HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-07; City Council; 2207; Traffic singal installation - La Costa Ave... . 3 THE -1TY OF CARLSFAD, CALI FORN '- -Agenda Bi 11 '40. 2dd' -4 Date Nov. 7, 1973 - Referred To: zl& Subject: ' Submitted By: Traffic signal installation 5 La Costa Ave. Acting Public Works and El Camino Real - agreement with County Director b! ,ffl of San Diego - - Statement of the Matter This item is being submitted for Council consideration and approval of agreement between the City of Carlsbad and County of San Diego regarding traffic signal installation at La Costa Ave. and El Camino Real. The La Costa Land Co. requested, in the spring of 1973, that the City install a traffic signal at La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real. The County was contacted, and advised the City that this intersection met the traffic signal warrants and was number 14 on their priority list for construction. After further discussions, the developer agreed to participate in the traffic signal construction. A deposit of $22,000 is to be made in conjunction with Carlsbad Tract 72-20. The City has negotiated an agreement with the County for installation of a traffic signal. The County is to provide design, inspection and construction, and the City is to pay 1/2 of all costs, estimated to .be $44,000. The City's share is to be deposited with the County prior to contract award. Exhibit 1. Resolution ~0.32bf Staff Recommendations to the City Manager Adopt Resolution No. 3zdfauthorizing Mayor to sign the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego. . AB No. c . Date: Nov. 7, 1973 . .. City Manager's Zecomrnenda tion .- . This agenda bill provides for consideration and approval. of an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego rtega-rding traffic signal installation at La-Costa and El Camino Real. The County will be expected to pay $22,000.00 toward the cost of this signal and a lLke amount will be paid by the City. The $22,000.00 paid by the City-of Carlsbad will be the $22,000.00 deposited by La Costa Land Company. If, after .the traffic signal policy has been determined, and -under the provisions of the policy, if the La-Costa Land Company share is Jess than the.$22,000.00 which they put up, then it is expected that the diffecence will be - returned to La Costa Land Company or else they will receiue a credit for same. .* It is recommended that the City Council proceed wi.th this matter. .. Council Action 11-7-73 . Resolution No. 3268 authorizing the Mayor to sign agre-ement between -the City and County re traffic signal installation, adopted. .. RESOLUTION N0.3268 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA,AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF LA COSTA AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, California, is hereby authorized and directed to execute that certain Agreement with the County of San Diego for the construction and installatio of a fully-actuated traffic signal at the Intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 7th day of November , 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES: . None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST : u I ': /' (=-- A G R E E ?f E N T - THIS AGREEFlENT is made by THE CITY OF CAP,LSB-AD, a municipal corporation herein called "City," and the COUNTY OF SAii DIEGO, a political subdivision of the State of California, herein called "County". RECITALS A. City and County desirefo wter into a joint City-County cooperative agrement to construct certain traffic signalization and safety lighting (herein called "Project:') at the intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real, in the vicinity of Carlsbad, which lies partly within the c- . / County and partly within the Ci-ty. .. _. j z : B. City and County mutually desire to proceed with construction of the Project and to share equally in the cost of construction thereof. NOW TIEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the mutual obligations of the parties as herein expressed, City and County agree as -follows : 1. IMPROVEMENTS. The City and County shall construct a traffic signal and safety lighting system at the intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real. fiscal year. Work on this project is planned for the 1973-74 2. DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. In general the distribution of the work and the responsibility therefor is as follows: a. Tine County shall design and prepare plans and specifications for the improvement and shall cause the ;project to be constructed. b. The County shall provide all inspection and contract management services. I ;, ' I -2- L. I C. d. e. 3. The County shall furnish the City a reproducible set of plans and specifications. The County shall fknish the Controller to be installed by the contractor awarded the contract for this project. The County shall be strictly accountable for all funds expended or received pursuant to this agreement and shall furnish the City with a final report thereof, within 90 days after accept- ance of the contract by the Board of Supervisors. APPROVAL OF PLANS. The Plans for the improvement shall be _- J approved by the City Engineer on behalf of the City and by the County Engineer on behalf of the County prior to calling for bids. 4. PAYMENT, All costs incurred by the County for preliminary engineering, design, construction engineering expense, contract costs including advertising, construction, Controller, inspection, contract management service and all related payroll additives and overhead costs in accordance with standard accounting practive, shall be shared equally by.the City and the County. The City shall reimburse the County for its one-half share of all costs. It is estimated the City's share will be $21,000. The actual amount of the City's share will be determined after award and completion of the construction contract, but in no event shall City's share exceed $21,000 unless othemise provided in a subsequent agreement between City and County. 5. DEPOSIT BY THE CITY, After approval by the County of the lowest responsible bid but prior to the award of contract, the City shall deposit with the County the City's share of the estimated total cost o€ the project. 6. FINAL DETTER"NATI0LU OF COST-PAYNENT. After final determination of the total cost the County shall bill the City for any deficiency, or reinburse the City for- any excess, in City's deposit to accomplish the eqml sharing of costs hereinabove provided, City to the County 30 days after receipt- by the City of such a bill. Final payment shall be due from the 7, EIAINTENANCE. City hereby agrees to maintain, operate and repair the entire installation, including the traffic signals, lighting system, and to pay the cost of power therefor, subject to reimbursement by County as specified in paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 of this Agreement. 8. City will furnish and perform all routine maintenance and inspection services necessary to keep the facilities specified in paragraph 7 of this Agreement in satisfactory working condition. following : patrolling, emergency service, relamping, painting of lamps and heads, necessary minor repairs and adjustments, and replacement for routine maintenance purposes of Controller equipment, detectors, poles, heads and Such services will include the ., -- ~ lamps. City shall supply aY necessary spare equipment; provided, however, that installation of additional equipment or facilities shall not be considered routine maintenance under the provisions of this paragraph. County shall pay to the City seventy-five percent (75%) of a flat monthly rate acceptable to the County Engineer for said routine maintenance and . inspection, at a rate not to exceed that charged by the County for similar routine maintenance and inspection service rendered by the County to various cities within the County. City'may adjust said monthly maintenance charge annually at the beginning of each fiscal year subject to the approval of the County Engineer. 9. City shall perform all extraordinary maintenance service, including replacement and/or addition of major equipnent required because o I? obsolescence, i.:ear or inadequacy, and repair of expensive damage due to vandalism, collisions, or any other cause. of the costs of labor, parts and equipment used and/or actually expended in County shall reirrburse City for seventy-five percent (75%) /- 9w ' ,I ,-.- -4- I- ,, * k performing said extraordinary maintenance, plus normal overhead charges charged by City for work for other local governmental entities. 10. Electrical energy costs for said traffic signal and safety lighting system shall be paid by City; provided, however, that County shall reimburse City for seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of such electrical energy. ll. City shall bill County quarterly for the costs and charges for the preceding quarter due to City, pursuant to paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 above, Bills for extraordinary maintenance, including both replacement and repair, shall show an itemization of the costs of labor, parts and equipment used and/or expended in each particular instance. _- Payment shall be made by County to City within thirty (30) days after receipt of said bills, 12. This Agreement may be terminated at any time after the completion of the construction of the traffic signal and safety lighting system by either party upon giving thirty (30) days prior written notice of intent to terminate. IH WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the City of Carlsbad, acting by and through its City Council, and by the County of San Diego, acting by and through the Board of Supervisors. .,? Dated this day of , 1973. :omim OF SAii DIEGO THE CITY OF C-ARi3BA.D BY 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 June 15, 1973 Mr. Irv Rosten La Costa Land Co. Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Traffic Signal at El Camino Zeal and La Costa Avenue Dear Mr. Rosten: TELEPHONE: (714) 729-1 181 The City has been requested by the County of San Diego to participate in the installation of a traffic signal at La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real. At the Council meeting of June 5, 1973, the Council was advised that installation of this signal would cost approximately $44,000, of which one-half or $22,000, would be borne by San Diego County. An agreement between your company and the City covering the installation of the signal should be completed prior to Council consideration of any additional developments within the La Costa area funneling traffic onto La Costa Avenue. May I suggest you meet with the City Staff to work out details of your participation so this matter may be resolved as soon as ppssible. . Vice-Mayor GEM : mem cc: City Council City Manager City Attorney Pub1 i c Works Di rector .