HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-20; City Council; 2210; Street Name Change_-- . \ 4- - % . _.-I. K!Jr CITY OF CARLSPAD, CALIFPkN.IA y /,--&#(&$ - * +,; 1 4; +?J; sill :do. a;c,o - Date November 20, 1973 ... . Referred .To: CITY COUNCIL .. Subject: Consideration of. Street dlame Change Submitted By: No. 1 - Lowdet Lane to Phse'a Del Norte PLANNING 'COMMI -Statement of the Matter c At the Planning Commission meeting of October 23, 1973, the Planning Commission did consider a recommendation to change the name of Lowder Lane'(from Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane) to Plaza. Del Norte. In that Plaza Del Norte is a contradiction in Spanish, the Planning Commission, by a unanimous vote, does recommend that . the City Council change the existing Plaza Del Norte (from Cannon Road to' Palomar ASrport Road) and Lowder Lane to PASEO DEL NORTE. (See Reso. No. 982 ) Exhibit 1. Staff -Report dated October 23, 1973 -. 5. my SaJf+c:? $t-J*>. 4 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 982 3. City -Clerk Legislative History Record. Re: Lowder Lane 4. Memorandum Re: Street Name Changes . 7. Resolution No. .+ 33 7, changing street na.me. . 6. Resolution No. stating Council's intent to hold public hearing 3taff Recommendat ions to City Manager - That the City Council initia'te a public meeting to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation with provision of notification of all occupants adjacent to these streets. . . -... ... . AB No. Date: _~nvemh~~ 70 . 1973 . City Manager’s Recommendation .- The proposed street name changes are consistent with the proposed street.name po1:icy-reviewed by Council at its November 7, 1973 Council. meeting.. .This office concurrs with the recommendation that the Council set a public meeting to hear testimony from’i.nterested citizens .. relative to the proposed name change. Th‘e proposed change has been reviewed by appropriate City departments.. - go unci 1 . ~c ti on 11-21-73 ’ The Council directed the staff to initiate proceedings for a Public Hearing to consider”a street name change from Lowder Lane and Plaza del Norte to Paseo’del Norte. -2L5-74 Resolution No. 334’2 setting public hearing was-adopted. (3/6/74) .. .. . d-k-- 79 . C3:’]TI$,!UE TO , 2-/% 7% create the. street name change for Lowder Lane and Plaza Del Norte to Paseo Del.’Norte, to become effective two years hence. : .i.F.r.*..3ZU..-7n , A*-- 3-19-74. The staff was inskructed to prepare-the .necessary resolution to 4-2-74 Resolution #3342 was adopted, changing Lowder Lane and Plaza Del Norte to.Paseo Del Norte. .. . ..: . . .. ‘ -2- CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FOR OCTOBER 23, 1973 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT ON: CONSIDERATION OF STREET NAME CHANGE CASE No: SNC-1 A BACKGROUND: At the Planning Commission's last meeting of October 9, 1973, Staff did propose a street name change of Lowder Lane to Plaza del Norte. Consideration of the matter was continued two weeks to permit notification of all occupants along Lowder Lane of the proposed change. PROPOSAL: That the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that Lowder Lane between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane be changed to Plaza del Norte. At the request of the Planning Commission, Staff did look into the possibility of some historical significance of the name Lowder Lane. significance was found. No STAFF RECOMMENDATION: to the City Council that Lowder Lane BE CHANGED to Plaza del Norte. That it be moved that the Planning Comission recommend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 5 IC If 12 3.2 I4 If 3f 1: 12 1: 2( 2: 2: 2: 24 2! 21 2' 3.1 -a:.*-.- . .. - .. -.- 4- -- PLANNII'IG COWIISSION RESOLUTION MI. 982 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLAFINING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A STREET NAME CHANGE FROM PLAZA DEL MORTE AND LOWDER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOE4lENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL LANE TO PASEO DEL MORTE. CASE NO. SNC-1 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on October 13, 1973 to consider a street name change of Lowder Lane to Plaza del Norte tnd; WHEREAS, all occupants of said street were sent written notices, and; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission determined that Plaza del Norte was imbiguous, and; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did enlarge the consideration to include the changing of Plaza del Norte. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City if Carlsbad that it does recommend to the City Council that they approve a itreet name change of Plaza del Norte and Lowder Lane to Paseo del Norte. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning :ommission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 23rd day of ktober, 1973, by the following vote, to wit; AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Jose, Dominguez and Palmateer Commissioners Casler, Wrench, Forrnan & Little MARY CASLER, Chairman Pro Tempore 1TTEST: IONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary .. ACTION OF CWNCIL OR aOAR0 CATE *IC Street Names - Numberirig MIYUTE WOK VOLUME I PAGE * .. 5-5-70 ,A resolution of Citv changinu St ahme of Avenida Fncinas 14 LEGISLITIYE HISTORY RECORD 73 FILE NO. 98 --AIL c 38 1 Street Names - Numberjng f2 141 11 I I iriai i;i-i:i ran i-zioi7-r-r’rIT;rriiorr’i-rf7i rr4101 rrr I I I i ISPI r 1-1 I I r I IWI~I I I I 1-1 I imi’i ?Ti 1-7 ri TYPIST PLEASE NOTE-THIS SCALE CORRESPONDS TO TYPEWRlfER (PICA) SCALE-SET PAPER GUIDES SO THAT URD SULE WILL REGISTER WITH IS TURNED INTO WRITlNC POSITION. InSURE PERF’CCT ALIGNMENT OF EACH DIVISION OF INFORMATION. FOLD BACX OR REMOVE STUB AFTER TTIPING. USL N€W TYPmRITER RIBBQN. REMINGTON RAND -20 DIVISION OF S?fRRY RAN0 CORPORATION MACHIME %ALL WHEN URD START INDEX THREE (3) HIWTS FROM LEFT FDGE OF URD. USE OTHER MINTS OF SCALE FOR OTHER DIVISIONS OF VlSlaLE TITLE. SET TAWLATORS TO RUC. I Ita 14 E M 0 B A N D U $1 It has been brocght to om attentLon by ?Zk&neerbg Departclerxt (see attached -r memorandums) that sevo,ral stmet changes are necessary Withi? the City irr order to maintain a coharcmt policy of stmR naming. . -. .. .. .-. .. . -- .. .. .. .- ~ ... .- However, since the Cdsian has mver acted upon the staff's proposed street, policy (attach&), xe ha~e no policy procedure to follow to charge thz name of a stre&, er,cep% the foilowing excerpts'from the . .5L -- Government Code: Section 34091.1 Ad&lon os change of street mme; resolution Xienever the, iegislakive body Zincis thzt a naini: should be adopted md mylied to any city street, or that the existing nu.e or" z.y city street should be chaged, the legislative bdy may adopt a resolution designating a rims for, or ckenge the nane of, such street. '.. . .. . Section 3L092 Adodim or chznge of name or nm3er of street or Dlace; dctg of' city clsrk - kkenevar the naas of my strsat, bodevard, park, oz place is adopted, established or chznged, or any house nmhers have been chmged on any street, boulevard, pqk or place, by any city or other authority, the city clerk shall proqtly fond a co2y of the resolution, order, or other 3mtrument pmvtdhg for such new name or change of nme or housenmb-r-ko the board af supervisors of the ccnm%y within w';lich such city is sjf;uztt&, \ Section 5026. Nzt of inproved place. Tk legislative body of a county, city or city and cm&y, may 'cy resolu-Lion adopt a na.xe for my strEct, bmlevard, park or place rshich is to be kqroved under this dii5sFon, for ct~ic'n a nmz has not been provided under the provfLsions of Sectiors 970.5 and 971, or othp.rs.,-ise, anc! ray by resolutian chance the nanz of any such street, boulevard, pzrk or p)racc heretofore established; provided further, that a copy of the resolu-t;ion or order providing for smh nsb; nme or chm~e of nm~: made by my cTkg SU be pronptly fomarded by the city clerk to thc coimty clerk and comty surveyor of the CCWW in whi~h SUC~ nwiicipali$y is situated. ** .+ 1 1.) , 6.‘ -. 3 r, 5 6 7 e 9 10 1 :! 12 13 20 21 22 23 2 4 25 2 6 27 2 3 29 30 .,i 32 t 0 ., . BE IT WSOLVED by the. City Council of the City of Carlsbad Califgrnia as Eo~~ow.~,: 1. That a public hearincj be held on 6th day 01 March I 1974, to consider a name change for Lowder Lane _I_____-- between Palorczr Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane and for Plaza Del Morte between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road to Paseo Del Norte. 2, The City Clerk is directed to give notice of said hearing to the affected property owners. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the , 13’ - Carlsbad City Council held on the 5th day of February by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Dunne, T”lcCornils, Lewis, Chase and Fr3ze~ NOES : None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST : ( B EAL) 1 2 ‘2 c. 4 5 6 7 e 9 1c 11 1% 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t 0 RESOLUTIOM NO. 3367 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING THE STREET NAME OF LOWDER LAPSE BETWEEN PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND POINSETTIA LANE AND PLAZA D3L NORTE BETWEEN CANNON ZOAD AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TO PASEO DEL NORTE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the recommendation by the Planning Commission a public hearing was held on March 6 and March 19, 1974 before the City Counci-1 to consider a name change for Lowder Lane between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane, and for Plaza Del Norte between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road to Paseo Del Norte; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all persons desiring to be heard were heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Council determines it to be in the public interest to accomplish the name change but on a delayed basis to allow an adjustment period. 3, That the name of Lowder Lane between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane and the name of Plaza Del Norte between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road are hereby changed to Paseo Del Norte, said change to be effective April 2, 1976. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 2nd day of April, 1974 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis. NOES : None A SEAL^'