HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-06; City Council; 3022; Adopting Salary Plan for 1973-74 Fiscal YearS C, r �n y g C AR L S B A D t ' C _A. L S F O R N I A Agenda Bill No. Date: March 6, 1974, Referred To: Subject: Submitted no RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3153 William C. Ifaldwin ADOPTING SALARY PLAN FOR THE CITY FOR Personnel Director 1973-74 FISCAL YEAR. v �7 Statement of the Matter The Fiscal Year 1973-74 budget for the Finance Department approves and allocates funds for a new positions ASSISTANT TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR,, SalarRange 40, an original assignment, is determined to 'be low. Thus y Salary Range 42 conforms to the scope of duties in the description. Exhibit RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3153 and exhibiting the neFr classx cation description and assigned salary range. i Staff Recommendations to the City Manager Staff recommends the adoption of the resolution and recruitment towards, positioning. v Y AB No. Da to : March 6.; 1974- CityManager's Recommendation Recommendation Concur with staff recommendation. i t ' t S f 't F t' ! C t Council Action 3-•6-74 Resolution #3369 was adopted, amending Resolution #3153, exhibiting ' new classification description and assigned salary range for } Assistant to the Finance Director. 5 -2 s 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3369 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 3 NO. 3153 ADOPTING SALARY PLAN FOR THE CITY FOR 1-973-74. 4- 5 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve 6 as follows: 7 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad did on June 19, 1973, adopt 8 Resolution No. 3153 Adopting a salary plan for the City for the 9 1973-74 fiscal year; 10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 3153 11 dated June 19,, 1973, is amended by the addition of'the job 12 classification, ASSISTANT TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR, Salary Range 42, 13 as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated herein. 14 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City 15 Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 6th 16 day of March 1974 by the following vote, to wit: 17 AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee 18 "NOES: None 19 ABSENT: None 20 22 AVID M, DUNNE, Mayor 23 ATTEST: 24 I 25 MA G REf E. ADAMS, C y Clerk 26 27 '(SEAL.) 28 29 30 31 32 r t RESOLUTION NO. 4 , EXHIBIT "tan CITY OF CAP.LS_9,b CLASSIFICATION A:ID Se+LARY RANNGE SCHM- ULE Fiscal Year 1973-74 CLASSIFICATION RANGE CLASSIFICATION SAGE ACCCUINTANT 35 POLICE CAPTAIN 47 ADISIN1STRATIVF INTF.RIil 29 POLICE LIEUTF.Ii1NT1 41 ASSISTANT CITY LIBRARIAN 36 POLICE. OFFICER 36' ZSiStant toFinance ASSISTANT PLANNER 37 POLICE 0?FICE SgPERVISOR 24 ,the Director, Range a2-_f.SSOCIATB PLAIE't 45 POLICE*SERG£ANT 40 At)DIO-VISUAL CLERK «+ PRINCIPAL' CIVIL ENGINEER 54 AUDIO-VISUAL LT-SRARIAN 29 PROJECT ASSISTAT4 BUILDTOG INSPECTOR 37 PROPERTY Mj INT. FORUSSM 34 CHILDREN' S LIU:,i+RIP.N 32 PUBLIC I:ORKS FORE:uvml— 35 CIVII. ENDINEERIING ASSISTANT 50 PUBLIC WORKS LEAtNIA : 28 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE 46 P.S% SANITATION II.SPEuort 29 CLEF.:: STENOGRAPHER 16 QUE SERA COORD_Ti2ATORe- CLERK TYPIST 13 QUE SERA CI:ERI:4 C0?1:(,:NICAi IONS OPERATOR 20 RECREATION LEADER I S CO!2',UNITY SERVICE OFFICER 26Y2 RECF,EATIO:J LEADER II 1C I , CSO COORDINATOR 47 RECREATION LE?.DER :II 22 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 38 RECREATrONi SUPERINTENDENT 36 CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCEMAN4 19 RECREATION SUPERVISOR 32 CUSTODIAN 16 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN 26 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 21 SECRETARY 21 " ENGINFERINIG 'AIDE 27 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY 23 EQUIPMEN DAINT. FO_4EN.ri*7 36 SECRETARY TO CITY MNNAGER 24 - -EQUIPI•IE%T :I CHA lIC 32 SECRETARY TO POLICE CHIEr 23Y2 EOUIP::ENT k2*CiI .NXC HELPERI 20 SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK 22 - FIRE BATTALION CHIEF 47 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 43 FIRE CAPTAIN 43 SENOR CLERK STENOGRAPHER 18 11, - FIRE EN:GINZER 39 SENIOR CO:LKUNIICATIO::S OPR. 22 FIREI•IAii 35 SENIOR ENGINEERING AIDE 31 - GARAGE ATTEN VD T 16 SENIOR LISRARIA21 29 fiMlri EQt)IPl!-rT OPERATOR 29 SENIOR LIB?.ARY ASSISTANT 29 •- IiOUSING ASSISTOFFICER6 SENIOR LIBRARY CLERK 21 MOUSING ASSIST_. SEC'TRY6 SENIOR !•IAINTENA:,CEPIAN 25 ITITEMEDIATE ACCOUNT CLEPS 17 SENNIOR S:ATER S RVICF:LAN 25 JUNIOR PLANNER 31 S E?:RA RZIIONAL COORDINATOR4 LIB&?NY AD:•:IN:. ASSISTANT 28 ST!XBT SUPERIN77 (DENT 39 LIBRARY ASSISTANT 25 SWITC•r.F OAR-) OPR. R£^EP:IOIIISTIS brary Clerk IT-, LIBRARY CLERK 15. SYSTEMS COORDINA:ORZ Range 17 21 TREE TRIMI-iER LEAD',!, .:: 2F+ • I• ;.ELPE ?E R .OTOR S c -R O_ R.iTO_. 20 '%TSn .,. k;.t LE:+�J::zu. 27 _ PAFK CARSTAREP 21 WATER a:,lINTENAMCE FOPEI.W; t 36 PARK FORMAN 35 TIA-MR PUMP F ORi: IANI 37 PARK LANrSCd)E TECIMICIANI 28 WAT R PUm", OPEPwolt 29 PAM t•:AINTENIANCE LEADMM 26 f:AT.--R 5'RVICEI•Ai: 21 PLANNING TECHNICliuN 28 WATER SUP ERINTrMENT 42 1140 7:11PLOY=E POSITIONED 7/1/73 4SEe.RA (LIBRARY) COUNTY S?S4E;4 ' 2STEP E LOCK _ "POLICE CCCJ GRANT _ 3ADD 5% ASSIGNED AS DETECTIVE 61NUD. SUr.JECT TO FEDERAL POLICY EXECUTIVE SALARY SCHEPULL SALARY SALARY CLASSTrICATION Lot,, - Rratt CLASSIFICATION? Log --Ki oh ADMIN. ASSISTANT $ 958 - 1248 FIRE Chl--F $136'�3 —7./!; ASSIST. TO C/MGR. 1236 - 1593 LICENSE SUPV.* 922 - 1189 CITY EOGR'ING DIR. 1466 - 1874 DAMS & REC. DIR. 1121 - 1446 CITY LIBRA7RIAN 1177 - 1517 POLICE CHIEF 1431 - 1843 DIR. BUILD. & HOCS. 1236 - 1593 P,I•i. DIRECTOR 1540 - 1973 DIR. PLW.NING 14GG - 1890 UTILITIES-E'.RINT.DIR. 14.66 - 1874 FIN AN:CL DIR. 1267 - 1G32 S T E P S Cl.t•! Ii'iC?.fIO' !'ia!r� 1 A. C:.�_ D R.CITY AT'.O:t.;L'i -lXt1 slft'/S $1969 $IUUO �FMU $227U • CITY CL^,Ri:* NC 225 CITY COUtNCIL?IA:I XCc ISO CITY IIaIAGCP, MI 2013 2119 2228 2336 2453 CITY PLAN.00:i;. XPC $20 por rtcet. no; to exceed $40 nor month. CIT7 IA r.SUid.R XT 125 A 7�14/ %at — r '1SSISiA?i`j' TO THE FINANC-3 DTrf:C^tOtt Definitiein This is a processional class in the finance serias' with duties involving supervision of the city's financial activities and performing related Dior;c as required. Duties are performed under direction. Examples 1. Assists the Finance Director in the supervision of Duties of fiscal management activities of the City including the City budget, maintenance of general accounting records, preparatiOn Of..._ _olls, audits, receipts and dis- bursements. 2. Assists the Finance Director in the planning and development Of deoartmer.` Policies and procedures and enforcing their compliance. 3. Conducts or supervises the department staff in the preparation of financial statements and -reports, - including those prescribed by county, state and ' _._._ federal government agencies. A. Supe'rvi:ses the department staff in the collecting and accounting of revenues -received for water, sewer and trash services. S. Supervises the department staff involved with posting of appropriation and disbursement accounts and the processing of claims and warrants, 6. May coniuct special investigations*and financial studies as assigned by the depa:-tmenz director. . 7: Assigns work and revie�rs work assignments of the departmentlz clerical and accounting personnel, ;`. S. Assists the Finance Director in the selection, training, discipline and evaluation of. department - personnel. 9, Assists the Finance Director in the preparation of the department budget. 10. Performs related tasks as required. E:nplovment Any combination of training and experience equivalent Standards to graduation from college ;rith major course urork in business or public administration and three years of professional accounting experience, including at least one ;dear in municipal finance or similar endeavor. Range 42 t