HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-02; City Council; 2262; Public Works Reorganization'•T X"E C X T Y D F .Agenda Bill No. Referred To: C A R L S B A D, C A L •I F O R N I A Date: Jdsuary 2, 1974 •' Subject: Submitted By: PUBLIC WORKS REORGANIZATION William C. Baldwin Asst-.) to C/Mgr. Statement of the matter :As recommended by Frank W. Lilley.,,tovernmental Management Consultant, a reorganization of the public works field of activity would separate the existing one classification, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER, positioning a PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR to coordinate the operations of an Engineering Department and a --to be established--Utilities- Maintenance Department with utilities, street maintenance and mechanical maintenance divisions. A building maintenance division at present under the direction of the PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER would be "placed under the supervision of the Building Department." The following, will implement the reorganization, bearing in mind that Resolution No. 3297 establishes the title and salary range for PUBLIC ' WORKS DIRECTOR. 1. The revision of classification specifications and salary range for CITY ENGINEERING DIRECTOR, and'adoption by resolution. 2. The adoption of classification specifications and salary range for UTILITIES -MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR. S. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR recruitment and appointment. 4. SECRETARY recruitment and appointment. 5. Funds allocation. Exibit: 1. CONSULTANT ANALY IS AND RECOMMENDATION. 2. RESOLUTION,AMENDING 1973-74 SALARY PLAN 3. Resolution No. 3328,.amending budget and authorizing expenditure: of funds. Staff Recommendations : Submitteu.recommends consultant's recommendationi3. and the immediate positioning of a PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR and department - SECRETARY for 6 months of FY1973-74, determinat3-on be•-accomplished,-ih-..tlYd:°'-:�,, matter of -an Engineering Department director, and that the positioning of a UTILITIES -MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR be accomplished with all feasible expediency following the appointment of a PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. Immediate funds allocation will be necessary in accordance with -needs to,,,-,, establish the new department for the 6 month%s operation. Salaries would not exceed $16,284; materials and supplies would approximate $1,500j;. capital outlay would approximate $1,700 for a rounded figure of $19,500.• ,".' As No. Date: January 2,. 1974 r a City Manager's'Recommendation_ 4 The rationale for this proposed reorganization is contained in Mr. Lilley's attached report. It has been prepared after interview with all key personnel, and I believe it will, of all possibilities considered, most adequately meet the projected needs of the City. a At this time we are asking only for funding for the Public Works Director position and the City Engineer's r position (a portion of this is already budgeted). Depending on recruitment, we will ask for funding for the Uti-lity/Maintenance Director position at a later date. Funding for clerical needs will also be determined at a later date. S t Council Action 1-2-74 Res. 3321 amending City Council Resolution N o. 3153 adopting the salary plan for the City for 1973-74 was adopted. Resolution No. 3328 amending the budget and authorizing expenditure of funds for Public Works Dept. Organization, was adopted. r i J k FRANKLIN W. LILLFY GOVERNIENTALMANAGEMENTCONSULTANT 3747.10 Vista Csmpana So. Oceans:de, CA 92054 Tel.(714) 757.3578 To: Paul Bussey, City Manager Pror,1: Pranklin W. Lilley, Governmental Management Consultant Subject: Analysis of Department of Public Works of the City of Carlsbad. Pacts: Pirst, to analyze the Public 'dorks Department as it + exists: there is a Public Works Director who also, for all intents and purposes, is the City .Engineer. Reporting to the Public Works Director is an Engineering Division, Utili- ties Division, Street b`aintenance Division, tdechanical Main- tenance (Garage) Division and Building Haintenance Division. The city employee heading each of the above Divisions are not department heads but fall more in the foreman or surer- _ F visor category. This plan does not work mainly because the Public Works Director is spread too thin, he has more duties and responsibilities than can successfully be handled by one man. Second, the division heads need direction, supervision, and guidance, which are not available, for as stated, the i Public ;'forks Director is physically unable to per.-orn, his multiple duties due to the greatly increased work load. The Public Works Director, in addition to his regular duties, is forced by circumstances to attend many neetings of long duration, which have to have top priority due to their im- portance. 'These ton priority matters include attendance at f JAC meetings and various meetings concerning the Ci'"ID attempt i 2. to take over the ^ity 'rater Department. These two problems can not be neglected, as it is imperative for the city to protect their sewer capacities and to retain the City Water Department. In view of the above facts which point okt that supervision is lacking for the various divisions, that time consuming matters pertaining to water and sewers are taking great amounts of time of the Public r;orks Director, plus the fact that the department needs to pursue a strong public relations program, protect the water rights in the San Luis Rey basin and become a constant adviser and information source to the { City Manager, a reorganization of the structure of the Pub - lie ;Yorks Department is needed. It should also be stated that the great number of developments under way and proposed has imposed a heavy work load on the Public 'Norks Department. Conclusions: It is concluded that in view of the fact that the present Public Vorks Department has not been able to function efficiently and get the job done under the present structure and in view of the continually increasing viork load, including several water and sewer situations that must be re- solved, LhaL a reorganization is needed. Time is of the essence so steps should be taken immediately. Basically, it is felt that there should be three top management - adminis- trative positions in the Public Works Department, but first the options available are analyzed. 1. One option mould be to bring each division up to a denartrpnt level with a Department, Head heading each depprt- m ent and with each Department ,lead reporting to the Director t of zublic Storks. To rut such a plan into effect would re- p j quire recruiting and examining for several departments, which would be too time consuming. 2. Anos er option would place an administrative assis- tant - Public Works position in the City Manager office co- ordinating public works activities, with a city engineer and a utilities director reporting to him. It is :felt that this would not work at this time. this administrative assistant would probably have more experienced and higher salaried , I persons reporting to him, which would cause problems, there- fore such a plan does not have merit at this time. In a few years it may be appropriate to have a deputy or assistant City Manager assienrd to Public Works coordination, but such a position should be equal to , or more appropriately should be greater than the positions reporting to him. 3. There could be an option where there is a Public Works Director with a City Engineer heading a City Engin- eering .Department reporting to the Public ',Yorks Director. Under this option it would still be the responsibility of the Public storks Director to supervise and F,uide the other divisions. This has not worked successfully in the past and does not appear to be an adequate plan. 4. The last option to be discussed and the one with the createst merit is a plan where thero would be a Public C _N �r . ';corks Director tiyith a City Engineer heading a City Engir.- eering Department responsible for the various engineering functions, reporting to the Public "corks Director. There then would be another position of Utilities Director or possibly the position could be called the Utilities and Maintenanca Director, heading a Utilities and Maintenance ' Department. This person would supervise, administer and guide the utilities division, street maintenance division and mechanical maintenance division and report to the 7 Public ',forks Director. The City Engineer and the Utilitie-e and :Maintenance Director would be department head level positions. This plan providing for a public Storks Direct- . - i or with a City Engineer and a Utilities - Maintenance Di- rector reporting to him furnishes the necessary structure to provide the administration, supervision and leadership for the various services for which the Public SVorlts Depart- ment is responsible. }he various divisions will receive the supervision, direction and guidance which they need and which is not available at the present time. This structure would provide the necessary top level man power to properly develop in - depth plans and approaches to protect the city's sewer capaciti;s and to combat the continuous plans, studies and pub! -.city of the 01:18D to take over the city water depart- ment. This proposed structure would make available to the Ci•cy INanaCer sources of informa'cion, advice and knowledge- able persons to provide briefing on matters conf ronting the City Manager. It would not be Necessary for all of the three positions to require registered civil engineers as adminis- trative abilities along with experience could be a-ppropriate J t in the Ctil.iti,as-r}.aiatenance Director rosit..on, for oxa.male. job descriptions should follow after the structure of the public 1,9orks Department is determined. It should be noted that the Building I'air_tenance Divi - sion does not appear in the above proposed structure or organization for a Public ;forks Department. The Building 1,1aintenance Division could very well be placed under the .Building Department. The Building Ma intenance Division head now feels it necessary to discuss his problems with the Pub- lic ;'corks Director, which consumes valuable time. Recommendations: It is recommended that the plan of a public Norks Director with a City Engineer, and a Utilities - Maintenance Director reporting to the Public Works Director be adopted as the most workable program. The City Bng,ineer viould head the City Engineering Department and the Utilities - Maintenance Director would head The Utilities-L'aintenance Department. City 1'. nazer x public Work,, Department Utilities -vain I Utility es Street ::ec.hbm cal Hainto arce Eaintenance .j M. - - - ' 1t is iurtho recomnerded that the Building ::aintenance Division be placed under tb� supervision of the Building .Penartment. = would be mo,3t ha,).)y to discuss this matter further if you desire to do so. L-ranklin tY. Lille Governmental Iianagement Consultant 1 a i k' UL/11 i a 0 d T 1 1 2 !1 3{ 4 5 6 l 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 q 8 15 a oo�z 16 x c �5 `5 17 z N 18 >Q a 19 20' 21 22 23 24 25 26 ?.7 28 29 30 31 32 A� RESOLUTION NO. 332'• A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF CARLSBAD AN ENDING CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 3153 ADOPTiNG SALARY PLAN FOR THE CITY FOR 1973-74 _ The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad did on June 19, 1973, adopt Resolution No. 3153 adopting a salary plan for the City for the 1973-74 fiscal year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 3153 dated June 19, 1973, is amended by the addition of the job classifications, CITY ENGINEERING DIRECTOR, Executive Salary $1466 - 1874, and UTILITIES -MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR, Executive Salary $1466 - 1874, as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated herein. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 2nd day of January , 1974 by the following vote, to tit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. { NOES: None. ABSENT: None. i ATTEST: 's e i R f6WS-, City CI erk mayor �-1 Or CA:ZLSDlj) PUBLIC TJORKS DIRECTOR Definition This is an administrative class with duties involving design, construction, Maintenance or operation of a variety of public works. Duties are performed under the direction of the city manager. Examples 1. Prepares and administers all grants ill aid from of Duties State and Federal agencies dealing with the construction of public facilities. 2. Administers contracts entered into with other, local agencies or ciith State and Federal agencies involving construction within the City. 3. Acts as chief liaison agent betveep. the City and utility companies providing service within the City. 4. Provides administrative assistance to the city manager in budget review of all departments proposing public works construction. :3. Provides advice and assistance to the city engineer in the preparation of the Gas Tax Budget, improvement districts and prenaration of plans for public faci liti.es for other operating departments. 6. Administers programs involving interchange of personnel ¢" or equipment for construction purposes between operating s departments within the City. 7. Reviews and reconmends to the city manage: approval, conditional approval or disapproval of capital outlay requisitions originating in the public works departments. 8. Reviews all plans and sp;:cifications for public works contracts. F.mwloyment Graduation with a degree in engineering, public admin- Starciards istration or a related field from a college or univer- sity of recognized standing. Seven years of respon- sible professional public works experience, at least three years of 1.7hics1 should have been in a supervisory x capacity involving the design, construction, maintenance { or operation of a variety of _ublic works. Dece:,iber, 1973 ig CITY OF CARLSBA D CITY ENGINEERING D-TRECTOR Definition Under general administrative direction, to perform pro- fessional duties in directing and supervising, the operation of the City's F'i}gi neering Departrlent, and to do related work as required. Acts as the director of public works in his absence. Examples 1. Plans, coordinates and supervises the preparation Of Duties of plans and specifications for public works Projects such as streets traffic engineering, sewers, storm drains, rater system projects and structures. 2. Assigns design_ jobs, reviews -work in progress, approves completed designs and specifications. 3. Plans, coordinates and supervises field surveying, engineering and inspection work. 4. Participates in the difficult right-of-way acquisi- tion proceedings. 5. Receives and resolves the difficult and unusual i public complaints and requests relating to the depart- ment's operations. 6. Supervises engineering studies and advance project planning. 7. Prepares departmental budget estimates. 8. Attends and participates in conferences and meetings. L;�ployment Any combination of training anc experience or equivalent Standards to graduation from college in civil engineering and five years of responsible civil ergineering experience, including two years in a supervisory or administrative position. ! Knowledge and abilities: Knowledge of the principles and s practices of civil engineering; knowledge of municipal public corks administration, planning and design; knowledge of the processing of right-of-way accuisitions; ability to organize and direct the work o professionals and other Personnel; ability to prepare and review the preparation of plans and specifications f0t streets, sanitary sewers, storm drains, and other public works projects; ability to prepare clear and comprehensive reports; ab-* 1 4 ty to establish and cif ecti Ve relationships kith oti.er employees, outside agencies and the public. Special requi'rene-t - r Qs sCsr - -ion of a � �?rti.i ? CiiLe of re'CfiSl_cltiCl? Gf a �.N'C�%E�S_L.:c;l C�...l r;i��.tiGQY •:r t;3�? Stb tp Q x` d CIa Z OF CAS tSBAD UTILITIES -MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR Definition This is an administrative class with duties involving planning, organizing and administering the various functions of the Utilities Department as relating to water, -,ewers, sanitation, mechanical equipment, and performing related work as required. Duties are performed under the general supervision of the director of public works. Examples 1. Plans, organizes, and directs the construction, of Duties repair, and maintenance of sanitation and water facilities. 2. Represents the City in negotiation with the joint sewer system. 3. Supervises the mechanical equipment repair service. 4. Facilitates and coordinates general and specific community and inter. -agency utilities projects, including revi-.alizati.on of existing facilities and the develop- ment of future capital improvement projects. � S. Assists the city manager in special programs and projects, as needed. 6. Reviews contract specifications for utilities construction and improvement projects and makes recom- mendations for changes or improvements. 7. Prepares annual budget estimates for all. depart- mental divisions and administers the approved budget. S. initiates and supervises in-service training and safety programs. 9. Selects, trains, and disciplines subordinate personnel. { FmoloyMent hny combination of training and experience equivalent. Standards to completion of four years of college with maior course work in civil engineering, or a related field i and four -ears of responsible municipal_ public acgencv experience in the utilities field. Dece b-ar, 1973 A It P�SIC :\L:.CY SC7:'CtlLi It it Y 4 .1' ? S Hourly Steo 1 D C . U 1 2.1577 S 37, S 393 S 412 S 437 S 1:55 1 • :tt 11 455 17 } ' S 2.377G 4t'. 6 2-404' 423 444 46E 4S5 SL4 6 7 .941 431 :i5 1J7 Sui 5r•, • 4/7 �St t; •�iJ I 10 ?.63b5 :55 S1 sbb _V 11 2.7520 477 5�3 50�? 52�5 12 _ TSao 3.034- oos a,. 1^ 3 1097 1139 566 SOS 624 656 16 1`I~3 117J: 1*64 2ft .t:5 Y> 024 coo d ��� ' 19 3. 3. i3.2654 2 S v +39 0.3 5 2 r.b 19 - 20 3.4323 55i Si: oSa ud3 rl 20' ' 21 3.5135 5C9 540 672 705 741• 2L 73 S.u974 64.7 �•7t :�' it>_ r;; t 74 3.7347 >5 5s3 '123 751, 757 2: ?S 3.9693 723 759 797 837 25 27 .957 _C•e3 iJ5 741 +-r3 S2 71b 8���`""'1` Jo 2712 :?' 75l'-193 3'i �%�3 1 . J9 .Z7>> iiE �ata t;3�•J'it � L� 30 3759 754 797 t:37 S73 22 30 31 4_4515 772 S!6 ^S7 goo_` 945 31 %.�J.Z r.0r r o_�:�i • $I -- "3. . s. {,'��+�� '• __ �-J�-.%mod -mil .-I.3 u � / : i-��� V •t L 35 5.Ce5S S79 922 967 1CI7 igge 36 ' 3d �.3:.s 92t F,- !+1% _ :i?! 33 39 Z S. i-E, U7 S.17 Al 5.7237 SO2 10:7 ' 1o9: 1143 1205 �* 1 ij2 ' 1_52.1 °)a3 11,11 10; 12J! e2 23; .: +.i 1j3C 45 46 112: 1177 1236 1229 1303 46 _f..lu 12: 12)3 ?sR3 1:31 _ AiJ2 50, 51 7.?09d 1267 1?30 It95 1.<_-'.j. 1540 Sl• 0?0.0 13°S :F a1::2 aUt18a7 1� SS fl.27a 14'S! •c9; 151; 1Gi. 1710 s: ' J'1 If• _ .=.ate 1. . j�.�.=•• i � 1• !_ � �.7 GJ .-___ __r_� -!ram _._.�.�...Yl 1��•"1-_I.'J C7 • C.1 9.',?Cq 16J7 -Q7 17'-^ 127! 10S,17 F1 •• fi � � ;Ca "-1: '�f � `ri is ..t � . 7` •: i �1 CITY Or CAI; .S AD Cldo';S IFICATIO'� AND SetLARY P.A:.GE SCIIEDUI.F, y riacal Xeur 1973-74 CLASSIFICATIOa WNNGE CLASSIFICATION RANGE ACCOUNTANT 35 29 POLICE CAPTAIN 47 41 ADMINISTRATIVE INTSRNl ASSISTANT CITY LISRAR.TA;l 36 POLICE LIEU I:N7NT1 POLICE•OFFICER 36 ASSISTANT PLANNER 37 POLICE OFFICE SUPERVISOR 24 ASSOCIATE' PLANNER 45 POLICE SERGEAVT33 40 AUDIO-VISUAL CLERK 17 PRINCIPAf -CIVIL ENGINEER 54 AUDIO-VISUAL LIBRARIAN 29 PROJECT ASSISTANT4 BUILDII;G INSPECTOR 37 PROPE,reY MAINT. FOREMAN 34 CHILDREN' S LIBRARIM 32 PUBLIC IIORKS FORE,"ANY 35 CIVIL ENDINEERING ASSISTANT 40 PUBLIC WORKS LEADALIN 28 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE 4� P.W. SANITATION INSPECTOR 29 CLERK STE.dOGRAPIIER 1C' QUE SERA COORDjNATOR4 CLERK TYPIST 13 QUE SERA CLERX CONMUNICATIONS OPERATOR 20 RECREATIO:3 LEADER I 5 CO:'_':UNITY SERVICE OFFICERS 26Y2 RECF.EATIOR LEADER II 12 CSO COORDINATOR" 47 R£CREATIO:d LEADER III 22 i CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 38 RECREA^xIOY SUPFRINTENDENT 36 CONSTRUCTION KAINTENANCE.4AN 19 RECREATION SUPERVISOR 32 CUSTODIAN 16 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN 26 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 21 : CRETARY 21 ENGINEERING'AIDE 27 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY 23 EQUIPMENT D:AINT. FORE:AN 36 SECRETARY TO CITY MANAGER 24 •EQUIPiiERIT I4ECfiANIC 32 SECRETARY TO POLICE CHIEF 23Y2 i EQUIPMENT N.ECHANIC IIEs PER' 20 SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK 22 ' FIRE BATTA:ION ClilEF 47 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 43 FIRE CAPTAIN 43 SENIOR CLERK STENOGRAPHER 18 FIRE ENGINEER 39 SENIOR CO*:UNICATIONS OPR. 22 FIREMAN, 35 SENIOR ENGINEERING AIDE 31 GARAGE ATTENDANT 16 SENIOR I-IBRARIM 29 HEAVY EQUIPIiENT OPERATOR 29 SENIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT 29 MOUSING ASSIST. OFFIC-R6 SENIOR LIBRARY CLERK 21 HOUSING ASSIST. SEC'TRY6 SENIOR I4AINTF.NANCEbAN 25 INT_ER:,.EDIATE ACCOUNT CLERK 17 SENIOR FIAT£F S RVICEMAN 25 JUNIOR PLANNER 31 SERRA REGIONAL COORDINATOR4 LIBRARY AD -MIN. ASSISTANT 28 STREET SUPERINTENDENT 39 LIBRARY ASSISTANT 25 SWITCHBOARD OPR. RECEPTIONISTIS LIBRARY CLERK 15 SYSTEMS COORDINATOR I• IAINTENXNCEtiIAN 21 TREE TRIMIIER LEAMAN 26 MOTOR Sl'L, R O?EIL:TO? 26 IlAT=R LEAD:'.N 27 PARK CARETAKER 21 WATER MAINTENANCE FOPEMAN 36 PARK FORE:IAN 35 WATER PUMP FORL'MAN 37 PARK LANDSCAPE TECHNICIM1 28 F:ATER PUMP OPERATOR 29 PARK P:.AINTrNA%CE LEADMAN 26 %ATER SERVICL'AAll 21 PLANNING TECH:IICIA:i 28 IVaVPER SUPERINTENDENT 42 1NO E;:PLOYF-E POSITIONED 7/1/73 4SERRA (LIBRARY) COUNTY SYSTEM 2STEP E LOCK SPOLICE CCCJ GRANT 3ADD 5% ASSIGNED AS DETECTIVE 6HUD, SUBJECT TO FEDERAL POLICY s EXECUTIVE SALARY SCHEDULE SALARY SALARY CLASSIFICATION Loss - Li h CLASSIFICATION I.ati—llialt ADMIN. ASSISTANT $ 968 - 1248 FIP,I: CuIL;F $ 6 — i� ASSIST. TO C/:IGR. 1236 - 1593 LICENSE SUPV.* 922 - 1189 CITY UAGW ING DIR. 1466 - 187•i PARKS & REC. DIR. 1121 - 1446 CITY LIERi.R1All 1177 - 1517 POLICE CHIEF 1431 - 1843 DIR. P,UILD.& HOUS. 1236 - 1593 F.W. DIRECTOR 1540 - 1973 DIR. I`Lea"NOING 1466 - 1890 UTILITIL'S-+SAINT. DIR. 1466 - 1874 FIVANCF. DIR. 12G7 - 1632 S T I` P S ' t•l .�..z,. N.i�. t' 1. ;. - :' Cl'i'Y' A`t`aUIR..''Y 1iA'!$18'7S' $IH6� $2007 �211� 0 $21/8 CITY CLI:R;Z* XC 225 CIT? Cf)UNCILMN XCC 1S0 CITY lL1IlAGCR X,': 2010 2119 2228 2336 2453 CITY PLA'N.CON%t. XPC $20 per meat. not to exceed $40 per month. CITY TRrANUI'LiR XT 125