HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-06; City Council; 3030; ACCEPTANCE OF FUTURE RESERVED STREET IN ANILLO WAY SPANISH VILLAGE UNIT NO. 1>, ‘j7 ;!,/ . .,/; .- @ f l?Y GF CARLSPAD, CALIFORN il) /I Agenda 6 i i 1 ‘.:0.303a LJ* te-.i;as.k_t4L974- Referred To: -. Subject: Submi t ted By: Acceptance of future reserved street in Ani110 (subdivision located south of Levante St., west Acting Public J7or,E Directs1 ’ /‘ ‘Way - CT 72-24 - Spanish Village IJnit No. 1 - ,A .;7 of Anil.loa-) T -, Costa T,and Co. ~ ~~ ~ 2% . Statement of the Matter -- k portion of Lot 469 designated “portion of Lot 469 reserved far futu street” and a portion of Lot 470 desigxated “portion of Lot 473 reser’ for future street”, La Costa South Unit No. 6, Map No. 6604, recorded March 23, 1970 was offered for dedicat.ion, but was rejected by the County and never accepted by the City. Aczeptance of this reserved future street is now Ln order (see Exhibi “A“). This Kill complete the street design requirement for Carlsbad Tract 72-24 Unit No. 1. Exhibit A. Resolution No. accepting eisement for public street purposes B. Easement plat ., w Staff Resomendations to the City Manager . Adopt a motion approving Resolution No.,T379 regardinq acceptance Of the portion of Lot 469 reserved for future street and portj.on of Lot . 470,reserved for future street of La.Costa South Unit No. 6, Map No. e a .. . .. .. AB No. # Da tc : March 5, 1974 .- .- . ,. . -- 7. - .. City tlanaqer's zccoannnda2ion Concur with staff rec.onmendation. -_ -_ -- .. .. . .. -- -_ .. . -- _. -- ~orr~cil ~ction' .-3-6-74- Resolution #337& adopted, acce-pting easemefit for public Stri purposes. *- . 0 :\ ._I_.~. ,._ -= - __- . . .. - .____.._-- . .....I II 4 2 3 4 7 6i 8 ' city a:: Carl- I 1200 31m Ave, I Czxlshad, CaLffornia 92008 I_ J R?W?REfi RESOLUTION NO. 3374 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES CERTAIN P-UVlOUSLY REJECTED EASEI4ENTS -- The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby re as follows: 1. The following described real property located in thl of Carlsbad, County of San Dieyo, State of California, parti I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 described as portion of Lot 469 designated ''portion of Lot 4 reserved for future street" and portion of Lot 470 designate( "portion of Lot 470 reserved for future street" according to thereof No. 6604, recorded March 23, 1970, which was previou! rejected by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Dit for public street purposes, is now hereby accepted for publi( street purposes. 2. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall cause i 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 27 26 to be forwarded to the County Assessor of the County of San I Statc of California. adjollrned I PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED atanfregular meeting of tl City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held. March --' 6 1974 , by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Fraz NOES : None ABSENT: None I A a- U 1295 .. , J’i * STATE OF CALIFORNik, ) COU?dlY OF sI?h! DIEGO ) ss. ADAMS I, MARGARET E 1 ...... / .., City Clerk of tlie City of C;irlsl);td, Cotirlty of Sa11 Dicgo, State of Cnlifornia. ............................... hereby certify that I Iiave ci)ii)p:irtx? tire forvgoir~g copy with tlic. originill .... R.eso1.u.t.i.o .?. .......... passed and :iiy (IoiinciI, :It .a n....adj.c).wma~.~... iiieeting tjirrcwf, at tlic tiinr aut^ 11y t~lc vote t~icrriri .......................................... is now on file in rny officc: tliat the smie contiiins a fiII1, trllc - reqular ! Resolution I and t1w sc.;il of s;iitl City oi (:arlsl)iid, tliis 18th ctay of I tlic*rc.fro~n and of thc wli:)ie tIic~c.of. March T ............................ 1974 .......... ...........................