HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-05; City Council; 2291; Additional library personnel requestAgenda Bill No. M/ Date: February 5, 19-74 \ Referred To: Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL LIBRARY PERSONNEL Submi t ted 11 y : William C. Baldwin Personnel Director Vs-y Statement of the Ma tter Increased activity in the library necessitates the employment of additional staff to be effective February 1, 1974. A Reference Librarian and a.LIBRARY CLERK I1 (new classification) are needed. Range 17 is the recommendation for LIBRARY CLERK 11, necessitating a resolution amending the present Resolution No. 3153 adopting a FY1973-74 Salary Plan. The loss of a PEP employee July 1, 1973 left the reference department staffed by one librarian. When the 1973-74 budget was in preparation it was suggested by the city manager that these positions be deleted until such Cime as it was determined that there would be additional funds available - and then to make the request. An analysis of referevce services within the library by the present statistics report are attached to support this request. This request has the approval of the Library Board of Trustees. . reference librarian and a copy of the department's.December, 1973 I Exhibit (1) Resolution ~0.33 $6 amending Resolution No. 3176 adopting FY1973-74 operating budget. amending Resolution No. 3153 adopting FY 1973-74 salary (2) Resolution No. Staff Recommendations to City Manager ' Staff recommends the resolution adoption in both instances, the first to transfer funds from library reserves to 6-122-1.1 for wages of two additional personnel for five months, the second to add a classification with salary range. AB NO. Ja\ City Manager's Recommendation This matter has been reviewed and approved by the Library Advisory Board as provided for by the Carlsbad City Code. A review has been made and funds are available in Library reserves for the two additional personnel for the five month period. No overall review has been made by this office of the Library Department's organization, but an intensive review has been conducted by the Library Board and submitted to the Personnel Department for review and later submittal to the City Council. These positions and classifications are in accord with that study. It is therefore suggested that the Council approve the Library Board recommendation and approve the two requested positions. Counci 1 Action 2-5-74 Resolutions #3346 and 3347 adopted. -2- .%( Carl s bad Ct ty Li brary Reference Department Roberta GI Bigone, Head of Reference December 7, 1973 Since we have recently initiated some changes at Carlsbad City Library in accordance with the Master Plan by Ray tlolt, we will need additional personnel in areas which are becoming increasingly utilized, One of these areas is Readers Service, As head of Readers Service, I perform the following duties: building and maintenance of a balanced and upTto-date reference collection J answaring nunierous reference queries ; and assisting patrons in the use of the library and its services. In addition to these . duties I have initiated projects recently which I hope will streamline the use of the card catalog, the periodical collection and various indexes. In addition to the above duties, I will assume as of January 1, 1974, the position of adult program director, which will demand vast amounts of time and energy to plan and coordinate several programs of interest to .all ages and interests. At present I am the only full-time reference librarian. Until October of this year we were fortunate to have an additional reference librarian through the PEP proqratii. The duties she performed were the following: (pamphlet) Pile niaterials8 building a viable ready reference file4 compfling an order list of titles in subjects such as business and science which need strengthening and up-dati ng; and 1 as tly , back-up reference, the acquisition and cataloging of vertical An additional roject has sprung from the ready reference concept. In a recent issue accurate information and referral service which could work in conjunction with the Yarious agencies in the area which offer social services. Me are in the process of initiating just such a service, of REFERENCE Q e ARTERLY, it was suggested that libraries establish and maintain an Ideally, a Readers Service area in a library tries to offer good reference services through the maintenance of a we1 J-rounded general collection of materials , a balanced, timely reference collection, serials collection, vertical file and audio-visual col- lection. A card catalog must be maintained which accurately reflects what is in the co 1 1 ect i on, A Reader's Service area also strives to assist patrons in a Reader's Advisory capacity by offering them information verbally and bibliographically on new titles of interest in various subjects, such as consumer information, test booklets, cooking, health, recreation, ad infinitum. At present we are totally unable to perform the latter duties and only partly able to perform basic functions, librarian is imperative for the efficient functioning of the Readers Service area. As you can see from the foregoing, the addition of a reference /973 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY , MONT t I LY STAT I ST I CS tte flbchJL, Previous Year Increase (Decrease) Current Year 177 CIRCULATION', HUE- Adult fictlon . * Adult non-fiction - including periodicals Juvuni le _I--- TOTAL CIRCULATION --- * Records * Cassettes * Cassette Players * Current Periodicals * Fi IC Magazines * Prints 3 2 Talking Books PCi2ttL L 13 2 I. Film circulation Film showings Film audience Projector use 7-- REF€ RENCE QUEST1 ONS ANSWERED 47q REGISTRATION OF BORROWERS -- Total To Date I BOOK STOCK I Adult fiction Adult non-fi ction - Juvenlle fiction Juvenile non-fiction TOTAL ADULT TOTAL 3 UVEN I LE 1-0 I TOTAL BOOKS ADDED Pamp h 1 e ts VF Re c o r ds Casscttes 'la. Maps F i 1 rris Ilon-book mater! a1 I' I I I Li5l TOTAL M I S C E L LAN EO US TOTAL ADDITIONS I 4 'I' 73 0, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2G 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3345 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CART,:C;DAD, CALIFO??NIA, AFENDIiTG THE BUDGET AKD 3AUTRORIZING TEE EXPETJDITUP,E OF FUNDS PO2 . CITY LIBRARY SALARIES. BE IT RESOLVED 3Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AS FOLLOWS: (1) THAT THE CITY LIERARY DEPARTMENT BUDGET IS AMENDED TO ADD $6,205-00 TO ACCOUNT 6-122-1.1, FROM LIBRARY RESERVE FUTLTDS ; (2) TEIAT THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FUND TRANSFER #17, IM A FOFW ON FILE IbJ SAID DEPARTMENT AND INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE HEREIN, IS APPROVED. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE 5th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1974, EY THE FOLLOWING VOTE, TO WIT: AYES : Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES : None. ABSENT : Yone. Fd=A DAVID M. DVNNE, Mayor ATTEST : (SEAL) .......... . I* ....... .............. ......... ...... .. .. - CITY OF CAUSilZrD -- -. \ 'Explanation: .. , : . To Director of Finance: 0 .* . Transfer From $ 6,205.00 .. 'Feserve fund . - I To fund salaries for a ,Rzference-Libr- .' . Transfer' .- TO . $6,205.00 Regular salaries .* City Librarian Title \ . City l-ianager Report; .. .a -1 ' - --=?- -- 1 Action a€ Referred to City /Approved as . . Recornrendation _. ~eptr, of Finance e e. Rciuc s t ed- As Revised City Councit : .. -- BY 1. Send 2 coplcs to the Director of Finance + * Retain 1. .. _. * D .-. 8 ..* a 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1E 19 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 2E 29 3c 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3 3 4.7 A KZSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' CARLSBAD AMENDING CITY COrJNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 3153 ADOPTIZJG SALARY PLAN FOR THE CITY FOR 1973-74 FISCAL YEAR. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad did on June 19, 1973, adopt Resolution No. 3153 adopting a salary plan for the City for the 1973-74 fiscal year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 3153 dated June 19, 1973, is amended by the addition of the job classification, LIBRARY CLERK 11, Salary Range 17, as set Eorth on Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated herein. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 5th day of February, 1974 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cn!n. i)unne, 'IcCoillss, 1-etq-i s, Chnse and fr3zec. NOES : >4one. ABSENT: Td&//?%e@ DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor ATTEST : (SEAL) .. . . . .. . .. . . . ... .. . - . . - .. . .. - - I , ,. LIBR4RY CLERK I1 (Staff Artist) - Def i ni ti on The Staff Artist prepares signs, posters, and displays, and illustrhtes brochures designed to promote library programs and materials; writes and disseminates library publicity for programs and exhibits, Examples of Duties 1. Prepares signs, posters and displays. e 2. Designs and executes decorations for holidays and special occasions. 3. Interprets staff requirements utilizing creative and imaginative cbncepts. Must consul t librarians on specific projects . 4, Plans and supervises mounting of special exhibits 5. Desiqns and illustrates publications, such as . and maintains circulating exhibits. book lisis, bookmarks, and announcements. Must consult librarians requiring art work. 6. Selects art materials and supplies. Must consult 1i.brary business office. 7, Gather information and write publicity for news media, including spot announcements for radio, concern- 1 i brary programs and exhibits. Arti sti c abi 1 i ty,cu:e.ati vi ty, imagination, and initiative are of prime importance for this position, They should be able to take an idea and convert it into a persua- sively attractive display which will be both eye- catching and informative. He should be able to work with neatness and reasonable speed. Should have a working knowledge of a variety of artistic techniques,-including collage, montage, and paper sculpture, as we71 as the more conventional sign and poster media. They should be familiar with graphic art and be able to design and execute attractive publications such as bibliographies, bookniarks, and special announcements. Must be able to write clear and concise copy. Must be ;able to type. Educational L?. 2/5/7 4 'L Requirements College graduate with emphasis on art and jourialism, - >-