HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-05; City Council; 2289; Street Name ChangeFebruary 5, 1974 .. .L - Referred TO: CI-TY COUNCIL *. . -. Subject : Consideration of S;reet uame Chapae Submitted By: Ne. 2 - Lonqport Road to SChooner Vaj. F;L A hi N I YG CPV I s s I ON ., i* -i- \ f - - . -9- .. - -- . "J>3 0. - - -c Statcrncrit of the Matter 1. . ** At the reuular meetinq of the Planning Commission held on the .8th. da.y of Januar.y, la!&, the Commission-did c'onsider a recommendation to cha'nae the name of Lonqpdrt 'Road to' Schooner-Ya.y. Eiist). The owners of the property, Pacesetter Homes, Inc., are ip aweement-with this In that the'nave of'LoncJport Road is in conflict with the existincr street nameS of Laguna and Longview, the Planninq Commission, by a unanimo.us .vote, does recommend that; the Cit.y Cpuncil aqwove the-jtreet name change from Lonsport Road to .Schooner Way. * . Th3-s street is located in .the.first phase of Carisbad Tract 7?-1R (Tamarack .. <. .. .. .. . . -. . change., -# ' .. .. . . .. - ... (see %solution NQ-. .l.WI-attached.) . . .. .d .. . . .- .. 0. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. c a. *. e.. -. - -. _- .. ._ .. -, .. . .- ., Exhibit' .-I___ 1. Staff Reuort dated January.8, 1974. . . .2. Planning Cornmission Resolution- No. '1030 approvinq -name Chanrle. a- 3. Res6lution No 1. : * . .. . e,- . . c' * * stated . *- Staff Rcc.c)mlendst ions to City .Manager That the Citv Council approve recmmended street in attached Resolution; having the 'full approval name thanqe for th.k teason of the. property own'er . .. .. c -*. -- Ai< No a . Da te: February 5, 1974 I__- .. T% C3 t y Ma 3 a 9 e r ' s R e co mm e R d a t 2 on - .- . The Government Code gives the City Cocncil the author'ity to change street'nanes. When these streets involve populated - areas it has-been an unwritten pol'icy in most cities to set the matter to public hearing. In this case, although the developer has agreed to the naie change. It is therefore .street name without public hearing. . street has been accepted, there are no residents and the .- suggested that the Council by resolution, change the Council-kction -. 2-5-74 Resolution No. 3344 approving street name change to Schooner Way was adopted. . . .. ._ -2- CITY OF CAR‘LSEAD . PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FOR JAPIUARY E, 1974 -- TO: REPORT ON:’ CONSIDERATION OF STREET NAME CHANGE PL PIN t\l I N G C OMf.4 I S S I 0 la CASE NO: SNC-2 The first phase of CT 72-18 (Tamarack East) was recorded with an east-west street named Longport Road. Staff did find that Longport is in conflict with the existing street names of Laguna and Longview. Therefore,.it is requested that Longport Road be changed to Schooner Way. The owner of the property (Pacesetter Hones) does concur with the proposed street name change. S T A F F R E C 0 14 1.1 EN 5 AT I 0 PI .- k That it be moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the street name of Longport Road be changed to Schooner Way. Justification is based upon the possib’te con- flicts that may result if Longport remained. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Comyissiorl of the Citv of Carlshad, California, did consirler a reouest. for 5trec-t. fiein.r located in the first qhase ~f CT 77-10. - Tamarack Fast: and, !JHEP.E.?r, the on1 \I oronertv cnwer PNFqETTEP r-lOaES) does concur with t!ie proposed street name clianae, and:, I.!F!C?EPC, the Planninv Cowiission did determine that the nave of Lonyport is in conflict with the existinct street nmes af Laguna an.! Lonnviw. NO!,!, THE?EFORE, BE IT OLV5D by the Planninq Commission oc the City 0-F Carlshad, t$at it does recormend to the Cit.v Council the anvrova! of a street name chanqe from Lonqnort to 5chooner 'lav. PA.SSED, APP!W!ED fib113 P99PTEr) at a reqular meetina of the Planninq Comn?ission held on the 9th day of January, 1g74, b.v the fol lowinq vote, to wit: ?TTFSf: 14 2 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 30 33. 32 p,;II 3+, r 8 I' \,,AS, 77 at their rcgular neeking of January 12, 1974, the Plannirlg Commission of thc: City of Carlsbad, California, did consider a request for a;?pro:.7~11 of a street name change fron; Zonqport Road to Schooner Nay, said street being Loca-ted in the first phase of CT 72-18 Tamarack East; and TJIIE-REAS, the only progerty owner (Pacesetter f-Iom?s) does concur with the proposed street name change; and WI!EREAS, the Planning Commission did determina that the name of Longport is in conflict with the existing street names of Laguna and Longview, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carl.sSad, as follows: A. B. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the name of Longport Road, a puhlic street, located in ,he City of Carlsbad and a part of the Tamarack East Subdivision (CT 72-18) is hereby changed to Schooner Way. PASSED, APPROVED AP?D ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Zarlsbad City Council held on the 5th day of February, 1974, by the followir,cj voteI to wit: Ccurici 1i;ien Dunne, blcComas , Lewis, Chase and Frazee, AYYS: ( S snr, )