HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-07; City Council; 2190; Unicorn St and Alga Rd 12 Unit Condominium-?-^~/ - ' v ™QiTY OF CARLSPAD, CALIFoQlA Agenda Bill Mo. a?/f<9 ' ' . • : Date November 7, 1973 Referred Jo: CITY COUNCIL Subject: TENTATIVE MAP(CT 73-43) for ROBERT PARKER: Submitted Byi Request for approval of a Tentative Map to:permit develop- ' ment of a 12 unit condominium project, on property generally PLANNING COMMISSION located between Unicornio St. and Alga Road, east of Corintia • i/ ^Street, in La Costa. _J ; ' '' " .Statement of the Matter - • * At their regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 9th day of October, 1973, the Planning Commission did hear a request by ROBERT PARKER for approval- of a Tentative Map (CT 73-43} to permit the development of a 12 unit condominium project on property generally located between Unicornio Street and Alga Road, east of Corintia Street in La Costa. . .. ' . • After discussion of this project between the Commissioners and Applicant, the Planning Commission did adopt Resolution #971, per reasons stated in Staff Report, and for reasons contained therein^ approving th|s Tentative. Map., Exh i b i t 1. Certification of .Ownership 2. Staff Report dated 10-9-73 - " 3. Applicant's Exhibit (Map) 4. Planning Commission Resolution #971, approving Tentative Map 5. City Council Resolution No. " Sjtaf f Recommenda11 ons to the City Manager Staff recommends approval per conditions contained in attached staff report and Resolution No. 971. A-B No.Date: November 7, 1973 City Manager's Recommendation This tentative map will permit the development of a 12 unit condominium and the zoning is proper. The City Council should satisfy itself that the developer has made the necessary -arrangements wi-th the school district in accordance with the proposed school policy. The City Manager concurrs with the staff recommendations. Council'Action 11-8-73 Continued to the next regular meeting, at request of applicant, to allow time to comply with school policy. 11-21-73 Resolution -No. 3256 was adopted by title only with further reading waived, approving Tentative Map - CT 73-43 (Robert Parker) -2- -Ll;CATIQ?i FOR APPROVAL TENTATI^ "RACT MAP EXECUTED AT ' ' Carlsbad; -California • (City) DATE Augusf 29,-1973 OWNER AND/OR. OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: (State) Robert H. Parker TSignature, 110 West "C" Street, Suite 1901 " (Mailing Address) San Diego, California 92101 (City and State) '. (Area Code) 714 - 232-7531 (Telephone Number) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS (Notary Public) DAY OF a OFFICIAL SEAL ^r^fpfj MARILYN ALBERTSEN ^fUfijfl NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA ^igjgr' SAN DIEGO COUNTY My Comroission Expires June 26, 1977 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING. DEPARTMENT 'STAFF REPORT FOR OCTOBER 9» 1973 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT ON: CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE MAP CASE NO: CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73-43 APPLICANT: ROBERT PARKER no West "C" Street • Suite 1901 San Diego, California 92101 t I. GENERAL INFORMATION; - A A« Reque st; The applicant is requesting approval of a tentative map to gllnw the development of 12 condominium units on .9 acre of land generally located .between Unicornio Street and Alga Road, east of Corintia Street in La Costa. B. Zoning and General Plan; 1. Zoning: Existing - RD-M Proposed - RD-M Adjacent - West: R-l • Other: RD-M 2. General Plan; The approved La Costa Master Development Plan designates this area as "RD-M Density" Residential (43 dwelling units per acre). The applicant is proposing 13.3 dwelling units per acre. C. Environmental Impact Considerations; The applicant has submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment per City requirements and the Planning- Director •has declared that this development would have a "non-significant" impact on the environment. II. CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE MAP NO. CT 73-43: • A. Description of Application; The applicant proposes to develop 12 condominium units on .9 acre. There are four R-l lots directly to the west of the subject property. t B. Staff Recbmmendation; Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that Tentative Map No. CT 73-43 BE APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. The development of the property described herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all the requirements, limitations and restrictions of all municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes now in force, or which, hereafter, may be in force for the purpose of preserving the residential characteristics of adjacent properties. 2. Park-in-lieu fees shall be paid to the City prior to approval of the Final Map. 3. The Developer shall enter into a mutually acceptable agreement with the Escondido and Richmar Union School Districts to provide for future school requirements that will result from the proposed development. 4. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings, and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. 5. All public improvements shall be made in conformity to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad, and free of all liens and encumbrances. Improvement plans for water and sewer system shall meet the requirements of the respective service districts. 6. All drainage and grading plans shall be approved by the City Engineer. 7. All utilities, including provisions for cable TV, shall be placed under- " ground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. 8. No trenching shall be allowed in Unicornio Street or Alga Road. All utility connections shall be approved by the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall create, and hereafter maintain, a Homeowner's Association for maintenance of landscaping, drainage and recreation areas. 10. The C.C. & R's for this development shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. 11. A 6 foot high, solid, view-obscuring fence shall be constructed and main- tained along the westerly property line. 12. Full frontage improvements, including sidewalk and street lights, shall be installed along Alga Road as required by the City Engineer. ATTACHMENTS; 1. Letter from San Diego Gas & Electric Company-dated September 28, 1973 2. Letter from the S.D. Department of Sanitation & Flood Control - dated September 24, 1973 • 3. Letter from J.B. Askew, M.D., Director of Public Health - dated September 24, 1973, 4. Memorandum from the Fire Department - dated September 27, 1973. — 2 — " GAS Si ELECTRIC COMPANY September 28, 1973 N , LNH 100 T> City of Carlsbad- Planning Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen: TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAPS Tract 73-^5 73-U8 73-^7 73-^3 73-2 Variance Plat V-231 OCT 1 1373 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department We have reviewed the above mentioned tentative subdivision maps and variance plat and find no conflict in relation to San Diego Gas & Electric Company's major facilities. Sincerely, C" S Larry L.' Kelly •'_/ Right of ¥ay Agent LLK:ldr Phone: 232-4252 Extension: 1101 COUNTY OF SJN DIEGO PUBLIC WORiW^GENCY Department of Sanitation & Flood Control C.J.HOUSON f J . 565-5347 " or County Operations Centsr, 5555 Gvsrland Avenue, San Diego, California S2123 Telephone: 'Yl-$&t%%. 24 September 1973 Mr. Donald Agatep, Director Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street . '•-..- Carlsbad, CA 92008. . .• '-•..-'•;•' SUBJECT: Flood Hazard Report for Carlsbad Tract" 73-43:' j - ' t »fc -•&••••'"* " ' "' ' , - We acknowledge your letter of 17 September 1973 with request for comment. This subdivision is located on the north side of Alga Road and about 130 feet easterly of Corintia Street. We have investigated the property, and it is our opinion that this property is reasonably free of flood hazard from external sources. This report concerns conditions brought about by external runoff and does not apply to conditions resulting from internal runoff. Please refer all requests for copies of this flood-hazard letter to this office. C. J. HOUSON . ' Principal Civil Engineer HS:pg - Copy: State of California, Dept. of Real Estate County Engineer: -Mr. R. Rogers Healtla Department: Mr. Jack Whitman CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008Q. cOAf) Planning Department September aU, 1973 Mr. Donald A. Agatep . . . Director of Planning City of Carlsbad ' - • - 1200 Elm Avenue . Carlsbad, CA 92003 ' Dear Mr. Agatep: Your request forour recommendations concerning the tentative Map of the sub division to be kncnm as CT 73-$a submitted by I«£r. Robert K. Parker has been received and reviewed by this departnent. This subdivision -would be acceptable to the Department of Public Health pro vided : 1. All domestic -water supplied to this subdivision comes from the San I»fe.rcos County Water District. 2. . All buildings constructed in this subdivision are connected to the Leucadia County Hater District. 3. The sower ana v/ater lines are not laid in the same trench in any part of this subdivision. * » h. Proper drainage is maintained throughout the subdivision so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface "vv Thank you for giving us the opportunity -to make recommendations concerning the proposed subdivision. , Very truly yours, J. B. ASKI3i;-7, M.D. Director of Public Health cc : .?odor.?.l -Lousing Administration ••---.-.v .-. Adninir; brat ion - • •: ^ of H-al Mutate (Sub. See.) O 'NTER-DSPARTMEN MORANDUM -'---oep- &? ™ i-MT- - REPLY ON THIS SHEET FROM A. WOLENCHUK B/C PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 971 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL, APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP(CT 73-43) TO PERMIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 12 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN UNICORNIO STREET AND ALGA ROAD, EAST OF CORINTIA STREET IN LA COSTA, APPLICANT: ROBERT PARKER. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, did receive a verified application from ROBERT PARKER requesting approval of a tentative subdivision map (CT 73-43) to allow the development of a 12 unit condominium project on property generally located between Unicornio Street and Alga Road, east of Corintia Street in La Costa, more particularly described as: Lot 427, La Costa Meadows Unit No. 3, per Map No. 7076 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and has been declared to have a non-significant impact on the environment; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did find that the subject tentative map does substantially comply with the City of Carlsbad Subdivision Regulations and the STate of California Subdivision Map Act; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is recommending Park-In-Lieu fees for the following reasons: 1. Carlsbad Municipal Code requires fees to be paid on subdivisions with less than 50 lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning*Commission of the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby recommend approval to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad of the herein described Tentative Map (CT 73-43), subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. The development of the property described herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all the requirements, limitations and restrictions of all municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes now in force, or which, hereafter may be in force for the purpose of preserving the residential characteristics of adjacent properties. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. Park-in-lieu fees shall approval of the Final Map. be paid to the City prior to 3. The Developer shall enter into a mutually acceptable agreement with the Escondido and Richmar Union School Districts to provide for future school requirements that will result from the proposed development. 4. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings, and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. 5. All public improvements shall be made in conformity to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to the Satisfaction of the City Engineer, with- out cost to the City of Carlsbad, and free of all liens and encumbrances. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the respective service distric 6. All drainage and grading plans shall be approved by the City Engineer. 7. All utilities, including provisions for cable TV, shall be placed underground and/or shall be completely con- cealed from view. 8. No trenching shall be allowed in Unicornio Street or Alga Road. All utility connections shall be approved by the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall create, and hereafter maintain, a Homeowner's Association for maintenance of landscaping, drainage and recreation areas. 10. The C.C.& R.'s for this development shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. 11. A 6 foot high, solid,, view-obscuring fence shall be constructed and maintained along the westerly property line. 12. Full frontage improvements, including sidewalk and street lights, shall be installed along Alga Road as required by the City Engineer. ! PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cit of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on the 9th day of October, 1973 by the following vote, to wit; AYES: .Commissioners Dominguez Palmateer and Little Jose, Casler, Wrench, NOES: ABSENT: None Commissioner Forman DONALD A. AGATEP, Secret COC/3 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 § 15en OU.-Ii°l|9fc $2 m O 5 J •IS m 16 17 >-H O §§ 18 " 03W « 19 o 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO.3256 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CON- DITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-43) TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 12-UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN UNICORNIO STREET AND ALGA ROAD, EAST OF CORINTIA STREET IN LA COSTA, APPLICANT: ROBERT PARKER WHEREAS, on the 9th day of October, 1973, the Planning Com- mission of the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution No. 971 recommending to the City Council that Tentative Map (CT 73-43) be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on the 21 st day of November , 1973, considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and has been declared to have a nonsignificant impact on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended Park-in-Lieu fees for the following reasons: 1. Carlsbad Municipal Code requires fees to be paid on subdivisions with less than 50 lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That Tentative Map (CT 73-43) is hereby approved, subject to the exeuction and/or fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. The development of the property described herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all the requirements, limita- tions and restrictions of all municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes now in force, or which hereafter may be in force for the purpose of preserving the residential characteristics of adjacent properties. CO m3 §• s! 8"- < O1° <O u_ S — °° ig2: - iu S;O > > ^°3<„ IU O CQCO P cc . o H' o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 li 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. Park-in-Lieu fees shall be to approval of the Final Map. paid to the City prior 3. The Developer is encouraged to work with the Escondido and Richmar Union School Districts to pro- vide for future school requirements that will result from the proposed development. 4. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings, and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall ment. be installed as recommended by the Fire Depart- 5. All public improvements shall be made in conform- ity to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engin- eer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad, and free of all liens and encumbrances. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the respective service districts. 6. All drainage and grading plans shall be approved by the City Engineer. 7. All utilities, including provisions for cable TV, shall be placed underground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. 8. No trenching shall be allowed in Unicornio Street . or Alga Road. All utility connections shall be ap- proved by the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall create, and hereafter maintain, a Homeowner's Association for maintenance of landscap- ing, drainage and recreation areas. 10. The C.C.& R.'s for this development shall be sub- mitted to the Planning Director for review and approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. 11. A 6-foot high, solid view-obscuring fence shall be constructed and maintained along the westerly property 1 ine. 12. Full frontage improvements, including sidewalk and street lights, shall be installed along Alga Road as required by the City Engineer. C. That said Tentative Map together with the provisions for its design and improvement and subject to the above condi- tions, is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. o PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 21st day of November | 1973, by the following vote, to wit: 14 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilman Dunne. 4 sli 6 7 8 9 10 11 ATTEST: 12 13 MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk Councilmen McComas , Lewis, Chase and Frazee DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor |3 8 o:< 8 O u- ^ - ° ° z i VINCENT F. BICATTORNEY - CIT1200 ELM A\:ARLSBAD, CALIFi-o 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i 32 (Seal)