HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-16; City Council; 2182; UUD 3 - Elm AV - I-5 to HighlandA b > - r_ 7-ae-G TPE CITY OF CARLSPAD, CALIFORhiA Ayerid, B i 11 'J0.m Date October lF, 1973 - Submitted By:' 7 3- 44 Refflrred To: Sub j ect : t/ FA v Underground Advisory Committee r. ,-~opo~ed District No. 3 - Elm Ave- 1-5 to Highland Underground Advisory _I ~oinmi ttee - -- Staternen[ of the Matter .- The Underground Advisory Committee considered four areas as potential underground conversion areas: 1) Elm Avenue- 1-5 to Highland (Civic Center Area) 2) Roosevelt Avenue- Elm Ave. to Beech Ave. 3) Carlsbad Blvd. - Elm to State 4) State Street - Beech St. to Laguna Estimated cost of the Civic Center District is $35,000, Carlsbad's allocation for 1973 is $40,390.00 ,of which $9,671.00 ~3s used avail3ble for expenditure on Underground District #3. for Underground District #2,leaving a balance of $30,719 .oo The deficit can be advanced from the City's 1974 allocation. The Committee unanimously recommends that the City Council take the necessary action to establish the Civic, Center area as Underground District No. 3. -- ---I-..--- ---- . _I- __ I --- -- -- - - - .---. 1) Proposed UndergroLnd Uti1 ity District #3 (Wall Exhibit) 2) Resoluti~n No.Qa@ setting time and place for hearing. Staff Recom?ndations to the City Manager 3arp ' setting tine and place for pub1 ic heari~3. . Adspt a Rcs31ution NoL _I__l_l_- - c . AB No. 2182- Date: Octoberl-fi, 1973 rn i .. .. - City Manager's Recommendation The City Manager concurrs. .- Council Action 10-16-73 At the request of the Underground Advisory Committee it was agreed'that the matter-would be rescheduled-. 1'0-18-73 Resolution No. 3248 calling a public hearing was adopted. .. i WHEREAS, Chapter 11.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code provides for the f7rmation in the City of Carlsbad of underground utility districts to accomplish the orderly removal of existing overhead facilities and the construction of new underground facilities; and WflEREAS, the City Staff has consulted with the affected utilities, and has conducted preliminary studies and made investi- gations concerning the feasibility of such a district in the area of the Civic Center generally on Elm Avenue from the easterly right-. of-way line of Interstate 5 and the east boundary of Underground Utility District No. 2 to Highland Drive; and WHEREAS, said studies and investigations indicate that further proceedings pursuant to Chapter 11.08 are warranted to determine , whether or not the district should be established; NOW, THEREFOR€, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as f0110ws: 7. The Council hereby expresses its intent to initiate pro- ceedings for the formation of an underground utility district for the above-described area to be known as Underground Utility Distric? RESOLUTION NO. 3248 safety, or welfare require the removal of poles, overhead wires, and associated overhead structures, and the underground installatior of wires hnd facilities for supplyi,:g electric, communication, or \ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, EXPgESSING ITS INTENT TO i,\lITIATE PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO CHAr'TER 11.08 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE AND GALLING A PU8LIC HEARING TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE PUBLIC t!EALTH, SAFETY, OR WELFAZE REQUIRE TSE FORMATION 3f AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT CN ELM AVENUE FROM THE EASTERLY RIGHT Or WAY LINE t?F INTERSTATE 5 AND THE EAST BOUNDARY OF UNDERGROUND DISTRICT NO. 2 TO HIGHLAND DRIVE. 51 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3. At said hearing all persons interested are invited I to appear and present their views and all such persqns shall be 1 given an opportunity to be heard. Said hearing may be continued ! 20 t V 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 from time to time as may be determined by the City Council. 4. The area to be included within the proposed District No, 3 is. shown upon that certain map entitled "Map of Proposed Underground Uti 1 i ties Di s tri ct No. 3 *'I dated Y which is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, and which is incorporated by reference herein. 5. The City Clerk shall give notice of the time and ' place of the hearing to all property owners within the District as shown on the last equalized assessment rolls or as known to the . City Clerk and to each Public Utility within the District by mail- ing a copy of this resolution to such property owners and such . utilities at feast ten (10) days prior to the date thereof. d'o rned PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a$edufar meting of the City Council on thel8th day of October , 7973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: Cmn. Chase. DaVID E?. DUNEIE, Playor 29 30 31 32 (Seal 1 .