If the Council so wishes, these other positions could be taken. 1. Petition eligible voters , 2. Special election 3. Aprll ballot As a reminder, Staff wishes to state that by petitions and by ballot the citizens of Carlsbad already have given approval by majority vote to the construction of the pool. City Manager's Recommendation The City Manager feels that there are certain decisions that the City Council must make in regard to the swimming pool matter and they are as follows: 1. Does the City Council look with favor on a public swimming pool? 2. If the City Council does look with favor on a swimming pool, do they also look with favor on pursuing the matter with a Joint Powers Agreement? 3. If the City Council does look with favor on a Joint Powers Agreement, the City Attorney should be requested to render an opinion on utilizing a Joint Powers Agreement for the construction of a swimming pool, Council Actinn 1 Regarding the appropriation of $5,000.00 for an architect, it is not a budgeted amount and the City Council will have to determine if they desire to take this amount of money out of the General Fund. 9-18-73 This matter was deferred to the regular meeting of the Council on October 2, 1973. 10-2-73 Continued to October 16, 1973. 10-16-73 The staff was instructed to prepare an initiative in order that it can be included on the ballot for the General Election in March, 1974. -2- SWIMMING POOL STUDY COMMITTEE REPORTS ... .. SWII*IMING POOL STUDY COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTENTS Design Report ............ 1 - 4 Sketch- ............... 1 Bihliographv ............ 5 Location Report ........... 6 -' 7 Site Comparisons 8 ......... Financial Report .......... 9 - 11 Func3ir.g Recommendations ..... 9 Construction Cost Analvsis .... 10 Operation, Maintenance, and Salary Expense .......... Comii ttee Members .......... 11 12 I. The objective of this committee is to recommend a swimming facility that is d.esiqned and located to best serve the needs of the.tota1 community. Funding recommendations for the pool complex construction and operation are included. We endorse a Z-shaped pool with two twenty-five (25) yard lencrths and a fiftv -, 1'50) meter length, located at the intersection of Magnolia and Valley Streets as most nearly satisfying the stated object.i?:~f~. It is further recommended that the construction cost of $438,416 be funded from the transient occupancy tax revenues and that annual maintenance and operation expenses of $53,000 be pid .out of n combj-nation of sources: public use fqes, school distxict rental, transient occupancy tax revenues, and General Fund subsidy. Since the location recommended is on school property, the school board gave the committee a hearing and expressed an interest in working with the City on establishing a joint powers agreemknt for the construction of a cormunity swinuning pool complex. In addition, the glanning Commission in a study session expressed tentative approval of the plan recommended in this report. The Parks and Recreation Commission has heartily endorsed this recommendation as presented to them. ._ SWIMPIING PCOL STUDY. COMMITTEE REPORT DESIGN The goal of this cormittee was to seek a desj-gn and a ' size for- a swinming facility which would best fill the needs of the t.otal- community. The following data was compiled in order to reach-the ' submitted recommcndation: / 5. 11. .. 111. Prograii Objectives Physical education classes - all levels Learn to swim - tiny tots through adults Recreation - tiny tots through adults Competition - high school, AAU teams, Masters' program . Mater Polo Diving mall craft instruction (canoeing , rowing, sailing) Scuba training Synchroni zcd swirming Therapy and handicapped Advanced aquatics instruction Loc a t io n s Vi. s i te d Coronado - sha1.low - deep - shallow 50 meters National Ci.ty - shallow - deep - shal3.0~ 50 meters Chula Vj.st;i (Loma Verde) U Shape 50 meters x 25,yds. Poway High School - shallow to deep 25 yds. x 20 yds: Palomar- Col.lecje - shallcw to deep 25 yds. x 25 yds. Fallbrook High School - 2 pools 25 yds. and 20 yds. long Size 1. It has been found that about 3% of the population can be expected to attend the pool at any one time on any one day. 27 squctm feet of water surface area for tach pcrs;on is rccommcnded 1. See bibliography Design Cornmi-'*ee Report - continued -> - Based upon the above data and calculating the present population of 16,000, the size pool recomwcnded, in square feet of water will be: 16,000 population x .03 x 27 quare feet = 12,960 sq. ft. of water area rcconunended. IV. Recommendations .- A. Size md Shape of pool (11,630 sq. ft.) 1. 2 Shape pool 2. Main body 50 meters x 58 feet (8 competitive lanes) 50 meter long course for high school, MU, and col.I.ec~-e level competition, 25 yard short course for MU and blasters' competition. a. Ilecp arm 7' to 13' (diving minimum is 12') b. Body 3' to 5' c. Shallow arm 2 1/2 to 3 feet. . 3. Deep arm 25 yds. x 58 feet (8 competitive lanes) 4 . Depth 75% Shallow area (5' maximum depth) for Recycatjon and Learn to Swim Proyrms ,. -- B. Equiprncnt 1. Divi.ny boards a. .Two 1 meter height 8' minimum depth b. One 3 rncter height 32' minimum depth 2. Guard towers 3. Ramp for wheelchairs C. Buildings 2, 2. Staff room 3. Jbnager's office 4. Dressjng rooms 5. Covered classroom area 6. Mai!itcnancc room or building 7. Storage 8. Deck area and bleachers Office - cashierand public area Design Commi1:tee Report - bontinued - V. Conclusion The Chula Vista nool. with specified modifications for greater safety best fits the recommendations. The California Health and Safety Code and the Administrative Code set forth the laws and regulations relating to swimming pools. The total facilitv will be regualted by buil-dinq and safety codes and this committee will not attempt to confuse or com?l-icate its recommendation by I.istj.ng the requhements of these codes in detail. ..’ . . B 1 E3 IJX 0 G RAP HY .. Gabriel sen, Alexander, Swinnj nq Pools , F. Guide To Their Plannincr , Desiqn And Owration, Fort Laudcrdale, Floric!a, Hof frnan Publications, Inc. , cc. 1972. -- ----- __-_----_-_- Pool I’romtion ?lan, Elgin-Pef initc Division of I____-- - --_I_ Elgin Softener Corporation, Elgin, Illj-nois .. .. LOCATION After many h7eeks of discussion and concerned study, the Swimmincj Pool study Committee recommends the "Magnolia Park Site" as its choice for the location of - a Community Pool in Carlsbad. The "Magnolia Park Site" has advantages which should be noted: 1. T1-1j.s site has three (3) iiseahle acres, all of which a.re at approximate street level and require little or no grading. 2. Thz site j-s located in a low traffic area according to the latest traffic count. 3. Sixty-f ive (65) parking spaces are available on this site with potential parking area at adjacent schools. (96 additional improved spaces alreadv exist at Magnolia and Valley Schools. ) 4. This site is at the approximate center of the City's population and at the same time is readily available to the High School and the Junior IIigh School. .. ... . c 5. At this site automobile and pedestrian traffic entering and leaving the pool complex is oriented away from the'residential area. 6. The pool is well screened from neighborhood homes by the landscaping of this site and bv its location adjacent to two schools. 7. This site has, long been programed by the City for a neighborhood Park. E . .. All homes on Magnolia Ave. .Us nable Acreage 12 homes on Valley St. 12 homes on Basswood Ave. .. Circulation Traffic Count Improved Parking Spaces There was much discussion as to whether the Con?munitv Pool should he located at the High School. The following facts help illustrate the reasoning behind the Committee's final decision upon the "Magnolia Park . Site. '' 3.0 Acres ... 24 hr. count Dec., 1968 875 .. 161 (within 1/2 block walking distance) Also: Adjacent is Magnolia's athletic field (Room for 200 cars) .......... THE HIGH SCHOOL SITE 1-16 Acres .. ......... ........ 24 hr. count Dec., 1968 4025 65 (additional parking one block away) .... ....... ......... ............ .(8) ' '* . . . .. FINTANCIAL REPORT Funding Recommendations for Total Swimming Pool Complex Construction and Operation: I. Capital Costs (Bond Amortization) _I A. Transient Occupancy Tax Revenues 1. Projected transient occupancy tax revenues for 1973-74 = $150,000. 2. Based upon a construction cost of $498,416.60 the annual expenditure from bed tax funds '= $46,378.68 a. Interest rate = 7% h. Term of loan = 20 years 3. Based upon a construction cost of $498,416.60 the annual expenditure from bed tax fu.nds = $50,036.52 a. Interest rate = 8% b. Term of loan = 20 years 11, .Maintenance and Operation (Annual Expenditures) = $ 53,000. A. Public use fees .............. = 15,000. B. School district rental. .......... = 13,685. C. Transient occupancy tax revenues. . . = 12,158. D. General Fund Subsidy. ........... = 12,157. Carlsbad Municipal Swimming Po0.1 Construction Cost Analysis A. Finance - Transient Occupancv Tax Revenues 1. Three Stages Stage One A. Pool - Deck and Mechanical Equipment 184,000.00 Pool Deck and Bleachers Deck 17 , 223.00 Fencing 8,DOO.OO Dressing Rooms B. Architect's fee C. Soil Testing Compact ion Testing for steel reinforcement Concrete Masonry TOTAL Projected Cost increase 15% Projected Total 175 , 471.60 4 5 , 212 . 00 3,500.00 433,405.60 65 , 010.00 498 , 416.60 . . . '. . f. - .. .. I e; .. .. . NOTE: All figures and activities are based on the actual II_ orograns in oonratior, at Chula llista's L~rna Verde Pool. They have hezh anpliccl in this pronosal to a nlodel proqran for Carlsbsd. Eow2ver, final d.etzrnination of proqran.?hg an? exnnnse sharing would he c?e te&inc$ bv the Joint-Dowers Board. establ-ished to set these policies. .I. OPERATIOKJ EX?E?!SES A. Chemicals -----I ----.--- 7 tons -- Cylin2c.r.E; of Chlorinn Ca S 157.00 = $ 1,099.00 1500 gals. - Liquid Alkalizer e .63 - 3 tons of Celite S 132.00 - 945.00 396.00 $ 2,440.00 - - 11. MAINTENANCE EXPENSE ='heck equinment and add chemicals, water test 2 hours per dav @ $ 4.52 ncr hour. pool chemical feed pimas. 2 weeks @ S 4.52 ne; hour. @ If; 4.52 per hour. A. 2 x $ 4.52 = S 9.04 x 365' B. 8 hrs. x 26 wks. x $ 4.52 C. 120 hrs. x $ 4.52 . B. Back-wash pool filter and clean strainers, 8 hours every C. Annual over haul 3 weeks or 120 hours rn. SATARY EXPENSE: .----c_,p-I A. Aquatics Director (vex round) E?. MU Swim %cam (I Ccac'l and 1 LiSequard) C. Recreational- Swim (6 guarrKs/3 aides) Sumicr: Non-Sun. 12-4 P.N. Fall/Winter: Sat. ti Sun. 12-4 P.M. and Spring: Tues. & Thurs. 3-5 P.M, (6 guards/5 aides Summer: Eon-Fri. 9-12 A.M. D. Learn to Swim: Fall/Wintcr: (5 guards/3 aides) and Spring : fi!on-Wed.-Fri. . 3-S P.N, = $ 3,299.60 .r 940.16 542.40 . . . $7782.1.6 - - = $10,000.00 = 6.450.00 = 10,500.00 -.~ = 10,0110.00 0 * 4,5CO.'OO = 4,440.00 $45 , 9-10. Off TOTAL = $53,192.1.6 Pmn.mUES : Recreation Swim (Admissions) Ieam ta Swim = $15,900.00* Passes School P.R. Classes (Iliqh School h Jr. Eiqh) Pon-Fri. 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. @ S 11.50/hr. = $13,685.00 Fall/tlintcr/Soring - 34 ~eeks --5.00 * Dased on ChuLa Vista's 1372 fiqurcs . . . ..~- . - . ... . . .L g . . CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 801 PINE AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 October 12, 1973 r F Honorable David M. Dunne Mayor of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Dunne: By official action of the Board of Education of the Carlsbad Unified School District, I have been directed to convey to you the Board's continued strong interest in building and operating a community swimming pool by a joint powers agreement. This action of the Board of Education followed a presentation of the activities of the Swimming Pool Committee by Mr. Edgar Y. Johnson, Director of the City Parks and Recreation Department. I Very truly yours, .i ?"> i- HCH:ds Howard C: Harmon Secretary to the Board of Education I ADMINISTRATION 729-1 191