HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-19; City Council; 3011; Proposed "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.18"I - C A L I F'O I? 21 I' A - .l' II E CITY OF C A R L S B A D, - 0- i @j Agenda Bill No. &I/ Date: February 19, 1974 Referxed TO: Subject: Submitted By : PROPOSED ANNEXATION (East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.18) City Clerk Statement of the Matter ' The property proposed to be annexed is located easterly of El Camino Real on the southerly extension of College Blvd., westerly of Calavera Lake. It is also located southerly of Highway 78 and northerly of the easterly extension of Cannon Road (proposed). The annexation was approved by LAFCO in December, 1973, and represents approximately 760+ acres of land. The application was submitted by Calavera Properties, Inc. Exhibit 1. Introduction of Ordinance / / 6# 2. Copy of Resolution No. CA73-43 adopted by LAFCO. Staff Recommendations See City Manager Recommendation AB NO - Date: February 19, 1974 City Manager ' s Recommendation If the City Council chooses to approve the annexation the attached ordinance should be introduced and given a first reading. Council -Action 2-19-74 Ordinance No. 1164 was introduced for a first reading. 3-6-74 Ordinance #1164 was given a second reading and adopted. A. *b Item 10 Ref: CA73-43 RESOLUTION OF LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION APPROVING A PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD (EAST CARLSBAD NO. 2.18 ANNEXATION) Q ~- On motion of Commissioner Karn , seconded by Cormnis- sioner Brown , the following resolution is adopted: WHEREAS, an application for approval of a proposal for the initiation of proceedings for the annexation of territory to the * City of Carlsbad (hereinafter referred to as the City) has been filed with this Commission (Local Agency Formation Commission Reference No. CA73-43 as provided for by Government Code Section 54791; and WHEREAS, the executive officer of this Commission has filed his report relative to said proposed annexation, which report has been reviewed and considered by this Commission; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED TK4T THIS ' CONNISSION HEREBY FINDS, DETERMINES AND ORDERS as follows: 1. The application for annexation is signed by all of the owners of land within the territory proposed to be territory have given their written consent annexation, as provided in Government Code to such Section 54797.1. -I- - I " 2. 3. - 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. /- The Commission ?proves such annexation T hearing and also approves and authorizes body of the City to annex such territory and hearing by the legislative body, and - .bout notice and the legislative without notice without an election, as provided in Government Code Section 54797.1. The territory proposed to be annexed (hereinafter referred to as the Territory) is as described in Exhibit A attached hereto. The-description of the boundaries of the Territory to be .arinexed is not definite and cektain, but may be made so if modified so as to conform with Exhibit B hereto attached. . The description of the boundaries of the Territory ----0- conform(s) to lines of assessment and ownership. . .. 'The Territory proposed to be annexed is hereby designated the "East Carlsbad No. 2; 18 Annexation" The conditions to which this approval is subject, if any, are as stated on Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein. The Commission hereby approves the proposed annexation subject to the conditions, if any, stated on said Exhibit attached is hereto and the City of Carlsbad . - authorized to initiate annexation proceedings in compliance with this resolution. The executive officer of this Commhsion is directed to mail and file certified copies of this resolution as required by 5. law. I . -- c A .* PASSED AND ADOPTEL by the Local Agency FormaLAon Commission of the County of San Diego this 3rd day of December, 1973, by the - following vote: AYES : NOES':' ABSENT: ABSTAINING : Mr. Bear . 7.. . Commissioners Commissioners None Commissioners Morgan Pray, Brown, Chapman, Karn and Mihalek Commissioners None absent from the room. ***** STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) - I, S. M. SC-HMIDT, Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original resolution adopted by said Commission at its regular meeting on December 3, 1973, which original resolution is now on file in my office; that same contains a full, true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. . Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of December, 1973. a.kSA-* S. M. SCHMIDT, Executive Officer Local Agency Formation Commission County of San Diego 1 ,1 3 . .l - 2. 2, 2: 2t 29 3c 3 3. 32 ORDINANCE NO. 1164 ' AN ORDINANCE OF TKE CITY COlJNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE AKNEXATION TO TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN UXINHABITED TERRITORY HEREIN- . AS THE "EAST CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO,.' 2.18". AFTER DESCRIBED *AND DESIGNATING THE SWSE The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That it does hereby find and declare as follows : A. That an application for approval of a proposal for the initiation of proceedings for the annexation of territory herein- after indentified and described as "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2..18" to the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, was filed with the Local Agency Formation Commission, Reference No, CA 73-43. B, That a resolution of the said Local Agency Formation Commission, after a hearing held in the manner required by law, was duly passed and adopted on the 3rd day of December, 1973, approving the application for annexation of the territory herein- after described by metes and bounds-to the City of Carlsbad. -C. That said resolution provided that said annexation was approved without notice and hearing and further provided that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad was Authorized to annsx # said territory without notice and hearing by said Council and without an election as provided in California Government Code Section 54797.1. D, That a written petition containing the required sig- c natures and'a description of the uninhabited territory herein- 3fter described has been presented to the City Council of the City If Carlsbad requesting annexation under the Annexation of Unin- nabited Territory Act of 1339, Government Code Sections 35300 through 35326. .. ?' .. ,. ... ' -. . . .; -. .. 1 2 '3 4 5 6 7 'IC .I1 -. 12 12 21 . 22 23 24 25 - 26 *- 27 28 29 30 31 32 E. That said petition has been signed or consent hereto has been filed by the owners of all of the land in the territory prcposed to be annexed. f SECTION 2:: That said petition contains a description of certain uninhabited territory sought to be included and annexed to the City of Carlsbad and that said petition is signed by the owners of not less than one-fourth of the land in the territory by area and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of San Diego, in which county the City of Carlsbad is situated. . SECTION 3: That the City Council hereby declares that said petition has been signed or consent to the proposed annexa- tion fi'led by'the owners of all of the land in the territory pro- posed to be annexed and, therefore, no protests may be filed against the annexation by persons owning property in the territory. SECTION 4: That the territory proposed to be annexed to the City is uninhabited territory as defined by Section 35303-of the Government Code and is contiguous to the boundaries of the City. SECTXOfi 5: That the aforementioned uninhabited.territory included in the proposed annexation is hereby 'designated and shall hereafter be known as the "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.18". SECTION 6: That upon the completiontof said annexation all of the property included thereiii.shal1 be taxed accordingly with the other property within the City of Carlsbad to pay the bonded indebtedness and any and all general indebtedness of the City of Carlsbad contracted prior to, or existing or outstanding at the time of, the aforesaid proposed annexation of said de- scribed property. SECTION 7: That all requirements of law necessary to the adoption of this ordinance approving the annexation .- of certain uninhabited territory pursuant to Section 35310.1 of the Californi;: 2. .. . f- . ... . . . . ... ,_._ 1 ., . . * .. , . .. f. . . .. Government Code have been complied with. SECTION 8: That it does hereby appro re the'ann xation -0 the City of Carlsbad of that certain real property located in the County of San Diego, State of California, designated as the "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.18", and more particularly de- scribed as follows: . .. , All that unincorporated territory in the County of San Rancho Agua Hedionda.as said Rancho is shown on Recorder of said San Diego County lying within the following described boundary: .Diego, State of California, being a portion of the ' Partition Map No. 823, filed in the office of the 1. Beginning at the point of intersection of-the Northerly line of Lot J of said Rancho with a line running parallel with and 400 feet Westerly meas- I& D of said Rancho,. said point of intersection also being an angle' point i.n the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by Ordinance No. 1077 adopted July 17, 1962 by the City Council of said City; 2. Thence along said established boundary the fol- lowing courses: .wed at right angles from the Westerly line of a. South 13'25' East to the F7esterly prolongation of a line running parallel with and 400 feet Southerly of a line which runs due East from a point on the Westerly line of said Lot D which is North 13O25' West 2602.94 feet from point 5 of said Lot D; b. East along second said parallel line to an angle point in said established boundary; c. South 6O23' West to another angle point in said boundary; d. South 23'05' West 178.00 feet; e. South 66' 43' West 104.52 feet; f. South 6O27' West 213.52 feet; g. South 34'41' West 151.65 feet; ' h. North 72"50' West 179.60 feet; i. North 6.0"20' Nest 131.15 feet; 3. North 10°57' West 66.52 feet; k. North 80°11'50" West 119.10 feet; 1. North 43O39'50" West 154.05 feet; m. North 81°59'20" West 97.10 feet; n. South 7°09'10" West 191.00 feet; 0. South- 8*53'20" East 203.55 feet p. South 29O04'20" East 327.22 feet; q. South 12'59'10" West 98.60 feet; r. South 58"55'10" West 133.68 .feet; s. South 15"07'40" West 352.94 .feet; t. South 58'19'20'' East 54.71 feet to the West line of Lot I, of said Rancho; t- 3. Thence South 00'19'51" $'lest 2181.59 feet (record South 00°22'22" West 2181.38 feet) along said West line and the Southerly prolongation thereof; 3. 4. Thence North 89°40'09" West 265.65 feet (record North 89O37'38" West 265.66 feet); 5.- Thence South 01O42' 25" Nest 149.22 feet (record -South 01°18'0211 West 150.10 feet); I 6. Thence'South 09048'54" Nest 112.77 feet (record South 09°50'02" West); . 7. Thence South 20°15'08" West 125.50 feet (record South 20°56'47" West); 8. Thence South- 14°14'14" West 56.95 feet (record South 14°44'17" West 57.17 feet); 9. Thence South 07°15'19" West 135.37 feet (record - South 07O16'27" West) ; . 10. Thence South 11°36'09" West 66.35 feet (record South 11°37'17" West 65-21 feet) to the North line of Lot E of said Rancho; 11. Thence South'14O43'lO" West 159.68 feet (record . South 14O44 '02" West) ; 12. Thence South 21°40'50" West 190.34 feet (record South 21O41'42" West) ; 13. Thence South 13O45' 20" West 781.82 feet (record South 13°46112" West) ; 14, Thence North 89O23'25" West 3848.48 feet (record North 89O22'48" West); 15,- Thence North OO"36'35" East 1093.81 feet (record North .00°37'27" East) to the North line of said Lot E; . - 16. Thence North 89°23'25" West 669.70 feet along said North line: . .- 17. Thence North 01°42'55" East 986.00 feet (record North 01°43'28". East) ; 18. Thence North 23°27'30" West 1816ti45 feet (record North 23O24'55" West 1833.00 feet) to the South line of theoretical Section 33, Township 11 South, Range 4 West S.B.B.&M. in said Rancho; 19. Thence North 24O25'15" West 1804.85 feet to the Northerly line of said Lot J; 20. Thence North 70°04'36" East along said Northerly line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SECTION 9: L * . '. That the City Clerk .is. dir'ccted to prepare under seal a certified copy of this ordi'nance giving the date of its adoption and transmit it to the Secretary of State. SECTION 10: EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the 31st day from and after its adoption 4. 3 4 1: 14 It lt 1'; iE 15 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - SECTION 11: PUBLICATION: The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be publishe oncc in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said City of Carlsbad. # INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of February ,1974 and ad'o rned thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at an/re&d!ar meeting held on the 6th day of March , 1974, by the following vote, to wit: . , AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and'Frazee NOES: None ABSENT: None .. .. .. ? i -. .. . .. ,. 5. .. .- .. .. . .. ,. i .. I' * ......... ',.-~. .- ........... STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIECO ) 5s. hereby certify tli;it I Iriivc. c~~iiprtd tlic forqpirig aq)y \villi tlir origiixil Ordinance .......................................... #1164 passed arid adoptid by sititl City Coiiwil, at iiteeting tlimwf. iit the tiiric. and IJY tfic vote tlic*rc.in a regular' ........................................ Ordinance stnlcd, wliich origi-ti:il ......................................... is now on fil~ iii niy crfiirc.: tht tlie same rcmtiiinu n 11111. trilc and wrrwt tr;iiiwrii)t tlirri.froiii :itid of 11ic \vliolt! tJii*rcciI. l\ritiws$ iny 11;iiitl ;iiit~ tliv sc-;ii of si City of ~:trt~li;i<l. tiiis .,et& t~ay of ......... A~.r.i.l..~...l.g~4.~ ................ -- . ... P - ~ . .. . ._.l ,. . ... .. ('. . . ' i. uuu. ItU. c2 I 9-7 9-73 *. .. .. .. .. (PROPOSED A:ii.!EX.l.TiOf.! TO CARLSEAD) ' ; .. All that unincorporated tgrritory in the County of San DieGo, State of California, being a portiori of the Rancho Agca Hzdionda as said Rancho is shown on Partition Map k. 823, filed in the office of the Recorder or' said San Diego County and being more particularly described as follovs: 1. Beginning at Point 6 (Ficrthzst corngr Lot 3) in the 4!ester'ly boundary of Lot "D" of said Rancr.3 Agua %sdionda, said point being on the cornman boundary between tht City of Carlsbad and th2 City of Oceanside; 2. thence S 13" 27' 05" E, 353.62 feet; 3. thence N 89" 19' 35" E, 4483,5;) feet; -4. thence S 7" 58' -03'' W, 610.73 feet; 5. thence N 14" 18' 07'' W, 173.73 feet; 6. thence S 55O 39' 57" W, 223.8.2 feet; 7. thence S 05' 48' 00" W, 453.82 feet; . 8. thence S 23" 26' 51" til, 177.95 feet; 9. th~r~ce S 67" 13' 67" \I, 1O<.c': f23t; .. IO. thence S 06" 54' 07" \.I, 212.53 feet; 11. thence S 35" 11' 52" W, 151.52 feet; c I I # J 12. thence N 72" 27: 56" 1-1, 173.47 feet; 13. thence !I 59" 48' 14" ll, 131.C: feet; ' 14. thence N 10" 27' 18" N, 66.K feet; 15. thence PI 79" 33' 52" \,I, 115.53 feet; 15. thence rl' 42" 53' 37" \.I, 15S.C: fzet; 77. thence N 81" 33' 47" bl, 18. thence S 07" 39' 40" V, -. -. . 19. thence S 08" 22' 50" E, 20. thence S 28" 31 ' 30" E, 21. thence S 13" 32' 32" W, 22. thence S 59" 26' 50" 14, 97.1C feet; 191.0: feet; 203.5:; feet ; 327.32 feet; 98.56 feet; 133.55 feet; w 23. thence S 15" 39' 40" KS 352.79 feet; 24. thence S 57" 47' 43: E, 54.71 feet; 25. thence S 00" 19' 51 " \,I, 218? .59 feet; 26. thence N 89" 40' 09'' if, 265.65 feet; . 27. thence S 01" 42' 25" W, 749.22 feet; 28. thence S 09" 48' 54" W, 112.77 feet; 29. thence S 20" -15' 08" \a/, -125.50 feet; .30. thence S 14" 14' 14" ii, 56.95 feet; _. . . 31. thence S 07" 15' 19" W, 135.37 feet; . 32. thence S 11" 36' 09" W, 66.35 feet; ' 33. thence S'14" 43' 10" W, 153.68 feet; ., .- 34. -c(itrl:?l s 21' 49' 50" !si, 190.34 Pet; 35. 36. thence N 89" 23' 25" N, 3848.43 feet; tknce S 13' 55' 20" N, 781.82 fest; .. 37. thznce N 00" 36' 35" E, 1093.21 feet; 38. thence N 89" 23' 25" b!,. 669.72 fezt; 39. thence N 01' 42' 58" E, 986.K %et; --=... "CUI. .r."l Page 2 Job h. 291 .. . 9-19-73 .. . .- ,- . I, .. .. .. ., .. . .. . .. .. .. : . .. .. .. EXHIBIT A .. - -r-- Job E:o. 297 9-79-73 Pagt? 3 41. thence r4 24" 25' 15" IJ, 1E.S.85 feo;; 42. thence N 70" 04' 36" E, 3593.03 feet to the TRUE POIET OF REGII?:I\:fi!2. EXCEPTING TH€REFROI*4 all that portion which begins at a point on Course No. 42, said point being cisiant 430 feet ksterly and parallel . with Course No. 2, thence Suutherly along said parallel line to a point on the t!esterly prolongation of 2 line distant 400 feet Southerly and para7lel with Course No. 3, them? Easterly dong said parallel line to an intersection with the Hortharly pro7ongation of Course No. 7. . .. .. .. ._ . -. '. .. . . t ./ LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that unincorporated territory in the County of San Diego, State of California, being a portion3of the Rancho Agua Hedionda as said Rancho is shown on Partition Map No. 823, filed in the office of the Recorder- of said San Diego County lying within the following described boundary : '1. Beginning at the poj-nt of intersection of the Northerly line of lot J of said Rancho with a line running parallel with and 400 feet Westerly measured at right angles from the Westerly line of lot D of said Rancho, said point of intersection also being an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by Ordinance No. 1077 adopted July 17, 1962 by the City Council of said City; 2. thence along said established boundary the following courses: a. running parallel with and 400 feet Southerly of a line which runs due. East from a point on the Westerly line of said lot D which is North 13'25' West 2602.94 feet from point 5 of said lot D; b, East along second said parallel line to an angle point in said established boundary; c. South 6'23' West to another angle point in said boundary; d. South 23'05' West 178.00 feet; e. South 66'43' West 104.52 feet; f. South 6'27' West 213.52 feet; g. South 34'41' West 151.65 feet; h. North 72'50' West 179.60 feet; i, North 60'20' West 131.15 feet; j. North 10'57' West 66.52 feet; k. North 8Oo1l150" West 119.10 feet; c 1. North 43'39'50'' West 154.05 fee?; rn. North 81°591201' West 97.10 feet; 0. South 8"53'20" East 203.55 feet; p. South 29'04'20'' East 327.22 feet; 4. South 12°59110" West 98.60 feet; . r, South 58"55'10" West 133.68 feet; s. South 15'07'401' West 352.94 feet; t. South 58°191201' East 54.71 feet to the Vest line of lot L of said Rancho; South 13'25' East to the Westerly prolongation of a line n. So-uth 7°09110" West 191.00 feet; - .. 3. thence S 00"1915111 W, 2181.59 feet (Record, S 00°22'221' W, 2181-38 feet) along said West line and the Southerly prolongation thereof; 4. thence lu' 89"40'09" W, 265.65 feet .(Record, N 89'37'38" W, 265.66 feet) ; EXHIBIT B I "L- 5. feet) ; 6. thence S 01'4~~25~' W, 149.22 feet (Recora, S 01°28~102" W,'150.10 thence S 09'48'54" W, 112.77 feet (Record, S 09°5010211 W); 7. .thence S 20*15'08" W,. $25.50 feet (Record, S 20°56'47'' W); 8. feet) ; thence S 14'14t14tt W, 56.95 feet (Record, S 14"44r1711 W, 57.17 9. thence S 07°15r19f1 W, 135.37 feet (Record, S 07'16'27" W); 10.. to the North line of lot E of said .Rancho; thence S 11'36'09" W, 66.35'feet (Record S 11'37'17" W 65.21 feet) 11. thence S 14'43'10" W, 159.68 feet (Record, S 14'44'02" W); , 12. thence S 21'40 l50" W, 190.34 feet (Record, S 21°41'421r W); 13. 14. 15. North line of said lot E; thence S 13°45'20" W, 781.82 feet (Record, S 13°46'1211 W); thence N 89°2312511 W, 3848.48 feet (Record, N'89°22t48" W); thence N OO"36'35" E, 1093.81 feet: (Record, N 0Oo37'27'' E) to the 16. thence N 89"23'25"'W, 669.70 feet along said North line; 17. 18. feet)-to the South line of theoretical Section 33, Township 11 Sou#$, Range 4 West S,B.B.- & M. in said Rancho; 19. thence N 24°25'15" W, 1804.85 feet to the Northerly line of said thence N 70"04'36" E, along said Northerly line to the-POINT OF thence N 01°42'58" E, 986.00 feet (Record, N Ol"43'28" E); thence N 23°27t301f W, 1816.45 feet (Record, N 23'24'55'' W 1833.00 . lot J; 20. BEGINNING. EXHIBIT B . .. . CONDITION (S) , The description of the boundaries of the Territory shall be modified so as to conform to the description contained in Exhibit B. .. .. I . .. .. . .. .- .. . ... .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. c -\ .. .. .. .. '.. . .. , ..- .. . . I. . -. . . _... .. .. . .. , . .. .. .. . . .. .. ' .. I. .. .: ,, . .._ . . . ., , -. ,. , .., . - . .. . .. I. .. EXHlBfT c . ... i .i . * Affidavit of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego ..................................................................... iji- lic/ ~ rJtTj . .....-... m .... -c says that she is the Principal Clerk of The Carlsbad Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and State of California, and that the notice of which the day of ....._.......... ........................ i'C 1 ,-> 1 annexed is a true copy, was published _._--....times in said newspaper, commencing on the .... ...t ..... '1 ............................ *, A.D. 19 L-, namely on the following dates: , - ORDINANCE WQ 1164 AN ORDt)tA#C€ of THE ClfY CWNCiL OF TW f WY # CARLSBM, eALALIFORSI M AfWRWlM@ THE AUNBXATtON TO TMS CITY OF CARWAD QF CERTAN UMWABlTE6 TERRtfORY WEREINAFTER DESCklBhD AND DEStGNATING THE SAME AS THE "EAST CARdBAD ANNEXHION W. 2.W'. The City Council of the City of Carisbad does ordain as folknvs: SECTION 1: That It docs hereby find a~&dare as fdlowt: A. That an applkation f8r approvai of a proposal for the initiation of proceedings for the anWxatlon d territory heraimfter IndmtHied and describad-as "E& Cwlsbad Annexation No. 2.18" to thecity d Carlsbsd, County of sat Om, State of California, was filed with the local Formation Commlssion, Reference NO. CA 73-43. 8. That a resotutbn of the said Local Agency Formation Cmmlssion, after a hearing htM. In the manner required by law, was duly pasred and adopted-on the 3rd day sf DMmnBar. 1973, awwing the appllu~tion for annexation of the territory heNnlnafter dcrctibcd by metes and bounds to the City of Carlsbad. C. That sbid resorution p~ovided that said annexation was 8pprovq.I wlthout notice and hearing ad further firovided that W City Cwndi of #e City of Catlsbad was authorized to annex said territory without r?ptice and hearing by said CwncR and vrithout an election arpravlW tn California Government Code %Ion 54797.T. 0. That a written mtion containins the required signgturcr an6 a descrlptlon of the uninhabited tarritq tweMaftw desaikd has ken prewnted to the Cfty tactncfl ot the City OrtwhbM twwsting annexation under the Annexa)locr ot (Infnbbihd TmWory Act d I=, -mmt Code Sections throvpk 3u16. SECTION 7: TI& i requirerh;ntr of jaw necessary to the adoption of this ordinance aaprovlm the anrtexation of certain unintpbitod territory pursuant to swwn J55UIt,~rz~caiif~a~~~~~~~~ -lied with. , !lf#JC\ ,c ...,; 7 ,-/; ...................... i.'.:: ........ ::.:..I .-.. 5 ......I ........e _Y-.-----"---- .. .--... -. -.e.. --. - - - - ..................................................... ... ... .. . . ................................................. .-. .........-....-..... --..-...---.-..I------ ...... . ...l._l__....C.......... .. ............ ._..-....... " .-..........--............. -...-....- .... __ ..................................... . ...-.-- .-- ............... --.-....- .... -...-..--. ..................................................-..........-................-..........---..--"- . .............. " .... ~ .... ........................__........................................ - -. .... .......... ........................................................................... ......... ........................... ........................................... .......-..........-.... -....-.--.----.-....-..------.. ....... ............._....__........- ....- . ................................ - - -.".-". .... ................_.......... ................................................ - ....... ...-...---.*-....- Signed at Carlsbad, California this ..... .- ................. .......... .... 31 day of ...........I..................._......_...............-....-...........I 19 ....... I hereby declare under penalty of perjury thd the foregoing is true and correct. I Principal ',l' - -- -_*__ r SE~TIQN 8: That it does hereby approve ttte akner#en to of Carlsbadof that certain real property located in the County af fsn0-r state of Calhfwnia, designatedas the "East Carlsbad Annexatiy NO. 2.18''e and more particularly described aS follows: ~11 that unincorporated territory in the County Of Sari Diege, state Of California, being a portion of the Randho Agua Hedionda IS saidJV!ncho IS shown on Partition Map No. 823, filed in the offlce of the ACtOrder of eid $an Diwo County lying within the following descrlbed bdUdarY: 1 Beginning at the point of lnterseetion of the Northerly line Of L& J Of sald Rancho with a line running parallel with ahd 1M) fQet WeStWIY meaaured at right angles from the Westerly line of Lot D of said Rancho, satd polnt df Intersection also being an angle point in fhe boundary Of the Clty of Carlsbad as established by Ordinance No. 1077 adopted July 17,1%2 by the City Council of said City; a. South 13O25' East to the Westerly prolongation of a line rming parallel with and 400 feet Southerly of a line which runs due East from a polnt on'fhe Westerly line of said Lot D which Is North 13%' West 2602.94 feet frmn point 5 of said Lot 0; b. East along second said parallel line to an angle point in said eS- tablished boundary; c. South 6'23' Wekt to another angle point in said boundary; d. South 23O05' West 178 00 feet, e. South 66'43' West 104.52 feet; f. South 6"27' West 213.52 feet; g. South 34"41' West 151.65 feet, h. North 72O50' West 179.60 feet; i. North 60"20' West 131.15-feet; i. North 1037' West 66.52 feet; k. North 80°11'50" West 119.10 feet, I. North 43O39'50" West 154.05 feet; m. North 81"59'20" West 97.10 feet; n. South 7'09'10" West 191.00 feet; 0. South 8"53'M" East 203.55 feet; p. Swth 29°04'20" East 327.22 feet; q. South 12O59'10' West 98.60 feet; r. SouM 58"55'10" West 133.68 feet; s. South 15"07'40" West 352.94 feet; t.. South 58°19'20" East 54.71 feet to the West line of Lot L of said Ranthb; 3. Thence South 0O019'51" West 2181.59 feet (record South 00'WZZ" West 2181.38 feet) along said West line and the Southerly prolohgation thereof; 4. Thence North (w040'09" West 265.65 feet (record North 89*37'38" West 265 66 feet); 5. Thence South OI"42'25" West 149.22 feet (record South 01"18'02" Wet 150.10 feet); 6. Thence South 09"48'54" West 112.77feet (recordSouth 09°50'02" West); 7. Thence South 20"15'08" West 125.50 feet (record SouthW56'47" West); 8. Thence South 14O14'14" West 56.95 feet (record South 14*U'17" West 9. thence South 07O15'19" West 135.37feef (record Wf?iVlb'W'Wilsf); 10. Thence South 1l036'09" West 66.35 feet (record South W37'17" West 11. Thence South 14'43'10" West 159.68 feet (record South 14+44'62" 12. Thence South 21°40'50" West 190.34 feet (record South 21"41'42" 13. Thence South 13"45'20" West 781.82 feet (record South 13e46'1t" 14. Thence North 89O23'25" West 3848.48 feet (record North 89"22')8" 15. Thence North 00'36'35'' East 1093.81 feet (record North 00*37'27" 16. Thence North 89"23'25" West 669.70 feet along said Nor& bine; 17. Thence North Ol"42'58" East 986.00 feet (record North 0lo45'28" East); 18. Thence North 23"27'30' West 1816.45 feet (record North 23'24'55" West 1833.00 feet) to the South line of theoretical Section 33, Township 11 South, Range4 West S.B.B.LM. in said Rancho; 19. Thence North 24"25'15" West 1804.85feet to the Northerly line of said Lot J; M..Thence North 70"04'36" East along sald Northerjy line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SECTION 9: That the City Clerk is directed to prepare under seal a cer- tified cwy of this ordinance giving the date of it5 adoption and transmit it to the Secretary of State. SECTION 10: EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect and - be in force on the 31st day from and after its adoption. SECTION 11: PUBLICATION: The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation In sald City of Carlsbad. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meetlng of the City \Council held on the 19th day of February, 1974 and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at an adjourned regular meeting held on the 6th day of March, 1974, by the following vote, tu wit: AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee NOES: None ABSEWT: None 2. Thence along said established boundary the following COUrteS: 57.17 feet); 65.21 feet) to the North line of Lot E of said Rancho; West); West); West); \ West); East) to the North line of said Lot E; - DAVID M. DUNNE Muyor ATTEST: MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk (SEAL) Pub: March 21, 1974 .j Na ldwl