HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-18; City Council; 2245; MODIFICATION OF CITY MANAGER'S OFFICEp- L4- C A L I F'o r! ?? I A 0 CAR L S B A D, a >' I THE CITY OF Agenda Bill No. ~i&&+5 Date: December 18, 1973- Ref erred To : - Subject: Submi t ted By :' Modification of City Manager's Off ice City Manager .\I@ Statement of the Matter The City Council has upon two previous occasions, AB 1064, February 28, 1973 and AB 2116, August 15, 1973, for two previous City Managers, conditionally authorized modifications to the City Manager's office to provide space for a secretary. The present Manager is aware of the previous actions in returning this subject to the Council for considera The previous plan was to place a' wall with a door in the Manager's office to provide an additional space for a secretary. Upon closer examination, the Manager has concluded that an.additiona1 wall with a door in the present conference room would alleviate other space problems in the City Hall, Exhibit A. It would further serve the purpose of providing greater use of the Council Chamber as a conference room and provide a staff table for regular meetings of the Council and Planning Commission, Exhibit B. Exhibit Resolution No.gJb? . staff Recommendations to the City Manager * SEE CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATIONS. L . I December 18, 1973 0 .. Date : AB No. * i City Managex's Recommendation I The cost of the proposed modifications would be approximately $1,000.00. Of this total, approximately $850.00 would be for materials needed to construct the two walls and to put in a door. The balance would be used to cover costs of rewiring the present Purchasing Office as a Copy Center. Although this has been approved in concept previously, funds have not been appropriated in this fiscal year. The modification is necessary for increased efficiency.. Therefore, it is requested that the Council approve the modifications represented by Exhibit A and B, and further authorize the expenditure of $1,000.00 from the General Fund Reserves. Council Action 12-18-73 Resolution #3307 was adopted, authorizing the expenditure of funds for modification of City Manager's Conference room. 1 3 6 7 8 9 lo l1 13 l2 Q 14 'a .= 5 8 N 15 E$ o) ou ru4 go;= 32 16 17 ez;; mG1-' gz86 gZ22 18 zg y >t- = 19 9 a 20 t 21 22 23 24 rim 24 lilo > V 1. That the expenditure not to exceed One Thousand I Dollars ($l,OOO.OO> from the General Fmd Reserves for modifica of the City Manager's conference room to provide for space for the City Masager's Secretary and to alleviate other space prob in the City Hal1.i~ hereby authorized and approved. 2. That Department of Finance Fund Transfer #10 , a form on file in said Department and incorporated by referenc herein, is approved. I I I PASSED, APPXOVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t City Council on the 78th day of December , 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewisg Chase and Fr KOES: None ABSENT: l"lOn2. -.- DAVID M. DUNNE, PIayTr 1 ~~i&/&+&&@,p ATTEST : 23 7 32 I I - 0 .. *-- _.. . .-. -- CITY OF CX9iSBAD - -- - . -_ __ ._ .e_. - ,. REQI~ST FOR TXAKFER - OF AP~~~~BLATIONS .- .. .I)E?ARTXENT tJTY MANAGER . hpt. ke 101 p December 12, 19 - 73 To Dixeccor of Finance: Trans fer Trans f el: From $ 1,000.00 To . $ 1,000.00 ,. Genekal Fund Account 1-101-6.7 Exp 1 anat ion 2. This request is for the addition of $1,000.00 to the City Manager's account for the purpose of modifying office spaces. bios- ' .tb.t.I&. @& c Tm Administrative Assi stan Title City Nanager Report * ---- Action of Act ion 1 ":i"";:~ ~ 1 City Council: Referred eo City blanager for - Re c 0m.e nd a t ion . Depto of Finance /-\, 1,- 19 Bp rr -5J .I ___-._ -- fi ty piartigyr 4 Dept. of Fiiance Koo.~ 1 Send 2 copies to the Director of Finance Retain 1, s