HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-20; City Council; 2208; REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT & APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO PLAN FOR SDG&E TO ALLOW REPLACEMENT OF 4 STACKS LOCATED EAST OF PACIFIC OCEAN & SOUTHERLY OF NORTH SHORE OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOOON1 .-L- y-. d *. b eF()rlTY OF CARLSFAD, CALq3w.4 . .= 9 I. 'I , Ageiida Ei 11 3!0,2208 Date November 21 t 0 .. . +. . Rcferrcd .To: - Subject: Request for. approval of a Final tnvironmental impact Submitted BY: Report and approval of an amendment to a Spekific Plan, for 4 existing stacks. by one single stack, on property generally located east of the Pacific Ocean and:southerly of the north shore of the. I + SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, to allow the replacement of ! :{ PLANNINE CO MM I S S 1 AguaKedi oncia iagogn . -4. .1111 - -Statement - of the Matter -- . Condition #5 !of Ordinance Sib?, adopted by the City Council on August'3; 1971, resi the hel'ght of all structures of San Diego Gas and Electric holdings to the height c the facl'litl'es that were in existence at that tihe, or in the case of new structure - heights would be restricted to 35 ft. unless a Specific Plan was approved at .a pub1 hearing . In order to permit the proposed 400 ft. single stack, au. Amendment to-the Specific Plan, which is Ordinance 9279., was submitted by S.D.G.&E. Stack would replace 4 exi.sting stacks, on property generally located east of the Pacific Ocean and southerly of the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The purpose of the stack is to ensure that concentrations of SO2 emissions by the Encina Power Plant for Units 1-5, wou3d not exceed maximum 24 hour concentrations set forth by the State Air Resources Board standards for ambient air quality. After hearing those wishing to speak at the public hearing, the Planning Commissior diad adopt Resolution No. 986 approving the Fitial- Environmental Impact Report as in the staff report and subject to Conditions 1-11, with conditions #8 & TO being amended to read, as shown in the Resoluti-on. It should be noted that no one spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment. Exhibit 1. Apg-ication c 2. Staff report dated Nov. 13, 1973 with attachments. .. 3. 4. App1icant's;exhibit (Map) u. blby b3wiLl I 7. City Council Ord-inance No. 9372 . The 400 ft. single . - presented, and adopting an amendment to the Specific Plan, for the reasons outline( EIS (previously sent to City Council) c 5. Planning r:c.. r Comm. -.I Resolution 986 accepting EIR & approv'ing SP-144. L. 9-7- JLI J e _Staff Reconmendst ions Staff recommends approval as per reasons and condi ti ons out1 i ned in : attached staff report and Planni-ng Commission Resolution No. 986. ! \* s*p -a * ** .;c I .. November 20, 19; . .. ,. fiu XO. .w 00- I, t() ,* .. .. -f .* s -- 7% 8 .. * -b .. .- City Efanayer's Reconmendation -- ., - . concur with .recommendations of the P.1anni-ng Commission . - * and the -staff-. *:. - * .- e .. - -. - . * -0 .- .. - i .. .. - .. .- .- .. * - Counci 2 * ~c ti on -- . - - 11n20y73 'Ordinance No. 9372;' amending Ordinance No. 9279., by amendin the Specific Plan, was gi;en a first reading by title-only with further reading waived. Further; approval W~S given ' . the Final Environmental Impact Report. . 1'2-4173- irdinance No. 9372 was given atid second reading by'title on' and adopted. .. 5 . . - .. . *. . . .. .. .* .. .. .. . a:*. .. ' -. . e .# -2- x :--LJ LTaTb\x- ~-. --cq --'r3lS-.c-*Y--L 1- i--Jhli_ m 2ayr CGU '5 cA% cocg .L '.A .- .z .. -2 23 G1E I CITY 0' CAilL53Ail A??pyiTIC'; ;sz ,&ct:?TIg;i OF I b 4) $\GO -__ -_ x-wi si;Ccq,:ic >my- I Ll\ SPECIFIC: ?LA?; 1'10. s/< Q,!,TE : iiLIP:G FEE 2;cElP-r ;io. 7zT-F x x x h x x X K x x Y x T x x ;T 'C :c rx i. A REGYEST IS HERESY MADE TO AD83T AN AIGXOED SPECIFIC PLOT (Speciflc or Master Pian FOR PRC?L;RTY DESCRIBED AS: (exact legal description)- A portion of Lot Rancho Agua Hedionda, in tk-2 County of San Diego, and a portion of Lot i Awa Hedionda, WaD 823, in the City of Carlsbad, and a gortion of Block Palisades Noo 2, Map 1803 in the City of Carlsbad, Cow-ty of San Diego, California: Also, being Parcel 6, Dage 07, Book 206; Parcels 2L, 25, 26 Page 01, Book 210; Parcel 21, pzge 21, Book 211, and parcel 14, page 01: of the Assessor's Max! of San Diego Cou.ntyo --- THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIF4 IS ADDRESSED AS 4600 'Carlsbad Boulevard West AND IS LOCATED ON THE (North , South, East, SIDE OF Carlsbad Boulevard BETbEEN Cannon Road (Flame of Street) (Name of Street) Chinquapin Avenue (Flame of Street) 11. I The undersigned state that San Die o c-2 ( I, we) -mTFf-m- Conpzny is /the Owner of the! property described herein and heret give our authorization to the filing of this applici 7 Ownw/Owners ) (;fly, Our) (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Name : Sa Diewo Gas & Electric Comcany, a, cor-ooration Signature I Name : ( Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Si Sna ture : ;lame : (Typed or Printed as shown or, Recorded Deed) Signature: Narn? : - (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) - Signature: I_ - f - - .r- 31 27 0,. I,.? 7 i 1 (-a<: ~ Cn e. .__.___ r z Hi. E,'(;'S TIrjG Z()ljE CF SLISjEST ~9~3"~%T'/ _Public Utility (P-u) Yes, YES Pi0 . :;AS ,4 [f/l,STER ??,4r<j /3EEN R?PF;,3l/ED? DATE: -4ues.t; 3, 1971 OI,IINER AND/OP, 0':ljNER I S AUTHORIZED AGENT AF F I DAY IT (I STATE OF CALI FORN IA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) SS CITY OF San Diego ) 1, (WE!), HaSold E. Ric'mond' declare to the best of and correct under the penalty of purjury: EXECUTED AT Sen Diego, California (City) (State) (i4on t h ) (Day 1 (Year) beiag duly sworn depose and {name ) ITlIT know!edge that the foregoing is trl (my, our ) DATE APPLICANT, OWNER AND/OR OW?4ER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: Harold E. Richmond (Print Name) (Si gna ture) Post Office Box 1831 (Hai f i ng Address 1 (City and State) Sa& Diepo, California 32112 1 SUBSCRIGED A:!D SNORN TO EEFORE ff1E THIS DAY OF (Area Code) (Telephone ( (Notary Pub1 ic) .t a. 0. ,,T;r;"--" , I--- ,, -.t,Ii-iL/,+,-> :?. ?:-Afi Ap'LICATIO>i ._- ----- I F g ,; 2 * :-; 7 T r : .' I ' r-, -.-,-,-. 1. Flt1;i; rtts: 5100.00 plus S2.W For each dwellifig unit. 2. 3. THIS 8wLiCfimg:i SHALL BE FGR:+~Y Film 01': rHE FIRST MOI?IDAY OF THE PUSLIC HEARING AT THE PLANFIil"i5 CO,?YISSIOM LEVEL \!ILL 5E HELD THE %TIT9 - Or4 THE SECOYD TUESDAY OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH. IN ADDITION TO HA\IIi'.IG THIS A?PLICATION COPlPLETELY FiLLED OUT, THE FOLLOSiIl'JC ITEMS MUST BE ATTACHED: L. A. SPECIFIC PLAN prepared in accordance with Chapter 21,38,060 of the Carlsbad P4unicSpal Code. (28 coptes 8 'I sepia] 6. 300 FOOT RADIUS MAP - A map to scale not less than f"=200' showing each lot t1ithi.n 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property, the zone classification of each within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property, and each lot within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property shall bt consecutively numbered to correspond with the property owners' list. r C. PROPERTY OIdNERS' LIST - A typewritten list showing the number of eac lot from item 2 above, followed by the owner's name and address. Ir addition, the applicant must file an affidavit that it is an accurat list taken from the latest equalized assessment roll on file in the office of the Assessor of San Diego County, 855 Wifliarnston Street, Vista, California. (phone: (714) 724-8571 1. *_ x******************* OFFICIAL US€ ONLY DATE RECEIVED: FORMAL FILING DATE: APPROVED FOR FILi;;,; \+JITH THE PLANT\JII,!G CCiX4ISSION BY: (Planning Departnent) I, PRE-FI!I?i'j XETIiiS A.2pticant, Pfng & Enyf. eta7 EIA short form to be filed. - A. Application complete 8. EIS as required. Preliminary report to the Rev- Comm (applicant present) EiA to be included. - A. their findings shall b2 by Resolution A. this public hearing shall be held :iithin 30 days after receipt of the P.C.RF-S, 4 @ CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 PLANNING DEPAP,TME&T STAFF REPORT FGR NOVEMBER 13, 1973 TO : FLAF\iM 1 I\(G COMM i SS ION REPO3T ON: CONSIDERATION OF FINAL E.1 .R. CONSIDERATION OF Al.1ENDMENT TO SPECIFIC PLAN SP- 144 CASE NOS: E.I.S.-205 APPLICANT: H. E. RICHMOND FOR SAN DIEGO GAS e! ELECTRIC CONPAW P.O.Box 1837 San Diego, Calif. 92112 I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 A. Request: That the Planning Cornmission accept the Final Environinen Impact Report and approve an Amendment to a Specific Plar, to permit the con- struction of a 400 ft. single stack to replace the four existing stacks, at the Encina Power Plant on property known as a Portion of Lot F, Rancho Agua Hedionda and a portion of Block W, Palisades No. 2. Based upon the recornnendati on of the P1 anning Commi ssi o the City Council, by Ordinance llo. 9279, dated August 3, 1971, did approve a specific plan on the subject property. The .subject property, containing some 680 acres is located east of the Pacific Ocean southerly of the north shore o Agua Hedionda Lagoon. 11. CONSIDERATION OF E.I.S. NO. 205 B. 2- Backoround 1 Said property is zoned P-U (Public Utility). A. Background: Upon notification of the staff that S.D.G.&E. intended t modify the existing stack system, the City did enter into an agreement with Westec Services? to prepare a draft E. I .R. describing the .environmental impac b!estec Services did prepare the draft E.I.R. Upon receipt of the draft, staf did circulate the report to the following persons and/or agencies for coment 1. 2. 3. Intergovernmental Reg.ior;al Environmental Management 4. C.F.O. 5. 6. 7. 8. Phil Stanbro 9. 10. Terramar Association 11 .C.I.C. 12. City Library State of Cal ifoi-nia Dept. of Transportation County of San Diego Parks E, Recreation Dept. Dept. of Public Health, County of San Diego Cocrity of San Diego Air Pollution Control District San Diego Coast Regional Coxmission City of Carlsbad Engineering Dept. 0. am L B. Final E.I.R. - Staff Evaluation of Draft E.I.R. . 1. Scope af E.I.R.: Surrimary: The E.I.R. deals with S.D.G.RE's decision to opt for a single 400 ft. MSL stack with the addition OF a fifth generating unit to the Encina Plant. The potential impact', therefore, relates solefy to the removal of th existing stacks at 190 ft. stack. The City has previously considered the expansion of the- plant facil i to. include the fifth generating unit, and therefore, this matter is not con- sidered directly by the Draft E.I.R. In terms of important issues, staff believes that the aesthetic impact and the air pollution potential over a substantial area are the major concerns of the proposed stack. MSL and the construction of a singl-e 400 ft. 2. Environmental Setting: .The new stack foundatiog will be laid on the presently unused portion of the site, directly to the east of the existing power plant. The area of visual impact of the 400 ft. stack would be approximatley 4 miles in all directions. persons vs. 72,000 persons for the existing structure. existing fonz, does not constitute an air traffic obstruction, according to F.A.A. regulations. The single stack modification would require special lighting according to F.A.A. standards, but would not be a hazard to air navigation. A study of local air quality conducted by Stanford Research Institute, indicated that existing air quality conditions associated with the plant's could contribute to groundlevel concentration in excess of State Standards, with the addition of a fifth stack. 3. Environmental Impacts: Population within the visual impact area wou'id be about 28,C The power plant is about 3 miles frorx Palomar Airport and in its operation are satisfactw-y, but that additional generating units a. Air Quality: The 400 ft. stack does not effect the production of pollutants by the plant, but rather, allows dispersion of* pollutants in order to preclude ground level concentrations of SO2 from ex- ceeding California 24 hr. SO2 standards. the adverse impacts on air quality by: i. reducing the "aerodynamic downwash of emissions from the plant", and, i i . El irninati ng the concorni ta:it downwind odor problems from the sulfur dioxide. The 400 ft. stack will diminish . 0. -3- 0. , P b, Aesthetics: A public opinion survey was conducted by Central Surveys in order to evaluate the pEblic's reaction to the aesthetics of the proposed stack modification, When shown a photograph Of the plant it? its present stack, 72% of the sample said that they preferred the appearance of the prcposed stack modification. However, when questioned wheth&r they would favor the consti-uction of a single stack, only 33% replied yes. \.!hat this seems to indicate is that althougb the single stack is preferable to plant in its present state, it does not represent a positive aesthetic valu when considered on the bc7sis of no stack. The increase of the impact area from sone 9 sq. miles to sone 34 sq. miles is a substantial effect. No negative impacts on public safety are indica The draft E.I.R. contends that the 4-00 ft. stack will be a navigational aid for both air traffic and ocean-going vessels. , Mi ti gati on Measures : mitigate the adverse aesthetic affect of the proposed stack modification: c. Public Safety: 4. The foll owing measures are pl anned to - a. An 78 ft. facade will be build along the top of the buildin to hide duct work and refine the irregular contours of the bui 1 ding. The stack ?'s*to be a 'sea -foam gray" color in order to ble with the surrounding landscape. A daytime strobe light wil eliminate the need for a checkered pattern aircraft warning The proposed color of the stack is the natural co!or of the materials which will compose the stack. Landscaping along 1-5 and S-21 will help provide some visua' relief from the structure. 5. Alternatives: The alternatives to the single 400 ft. stack, bt-7 b. c. surnrnarized and evaluated are: in this area, and in addition is attached a further description of various a1 ternatives. The draft E.I.R. does substantially elaborate Fifth stack for Unit No. 5 - Results of the study conducted indicate that a fifth stack would resu!t in ground-level concentrations in excess of the State Air Resources Board standards. Use of natural gas (to reduce SO2 Emisions) - Use of natura? gas r:lould eliminate essentially, SO2 emissions. Holvever, because of the limited availability of natural gas and an increasing demand for higher priority uses (particularly residential consumption), availability of natural gas for por plant use will . be eliminated in a few years. a. b. . 0. -4 - *e I 4 c. Very low sulfur content fuel: S.D.G.&E. plans to use low suffer content (less than 0.5%) fuel in a11 of its generating units An assured supply of 0.35 sulfur content fuel, according to S.D.G.&[ is not available. Even so, use of 0.3% sulfur content fuel would still require "Extensive" stack modification in order -to meet arnbier air qual i ty standards . ' d, SO? Scrubber Systems: Systems for reflOViil of SO2 from f'itre gasses prior to emission, are still in the experimental/proto-type phases of development. The two main prohibitive aspects of a So2 removal facility are costly ($35 million as opposed to $4 milliori for the proposed modification) and size [such a facility would be "quite large" and difficult to locate on the present site"). e. Plume Dispersion: Three a1 ternatives' for plume dispersion were considered: (1) five stacks could be used at 290 ft. (maximi height for roof mounted stacks) - even if the stacks were nozzled to increase discharge volocity. This alternative would, in all 1 i kel i hood, contribute to unacceptable ground1 eve1 SO2 concentration (2) the height of existing units 1, 2, and 3 could be increased by 700 ft. and flue gasses from units 4 and 5 could he discharged through a single 290 ft. stack - Again, this alternative does not achieve the critical height necessary for SO dispersion. S.D.G.&E. as the minimal height for plume dispersion which wmld not cause the State 24 hour SOil standard to be exceeded. (3) a single 400 ft. stack - this alterna z ive was chosen by 6. ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DRAFT E.I.R.: It is not inappropriate in evaluating the EIR for the S.D.G.&E. Encina Plant Stack Nodification Proposal to consider some of the broader long-range environmental concerns. benefit analysis of the proposed stack modification is in the broadest sense, to w2igh the costs of a negative visual impact and increased fuel emissions against the benefits of pore effective pollution dispersion and in- creased generating capacity. The proposed stack modification is by no means environmentally innocuous. Yet, within the scope of presently feasible alter natives, it is the optimum solution for handling the increased emissions whic will accompany the 5th generating Qnit. The cost It is important to realize that given the uncertainty concerninq demands and fuel avai 1 abi 1 i ty , and the possi bi 1 i ty of envi ronmentall y prefera alternatives in the future, such a solution should not be static. Environnen sensitivity involves a continuing re-evaluation of environmental, social and economic factors. The draft E.I.R. in ccnjunction xith the attached suixnary of the relationship of bfestec Services draft E.I.R. to the draft E.I.R. prepared for the Public Utilities Commission regarding the total Plant Expansion (Applicat P!o. 53363) do adequately express a17 the environnental concems of the propos stack. . e. f I I CONSIDER,-\ w!! I ON SPECIFIC PLAN-1 44 A. Request: That the P:anning Coxmission rccomrzend to the City co approval of an amendment of the approved specific plan to permit the &an from the existing four 190 ft. smoke stacks to a single 400 ft, high stack. The existing four stacks are located on top of the existing pol:ler structure. The proposal is to rercove these stacks and to construct a sep single 400 ft. stack structure, which is to.be located approximately 40 ~c easterly Of "I€! p9Wer phnt strructure. Said structure would be connected by a direct system which includes the insta??ation of an 78 ft. high faca hide the duct system on top of po:cter plant structure. In that the proposed stack has such a substantial visual impact the cormunity and in that the advancement of techtiology is rapid, staff, a part of the recommendation, is proposing a method of monitoring the"Sta of the art'lto permit the conversion of the Encina Plant to an emission sy as soon as technology permits a system that does not require such a treme stack. ' IV. STAFF RECOFMENDATIOMS: A. For E.I.R.: a. the draft EIR b. c. d. regarding this EIR. Justification is based upon: 1. That it be moved that the Plannina Commission recom to the City Council that Final E.I.R. be accepted to include: fetter from D. Parkinson, Westec Services comparing the two response received from any agencies notified. any public input received as a part of the public hearing he E. T,R.'s The draft EIR, as amended by this report, does express the envir impacts of the proposed modification are either not as environmentally ac or are not presently technically feasible. In this instance, the no proj alternative does not exist. The previous approval of the plant expansion been the catalysis for this stack modification. That it be moved that the Planning Conmi recommend to the City Council that specific plan no. SP-144, which is an amendment of a previ ous7y approved specific p1 an, RE APPROVED. Just; f i ca l's based upon the necessity of providing a method of dispersing the emiss of the Encina Power Plant which results in meeting the State StaRdards of Qua7 i ty . Any approval of the Specific Plan should be B. For Specific P1a-1-14-4: - CONDITIONS OF APPRr3VAL: to the following conditions: c -U- 0. eo 1. The ainendnient of the Specffic Plan is granted for the land dz scribed in the application and any attachments theretq, and as sf on the plot plsn subnitteed labeled Exhibit A, The location of a1 buildings 9 fences, sigrk, roadi.;ays, parking areas ,landseaping ant other facilities or features shall be located substantially as st on the plot plan labeled ExhibitA, except or unless indicated ot! wise herein. All buildings and structures shall be of the desigr sho!w on the elevat3on plans labeled Exhibit B. 2. A17 conditions of Ordinance b!o. 9279, dated August.3, 1971, 5 be compl ied with. 3. Unless the construction of the structure or facility is commc not later than one year after the date the approval is granted ar is diligently pursued thereafter, this approval will automaticall become nu71 and void. 4. 1 substantial change will require the filing of an appl ication’for amendment to be considered by the Planning Commission. 5. A~I requirements of any law, ordinance or regulation of the ! of California, City of Carlshad, and any other governmental entii shall be complied with. 6. Prior to obtaining a building permit and within 30 days here( the applicant shall file with the Secretary of the Planning Comm- written acceptance of the conditons stated herein. 7. Compliance with and execution of all conditions listed hereot shall be necessary, unless otherwise specified, prior to obtainir final building inspection clearance. Deviation from this requirc shall be permitted only by written consent of the Planning Direc; 8. All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from adjoinin! properties and streets. 9. Any mechanical and/or electrical equipment to be located on I Yoof of the structure shall be screened in a manfier acceptable . the Planning Director. Detailed plans for said screening sha1.f I mi tted, in tri pl i cate , to the Pl anni ng Director. 10. The approval granted herein is subject to review on a seven. basis. Six weeks prior to the review year anniversary of this ai the applicant shall file with the Planning Department, a report describing the “state of the art’’ of the available alternative el control systems that could be utilized in lieu of the 400’ stack report shall be considered as an ammciinent to the accepted E.1.R a reasonable alternative system is found to exist, the applicant make every effort to convert the Encina Power Plant to said syst said conversion shall include the removal of the 400’ stack. I > Any minor change my be approved by the Planning Director. s -I - 0. *. 11. In the event that the Encina Powr Plant is discontinued f shall cause, at his expense, the removal of the 400 ft. stack st I generating elecLricity or phased out of operation, the applicant V e ATTACHHENTS Ordinance No. 9279 S.D.G.&E. Alternatives to the 400 ft. MSL Stack Ltr. fm Idestec Services dated Oct. 31, 1973. 0. e. I SAX DIZGO GAS & ELECTRIC COYiANY ENCIXA PO';iEf? 2'L&XT e ALTE-W<ATIVZS TO TBE 400 'CCOT I.:SIJ STACK Beeore San D$ego Gas & E12ctric Ccxpany nahe its .. decision to build a single stack 400 feet above mem sea level . at its Encina Por-~er Plant, nwsroGs alteraatbves to that stack were considezed, The problem at Encina which requirec? that suc a stack be built orB that an alternative solution be disco-vered, is that of maintaining ground'level a,zbier,t air quality in the vicinity of the plant, separate 19C foot stack for the discharge of flue gases and other combustion products, The Conpany had hopd to be able tc use a fifth such stack for Unit No. 5. Bowever, before it Rad5 a co:itiitanent to .a given st:ack design, the Company comraissioned a study of the expected ground level concmtrations of flus gases when 231 five units are in o?eration, The study, which was perforxze6 by Bechtel Power Corporation and its ionsultant, Systems p Science SI Software, was a mathematical zmalysis cmployi;i..g pl~rne dispersion nodels, indicated that the ground level conccnixatlox of sulphur dioxide (So2) exitte2 from the EncFna Power Plant with Uai-ts 1 Lhroucjh 5 in service wauld exceed the rnaxinux 24-hour average cc)ncc:rikra-ltionL; st:t fort11 in tlii! :;Late Air l?csourcc.s Ikxird's a&i<nt air quality stanciazds D It was claar, tl~ercCore, that an xd6itionaf 130 2oot stack was out of the question ail2 somi: means of more adequately controlling SO2 concentrations had to Units 1 through 4 at Encina each emp10~ I The results of the stGy . m. @. 1 * ’ be im2lcnentzd. - There are :k.wo possible fundaaen’cal ap2xoachss to resolr;tion of such a problex, reduced ~r “LG eaissicms musk be disperssd Fn SI:& a way as LC amid excessive concantzatioxs. 29th oE these approaches were earaiiimd by S.m Diego Gas ti Electric Coxpany, Either SO2 enissicns nus”, be The axo-mt of SQZ that leaves a pager plant boiler j directly prog~zti~nal to the sulphur coi:’cent of the 5x1 burnc in the boiler, One possible solution, therzfare, is to burn f with a lover sclphur cankento Since xtural gas is virtually sulpkur-free, there is EO SO2 problem when &khat fuel is beins; 3 1 I burned, MOW~VE~Z, nztural cas is not always availabls, 2nd ik3 availability fojr powsr plant use is expect& to be virttlally ellninated within the nex-t few yzarso because of the inczeasin demands for natural gas by higher priority uses such as rzsick I tial consun?tion, i The alternative to natural gas, fQZ QSB at th~? Ezci,r P~war Plant, is fuel oil which contains varying .zxio>unt of sulp . &pending upon th2 particular type of L oil, Sari Disgo Gas EC Elz Coqrny uses, and ~$31 continue to uset loyi-sulphur x”ueL OS^, with a sulphuz contmt of nat mze than 0,5% in d.1 of its c9nv-n tional steam gzncrating units. A2 assuxcd supply of 2ua oil wit11 a skill low:;,v r;ul>hur contcn’i is sin-iply not ;ivail~L7,2 i;n the quanti ties xccjalred by Znciim Power 2lant operatior?, I“.!C)Z,~OV??T, the pl-me dispersion studies inciica-tcd that ‘iha pro5 of excn;ssive SO2 concentrations would require extensive shck -2- m -0 0. r '. ' modifications, ev2n if 0-39; sulphur cor?tank fue3, wsre buj-nerJ, at Encinao The use of 10r~er sulphur content: fuel was thezefo: no solution to the problen, c J A second method. of limiting emissions fron th-, plar would be to install an SO2 scrubbing system for removal. of z;c . * before the flue gases are discharged. This alternztive was a.1 examined by San Diego Gas 0. Electric Company, but it was reje for several reasons; First, SO2 renova1 systems are still. in the experimental and prototype stages. 1% would take a third fouxth generation desigii to obtzin con2le'ce reX&ili+ for s a system. of Encina, based on a conservative $40 per kilowatt, k7oUld ba $36 million. The cost of the proposed 400 foot stack will be $5 million. Third, an SO2 removal system would be quite larg( and it would be difficult to locate it on the power plant sit: The aesthetics of such ~n installation would also pzesent a setJlere problern, a costly system which would be aesthetically unappealing, difficulk to site and of dubious eZZectiveaess, Second, -the cost of such a system for a plaak the ! Xt would clearly be senseless to install SUC:~ I The Coinpaiiy thzn turned to "cha pJ.cu7?t3 dispersion L Lechaigues for which there were three Szsic alternatives * ~ir: tl'tc hci<illt oE all five stacks could be ir,crcased. by 100 feet, ~hj-cil would l)t: tlie rnaxirnul iiicrerise tmF;:;iLlc for roof moun'iecl stacks; seconc:, the height of the Unit 1, 2 and 53 stacks could kje ifirrcasecl by 100 Zzet ar,d the Zlue cj~ses fro3 Units 4 2nd 5 cculd be combined to increase plunt. bcoyanc:I ai~d ciischars-zii I -3- 0. .e through a single 230 fa01 stack; and khirdr a single stack could be erqloyed fox all zive units. .1 Bezore discussing the reasor,s why ti?= single 400 5 skacli was chossa, a .brizZ explanation or' the causatior, of h: grocnd Lmel SO^ cancen-kratians generally, ar.6 iizaz thS E~C: Power Plant @z.rkiicularly, is perhaps in order, Gmerally, : a ptme with the SO2 concentrations of that from Encir,a rea( sufficienf: h~iqhts owing to its mornentcii -buoyancy, i? wi: be nixed with,t.he high elevakion anbiant airp ditukcd and d; pcrsed in such a namer that the plwe will not produce excessive concentrations of SO2 at grour?d levs3, where the S( would cone iqto contack wi&&, hwan beings, animals and vege-; ?~-LTE rise is determined by many factozs, some nekcozo3.ogi.c; som dlependen-t upon plwa characteristics b ?&z exan~le. p wi: velccity, car.star.cy of the wind and iravarsion hsi5hk play r( in this detExmination, as do v(slocit:y and buoyancy of thz p: and "ilk;= elevation at which the plum is dischargzd, t.Jint! di: al-chough it plays no significant role in the heigh"l .to whici * pl*w,,e wi1L zise, is also inpoortank, because with the Pacific I 1. D + Ocean to the est of hbka Encina plant, wind dirzctlon will dztezrainz :;hethez SO2 concentxakions xi13 hzvs a2 ixpact on te~~~st~i~l a~ diStii>Ct fron the XEX~ZZS enviranSsi1te AIsu, I chcmCjt3s in khz directioa 02 winds whLch blot7 in 3. generally cLts ~2x1~ d~rg~czj,on r.iould GispsrsQ thc plme over diffzre;.;k tzrreskrial azzas w5kh each chanse in wind dirzction,, -4.- . . 0. *e Xr, an area such as Encina which is chazzcterizsd by a diurnal land-sea breeze; relatively stzonq and consistent :;c breezes occur almost daily. This phenoxxn tends to bend th: Zncim p1ux1e downward Idward the grour.2 surface and the fiirecz- tional persistence of this win2 terid-s to concentrate the p1u-a~ for longer periods of tim on a more restricted area ko the e; - a’ * ai the plant than would be the case if Wind direclci.cn were m:>; variable. The subs&cr,ce inversion which is a characteriskic c Southern California traps emissions ~“rcm 3ncin.a and tiEits vertical mixing of these emissions. high2.r ground level SO2 concentrations. This, too, contributes tc A third specific problem encountezed at-, the Enci~a Poxer Plank is aerodynamics downwash or building wake caused Z the physical strccture of the power plant building, This bul1.d presznts an obstacle to air flow which iiisplaces streanrines a causes a large turbulent region dormwind of the building, feakure of this “curbulcat regior, is a downwash bshind the buil ~7hich rapidly forces the plume to the c~ound in the near yici~ of tnz emission point, It is this dowmgash thzt presented the most persistent obstzcia to ePforts to find a solution to the pluze dispersion problem, .. I A I fylle i’irs t p-tu:,tc dispcxsion ‘21- ~c~n~~ivc mcntioncd above, j.f the stack were nozzled to increase dischcltrge velocity a~c! five 230 foot stacksp was cxa-l.~ed, It i~as found thak C -5- . WO *e the flue gas exit texprature wzxe elevatt-zd to ir,ercase buoyanc the inzluence 02 the building wake on th~ plux, as well as the cri’cical height for such stacks B would still cause unacceptable groune level SO2 conczn-:rations, The secosld altarnative, fouz 290 foot stacks, was z;caxk~d and reject& for thz szxe reasorss + Tha2 Left San Dkgo Gas t Electric Coxpany with the I , ! remaining altcrnativz of .a single stack 2nd the xernaining question was haw high khe stack had to be, the pfuice fz~n the influence of the dowilxash, a rule of thm has it that the stack Must be between 2 and 2.5 times the’heigh of the building. This rule of thh has been vearifieci by wind tunnel skudie6 and experience at operating plants, ! c>f kh%ah was Gurkher wsrified for applicakian ko Encina by computer noc?e$ing. to permit: alljfive units to use a sing12 stack is added to the top of the power plant building, a stack of 325 to 400 feet i~, height will ba xequired to escape the Gownwash effect. In OLC?EZ to xemove >- I ! I This rule 7. This nean‘c that when tha ductwork necessary I ! I The decision to build a 400 foot stacg rather &an a i 325 foot stack vas dictated by the’cri*>ical inversion i?ei+t ~c stacks of those hzights. The critical inversior, height is the lowest height at which a pLw;z,e li‘rox a 5ivm source xilX not pirrcz the inversio. and be dispsrsed ovzr a wi23 art33 in -the calrn air invezsion 3 ;iycicc, If invcr:;ion is below the critical hcir;ht the cjrou~il J.cvc~_ concent~a-kioi~s ~:TC 2.flcvi;lt~d * IE it _is above t~i~ critical hzis-ht nore vercical ni:iit;fi i.Ti3.1 occur an2 thus reduce gxound level. concenkzations, If inversion I f I -6- *. ma a. .. is at "Le critical hsight, the plarte will not pierce the , inversion and it wiII have the nhinun dilution caused by vcrtieal nixing, - Because of the difference in 'ihe critical inversion h2j-Gh-L f0,- &'-a- LL..-ae kV70 stack heights, and also because of the I 'iQndc?nCy of the sea breeze to bend a pluze downward even if I . 'inversion exceeds the critical inversion hsight: use of a I 325 foot stack would still have penik-led groUiTd Level cohcen- trations of SU~ froa Eficina to exceed tZe Air Resources aoarcivs I 24-hour average, standard to be exceeded, .IC was necessary I to choose the 400 foot stack design to comply with that standard,, I $ , I I I i .. , I I 1 i . -7- P.OSkL0 ----_-1____I -_I__ -I - STA,TE -,--I-- - - __ o! -_ c: __c.I_---I- _-__I_ IliO.'?:,h-p~jnUPCEmENCIL .- - --- - ---- ----..- ___-__---___---- ~-- I____ e._,. . DEE.t?,WTfW.iT OF PARKS AND RECREATION I, P.O. cox 2350 ~SACRAM'YTLI ?j31 I October 31, 1973 1,k. Paul S?illia:ns FLaming Departzent 3.200 EZm Avenue Carlsbad s California 92008 Dear tlr, \Jillkms: 1:e have reviewed the. draft Environmntal. Inpct Report on the San Diego Gas Electric Corripanyp Encj-ria Plant, Single Stzck "Lodification Project. axe as EoLlowsr Our C- 1, "Visual Impact Area." There is no discussion of the fact: that the iqact area will include tke adjacent Carlsbad State Eezchc me proposed single stack my have a sigrrj-ficant adverse visual irn?act on the users of the area, 240,030 visitors in ths 1971-72 fiscal year, It also appears that the survey conducted by Central Surveys did not account for this transient portion of the population, Carfsbad State Beach had approximtely 2. ''klteunatives, " The reliability and effectiveness of SO2 scrubber systems is indicated to be questionable, Since the implemxitatioir of this alternative could possibly meet air quality stmdsrds and reduce ths adverse visual &.pact, the reliabflrity urd ef fectivmesx sliould be substantiated, Thank you for the opportunity to review this report, -~'- e/ / /yp fl; LAnn Xott pr; Tp??-- - ,ir Yi D-rc ct or / Q&L&lt;T fdUV lj, 4973 @K? GE CAR&: Phniog Uepartrn: 1 ' .,. --.-.---. ..-. - , . . .,___ ......, . ..--.--.. 1. I .. .- .- .I, z... , I ,. .) - , 7- - .- -. DmmrnrnT OF PCBLIC ILIEX~TE . J. B. ASKEW. M. 13.. M. P. H. DIRECTOR OF PUSLIC HEALTH 1600 PACIF:C HIGii','llAY SAN DIE GO+^^- po<p n y 7''- E - Eovexxber 6, 197&& a e. iij, 4 v NO\/ 3 I973 .C!TY 05 CBRLSBAI Ih. Donald A. Agatep DirecLor of Planning 1203 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92003 P{ar,nt!itg Depa:-tm~ Dear Xr. Pigetep: A review has been mcde of t'ne Sm Diego Gas & Electric Coqxmy Encina d.. Pl-dnt Single Stack 1hdificzt.ion Project &af% EIR. The folioiring co-men . apply: According to rule lO(a) of Yne District's Rules m& Regulations, a'pexni'c is not reqilired for eqxi;_;leat unless such eqdipaen-t vi11 elininate, reduce or cot.1-l;rol the 5ssumce of air conkxi.inmbs. The subject stack rJiU not alter exissions into -kh atmqhere. will Eerely cox3Lne five separztte smrces iato a single cmbined source irit'nc~ut afI"ec%ing the tot& qumtity of eassions. The pmpose of Y'ne st;a,ck is to increase ths helgh-k zt xhich the pollutan%s are erLt-ted and -khere%j sLih in th?e diqersion of the pollutmts; hcnce: decrease dotexmind grcznci level concentraticns. It Sincerely, 7 &$,..-+A< p i' f>///f O/*d'W 1~:Drn-a E. Schell Dep.ky Er Pollution Control Officer Kl3S:RSo:ba. +. ,Srrr~itig rill of Ihr itic-ot./toni/c.J ulr;/ ~~~,j,~~.(~f~(~~'~i~;i .urcus of S;i)l Dirpo Coililtv 0 0. WESTEC Services, Inc. / 1520 State Street, Sail Diego, Cd!'forr?irA 921 12 / (714) 233-1 73-339 October 31, 1973 h&& 9- 7-3 <p v -- *b y kT ?ax \ lJ-4 .ciipy OF c/qRQ24D 1200 Elm Avenue Plsnning &Jepa~met71 p,'o\! . *e.-,. j 12'5 ' 13 Mr. Donald Agatep Planning Director City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Draft Environmental Impact Report for San Diego Gas and Electric Company Encina Plant Single Stack Modification Proj ect Dear Mr. Agatep: Services, Inc. and delivered to the City of Carlsbad on October 1973. Utj-lities Commission Draft Environmental Impact Report for the SDGGE Encina Plant Unit 5 application rras published. this latter report deal with the impact of the proposed Encina Pf.ant 400 foot single stack. report in detail to determine the cross correlation between the formation provided. stack, the following is a summary of the contents of the CPUC's report as compared with the draft report which we prepared: Subject Environmental Impact Report was completed by IVESTEl I Within the same time frame the State of California Public Aspects of We have reviewed the CPUC's Encin; With regard to the proposed 400 foot single 1. The data provided are in substance compatible and in agreement. The CPUC report did not provide drawings or schematics of the 400 foot stack nor a description of its per: tinent engineering characteristics. The WESTEC Servic report provided this. 2. 3. IWth regard to aesthetics, \'JESTEC Services' report vJas substantially nore complete in dealing rfith the impact The CPUC report, while providing informa2ion concernin the aesthetic appearance, dealt only briefly with the impacts. c Mr. Doilald Agate ')? 0. L October 31, 2973 Pagc 2 4. The air quality issues of the Encina Plant \cere addl in much greater detail in the CPiJC report. The CPu( draft EIR inc1uded.a report on the meteol-ofogicai e work and a description of air pollutant simul=rtion f niques used to predict the air quality impacts. Ttlt data were not included in our report but were refer( within the ambient zir quality study provided as Appendix B. 5. More detailed geologic data and. impact assessments i provided in the CPUC report although the essence of information is summarized in KESTEC Services' reporf The WESTEC. Services r report explored the alternativl approaches to the 400 foot stack. The CPUC report i the szme alternatives but provided additional inforr concerning methods of SO2 control. The CPUC report addressed alternative methods of pol generation to meet the needs of SDGEE's customers. contractual agreeinent these issues were not include( a part of our scope of PTork, 6. 7. The foregoing represents our best judgment with regard tc Please contact me if ; summary comparison of the two reports. should have any additional questions. Very truly yours, &&! diiLL.4- David L. Parkinson President DLP:jlr 5 ., J-, 2l 31 . .B/ 4 ! 61 7; /I e. e* I* ORDI #AI":CE YO. 9279 AN OREIEIAKCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSEPlD, ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAU Oi4 APP2OXIF1ATELY 680 ACRES OF SOUTH. OF THE NORTH SliORE OF THE AGllA !IEDIGi;D/i LAGOO!{, SUEJECT TO A PORTTON OF SAID PROPERTY BEItiG AIJNEXED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. .LAND LOCATED EAST OF THE PACIFIC OCEAI! AWD The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, DOf I *. * l3I 14 Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; also being I 16 17 18 19 20 21 .* I Book 212, of; the Assessor's Map of San Diego' County, and more I particularly described in application on fife in the Office of I City Planner. ' I i f SECTION 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The Specific Plan, attac 1 hereto, is subject to the following conditions and restriction I i ~ocittion of baseball little lczguc park and athcr athletic . l, 2 3 4 .5 i t facilities shall be subject to specific plan approval at the earliest practicable date, it being understood that the present proposed location t!iereof is disapproved. 4. All buildings shall be subject to architectural review as-prescribed in Ordinance No. 9268 prior to issuance of'a buildins$ permit to assure a maximum amount of design compatibility with the 7: 8, . 9: neighborhood and existing facilities. I I I 5. The heights of future power generating buildings and transmission line.touer structures shall be of heightsand of a ! 131 14 15 16 17 18 'I 19 -20 - is approved at a public hearing. 1 6. A17 fuel storage tanks shall be recessed and used for those oils which, upon being consumed, shall not have a sulphur I content exceeding .50 percent; being that percentage commonly i 1 associated dith the term "?OW sulphur fuel oil." . 1 7. Landscape and irrigation plans prepared by a registered f landscape architect shall be submitted in conformance with Ord- I 1 inance No. 9268 for the screening of existing facilities. Plans shall be submitted within txo years and must provide a schedule 29Ii within 90 days. 3011 IO. Exterior lighting shal? be oriented so that adjscent properties shall be screened from glare or a direct light sotirce. 31 I/ - 2- I I c I I i I 3 e 5 a) Necessary fire protection requirements. c) Necessary yard mains and fire hydrants, dj Other fire protection devices or appliances b) Suitable access roads for fire fighting purposes, . deemed necessary. 6/ 7 12. That the applicant dedicate right-of-?!ay for that portio,- 1 of the width of Cannon Road (102' R/W) which falls within the 12 13 15 16 l7 ah A. Carlsbad Boulevard. I i I I I 1) Construct street improvements including curb, gutt sidewalks, street lights and up to 20 feet of paving along each side xhere SGGSE property has frontage, excepting public beaches and property dedicated for public parks. Coostructicn nay be deferred until mutually agreeable to the City and the Company except that the safety of the driving and walking financed by assessment district. 1 1 ' I ' public will be considered. The improvements may be i 38 19 201. 21 1 E. Cannon Road. 1 1) Construct full street inprovecients for l/2 street 1 1 I I . from Carlsbad Boulevard to a point approximately 600 feet easterly of 1-5 along frontage okined by SDG&E, timing to be subject to approval of City, but in any event not before development of property adjoining the south side of Cannon Road or the I 1 ement of such streets shall be considered. 28 1; la C. Access roads shall be subject to City approval. 11 SECTIOI: 3. ADI4IFIIST:?AT!OII At!D EtlFOP,CEf.:EilT. The Bui fding I[ Department shall not approve any structure until such time as the 29 11 30 I Ordinance have been satisfied. 4 deVCJGCed ifid improved. Hoblever, the owners of the subject 8: 9 10 11 12 13 'I I following the receipt of the decision of the Planning Director. I SI Ji I ! The Council's decision shall be final. .INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City I. ! Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th day I of July, 1971, and thereafte.r PASSED Ar!D ADOPTED at a regular I / meeting of said City Council on the 3rd day of August, 1971, by AYES: . Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Jardine, Castro and Leyis. 18 .19 2o 21 1 %&WL&A DAVID 14. DUi<iiE, t-layor I I 31 I I 32 i -4- I - 31 CONSTRUCTION OF A 400 FT. SINGLE STACK, TO REPLACE FOUR {4) EXISTING STACKS, AT PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ! 3.0' 1 by the City Council on August 3, 1971. Said amendment would permit the 20 1 frnpact report for this project and accepted same as presented; and, 1 30 31 3.2 I Cqrlsbad that it does hereby recornend to the City Council adoption of . I amendment to the Specific Plan, subject to the following conditions: IXX xx 3 4 of all buildirigs, fences, signsl roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or features shall be locat substantially as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit A, or unless indicated otherwise herein. All buildings and st 2 // SI 6 7 8 9i 10 3-11 12 33 14 '15 36 3-7 shown on the plot plan subrrritted, labeled Exhibit A, The 7 shall be of the design as shown on the elevation plans labf E&%;ibit 8. 2. All conditions of Ordinance No. 9279 dated August 3, 19 shall be cornplied with. 3, Unless construction of the. structure or facility is com not later than one year a.fter the date the approval is gran its d7'1 ?gently pursued thereafter, thl's approval will automa 6kcome null and yoid. 4. Any rni'nor change may be approved by the Planning Direct substantial change wlll requtre the filing of an applicatio an amendment to be considered 6y the. Planning Commission. -5. All requirements of any law, ordinance or regulat-ion of State of Cqliforniq, Clty of Car'lsbad, and any other governi entity shall be complied with, 6. Prtor to 06taining a, 6u711dl:ng perrntt and within 30 days the applicant shall file \vi-th the Secretary of the Planning Comml'ssron written acceptance of the condittons stated here 7. Compliance with and execution of all conditions listed I sb17 6-e necessary, unless otkrwi.se specified, prior to ob final Eujldirrg inspectTon clearance. Deviation from this r( inent shall be permitted only by written consent of the Plan] Director. 39 21 2o 22 23 24 26 25 8. All ground lighting shall be arranged to reflect away fi ad joi ni ng properties and streets . 9. Any mechanical and/or electrical equipment to be locatei the roof of the structure shall be screened in a manr,er accc to the Planning Director. Detailed plans for said screenin! 10. The approval granted herein is subject to review on a : year basis. Prior to the seventh year anniversary of this i the applicant and the City Council shall decide if a report describing the "state of the art" and of alternate emission systems, that could be utilized in lieu of the 400 foot st; appropriate. Said report shall be considered as an amendmer the accepted E.I.R. then a reasonable alternative system i: to exist, the applicant shall make every effort to convert t Encina Power Plant to said system, said conversion should ir I be submitted, in triplicate, to the Plannipg Director. I I I I I 28 29 30 the considerations of the removal of the 400 foot stack. 11. In the event that the Encina Power Plant is discontinue generating electricity or phased out of operation, the appli shall cause, at his experise, the removal of the 400 ft. stac I ! j j 1 structure. I 32 -2- 1 11 I 10 x. I l4 15 16 x? l8 l9 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 I ' DOQtEtLD A. AGATEP, Secretary I 1 i I I 1 I ' I 28 I 32 I I I -3- i I *e ,pLl;"' T L*r (r- *I e. I i:iYo CO:.'i?ISSIC,!! RESOLijTIOPI fit). 985 - - 1' 11 I I; !I I! I 3, !I A RESOLUTIO?l OF THE PLAF!NIP!G COXIISSIGEI OF TEE CITY Ai'iD RECO5X74DING TO THE CITY COUNSIL, APPR9VAL OF F,FI RMEEiDZI'.IT TO THE S?ECIFEC PLAN TO PEF1KIT THE CO?JSTRUCTION OF A 403 FT. SINGLE STfiCK, TO REPLACE Fob,? {4] EXISTING STtliCiKS 3 AT t3ROPERTY GEIJERALLY LOCATED EfiST Or THE pAC1f;IC OCEVT Al'iD SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTH SSORE OF THE AGUA HED1O;IDA LAGOON. APPLICAFIT: "$AN DXEGO GAS' ARC ELECTRIC COPIPANY. . . . OF CARLSBMI, CALIFORFiid, SETTIZG rCRTti ITS FIPIDINGS 1: 1: 2 j: /I 3 I! li 4 jl 1' 5 ;i 6 \[ il l7 I! !I WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of th2 City OF Carlsbad did rete 91 Il approval of an amendment to their Specific Plan (Ordinance 9279) adopt€ Si\ I' a verified application from SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, reques 10; 'I by the City Council on August 3, 1971. Said amendmmt would permit the i II I/ li ii 1' 95 !I 3l:i construction of a 400 ft. single stack to replace the four existing st; sill on property generally located east of the Pacific Ocean and southerly ( 13'! the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and further describd as: 3.4 li li I6 \l li of California: Also being Parcel 6, page 07, Book 17 ;I Ii J8 1: Portion of tot F, Rancho Agua H?dionda, and a portion of Lot H or' Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823, in the City of Carlsbad, and a portion of Block ffE:lif of Palisades No. 2, Map 1803 in the City of CarJsbad, County of San Diego, State 206; Parcels 24, 25, 26 & 27, Page 01 9 Book 210, Parcel 21, Page 27, Book 217, and Parcel 14, Page 0: ~ Book 212, of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County. li WdEREAS, the Planning Commissioil did consider the Final Envirclnnen l9 I 21 I! ,i 20 1 rmpact report for this project and accepted same as presented; and, b/HEREAS, the Planning Comnission did hold a duly noticed public he 221: and upon hearing and considering the testimony arid arcjurwts, if any, 0 234 a1-i persons who desired to be heard, said Commission did find the fo710 24 :i facts and reasons to exist which make the recommendation for approval o 25 $ amendment to this Specific Plan necessary to carry out the provisions a 2611 general purpose of 0rdinanc2 No. 9060: 2'7 il ii 28 1' 29 ii 30 I( Cqrlsbad that it does hueby recornend to the City Council adoption of 31 i amendwn-t to tbe Specific Plan, subject to thz r'of1o)iing conditions: 1' i I! 18 !I i' I. !; a. The necessity of providing a method of dispersin! emissjons of the Enci,na Power Piant, vihich rzsul. meeting the State Standards of Air Quality. PiOW, THEP,EFO;(E, BE IT RESOLVED by the plannincj Coiriiilission of the c I; Ii I/ 32 jj x; xx ii ii I: i' I 1; 31 41 -r Of all bilild-ings, I ences, signs, roadways 3 parking areas, substantially as shosm on the plot plan lab2led Exhibft P,, landscaping and other facilities or features shall t;e iota i 6 2. shall be complied wl'th. All conditions of Ordinance !lo. 9279 dated August 3, 1 7 8 .9 3. Unless construction of the structure or facility is co not later than one year after the date th2 approval is gra f's dT7 ?gently pursued' thewafter, this approval wi? l autom 1 E;icome null and void. 3-0 ti I .LI 7 l! xi 13 14 %5 16 17 4.. hny ninor change may be approved by the Planning Direc suhstanttal change wlfl require the fi.7ing of an applicaii -5. 417 requirers/ats of any la\rc, ordinance or regulation o- State of Cqliforniq, Clty of Carlsbad, and any other goveri entjty sh37 7 be compl fed wi.tk, 6. Prior to 06taining a EuiNding permft and within 30 day! t'ie applicant shall file with the Secretary of the Plannin! Comm7'ss7'on written acceptance of tKe conditions stated hert 7, Compliance with and execution of a17 conditions listed shall Fe necessary, unless otkerwfse specified, prior to ot final bujlding 7:nspection clearance. Deviation from this 1 an amendment to be considered by the Planning CO~?"S~;~~. " 28 9. Any mechanical and/or electrical equiprwnt to be iocatk 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 the roof of ti12 structure shall be screened in a manner acc to the Planning Director. Detailed plans for said screenir I i be submitted, in triplicate, to the Planning Director. I lj 10. year basis. the applicant and th2 City Cour,cif shall decide if a report I 1 describing the "state of the art" && of alternate emissicr systems, that could be utilized in lieu of the 400 foot st i I I appropriate. Said report shall be considered as an amenclcw 1 I the accepted E.I.R. E.!kn a reasonable alternative system i to exist, the applicant shall make every eFfort to convert j Encina Power Plant to said system, said conversion should i the considerations or' th2 removal of the 400 foot stack. i t 11. In the e\ient that -the Encina Power Plant is discontinu ; genera-ti ng e: ectri ci ty or phased out of opera ti on 3 the appl I shall cagse, at his expense, the rermvaf of the 400 ft. sta The approval granted h$rFjn is subject to revieiv on a Prior to the s+&e&@ year anniversary of this 1 32 I j i i i ! - 2- 1 1! 20 I I 22 23 I i ! I I 32 i j I I I I I f ea 00 Affidavit of Publication -- - 1 SS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego ..................................................................................... Patricia llamiqe ..-.......---..---..-..-----, says that she is the Principa of The Carlsbad Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published City of Carlsbad, COUR+Y OC San Diego. and S+a+e of California, and ihai +he notice of whi annexed is a +rue copy, was published .....--.... + imes in said newspaper, commencing on the ........ ................... namely on the following dates: day of ~m...-- 93- ...........-................ -o A.D. I9 ................ NOTICE OF FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND AMENDMENT TO EXISTING SPECIFIC PLAN. NOTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN that the city Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Ave- nue, Carlsbad, California, on Tuesday, November 20, 1973 at 7130 P.M., toconsider the Final Environmental Impact Report and a reauest for Amendment to existing SDecific Plan to allow the construction of a 400 foot Single stack to replace the four (4) existing stacks, on property generally located on the east side of Carls- bad Boulevard, and south of the north shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and more particularly described as follows: ................... 1TQY.8.y.19.73 ............................... " ..-. .................................................. ....................................... .. ............- ...................... ............ -_-.- ......-................. ._..__...__.. -..---e - - -- ..........- ....-.-.-.............. -.. .... .... .......................... .............. .. ......................... .....-........-..... .... ..........-..-....- ... 3, .................................................. -. ........... ....-..-......-....-....- "_ A portion of Lot F of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the County of San Diego, and a portion of Lot H of the Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823, in the City of Carls- bad, and a portion of Block "W" of Palisades No. 2, Map 1803, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. ............. ---..... ............................ - ... .....................................-.... ............................................... ..... ....- ._._.." -....- I ..--.. "_ .................................................. - .... -.... - ................................ Said application being submitted by San Diego Gas and Electric Company, in accordance with Section 21.52.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. .................................................. - ....... ...-....-..........-..........-....- ............................................. ............. _.-__.-___.___-__- .... _----_-_-.-- CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Pub: Nov. 8, 1973. ........................................................................ ........-...... ...-.._.- Signed a+ Carlsbad, California +his ....._.e.. NOV. day of .................................. ................... - ... .......-..... , 19 1 hereby declare under penalty of pel that the foregoing is irue and correct. ...... FA &.:TU&<d .. ........... Clei Legal Decree No. 172342 e* 00 NOTICE OF FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND AMENDMENT TO EXISTIIdG SPECIFIC PLAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, on Tuesday, November 20, 1973 at 7:30 P.M., to consider the Final Environmental Impact Report and a request for Amendment to existing Specific Plan to allow the construt tion of a 400 foot single stack to replace the four (4) existing stacks, on property generally located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard, and south of the north shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and more particularly described as fol lows : A portion of Lot F of Rancho Agua Hedionda, i'n the County of San Diego,-and a portion of Lot H o'f Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823, in the City of Carlsbad, and a portion of BJock 'IN" of Palisades No. 2, Map 1803, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. Said application being submitted by San Diego Gas and Electric Company, in accordance with Section 27.52.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Publish: November 8, 1973 U 0 e NOTICE OF PUELICW-' NOTICE IS HE2EBY GIVEY that the Planning CornrnissjQn 0. the City of Carlsbad, California, will hold a Pubiic,Hearing on November 13, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, I: Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, to consider the following: CASE NO. SP-144 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC application filed by San Diego Gas 8 Electric requesting Amendm; existing Specific Plan to allow the construction 'of a 400,ft.~ing~e. replace the four existing stacks, on property generally located on the east side of Carlsbad Blvd. and south of the north shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and more particularly described as: A portion of Lot f of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the County of San Diego, and a portion of Lot h of Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823, in the City of Carlsbad, and E portion of Block I'W" of Palisades No. 2, Map 1803, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Ca7 i forni a. Those persons desiring to comment on the proposed Specific Plan cordially invited to attend the Public Hearing. CAR L S BP. D C I 7 Y P LA M N I N G C 0 PIM I S PUBLISH: November 1, 1973 I r. Q @!CbEPORT H EAR I I\tG *m I PIOT~CE or AO, SED ENYIRDM~~ENN. IF, i. FIOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEW that the Planning Commission of th City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on blovernber 13, 197 , 7:39 P.E., in the City Council Chambers, 1s Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, to consider a Final Environu - at Impact ~,eport, submitted by SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC'COMPANY on property jocated east Of Pacific Ocean and<south 0f.north shore of- Agua Hedionda Lagoon. , . for a si'ngle 'stack;' to replace the' existing four (4) stacks; I . on the following describ2d property: I (type project) A portion of Lot F of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the County of San D and a portion of Lot H of Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823, in the City 0 Carlsbad, and a portion of B7ock "tl" of Palisades No. 2, Map 1803, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. CARL S BAD C I TY P LA N?l I N G C OMM 1 S S I 0 N ( Publish: November 1, 1973 a / \ e *r P-- ( m. 1. * I Book 206 ?age 012 , Parcel k' 8. Ruzicka, Nil0 P. & Xarjorie L. 3970 Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Helgesen, Thorleif & Astri $7. 3978 Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 10. Helgesen, Thorleif 3978 Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 .W's. /XI. Vincent, Ronald P. & Beverly M. 1805 N. Willow Rialto, CA 92376 Page 013 Parcel J2. Bear, j?. James & Sm M. 2535 Clairemont Dr. San Diego CA 92117 3. Bear, F. James & Suzy M 2535 Clairemont Dr. San Diego CA 92117 4 4. McConnaughay, Helen W. 143 Sequoia St. Carlsbad CA 92008 Heard, Jefferson C. EL Evelyn 1212 W. 162nd St. Gardena CA 90247 . J 5. J 6. Litchfield, Ernest J. & George R. 159 Sequoia Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 /7. Richardson, Maude A. 1396 Chinquapin Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Hall, Jack N. & Dorothy D. P.O. Box 11667 SanCa Ana CA 92711 4/11. a* I a. %, .L EQOk 206 Page 023 Parcel /12. Miller, Eobert E. & Pola, Taylor, Rarris A. G Franc fi. 430 Rodeo Driw Apt. 101 BeiTerly H'ills CA 90210 ~'13. Hitarnil, Inc. 430 Rodeo Drive Apt. 101 Beverly Rills CA 90210 14. Mitarnil, inc. 430 Rodeo Drive, Apt. 101 Beverly Hills CA 90210 15. Mitaail, Inc. 430 Rodeo Drive, Apt. 101 Beverly Hills CA 90210 Duro, Irene P. c/o Coulter ti Gray 430 Rodeo Drive, Apt. 101 Beverly Hills CA 90210 * J 16. 17. Duro, Irene P. c/o Coulter &Gray 430 Rodeo Drive, Apt. 101 Beverly Hills CA 90210 v' 18. Lull, Jeannette L. c/o PIelvin F. Lull P.O. Box 548 Carlsbad CA 92008 Frinchaboy, Warren F. 5( Alice L. 3981 Garfield St. Carlsbad CA 92008 L/ 19. Page 02 Parcel 915. Read, Dorothy V. 112 C Via Estrada Laguna Hills CA 92653 J 16. Bond, Royce G. & Warda R. 240 Chinquapin St. Carlsbad CA 92008 I I Page '07 Parcel J I. Dellamano, F. Lorene 4011 Garfield St. Carlsbad CA 92008 l ee e@ Page 3 .* (1 Book 206 Page 37 Parcel J 2. Gallant, Philip H. & Annabell B. 175-B Chinquapin Ave. Carisbad, CA 92008 ' 3. Mitanil, Inc. 430 Rodeo Dr. Apt. 101 Beverly Hills CA 90210 4. Mitarnil, Inc. 430 Rodeo Dr. Apt. 101 Beverly Hills CA 90210 Page 08 Parcel J 1. Baughman, Edna 1802 Arkansas Ave. Wichita, Kansas 67203 /2. Markey, Nargaret M. 4016 Garfield St. Carlsbad CA 92008 v- 3. Kutlesa, Joseph & Jean 4024 Garfield St. Apt. B Carlsbad CA 92008 4. Kutlesa, Joseph & Jean 4024 Garfield St. Apt. E. Carlsbad CA 92008 J5. Davies, Llewella G. 2730 E. Vista Way Vista CA 92083 6. Davies, Llewella G. 2730 E. Vista Way Vista CA 92083 7. Davies, Llewella G. 2730 E. Vista Way Vista CA 92083 Raleigh, Charles F. &Mary V. 4058 Garfield St. Carlsbad CA 92008 i8. am Page 4 0. ., Eook 206 ?age 08 Tarcel d’ 9. Milliken, Jesse & Florence E, 3481 Carfield St. CarlsSad CA 92008 J 10. Burke, Chester, L. & Helen J. 251 Chinquapin Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 11. Burke, Chester L. 6r Helen J. 251 Chinquapin Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 6 12. Lloyd, Ruth A. (AKA Gordon) 265 Chinquapin Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 J 25. Germ, Gustav & Elisabeth 27644 Nebraska Ave. South Gate CA 90280 Page 091 Parcel i 1. Meese, George H. & Sabina M. Box 975 Carlsbad CA 92008 2. Meese, George H. EL Sabina PI. Box 975 Carlsbad CA 92008 3. Meese, George H. & Sa3ina M. Box 975 Carlsbad CA 92008 Switzer, William & Elvira A. 2999 E. Orange Blvd. No. 120 Long Beach CA 90803 4. 2/ 5. Beddoes, Elizabeth B. v 4092 Garfield St. Carlsbad CA 92008 Nelson, John & Margery A. 220 Olive Ave. J6. Carlsbad CA 92008 7. Meese, George H. & Sabina N. Box 975 Carlsbad CA 92008 * 0. Page 5 e. .* Bcok 206 Page 091 Parcel. ./ 8. Beets, James H. G Clarice E., Seets, ?!ary L. 236 Olive Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 Vivant, Edwin C. 5 Gennie B. 5136 N. Peck Rd. El Monte CA 91732 Grieser, Herthel E. & Rose M., Griesser, 3fichael N. 306 Olive Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 / 10. 11. 'd 13. Higman, Anna H. TR / 3910 N. Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead CA 91770 Page 092 Parcel 1. Rosendahl, Wesley 0. EL Amy EI. 4132 Garfield Ave, Carlsbad CA 92008 Bonas, Arthur J. & Plargaret J. 241 Olive Aue. Carlsbad CA 92008 /2. 3. Bonas, Arthur J. & Margaret J. 241 Olive Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 Tufillaro, Joseph & Joyce L. 831 Olive Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 ~6. 8. Bonas, Arthur J. CL Hargaret J. 241 Olive Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 I 9. Beust, Ben 0. G Bsss W. 315 Olive Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 v 10. AT & SF 11. AT & SF * Page 101 Psrcel 2. Allen, John P. , Allen, Jean, AllentlJ.G., ALlen,W.G. ET. Ai 81 Lakeside Lane Oceanside CA 92055 0. 0- " *- e. .. ' Book 206 ' Page 101 Parcel /' 13- Trask, Elwood E- & Bess X. P.0. ZOX 574 CarlsSaO, CA 92008 Page 120 Parcel d 16. Newton, James Q. Jr., c/o United Bank of Denver P.O. BOX 5247-0096 Denver, Colorado 80217 17. Herzen-Pettit, Inc. ET. AL d 453 S. Spring St. Suite 725 Los Angeles CA 90013 Brandau, James F. & Paula S. 110 Rosemary Dr. J 18. North Kingstown, R.1, 02852 / 19. Freeland, Eugene L. P-0. BOX 732 Ranch Santa Fe CA 92067 Fox, Francis J. & Virginia E. 4215 Harrison St. Carlsbad CA 92008 d22. Winter, Ray $1. & Barbara 1745 Rocky Road Fullerton CA 92631 J 21. 28. Fox, Francis J. & Virginia E. 4215 Harrison St. Carlsbad CA 92008 Fox, Francis 3- & Virginia E. 29. 4215 Harrison St. Carlsbad CA 92008 J33. Winter, Barbara P.O. Box 607 Encinitas CA 92024 Page 171 Parcel J 1. Stabile, Joseph E. & Henrietta M. 14007 Morrison St. Sherman Oaks CA 91403 Ecke, TJarner & Mary 415 Huntley Dr. t,/ 2. . Los Angeles CA 90048 e. 0. -L Book 206 Page 172 Parcel /z. >lccarveT, Charles F. 1756 Dora Drive Cardiff CA 92007 J 3. Vogel, ?,:2ch 399 Quail Gardens Dr. Encinicas CA 92024 * ,44. Birsner, John W. 1703 27th St. Bakersfield CA 93301 Winter, Zarbara E. Dealy, Ruth x. 1745 Rocky Road Fullertoll CA 92631 ~'5. 6. Winter, Barbara E. , Dea1y , Ruth H. 1745 Rocky Road Fullerton, CA 92532 7. Dealy, Rxth H. & Winter, Barbara E. 1745 Rocky Road Fullerton CA 92631 Page 200 Parcel * '1. Maurer, X. P. 5305 Carisbad Blvd. Carlsbad CA 92008 4'2. Vonherzen, C.P. & Ecke, Paul Jr. 453 S. Spring St. Los Angeks CA 90013 .Bear, F. Jaines & Suzanne 2865 State St. San Diego CA 92103 /3. 4. Bear, F. James & Suzanne 2865 Star,? St. San Diego CA 92103 5, Bear, F. James 6 Suzanne 2855 State St. Sari Diego CA 92103 Bear, F. James & Suzanne 2865 State St. San Diego CA 92103 6. 1 7. Bear, F. Zarnes & Suzanne 2865 State St. San Diego CA 92103 0. 00 .I Book 206 - Page 200 Parcel r‘ 8. Casey, Bonnie G. 1331 Rubio St. AlZaGena CA 91001 r 9. Casey, Bonnie G. 1331 Rubio St. Aliadena CA 91001 Page 222 Parcel /I$. Gerow, Estelle C. 4182 Jefferson St. Carlsbad CA 92008 . Allen, Naomi B., Allen, Jear, M., Allen, W.G. & Charlotte Lakeside Lane, Space 81 Oceanside, CA 92054 “9. Book 207 Page 101 Parcel ’ 1. Ferrero, Nino ET. AL. 3001 W. Beverly Blvd. Montebello CA 90640 J 10. Kelly, Allan 0. 4675 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92008 L. R. Partnership Ltd. c/o Kaxar Construction P.O. Box 71 , Carlsbad CA 92008 d11. Page 150 Parcel y55. Okirnoto, Joe Y. & Elaine S. 2017 Sunset Lane Fullerton CA 92633 58. Bristol Cove Property Owners Association , a/ P.O. Box 37 Carlsbad CA 92008 hg. Xuderna, Charles J. 2977 Passinore Dr. Los Angeles CA 90038 . .e 3- ' *- 0. -i Book 207 * Page 150 Parcel SO. 3ristol Cove Yroperty Criiners Association F.0. Box 37 Cerlsbad CA 92008 8 77. J~TISS Development Co. 103 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks CA 91360 'J 79. Sulli, Jack & Esther 4517 Cove, Unit No. 1. Carlsbad CA 92008 81. . Book 208 Page 02 Parcel f 28. Kelly, Allan 0, P.O. Box 335 Carlsbad CA 92008 Book 210 Page 01 Parcel /3. Ecke, Paul & Magdalena P. 0. Box 488 Eminitas CA 92024 .r 28. Cannon, N. D. ?,O. Box 532 Carlsbad CA 92008 Page 02 Parcel J 1. :.Ioriarty, David H. 6 Yarguerite M, 497 Ogden Dr. Los Angeles CA 90036 /2. Appleton, William N. 6: Mildred A. 5022 Tierra Del Oro St. Carlsbad GB 92008 Finn, John Jr. , & Ilene W. 65 La Canpana St. Orinda CA 94553 d 3. * J4. Henry, XeIvin & Kay 3330 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad CA 92008 , m. 0. .L Book 210 Parcel B 5. NaerTxLe, Fred W. SL Betty 14. Page 02 P. 0. Box 398 Carlsbad CA 92008 J 6. Talbert, John M. 5036 Tierra Del. Oro St. Carlsbad CA 92008 , J 7. Price, J. Harry & Frances J. 5040 Tierra Del Oro St. Carlsbad CA 92008 Barlow, William R. G Agnes E. 5039 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad CA 92008 4 8. J 9, Barlow, Nargaret J. 5035 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad CA 92008 * 10. McAuley, J.E. & Verna 5031 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad CA 92008 Spivey, Arthur W. & Mary B. 5029 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad CA 92008 d 11. /12. Pedersen, Dorothy A. 5025 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad CA 92008 Clernents, William W. G J. Karen 363 N. First Ave. Phoenix, A2 85003 I 13. /14. Valentine, Edward L. & Murie H. 9335 E. Friendship St. Pic0 Rivera CA 90660 Miller, John W. & Marilyn J. 5015 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad CA 92008 p 15. ~16. Prewitt, Louise 0. P.O. Box 75037 Los Angeles CA 90005 ,’ 17. Schiff, Frank S. & Susanzle I 1440 Circle Dr. San Marino CA 91108 4 18. Sorver, Ruth L. * 2337 E. Alaska St. Nest Covina C4 91790 1 0. 0. .L. Book 210 Page 02 T Parcel 119. Facific Investment CO. P.O. Box 532 Carlsbad CB 92008 20 Pacific Investment Co. P.O. Box 532 Carlsjad CA 92008 Kerwood, Quentin & Corothy E. 5016 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad CA 92008 /21. Page 031 Parcel ‘1. Kyes, Margret P. 5021 Shore Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 ,2. Downs, Marguerite J. 4090 Brant, Apt. 10 San Diego CA 92103 43. Jones, J. Vernon 5051 Shore Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 Page 033 Parcel 4. Hansen, Clarence 3. & Henrietta Q. 5080 Carlsbad Sfvd. Carlsbad CA 92008 Bollman, Ferdinand L. & Elizabeth D, 5098 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad CA 92008 McAdams, John W.’ :[I & Belva L. Carlsbad CA 92008 Var-ilek, Raymond R. G Ursula M. 112% Diamond Ave . Balboa Island CA 92652 Vankeuren, Frank 0. G Ada W. 5103 LOS Robles Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 ‘ 3. 8. / 5051 Los Robles Dr. J 9. .* 14. dl5. Sarain, Edith P. J 16. Miller, Walter G. G Virginia PI. 5079 Los Robles Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 t 5065 Los Robles Dr. Carls3ad CA 92008 > @. m. ?age LZ ,. 6 Book 210 ;age 033 Parcel 17. PlcXdams, John W. TI & Belva 5. 5051 Los Robles Dr. Carlsbad Ch 92008 Psge 034 Parcel 1. Poggemeyer, Lewis E. & Aureli-.e M. ' / 5050 Los Robles Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 / 2. Hill, George S. 5070 Los Robles Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 J 3. DeWitt, Jennie C. 5090 Los Robles Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 Lindberg, Fleming G. & Estelle I. 5100 Los Robles Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 d4. Page 09 Parcel 16. Ecke, Paul & Magdalena P.O. BOX 488 Encinitas CA 92024 17. Cannon, W.D. P.O. Box 532 Carlsbad CA 92008 Page 3.5 Parcel ,, 1. Stephens, Thomas F. G Alicia L. 1660 Brahs Rd. ' Cardiff CA 92007 I/ 2. Stephens, Neville R. 5091 El Arbol St. Carlsbad CA 92008 4. Price, William L . G Carol F . 5101 El Arbol St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 '4. Eby, Joel C. G Esther A. 5117 El Arbol St. Carlsbad CA 92008 9 2- . 0. e* Sook 2LG , Page 16 P2rceL 10. Scheider , John E. & T;lane ?Ig 5090 El Arbol St. Carlsbad CA 92008 1. Todd, Robert L. & BsZq- 1.1. 5100 El Arbol St. Carlsbad CA 92008 ’ 425. Ward, William W. & Susan L. 5080 El Arbol St. Carlsbad CA 92008 Book 211 Page 01 Parcel ., 5. Ecke, Paul & Magdalena P.O. Box 488 Encinitas CA 92024 B 11. Carltas Co. P.O. Box 488 Encinitas CA 92024 Page 021 Parcel 3. Carltas Go. P.O. Box 488 Encinitas CA 92024 12. Carltas Co. P.O. Box 488 Encinitas CA 92024 Book 212 Page 01 Parcel 11. Title Insurance & Trust Company 220 A St. San Diego CA 92101 Lu Yg 15 reference herein, which is hereby adopted. D 14 e% 8 :o uQ B"o=s 161 g>50 - mLek. i * 5< -I 17 SSC; ~~22 18 zz y >I- a* a 3.9 >" 20 wu I- u - Exhibit A, on file in the Planning Department and incorporate( SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 9279 is amended by the amendment of Section 2 of said ordinance to add Condition No. to read as follows: "In addition to the above conditions, this plan, as revised, shall also be subject to conditions one 21 22 23 24 25 . 26 271 28 29 30 31 32 through nine inclusive, and eleven, as set out in Resolution No. 986 of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, adopted'on the 13th day of November, 1973, attached hereto as Exhibit X and incorporated by reference herein." - SECTION 3. That Ordinance No. 9279 is amended by the amendment of Section 2 of said ordinance to add Condition No. to read as follows: i "The approval qranted herein is subject to review I on a five-year basis. Prior to the fifth year anniver- sary of this approval, the applicant and the City Couricil shall dccide if a report describing the "state il I c1 3. 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 0 10 l1 l2 l3 14 I.5 l6 I-7 X* 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CJe *ID cf the art" of alternate emission control systems, that could be utilized ir lieu of the 400 foot stack is appropriate. Said report shall be considered as an amendment to the accepted E.I.R. When a reasonable alternative system is found to exist, the applicant shall make every effort to convert the Encina Power Plan to said system, said conversion should include 'the considerations of the removal of the 400 foot stack -___ EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thii -- (30) days after its adoption and the City Clerk shall-certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen (15) days afl its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City, Council held on the 20th day of November 1973, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 4th day of December 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, NcComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. - DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor Attest: - I WV~ZZTETEXDAMS, ci ty CJ erk em f .. sD&& SAN DIEGO GA'Z & ELECTRIC COrdPANY ow P 0 BOX 1871 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92112, FILE NO Muc 100 X CNB 100 December 10, 1973 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Attention: Mr. Don Agatep Gentlemen: Planning Director Reference is made to Ordinance 9372, adopted by the Carlsbad City Council, December 4, 1973, amending San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Specific Plan to include the single stack and the facade around the top of the Encina Power Plant. In order for you to complete this project, you require written acknowledgement of our acceptance of the conditions attached to the amended specific plan. Please be advised that San Diego Gas & Electric Company accepts the conditions as approved and adopted by the City Council. grateful for your effort on this matter. Don, San Diego Gas & Electric Company is most Sincerely, &ax W. DeVore, Manager Engineering Land Department FWD : mr Phone: 232-4252 cc: HERichmond #?norable City Council City of Carlsbad Attn: City Clerk A. A. Sugg, Dist. Mgr. Oceanside District Office 'San Diego Gas & Electric Co. INVESTOR-OWNED BY MORE THAN 35 000 STOCKHOLDERS