HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-07; City Council; 2189; Tentative Map for Rancho La Costa Partnership LTD/ Date YJnvgmb er '&I- ' I- "WA l vr LH~LJPHU, 'J'm'' ' Agenda Bi 11 No. A.46 36 f/ G2 - . Referred .To: CITY COUNCIL - .. Subject:TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-39)for RANCHO LA COSTA Submitted By PARTNERSHIP, LTD.(Ronald'B. Ayres) Request.for Con- sideration of tentative map to permit the development' . PLANNING of a 333-lot-single family residential project on prop- , L.. ' f erty generally located easterly of and adjacent to Lagoon ? Ln., 350 ft. southerly of in-tersection Poinsettia Ln. & L agoon Lrr *Statement - of the Matter . e - This matter was considered by the Planning Commission at their re meeting held On the 9th day of October, 1973. Applicant was reque consideration of tentative map to permit deve1opment.of a 333-lot family residential project. .. Resolution No. 977 was adopted approving the tentative map and re( mending approval to the City Council. Exhibit 1. Certifl'cation of Ownership 2. Staff. Report dated 10-9-73 3. Applicant's Exhibit (Map) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 977 5. City Council Resolution No.J&~~".~~-* Staff Recomnendat icns to City Yanager Staff recommends approval per conditions set forth in the report dated 10-9-73. . * 0 Dater November 7, 1973 AB -No. W. ., v\ .- . 5 .- City Manaqer's Reconmendation This tentative map would permit the development of 333 single famzly-residential units and is pre'sently . .zoned.for such a development. The-City Council may w-ish to have -evidence that the devel'oper has made arrangements wi'th the school district in-accordance with the City Cpuncil's propose8 school policy. The City Manager concurrs with the staff report. * o. 1 .- ., - i co unci 1 . A c t i on -. ~ 11.-7-73 Resolution #3255 adopted as amended. *Said amendments: . rtem #3 deleted. Item #17 amended to read "If the City Engineer determines th is not feasible, the developer shall provide an alternate solution to the satisfaction of the City Engineer." . \. ._ .. .. :: . . .- 9 .. -2- ' .- ;j[:i:r\'Tlg:j Fo;i C;!A:('GE C; ZI'J;]~ 0 4 J' z - T PA!{ I T ril Tau .- STATE OF CAii COUblTY OF SA?I DiEGO ) LJ I ! CITY OF CARLSBAD ) I I, (k/e> Donaid AYWS being diily sworn depose and (kclare to the best of true and cprrect under the penalty of purjury: -Take) my {~y, our) knowledge that the foregoing i I I EXECUTED AT Carlsbad, Cal ifomia { ci ty) (State) 17 73 DATE 9 (Month ) (Day) (Year) 1 APPLICANT, OI4NER AND/OR Ol.i?:ER'S AL'TI-IORIZED AGENT: priyt Jarne) J- -IQ /LA/vdc &-.--Y,d I <,+%.- c / '.7 L;<:d-+ (+?ai 4 1 i rig P,ddress . iIJ. &i 1 7/4 ,' ?& d ITa7 ephone /A--. r-A,,'\ ._ , J .A12 c @! --.- --._ ~. , ~___. ----- ____.. . illy rppeirec!--__ ___ ._..._ . .___ _I_-~ -._ -----. . -~~ -~------ ----_ ~~ _____. ----known to p.. OF'iCiAL SSL ..;i.cllt?ti thP adme. 0 e 3 CITY OF C.WdSBLAD F'LA?X\?Ii.Z i)EPART$TE:NT STAFF Z?PC)RT FOR OSTOEX 9, 1973 TO : pLp,;DJ-JJ':s C@$QQSS 10;: rzPoR1 ON: CONSIDEFLAT13N OF CHkNGE OF ZONE , CONSIDZTZATI@I~ OF TTCITTATrfi 14AP CASE NOS: zc - 136 CT 73-39 APPLICANT : D.B. AYRES, P.O. Box Drawer A Huntington Beach, California 92648 7670 C1a-irmon-L Mesa S'oulevard San Diego, California 92110 , STQTDARD PACIFIC COIZX>R:iTION I e GEI\ETrn JNf'Ola~fATIOE: - A. --^-._...ll.... Request: That .the Plaming Cormission mxommend approval of s Change ( Z0n.e from P-C TPlaned Cormul;itjr) to R-1-75 (single family, -7,500 sq. ft. lot min.) on a 6.5 acre portion anci a tentative map 011 the totd 80.0 acres to per; a total of znproxirnately 333 single fznilg- lots on a portion of the E$~, SSi- of Section 28, T 1.2 S, R 1+ li, and a portion ol" SL 2, SPQ- L4 of Section 2Yp T 12 S, R 4 San Bernardjno Meridian, City of Carlsbzd, The sQbjeci; property, contaking approximately 10.0 acres, Said propert -__I- oi" anci adjacent to Lagoon Lme epproxinztely 350 fee.t sou-therly of the intersection of Po-hsettia Lme and. Lagoon Lane. is a portion of the total Ayres Property iihich had. been annexed to the City earlier this year. proper-by- was zoned 12-1-75 of which approximately 73.5 acres Ls ir,clu.ded j.n thi: request o The reniainins approxlcztelji 6.5 acres was included in a subtmtially larger parcel of approxirmtely 625 a.c?-es which the Planning Cornxission and the City ~ow~cil granted (ZC-LO~~ a P-c zoning designation wit11 a densi.ty of 4 6wc uni.t,s per acrea. Upon amexation approxivat,ely 80.0 acres of the subjec-t C. --a Char?? of Zone: The applicmt 5s requestbg that the Planning Cornmiss; consider a ~~m?g;e of Zone on a 6.5 acre portion of a 625 acre parcel that was recently granted a Change of Zone to P-S, as a prt of the total Ayres project. The applicant, in preparing dewlo?nent plars for the proposed subdivision, did find that due to topography this 6.5 srcres would be physical.ly separated from t area. Therefore, the applicarit is sroposiq to integrate this .6.5 acre parcel into the proposed subdivison, P-C desigyation, bnt in that there has been no master plan zpproved on .the P-C designated areas, no developrneni could be appro-~ed, remainder of the P-C clesi:;nai;ed area m?. cou1.d not be easllJr developed ;;ri.th th3 Noi-::!jLly, such a request could occur under the In ordw to permit develop . 0 0 on this srild-1 area of the P-C a~.d rather thm trait for con-G;letion of the raste plan which is a ri-Llin.her of' i-:c;.rk,hs avay, the applicat is reqmsting this Change Zoce, D. Zonin&ad. General ?Lm: - .--_I__--- 1. Zoninir. Exjstbz -- R--1--75 aid P-C ---.-.D. - Proposed - PFli?5 (T.M.) Adjacent - ITorth - ZD-N (is db,ul/ac,j East -- P,C. (& d..u../ac.) Vest --. R1-75 axd P.-C Sou-th - County A-l (8) 2. *General Plan: 71he receritly adopted Land Use Amendment No. 4 indic the presently zoned R-1-75 area to be potentia-lly residential Ieth from 0-5 dwe11irig mits per acre ard the area zoned P.-C to be pote residen.tiai :b%th from 0-4 dwelling u^li:i.ts per acre. Based upon the proposed tentative map, a density is proposed for the 0-4 area of approximately 3.38 dwelling units per acre (based upon approxim 22 dwelling units ih 6.5 acres) and a density of approximately 4.23 dwelling units per acre is proposed for the 0-5 rmge area. should be noted that tkis lad use arrmdment was approved on the b of gross areas rather than the normal designation of net areas. -a=----*-- E, Environmental Impect Recort Considerations: The E.I.R. for the entir Ayres Amexatib~ was accepted. by the Ciiy as a part of its consideration of th Change of Zone request No ZC-102. Tne considerztion of these specific request would be considered on-going projects and would not requ-k-e fur-her E.I,R. con erations. Said prope~ty is not r.Jithh the Coastal permit area, "---MI --- I?. Public Kotification: Tne required public notices have been published i -----<--UQY--.--I mailed. regarding the Change of Zone. G. Staff R~co~menclaiion - Ch~e of Zone: That it be moved that ihe Plan Commission recom;cie_?d to the City Council that a Chafige of' Zone from ?-C (Plannr Comniunity) to R-.1--'/5 (single fernlily, -7 f 509 sq. ft. lots) BE APPFOTTED, JustiP: is based upon: --I___ 1_-...__--_1__1_-4-=---I- -- 1, The subject proper-ty of appoximately 6.5 acres is physically inore appropriately developed as a part of the proposed single fa.mi1.y sul clbz-ision since tei-raln does not make con4uzive to d-evelopment viith rernairider of the P-C area, Coni'a~~:~i~ce to the adopt& Gerxral Plan comriiirmnt for the kea. The d.ivision cf zcne districis dorig terr2.b separa-Lion is a more logical procedui--? 1;PiaiI separat,ion dong section lines. 2. 3. 11. l'l3NTATIVE I4AP I\TOe CT 73-39: -__1_1- - The tentabive map c0nsist.s of a total 333 lots on a total of 50 acres for i The maLn access is to be provided by densi-Ly of 4.16 dwelllirig wiits per zcre. local street entrances on Lagoon Lane. north and to the south. &I cul-de-sacs to be 56 Ecet in r\icth. The applicant is proposing to develop Lagoon Lane on the basis of zn ai, foot collector street with 64 feet of paving and in addition a 30 foot r;sicie grew belt area is to be located along the east side of Lagoon Lane whi.ch wil-1 act as a connector between the park areas on th' Future accesses are proposed to the All through streets are to be Go feet in width with -2- . e W Occidental Pe-troleI;m prqer Ly at Poime-t-lia Lane and the future County Region2 Park adjacent to Irl.&icyitos L8.zoc~~. sidewalk Lo be located withiE this 30 foot area. Sa.j.cl sidexalk is to be exter further north to Pciinsettia LZpie es a part of the developnent of the Ayres hol to the north of this subject property. In terms o€ terrain, the subject 29 acres does have soze substarhidl slope zlong the eas-terl.9 bvmdary tLi-th a miqor canyon area in the aproximate cent€ of the projec-t, To permit, the dcveiopent as prop""ed, thr; a.op:Licm-c\ in6e3d.s move approxinately 899,039 yards cf dirt and provide a substdtial fill slope at 2:1 adjacent to Ilagoon J-xne except for t;wo-lots adjacen'ri to the interseetic of Lagoon Lane ai-d psspmed Po;o-g Road air3 one lot zL the i;ort.heast corner of Lane and proposed Daisy avenue. If these three lots were elirnimted, the totz subdivision would he relatively isolated from all activity on Lagoon Lane by E least a dis-Lance of 110 .feet,* along -the easterly boundaqr and iwSl slope therefrom westerly at a 65 grade tc proposed slope adjacent to Lagom Lane. With regard to sewer service, no facilities presently exist to serve this portion or the total iiyres proprty, It is groposed by Ayres to ex-tend a sew line from Carlsbad Boulevard mder the freeway to a pwnp station adjacent to I Lane just south of the 80 acre parcel ir!this request. The coqletion of thi: sewer project will determine when the proposed subdivision rfll develope. "not a part" adjacent to and westerly of Lagoon Lane. Staff is of the opinior this parcel should be inclu-ded. within the subdivision as a lot. In addition c to its substantial terrain, staff believes that an open space easement shoulc The applicant is indicating a rrieandering . The fixal subdivision will nave a high point The proposed tentative map indicates an approximate 6 acre parcel as a established on said lot, A. Staff Recomenda.tion: to the con.di.tions ou-tlined below That it be moved that the Planning Commission. -.--- end to the City Counts th3.t Tentative M8.p No. 73-39 5s APPrWVED subjc _-a- 1 Justification is based uyont 1. Conformance of the subdivision to the Generai Plan corrmitment. 2. 3. Co:.lfcrmance of the subdivision to all rcqu-irements of the 1lUnici.p: Code and the S-LaLe of Califoriiia Sub5ivTi.sicn Pkp Act. The design of the subdivision is at the maximum standards in term: attempting to integrate a normal su.bcilvision layout -into a sorxewh: hilly terrain. in crder to mlte any cievelopment more conpatible i the exis-Ling terrain, it would be necessary either to utilize a 1: lot concept or a cluster ho~~.sLng approach. a part of the previous a.pprova1 of the Apes change of zone, cornmj a majority of this property to a R1-75 development, staff believe that the applicant has provided the mos'c cotxpatible concept. In tha-t the City has, - IJith regard .Lo cor.ip1.iarice t3 the Parks Ordinance, it is rscormended that Fark-in-Leiu fees be requ-fired, Justification is based upon: 1. 2. No parks are Lrdicated on the subject property on the adopted gene plan. The proximity of the subject property to a potential regional par: adjacent to Batiquitos Lagoon does not make the subject property- conducive to a Ci%y park. Based upon Ordirmice requirements, any park created as a result oj subd-ivision wcUd not be of sufficient size to be efficiently matr AP~ approval should be subject to the fo11oK 3. B. Conditi-oris of Anpsaval: m -_I_ condit,j..ons : -3- . 0 W 1. The recorded restrictions for ,%lie subdivision shall include the The niinirriurn nkiirnurn lot size and width reqcirerxnts, e3 id-ence of which shall be submitted the CjLy P1a:miiig Dtrectcr prior to a.npi70val of -the Final Map. lot widtho 2. for .this subdivision shall be 7503 sq&e foot lot bsith a rninir~um of 60 feet c The develcpcent of the propez-Ly described herein shall be subject the restric-tions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to d1 requirements y 1Wtations and restri.ctions of all municipd- ordinances and StE and Federal statutes EGX Ln force, or wknich, hereafte-r, may be in force for t.1 purpose of preservirg "LE resicentizl characteristics of adjacen'i, properties. 3. I Prior to consideration of the Find Map and Iniprovement Plans, a grading a.nd plot plai of the tract ::lth all proposed ciwellbg u.nit,s located tl- a.nd show?-ng appropriate setback dinensions , shall be submitted to the Plannin[ Department for approval to insure -that adequate area requirements can be met. 4. Thai; lots no. 1, 268, ad 289, as showm on the Final Revised Tent: Map dated 9-17-.-73, shall be deleted 2nd. the area of said lots shall. be combine wiLh the kmediately adjzceni lots to the east, In no case shall the proposec slope adjacent t,o Lagoon Lane be padded out in the area of these three former Park-In-Leiu fees shall be granted to the City prior to approtral ( 5, the Final Map. 6. An open spce easeme-nt shd.1 be granted to the City of Carlsbad fc tha-t slope area shown ad.jacent to Lagoon Lane for the full frontage of the SUI property except €or the ~oad~ray openings, Said easement shall include the arc and 289. 'of _l.o-ts 1, 288, 7. The Developer shall enter into a mutually acceptable agreensnt id1 the Carlsbad Ihified. School Distric'i to provide for futurs school requirement: that; wrill result from the prcposed development. 8. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the con: period, the subdivider shall rnairl-takl passsa.ble vehicular access to all build: aid adequate fjre l^?ydrmis with required. fire flows shsll be installed as recc by the Fire Department. 9. RI1 public improvements shall be ma.de in cor-forrnity to the City of Carlsbad. Xngj.rieering Cesigi? Crlteria ad Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordimnce and other City Standards to the satisfaction of the City EngLneer w: cost to ths City cf Carlsbad, an5 free of all liens and encumbrances. Improm plans for water and sewer system shall meei the requirements of the respective service districts. 10. All drainage and gradirig plans shall. be approved by the City Engii 11. All utilities, including provisions €or cable TV, shall be placed underground and/or shall be corrpletely concealed from view. 92. All land and/or easements required by this Ordinance shall be gra to the City of Carlsbad. without cost to the City, and free of dl liens and el braces. -4- . 0 0 13- All facilities .;rov&d C,G adeqiiakely control d-rairage on the subj property shall he mirrtaineci by the property’ owner( s) 311 perpetuity, and egress from lots a’uutting qor: restricted access streets md roads over and a.cross the linss of said. lots ab~~ttkqg said streets and roads. Thi.: dedic s1ial.l be SO desimated on Lhe ce;+ific~.t.e sheet of the Find 14ap TJ;i;th t,bc ;in-le that ths omers of said lots ?;ill have no rights of access i,:hatsoever to said streets and roa.ds. lettered along -the road. adjacent to the lots affected. on the rmp proper. Lane sha.11 be considered to be a restricted access street in this instance. 11,. The Subdivider shall dedicate to the publ-ic all rights of ingress ’ D The tror.$s “access rights dedicated to the City“ shdl be Lagc 15. I Street nernes shzll- be subject to a.pproval and shall be designated accordance with the sta?dards ma policies adopted by the Planning Commission file in the ?laming Department. Said names shall be approved by the PianninE Director prior to recordation of the Fkial Map, 16, The proposed dedica”ii.on and irliprovements of Lagoon Lane ‘shall be comple-Led for the full. fron-tage of the subject property on the basis of a 99.5 foot full street, 30 foot wide green belt and. the adjacent fill slope shall be submitted as a part of the’ required improvement plms for the Planning Director’s considerati and approval. ?r.ior to the issumce of occupany clearance for the first resid and/or model of this subdivision the grsen belt area and adjacent slope shall landscaped and irrigated A detailed landscepe and irrigation plan for the proposed in a mmer acceptable to the Plzining Director. 17. Prior to any occupancy clearance, the proposed trunk line extensic from the Ponio ‘Trunk ].be to the -nro-posnCi pzrmp station at Lagoon Lane shall b? ~instanied in a manner acceptable? to the City En,‘ ?mew Thi.s subdivision shallJ be served €rom this prop~sed se-xr facility. this subdivision untLL pl.zns have been completed aid a clear indication ex.istE that %his proposed sever extension shzU exist at the time that it t&l be nee by khc dwelling inits in this subdivision, Xo perinits s1:d.I- be issued on 18. The parcel indicated on the Final Revised Tentative Pkp dated 9-17 as ‘ln~t; a pari?’ shall be designated. as a lot; and zn open space easement shall dedicated to the City of Carlsbad encoiilpassing Lhiu new lot, ATTACII~~JE~~ITS : -,=-x- - 1. 2. Lette;- from LC. Harmon - Carlsbad. IJnLfied School. District Letter from J,R<. Pierce - Carisbad I!h--&cipd I$ater District (2) -5- -_ 0- ,. c/;>, pl 7- p:'.j,, !,7. 7 J.pv'(fTTt-$ Cr?P r, ;T -.'-cy'T;i Tc $-,-\.-;L,i.-.!,>G ,>JI L \ La 2:Li-J L-: 'C/k uiu L'S, 3~ .LLA SO! PiKE ljVESt!E C A 17 LS I3 ,k I), C P, L 1 i? 0 !< N 1 A 9 2 0 Sept<?iii!)er 13, 1373 l?- *fj7 $3 7:7 -7 - .. i;d 1; JLd L,! >;A & . SEP i 7 5 City of Cai-I.sbd 1200 12:h Avenue Carlchd, Cnlifiornia 92008 Atten'cj-on: Mr. 1~o~inl.d A. AiJa-tep, Director Of ?I.ar,n:i.ng c:t-p: ()ir C/4fi.i Pia 11 Ei i i*iG ~-)qja k Gcn t 1. eiii en>. : Reference: CT 73-33 Sea Ranch The Governing Board of the sciiool district at a meeting held on Seyterilbex 11 , 1973 reviewed the information presented by your departnier on August 1.0, 1973 concerning a real estate develop;:ie1lt: 1:nor;in as CT 73- Sea Ranch, which .i.j.-ill consist oi approsiznately 331 individual. residenti homes As a rcsu1.i: of this re-~7ie~.:~, it is estiiimterl frcn the numb~i: and types c i:csidencc:!s planned 1.i1clt ~112 mci cipnt-ed number of school age c.hildren, Rindcr:;arten throuy;h 1.2th Grnde, rcsj-ding therein trill raIi&e from 360 1 3130 sixlm!::;. The dlistri ct does not have. EaciiFtLes to >rovide for c? sinzlc:-scssion --- ---- --- -_----- -.-L__ .-__ ----- -~--___--I_ __^I_ devclopi~~c1>t. -_ - . - . 111 addition, the district does not have any fui~ds to provi.de Tr,r facilities to iioilsc these children. To date, 120 agreement has been reached wi.th the subdivider to provide fi.izancia1 assj.stai1c.e for school facilitics which will be needcd if arid when these residences are constructed; Iio;,xvcr, the. disti:i.ct ndministra has hcLi ari i.ii€oi-na.?_ discussion L,,-;.ith the developer's repi:c.~~'iita~ive and vas irldi~c:al:ed tliat t!hc clcvelcpcr ~~oilld .cooperate by en.r:ering i.ii1:o ai zg merit:. It. is requested licit approval 0:' tliis proposcd residential deve-lc meill: be wi.t:lrhcld until a fix]:? agreeitmcnt is reached betvcex1 the dcveJ.opc: the Coverning Board of the district for pi-ovision of necessary school facilities. It wi.1-I. be greatly appreciated if copics of this letter ai-e liiade availa1 - _--_____ - .- -. - chi1 dren w:io vi1.I be residing in this proposed ---__~ c di.1 c ;j t; i O: i ~2 1 1) r o i: 1^ ai:; f 01 - ____ .- .___._. .- to memLers of the City Council and the Y4.anning Commission. Sincerely yours, 1 ) /f p-(+ I). (L.. 4 d/ p7/. c , cvlA.+ @I\ l-IO\$AI<il C . IIAEXQN D:i. :; t r i c t S upc r i n ten den t lWA : ilCll : ;\VJ A I 'J h I I N 1 SrV It /t ' r I ( ) N - 729-9291 P!annir;g De e 0 I " -r---l I ! I i CVr!tW!-'( if60 1 1 I 1 ! 4 v#tGi I ; ~r r. RCI 2965 Rooscveit St 0 P. 0. Go, 1025 0 Carlsbdd, California 97033 e 1714) 729 1 194 August 14, 1373 $p$7 ----- - pL i \I _1 MI-. Donald A. Agatep City of CarlslJad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad , Cal i f. 92008 Director of Planning 4,t L,! -?L! - - tUt: 15 197: Subject: Sea Ranch --.c :lJj3&& d, 74T%rJ&*u- - 3 c7-a 9 CITY GF CARL3 P 14 :I I 1 I CI g De pa It113 Specific Plan No. 138 Carlsbad IY2unicipal la!at.er District Dear Mr. Agatcp: Th-is office hzs revie!!eci the subject project and has made the fol1 owi iig deternii na tions : 1. This area is within the retail service area of the Carl sbad r4uni ci pal i!a'cer Distri ct. 2. The project will be required to comply with all of the requirements of the Carlsbad Munl'cipzl Water District. If you have any questions or require additional information please corilacl. this ofVice. Vpry ~Cluly yo[Lrs, John R. Pierce, Project Engineer jLq! if? &"<;<!-?/; cc: Carlsbad idunicipal \#!ater District JRP/sp 73GY In @tan23 County, Santa Aria . 211 I in the Environmental Iropact Report (EIS-il4) which had bee I 7 81 l cgnditions: - i I. I he recorded restrictions for the subdivision s 14 hereafter, may be in force fcr the purzcse of p the residential characteristics of adjacent pro 3. Prior to consideration of the Final Map and Imp I 19 20 I 1 I vised tentatjve map dated September 17, 1973, s 1 4. That Lots No's. t3 288, and 289, as shown on the f shown on th? approved landsmpe plan (see =16) 22 23 24 25 gated and shall b2 added to the adjacent 30 foo green belt. Said landscape plan shall show a rn 5 foot high solid decorativa block wall on the I j of the lot pads. 5. Park-in-lieu .r 1ee5 shall be 5-anted to t:-;e City I i approval of the Final Map. 1 ! j , 11 13. All facilities provided to adequately control dr I on the subject property shall be maintained by t I i 14 14. The Subdivider shall dedicate to the public all ingress 2nd egress from lots abtitting upon restr streets and roads over and across the lines of 5 1 abutting said streets and roads. This dedicatic 20 j designated in accordance with the standards and i adopted by the Planning Commission on file in tb 7 NOES: Flone 11 13: 92 EA DOMIMGUEZ, Chairman ATTEST: 3.13 29 21 2o 1 I i 1 23 24 i I ' 3 2l A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COVXCIL OF WE CITY CY CA!?LSgJ-Tl, C!ALIsO2NIA, APPROVING IdITfL COKDIT-JO?JS TENTATI'(IE ?GAP (cr 73-39 ) TO ALL()!.! I 5 ADJACENT TO LAGOON L.4-NE, O&' I?~TERSECTION OF PO~?dSET'TIA LANE AND 350 FEET SOUTHERLY 6i LAGOON LANZ. (Rancho L;a-.Coska Pactnership, Ltd. '- Donald B. Ayres) i l7 I O'<ii u:, zb )_>GO zp y >+ [= 19 d 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 *i3 s%2$ 18, vc-m Q t u t project covered by 51s 114: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of. City of Carlsbad, as follovs: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That Tentative ?YELP (CT 73-35).) Fs heyeby a?,pr.o?ied., subject to the execution arJd/o- fc.ifillment of the followir conditions: 1. The recorded reskrictions for. the subdivisior shall include the rr.ininum lot size and width requiremnts, evidence of which sha.11 be submittc to the Cit:y Planning Director prior to approval c the Final :.izp. The r?inimurn for this subdivision shall be 7500 square foot Lot witin a mFriimu.Ki of 60 feet of' lot width. 2. The development of "Le property described herein shall be sihject to the restrictions and iimitaLions set forth hzrein which are 5.n add.itic to all the requirexefits, linitations and restrict of all mtinicipal ord-inances and State 2nd Federal 30 32 31! statutes nox in force, or which, he-r.eafter, may k cha.rzcteris:lcs of adjacent properties, in force for the pupose of preserving th? resid[ I 1 I ! 8/ 91 5. An open space easement shall be granted to City of Carlsbad for that slope area shown adja to La,v,oon Lane for the full frontage of the sub- 11 6. The developer is encouraged to work with tl Carlsbad Unified School District to provide for future school requireriients that will result fror i 17 1 and Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordinance ar other City Standards to the satisfaction of the 11 21 'I I 11 access rights dedicated to the City," shall be lettered along the road adjacent to the lots aff on the na? proper. Lagoon Lane shall be consid. to be a restricted access street in this instanc i I 4, 5 shall be designated in accordance with the stand and policies adopted by the Flanning Commission file in the Planning Department. Said names sha be approved by the Planning Director prior to 8 15. ' The proposed dedication and improvement of Lane shall be completed for the ful.1 frontage of the subject proper'ty on the 'oasis of a 39.5 foot 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 street. A detailed landscape and irrigation pla the proposed 30 foot side green belt and the adj fill slope shall be submitted-as a part of the required improvement Plans for the Planning Dire consideration and appvoval. Prior to this issua of occilpancy clearance for the first residence a model of this subdivision, the green belt area a1 adjacent slope shall be landscaped and irrigated manner acceptable to the Planning Director. 16. Prior to any occupancy clearnace, the propo trunk line extension from the Ponto Trunk line t~ proposed pump station at Lagoon Lane shall be in I in a maimer acceptable to the City Engineer. Th subdivision shall be served from this proposed SI facility. If the City Engineer determines this a feasible solution, the developer should provid alternate solution to the satisfaction of the Ci Engineer. No pemits shall be issued on this su' vision until plans have been completed and a cle I indication exists that this proposed sewer exten shall exist at the time that it will be needed b dwelling units in this subdivision. 17. The varcel indicated on the Final Revised T'c tive Map hated 9-17-73 as "not a part'' shall be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad encompassing ti That said Tentative Map together with the prov;s I iits design and improvement and subject Eo the above conditic 'consistent with all appLica3le general and specific plans o - ~ new lot. C. I 27 28 29 I,,' /// //, 32 I,,/ 7i I I -- 55 a 6& .I5 009~ 16 z 5' 0 0Z;fi mU.J 17 u: -?I< [r 2 6 :: ;- uz~~4 18' 3c 2 19 q4: 0 2o 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 t - 0 i I I I, 1 I 1