HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-04; City Council; 2212-1; FY 1973-74 salary plan executive schedulec- -- I.. Agenda Bill No. 4 *Ref erred To : Subject : Submitted By: 9% Implementation of executive salar'y schedule by ' William C. Bal'dwin adoption of revised salary plan for fiscal year Personnel Director _- 4-973 -74. U F& -. Statement of the :.fatter At'their November 21, 197.3 meeting (AB 2212) the City Council approved in principle an executive salary plan and directed the staff to return with . the necessary documents. A resolution amending the salary plan for the City for fiscal year 1973-74 to implement the executive plan has -been . prepared. ,The sal'ary schedule to be adopted as a part of said resolution places certain executive and-administrative personnel at their current salary on. a sala-ry range and gives the City Mana'ger authority to make adjustments with the range. The resolution also fixes the salary of the . City Manager. Exhibit 1. 'Resolution No. &?y ,adopting a revised salary plan: 2. Exhibit "All. to Resolution 3204 the etisting salary schedule. Staff Recommendations to the 'City Manager SEE CITY MANAGER- RECOMMENDATIONS .. . .. - .. Date: December 4, 1973 City Manager's Recommendation The attached resolution is in conformance with the executive salary plan previously brought before the City Council. The resolution also accomplishes the intent of the council in connection with the City Manager's salary: . I would recommend adoption of the resolution. Council 'Action 12-4-73 Resolution No. 3297 adopting a revised salary plan was adopted. -2- '. I?ESOLUTION NO. 3297 ----- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUiYCIL OF THE CITY OF CASLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTIfx!G AN AMEULIED FISCAL YEAR. SALARY PLAN FOR THE CITY FOR THE 1973-74 ________I__-_ REAS, the City Council did, on June 19, 1973, adop Resolution No. 3153 adopting a salary plan for the City for the 1973-74 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, said adoption was pursuant to an acceptance by the Council of certain niemorandums of understanding; and WHEREAS, there were some individual employees who were not covered by said memorandums of understanding; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that it was appropriate to amend said salary plan in order to include adjustments for cer- tain executive and administrative personnel and did so by adopting Resolution No. 3204 on August 21, 1973; and WHEREAS, further review has indicated that the administra- tion of the City will he more effective if said personnel are compensated in accord with an executive salary schedule; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the classification of salary range schedule adopted by Resolution No. 3153 as the salary plan for the City of Carlsbad for the fiscal year 1973-74 as amended by Resolution No. 3204 is hereby superseded by an amended schediile attached as Exhi- bit "A" hereto and incorporated by reference herein. Said plan shall be the salary plan for the City of Carlsbad for the balance of the 1973-74 fiscal year. 3. That all executive and administrative exployecs coveref by said plan shall colitittue to be compensated at the rate in effecl or? the day prior to the date of the adoption of this resolution, 1. 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 The City N.(iager shall have the authority Lu make atljustinents to tho amount OF said coi!ipensation within the ranges adopted hereby at his sole discretion, 4. That the City Manager shall be placed on the "B" steps OF the "XM" range adopted hereby with an entry date of November 1, 1973. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regu'lar meeting of the City Council held on the _-I. 4th day of --D-exmhe.r- -_______ , 797: by the following vote,to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: (seal) -2- EXECUTIVE SALARY SCBEDULC SALAZY SALARY CLASSIFICATION LOW - Iiigh CLASSIIICATLO:? Loig - Eiah ADPIIN. ASSISTAVT $ 968 - 1248 FLFZ CHIEF $1353 - 1757 ASSIST. TO C/KGR. 1236 - 1593 LICENSE SUPV." 922 - 1189 CITY LIB,XRRirA!V 1177 - 1517 DA3lKS & DIR. 1121 - 1445 1431 - 1843 DIR. BUILD.& HOUS. 1236 - 1593 POLICE CFiIEF 1540 - 1973 DIR. PLAX:?I?':G 1466 - 1890 P.il. DIXZCTOi? FINAKCC DIR. 1267 - 1632 STEPS -7 CLASSIFICATIOX Range A B C D rJ CITY ATTOT?:<EY XA $18i'5 $2 969 $9OCT-$TI.70 $2278 CITY CLEPXx xc 225 CITY COU?!CIL.lAN xcc 150 CITY VAMRGER St.1 2018 2119 2228 2336 2453 CITY TrnXSURZR XT 125 STE?S SALARY i i ! I i .. I ..- I.'