HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-05; City Council; 2292; Proposed Reorganization of Planning Departmentw y � --7 7, T 1 E C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D, C A L I F O R it I A Agenda Bill ilo. *&"O! t Date: February 5+• 19le Referred To: Subject: Submitted By: Proposed Reorganization of Planning Department City Manager Statement of the Matter The City Council has previously encouraged the City Manager to accomplish a limited reorganization of the Planning Department. The intent was to add positions with the purpose of expediting the work load of the department. I have met with the Planning Director F and Personnel Director and reviewed the present organization, personnel functions and needs of the department. -The results of this review are contained the the following recommendations. Planning involves two essential phases, future or advanced planning, ,and current planning. These functions are divided organizationally -at the present time. Coordination of the functions is accomplishe(i at only one level in the department. That coordination is at the Director's level. It is there all responsibility for work in both. - phases rests. The press of current development with the demand for critical evaluation of each application and the need to expedite the processing of applications have created a large work load. Dealing with the problems relating to current development and accomplishing the required revisions of the General Plan have made the time available to the Planning Director to direct and control his department extremely limited. The judgement, experience and skill for which the Planning Director was hired is being denied the City because of the dual burdens focusing on his position solely. He alone represents the final decision authority of the department, and developers are not inclined to accept decisions from the Associate and Assistant Planners working under the Director. The Director is not permitted to step back from his organization, even momentarily to gain an objective•view of his department. Therefore, it is recommended a position of Assistant to the Planning Director be created and filled. The title of Assistant to the Planning Director was chosen for two., reasons. The City Manager feels the term "assistant" must be used to lend authority to the decisions of the position. This should provide some measure of relief on the time of the Director. It is felt most people will view -the position and title as that of a deputy duly authorized by the Director to act for him. It will also allow the City to recruit a person of sufficient experience and skill to head up a major division of the department. Although consideration was given to creation of an Assistant Planning Director position, it is not felt that at this time the size of the City or the department would support az Assistant Planning Director. Creating and filling such a position would not only be more costly in salary, but would make the department appear top-heavy. It is my recommendation that the Assistant to the Planning Director be given responsibility under the Director for current planning functions. Page 2 Statement of the Matter (contd) The Director will be responsible for future planning functions, receiving reports, updates and coordinating future planning with current planning functions as supervised by the Assistant to the Planning Director. In reviewing the need to expedite the "paperwork" and coordinate it with the processing of current development, it was determined that the problem was not one of making the present work better, but the need of creating a better system of paperwork flow. This is essentially an administrative problem rather than a planning problem. I do not feel the solution is to create a new administrative position or expeditor, but to employ on a temporary basis an Administrative Analyst on the City staff to accomplish this. The City has retained in the Public Works Department an Administrative Assistant on a temporary basis. With the recently approved reorgani- zation of the Public Works Department, most of the requirements of this position will be eliminated. The Planning Department has sufficient funds for the remainder of this fiscal year to employ this individual. Because of the present temporary employee's familiarity with the organization, personnel, and the functioning of the administration, I feel he is the logical choice. I have discussed the arrangement with the Personnel Director and feel the individual is fully qualified to accomplish the task of aiding the Planning Director in creating a better administrative system in the department. It is my intention to assign this Administrative Analyst with a predetermined work program. I feel to use him at this time as we do other administrative personnel within the City by assigning him various reports and tasks from time to time, prior to his completion of the primary task involved in developing a system which will expedite the work of the department, will minimize his usefulness to the City. I will expect to receive periodic progress reports from the Analyst and the Planning Director. I will also require a final written report with recommendations. In summary, I feel that the above recommendation will accomplish what the Council desires. It will provide professional planning aid where needed, and yet keep our option on creating another administrative position open. If the Council concurs and so authorizes, I will direct the Personnel Director to begin recruiting for the position of Assistant to the Planning Director. I will further continue on an interim basis, the employment of the present Administrative Assistant, moving him from the Public Works Department to the Planning Department at the earliest convenient time. COUNCIL ACTION: 2-5-74 - Continued to 2-6-74. 2-6-74 - The Council accepted the recommendations of the City Manager and City Manager instructed to proceed.