HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-16; City Council; 2139-2; School Policy, I ;, I l l I l 0 E' C A R L S Agenda 3ill no. 2139 Supplement No, 2 Referred To: Subject:.: School Policy Statement of the Ua.t-ter Data: October 16, 1973 Submitted By: v~a City Manager The Council at its meeting of October 2, 1973 received a presentation from Superintendent Harmon on behalf or the Carlsbad Unified School District requesting that the City or Carlsbad adopt a school policy which would require builders to pay a fee to the District for each new home. The matter was referred to this office and to the City Attorney to put in final form and for staff comments. The draft of the polic~ suggested by the District as prepared by the attorney is ~ttached. A memorandum from the attorney with another version ~fa policy is also attached. Exhibit l, Draft Council Policy No.~/.J.1~- 2, Memorandum from City Attorney to City Managex:-daced October 11, 1973, Staff Recommenda t.ions to the City NanagP.r Policy matter. -~ .......... __,,,,..-~ --,-....---,.--- AD No. 2)31 Supplemant No, 2 .. Data: October 16, 1973 ... City Manager's Recommendation . Concur 'with the City Attorn~y•s report and :feel that we should par~llel the ,Chula Vista· han~li~g of the matter·. .- Counc:i.i. • Action l 0-16-73, It was agreed tha.t .the City Ccuncil approve the Chula Vista Policy approar.h to school problems, and the City Attorney was directed to prepare a policy ~Recifically noting school services, and the policy referred to the schqol district for review and comment. Staff ~as directed to implement General Plan amendment. 10-18-·73 Policy #17,.School Policy, was adopted·. .· I I I ~ I j l i I l t I I . • I • • \ . . . ~ .. ~ \ . . . ~- i' o 1 k v ii o . 1 7 COUNCIL ?OLI~Y STATEMENT Date Issued 1011,;n.1 General Subject: Adequacy of PUBLIC SERVICES Effect.he Datel0/16/73 in Connection with Develop- Specific Subject: ment Proposals Cantellation Date Copies to: BACKGROUND: Suoersedes llo. City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File In considering zoning, rezoning, development or redevelopment pro- posals for areas within the City, the City Council ha~, in order to insure the public health, safety and welfare, evaluated reports from City Departments, School Districts, Water Districts and other agencies regarding the adequacy of public servi~es r.equired to serve the develop- ment~ expected to occur ~ithin such areas. In many cases, however, the required public services have not in fact been installed by the time the development shows a need. The result has been that residents in the newly developed areas have been inadequately served with access, parks, schools, libraries 1 fire protection and other public services. PURPOSE: To establish a policy to insure that all necessary public services will be available concurrently with need. POLICY: Before giving app1·oval tc zoni.ng, rezoning, development or redevel- opment proposals, the public health and safety and the genera1 w~1fare of the community and all its citizens require that provisions be made by the proponent of the zoning, rezoning, development or redevelopment in conjunction with appropriate governmental agencies to insure: 1. That the zoning, rezoning, developmenf or redevelopme~t be consistent with a master development pian for the general area which has been reviewed by the Planning Commission and adopted by the City Council. 2. That the development plan iacludes an implementation section which sets forth in detail measures which will be ta~en to insure that all nec~ssary public servic~s are provided concurrent with need in the development. 3. That the proponent of the zoning, rezoning, development or redevelopment present evidence satisfactory to the City C~uncil that all the required public services, including schools, will in fact be provided concurrent with the need.