HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-19; City Council; 3038; REQUEST FOR THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A LEASE WITH MARIE ANNOINETTE CARRILLO DEPLY ON THE CARRILLO RANCH PARK SITE1. * *io H E CITY CARLSBADO CAL.IFOR1 f'. 0 OF w/ 70 Agenda Bill No. 3638 Date: March 19, 1974 Referred To: SuSject: Request for the City to enter into a lease Submitted Bi with Marie hnnoinette Carrillo Delpy on the Carrillo Ed Johnson, Ranch Park Site. Parks and Re' Director 5 '" /-,2 u Statement of the Matter In'previous discussions with the attorneys for Carrillo Ranch, it felt that Mrs. Delpy should be allowed to live on the said propert There is a need for the property to have a caretaker and also a ne for her to adjust to leaving the historical ranch site. The said perty would be deeded to the City of Carlsbad on the first phase o ence with her attorneys this would become effective within the ver. future. The lease would be for the period ending December 31, 1975 and wou tinue thereafter unless terminated by the City. The City would be ed to give six months notice of termination. The improvements existing on said scrage, include the historical r mansion, the patios, and all the landscaping and trees and accompa' buildings. The amount of park requirements is 26.443.acres. With buildings on the property which would be used in the nark complex, said amount of park requirement is set at 17.44 acres plus the exi improvements. EXHIBIT See attached letter for suggested provisions of lease from White, development on the Master Plan for Carrillo Ranch. In our last co, Peterson and Robinson; Attorneys at Law, See attached menorandum'of fire insurance policy. Staff Recommendations It is felt the following conditions should be added to Mrs. Delpy' proposal: 1. An attachment to the fire insurance policy be assigned to the while Mrs. Delpy is residing on said property. The cost will paid by Mrs. Delpy, not the City. 2. It is the staff's feelings that the caretaker's home which is occupied be open to the City for a permanent resident during h stay. 3. If the City Council concurs, please refer back to the City Att for the drawing up of the official agreement. .I 0 e AS No. - Date: March 19, 1974 City Manager's Recommendation - This matter has bee'n- discussed with the City Attorney -and City Manager. .There appear to be advantages to the Ci-ty in.providing caretaker service prior to the City's need for the development of the park. I would recommend that the City Council concur with the request and refer the matter to the City Attorney for the preparation Of the necessary agreement to be brought back to the City Council. Council -Action 3-19-74 The City Attorney was instructed to prepare the necessary documents for lease of the Carril1o.-Ranch Pa.rk Site betwe . the City and Mrs. Delpy. -2- .' 1' -1 ' 0 0 PAUL. A. PETEII5GN BYHOP1 1.. WHITE IdL R ROSINSOS, JR ED'NAHD E.VIC-ISSMAN WHITE, PIKE. PETERSON 6 ROBINSON A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ,4TTORNEYS AT L.4W 2300 FIR5T NATIOXAL BANK BUILDING 530 B STREET SOL PR OF COG1 WILLIAM E JOHNS F.?:TEX P GAME^ EDHARD C. MUNS SAN DIX3, CALIFORNIA 02101 (714) 234-0361 FILE h Lh'NREIhCE 5. BPANTON JAMES B MEHALICI( WESLEY B HILLS r4.Rlc~~8c~as LYNN.JR. .6 March 1974 10,oo: .- ,- /. /:z- 2 /;.. i b I> .'. .% , 1 :& ;!,:/ I ...,,. Mr. Paul Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 \ -;3 1 _-. i _" '2 -,~,-, .?? . .. y, .. "8 ', .,2 .s . ._ a L','.~ ..' '. <::<, ,; : --..-:;. 2 Re: Carrillo Rancho - Park Site Requirement Dear Mr. Bussey: At our meeting on March 4, 1974, we discussed possible pro. visions of the lease that the City might enter into with Marie Antoinette Carrillo Delpy with respect to the Carrillo Ranch pi site. Pursuant to the discussion at that meeting, we enclose i list of the provisions that we believe should appe.ar in said It It is our understanding that you will present this proposal to City Council at the meeting scheduled for March 19, 1974. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesit to call. 'Yours very truly, - WHITE, PRICE, PETERSON & ROBINSON BFW/ j c 1 SC. ".. B y<-h i -abQAb t e Enclosure \j cc : (with enclosure) Mr. Ed Johnson, Parks Director, Vince Biondo, Esquire, City Mr. Don Age-tep, Planning Director, Mr. John Barrett, Thibodo Construction Co. Mr. Lyle Gabrielson, Rick Engineering Co. Mr. Alvin D. Ziskin City of Carlsbad Attorney, City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad I, 0 0 SUGGESTED 2ROVISiOYS OF LE-ASE I. The lease would be for the period ending December 31, 1- and would continue thereafter unless t--.rminatcd by City. The C would be required to give six (6) months notice of termination. For exanpie, if the City desired the occupancy to cease OR Marc: 1977, it tsoulc? be required to give notice by September 30, 1976 2. No rent would Se payable; or if some rental were deemed be required, it would be $1-00 per year or other nominal amDunt 3. Mrs. Delpy would ac-t as caretaker for the property. In such capacity, she would act as ar! independent contractor and i. way be classified as an employee or' the City. 4, Mrs- Delpy would maintain the proprty in its present CI clition, reasonable 'wear and tear excepted. 5. There is presen-tly fire and extended coveraqfe insurance coverage on the property in the amounts as set forth' on Exhibit a-tt.zched here to. Mrs. ~elpl7 would maint-ain insurance on tile pr with the same coveraye as presently carried on the property as forth on said Exhibit A, 6. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, Mrs. Delpy co t-erminate her occupancy and all requirements -Slat she may have the lease .upon g-ivinq thirty (33) days written notice to th? 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'a ) +ma * 4. S ............................ On i-IoujthO!d Furnit-re ar.4 Personal Proper:y, all only :v'nil: containd in tb? last aboTr-. d=;;c - n .- - 6:vrllia.r house. ~++--"J~ :em a 3 T&V&W "LI: w=&ZZX% ih;di;m House dc;cribd ccz:t.r iterr - J,'Ig-J* - . ??"P J ...... ? v t -=.I.* * 3. $... ..... .C .............. ~n t>e .................... r~o~.~~~..~~.~..~ui!~~~~,~ z2 *>J -~ ."". 7- 7 3 ?ma ......................... xvhile+q-~ m1j- .-. .. :*A 3 ~ 2- ( d - - ]as~~],~3 -+ $............................On th: roo1 . $' '&,is .................... .................... a Bu!Idlng. a. tr.>l:e occu2:eG o?~y as a ~arn. (~~gram SO ...... r! + .............. .* 'Dilorarn KO ........ sf .......... 1 . - "" + 7. 5 ............................ 03 €by, Gniy while contSn:d in the abovs &jcrihd barn buildizg. * 8. S ........................... On the .................... twf .................... Bgi!ciinX. t,yhj[:: occspI& only as a I\'indmiil,'Toi<er, Tank or p .. Houx, including pumphg machincry and it,; equipment, ali only while contaized in, on 07 a:t?ch?d to CS>T- d 5? 2z:?a building. (Dilgrarn X::%p+ ............ ) 3+Gi;rS, :.J *:>*a ~ z**-t-t* :t'-r~. s 0:1 th- roof-.. ~uilding. v:b.i!t occupied only as i 2; >, .......e.? f ........-. .'8. S ............................ @. ~:?r ...............,. ~oo~.. ...........,.... ei;~!~~~~, \t hI!t o~cupied only 23 X .....e ............... ,&Z ...............-.............. e .. u +.u , >.A?$ .QB* ??p -2 ?\.A, . 7-m -3. ............................ .................... ............... ....... ...... ............. 3 4 !>+ (Dixgrzin KO.... .......n.m..- - - $3 (Dkgrarn ?YO ...................... > (Di?.z:zm KO..? ................. ) z3z~~z,2~l?. S. ..... 7 ................. Or. th? ... :... ........... ro0E ~.. T~.~.*...StiiIdin9. 1,:hiIe occupied only as a..ha ..................... ................_. 39,- -3 .. 9 '12. $............................On Pcn!try (KO? COVE2.ED UNDER ASk' OTHES! ITE3f OF THIS POi.1CY). only \sbi! rhe rtbo,vr described farm. TFiIS II?.!OUXUT ATTACHI>,'G I'K EACH BUILDiSG XSD IS T .. O?XK IK TiiE PX@PORTiO?i THAT TXZ V;\LVE OF TI-IZ EIXES IX E.%Cil SE SGLLDiSG OX IF: TSE OTEF BEARS TO TXE \-Xi.,UE OF ALL EIRDS COS'E2ED HE; UNDER. CLA1L.I OX AAKY (3x5 BIRD SOT TO ESCEED .j .................................................. *I:. $............................GI. Trap, COXCS ard Box Sh~o!<, ati on!y wi.l?l:e located rr,y:vhr:e on th.? aboce drscrib-d farm. Ti'j A!.I@UI\:T rZTT.4CXiXG O?< EXCii TR.iY Of( EOX OR TEE GO?: SEDOK T3Z:.F1EF IS T%'E PRO:'OXT[O?; THAT Ti!E 'v'.%L~LZ OF SUCH TRAY 98 EOX 02 THE: E SF:O(-)i.; T'd-IEREFOF: EE,-'\ZS T@ THE !iCGXEC.4TE V.L\Luz 9; .4LL T~?,x'<S, go) XSC BOT SHOOK COVERED HE?.EL'SDER. "2 1 .. 5 ........................... On :.Is....~!-J XXricultcr$ F:iuipnrent, IK~~~TCG~S 2xi Sup?Iks, ai[ OC!~ v;'ai!e 02 tile ahvr dtscrihd f or erly..;>..-e _X 11,;" ., .i.n!~i ' :!I: limirs oi thc saxe coucfy or xcljoiningr coun;ics. ->*+n 3 '15. $..->... 3 an ~,~,~~~.~~~~~~~~i~;,~~?~~~~~~~~~~~:~.~ tba by!!c![n2 deccribect un<e: IL-~? so ............... "*.-a ..Afl d 34b.W."GQ 2 %A<- A ;-A - -* 4* .- , 2.;*&* E.? "L6. 3 ........................ On ............................................................ ????-??. ........................................................................................... > ... -. .. l_l_ . ""."""I- . .". 1 8 .-:: ,>. '2 j .""" ""_" J'::;.. !cJ;:') .. .I ." 211-2 .... ?,1.;: 1 0 L ... L .. ." ... ".. ~"~. . .. ." . 1 .. I .I 0 0 ~~ ., RESIDENT CARETAKER AGREEME?d'l? -___ " THIS AGREEmNT made this 16th day of April, 1974, by and between THE CITY OF CARLS3AD, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter referred to as "CITY" I ar,d ANTOINETTE C. DTLP'J, hereinafter referred tu as "CARETAKER" I WITNESSETH: 'WHEREAS, ANTOINETTE C. DELPY presently resides on a parcel of property approximately twenty acres containing the residence of CARETAKER, a portion of the Carrillo Ranch, and WHEREAS, said Ranch is presently owned by the Carill' Ranch Partnership, and F'IHEREAS, under property development agreements the twenty-acre parcel containing the homesite of CARETAKER will be deeded to the CITY OF CARLSBAD for park purposes by the Carrillo Ranch Partnership, and WHENAS, it is desired by the parties that CARETAKER remair, in occupancy of the residence and homesite for a perit of time prior to the date upon which the CITY OF CARLSBAD will commence development of the said homesite as a park, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS COVENANTED AMD AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: 1. CAXTAKER will continue to remain in occupancy and residency in the residence presently established on the proposed park site containing approximately twenty acres of real property and described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference thereto for a period subject to termination by CITY upon six months' written notice given to CARETAKER at the aforesaid residence but in no event prior to Decenber 31, 1975. Such occupancy and residency shall be at no cost to CITY. 2. PJo rent shall be payable by CARETAKER during the I, 0 0 perid of occilpancy exce2t that nomifial rent of One Dollar ($1.00) per year may be pzyable in the event CaliEornia governmental law would require such a lease rental payment. 3. CARETAKER woulc! act as a caretaker for the property, acting as an independent contractor and in no way as an employee of CITY. 4. CAFC3TAKER will maintain the property in its present condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted., and will continue to maintain the property in such condition during the entire period of occupancy. 5- CARETAKER at no cost to CITY shall maintain fire and extended coverage insurance on the property in the amounts presently maintained thereon by Carrillo Ranch Part- nership as shown in Exhibit B attached hereto. CITY shall be named as an additional insured on such policy. 6. CARETAKER may terminate her occupancy and all requirements that she may have under this lease upon giving thirty days' written notice to CITY at the City Hall in Carisbad, California, addressed to the City Manager of CITY. 7. CARETAKER may occupy the residence in the manner and style in which she presently occupies the premises as her residence with the right that she may allow other person: to remain in residency with her but shall not sublease the I premises or assign her rights under this agreement in any manner without the written consent of CITY. 8. It is the express intention of the pa'rties that CARETAKER may treat the residence and the property as her home subject to her obligation to maintain the condition of the premises as set forth above during the period of her occupancy. However, CARETAKER shall be obligated to maintai. both interior and exterior walls and roof in at least their present condition and shall be obligated to requirements of 2. t I. 0 0 landscaping only to the extent that the premises are pres- ently maintained in a landscaped conciitim. 9. CITY shall have the right to inspect the premise and its inmediate grounds at reasonable times during dayligh hours upon giving notice to CARETAKER of the intention of CITY, its officers and enployees, tc make such inspections, Such inspections shall be for the purpose of assuring the proper maintenance of the premises and for no other pur- poses. CITY shall have the right to inspect the balance of the property from time to time. 10. Upon the termination of the period of written notice duly given by CITY, CARETAKER shall vacate the pren- ises, leaving them in broom-clean condition and remove therefrom only her personal property which shall include all decorative items and household appliances ordinarily and customarily removable by occupants of residence premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures and caused this document to be executed by officers duly authorized. Dated: April 16 , 1974. CITY OF CARLSBAD BY ri?-e<*/ o er By :g,s.:~:a&<,;&;& razee, fi. p Q/b[”&& *( ,,[,j y“L 1 k*d+! ANTOINETTE C. DELPY, CARETAGER / - 5- .. 1. 0 0 EXHISIT A "" Being a portion of the East one-half of the North- west one-quarter of Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Neridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the North one-quarter corner of said Section 19; thence along the North line of said Northwest one-quarter, North 89°39'01" West 1321.00 feet thence leavinc said North line along the West line of said East one-half South 0°06'44" West 2171.70 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- NING; thence retracing North OOO6'44" East 848.80 feet; thenc a point on the East line of said Northwest one-quarter; thence along said East line South 0°20'46" West 200.00 feet; thence leaving said East line South 60°00'00" West 400.00 feet; thence South 33"32'10" West 673.18 feet; thence South 8008'00" West 197.85 feet; thence North 82O36'50" West 575.97 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. leaving said West line North 79'55'10'' East 1337.69 feet to Containing 20.00 acres. I EXHIBIT A , . .-- .". . - . . .. . I .I' ir k. ".," $>, I . ~ ._ rrr, -tL...JJ ' * * . .\.I I L-.- ?::e2*, pp,2.>cur*g' I Cod J y p-. -iT."a I-:." :- - :J:c;,?.; "J c;.: ", LiAW3 -.-".oc ~~&,~'d,~ "r "",", b-",- hL.L7.2 2><;--PA7.y3 1 .,.> . !? .I 3' .' :.?Ar,d$ " I; bA4GA . - b .%LM , i"" cnil 'eya ." ..%s,r-.?-? :? T.?"? , ...., J- LJId - j .." ,:f .r.f . f14 . 532 n",;? --ra-,,:?-<* -; iC!1311 L f .. p; . .. - ,' .* Poticy A + . 7hfhJ '7 h .- " .. .&p > .- -. r. t Ur,n: 5 ff/ id/ Id .. .1 '!d-;r,LL? .. -. . ,P7:2 (L. ./:' .r .- .' - -- .. Yaw* . Lnc*ption (No. Doy YrJ E*>;ro*,on ;%a. Dq Yr.1 .. " . '-i - .( .,. .. .. . . ._ .. . i;L-;;;ic. .. - , " . . "' ' * .. _. , . .: . .. .' * t .& .* x33 ~~~~,~~i",o~;;2i.~~~~~.- GF ii<S*pJj PC .. CCc-Ia; L; . 6 LX7b.x CAL]FG,TE:k SyApJAXD Foz2,?i F;?; ;,~~~~~;~<~ ?G::<Y . '. &x; THiS CG>/r?ANY kiAS 1SSt)El A ?OLICY CF iNSUF?A,NCE A5 FOLLOL'iS: t:;Ya?irhCE is PRSVIDZD AGAISST O.'lLY iiiOjE DE;!IS AXD FO9 OLiLY ThOSE TOVifiASE: INSICATE3 SEiGVI EY A ?a:?r.lUt,, CHAR= .. OThi9 PE71LS ANa iO3 OTiiEil COVERAZCS ONLY WriiN E.XD.TRSD tiEZ.ECS 02 ADSEO HzaflO. .- A?r.TJ9%u; 1 ' Y'E.I,A:L) Ti2u kX.'.LAL PI.. RATE ! .. 2s z...:.;.., au; 1 ;sf ~.,~~~$~r~i'~XiL!S! Insured AqJin;r 3n.y Ccrcr-l I .t,+*i;..C:sy;,?..I f ??E.,, p,%.f. pL>A f;ze;jj PrGvizd itcrcit &';amc ,,: EGih) "_ - 5 ~~,m-&!J*~E; 5' vi= s-. V?S 5 $ pz>.;,cG EXTENX3 COVE;;AGE 5 qgs, Go Fizz 853 LlGtiTNIxG xx*xxxx 5 .. s-. -.- *"C," s. .OGS ?i s; 5 35*GO vE?\4$s& : ... 5 -,3lX*Lba TOTAL ?2EV~U,U TCTAL!;) 5 ! 'C2 ?*?L.CV 7:2*.9 i;NCEil 3. il ?. p- 5j ic? *k ad;*r33 ""_.- t ' - GAm9unt f.rtor Fire ' ?.-r Cent 01 ! ! 'r'am: mi ir?cnjcd C~V- CQinsurancc t ~~~c~~~~to~ AxD q;*xs, e-- --$.>&-,-> COyEsED ! 6- :el.';*. or G!hCV ?c,ii: Appi,s:'l;* I Show cmsrru-:;on tyl- t r&.xl3o\> - ,i bu;tt:nr,;,) ro.rar+d o, conraining the pro>crry <;,*& ti ik<<!:%% dxe;:rn3 s+a:,, "urnbar of fami,,*. "_. 1.- 5 p" %?"I (Q-: 22) " c .A :I '=\X= - . Es 8r ~~~ Qp " ."" . ..Q@,q$J&Q% Q @#Q , .. . i- .* '. ' ." :T i". ~, - - ""- -I...... .-.. ''r'" _.- '7;. .. - - .-.. - I .1._';. ,. : . h-, E'.. 'C . =.-: . . ,FA .,,, .. . ,. . .* 1'. *$<. .- . -..I~.-;,;&,( I. .. . !> : :-, . ;.LC"- " . ~~.~~~-,~-;";~L..-~~. i... . A.L"AL...&>. .'I 'Y! > fL-1 k! '5. :jy >. % ..s "~ - ;? :x, .c, . ' .o-* . ... _..-,...-. :e " rc L.--+-. .:,"-*:.& .?>.I... Lo.- c- . . . _. ' -- . . '< \ - , , .A, :a,... .." "- .._.-" .?.:E;;'. ..-.~"~.-..::..~". - .:<' 7.11= .:.-*,.- ."-.7-.z ':.z" -_ ,..+*L"J ".", .."-:,.:rq;-y < ;...:;c><>:..- . - -/,.-*. ," ." __. - c .;.-.. +- "_I =_-- .i.. "7 Subjsct t> Cwrn No!r), 21U 7no,,~~~~~~~.p~~~~~~.~~~23 at? )AofiIlJq* Cidu;C: S->:eCt IC) the provfsrsns cf tne rncxtgag': :iause a:!ach?G he;erc, loss, ii any, on bui:ding ;rems, s.,sll h .. - L,s;x -.- - >*&TipJ& &yp& p,o,z'g lp& rAyB, ~~~~=-?& ,r1 / ? 3.ir- 0: :.\s.->*o7dJn, if 3:irer / .d: * .bJ i Cc,dnrer;,;-tatGre Datz I~~SZIT mb-flc! '31 ..ravcr;Ei:i' 2-0 CIL,LI~G .~mzss:csl Agc-ncy At I SAX arsa &-&qva r'an i.-:ep:,'cw ?st? shocn ob~vt: 1 . " . /-< .*.-+, _. -:,I"-, fo: rhz te:m oi ,?Z~S :C?c,:ei o~.c.~ i:.-m ;.:.:pc::oc d-:? ,.L,,., obovc ,a.t s2. Ib & a8n3;rl: wJi ex:r.x!tna t:-,e ;I~.J~+ s~~-, -d.c-.t.ftn-; :>: nu3r which if w:~u!d Cxt 12 rc;)Jir or rc>lJrc IF.? ;1:~3e:;y s,,ltb ~1;l:~::~: 5; I,;.~ kfnd >?,. qu2;,ty wH;+,.n a cs~~.on+:~ " ~rnci re :.: : I' ..* <!?:e 15orvr sbr.,r At N3cn 'Siznlard Ttnp; a: I>cd?i.>n sf pr3>c:ty. t?.dzEv:=i, *- - : ;:; -n;;r? 9. ,-:.?.:.: a;:-=.! 353v: and IeSLI rqr?xntativc:, :o :h? QArsn: ci ;?ts J.:tuji c3,h ~J[;I? c)i :he p:Q2?rrS 3: !he Il,v* ci ,, b-h :. :- wr-kx* aI:.:vznr.: lo,- a:'./ ipcr::.3srJ c^rir af rcpzlr ac ~cc.>~~:Lc:Ic~ by fS35G,a of any crd:cJn,-2 >; lJVr r,?i;ulJ::n; c-,,,s,-r.,zl;: -I;.! *r '.-"..' ~ .:T:;+!:,:>:::m frv i3;i r-zsulrin3 f:.>m inrCrrt,?r::m oi 5:,,t,>?;s 0,- n.a-t2fJ<ra.,re, n>r In Jnx; Tvsr\: f-,r rq>T.j lh.:., ;s,~ ,nl,2Tdhl ,-. - V- : A'; L55S 5': F??,E, LiG;iT?iiS5 A1';3 EY XE,LiJYA!. i;tcJ,q ?,lE,q;sZS ESDlh'l;E,?:i3 5y Te: p~i(~~5 ~:;S;JA;D J\c~lh! ; 7 ; i .- ",, .. I ,..I .a'j, ;r :J:K .?-#*:I-* ,.. ,-,,,;..-',, .>.,I r. .I c~~.:..**..r~. - pi~;r 40 khl;h ;I-y 31 th? @(:;<>*:::; sh~ii ri:(-c,x 1- :y 0.: r:!c.,b,,c.j in: 2re;2cvd:;:t2 ir.>rn 162 ?.xrl:; ,c-,L,r,., - r . , tXLZ?T Ai tiEX:,C;BiFTER ?ROYi3Ec), :3 !bk rr.32-t:; .!-,-r.i.:d :*.-.-.:.T ... ..n !.* 0.'- . ,..L2:z.i nr o:.?:>:&T-:L; <>, c!..';r.:L..: : ,,? ;t.,; p" :,<\ I-. ,,;I.. -_.*I -.: :'..: 2.2;;:; 5h;I;i n;; t.? ,.,~lrj crce~: w :n :\IC ,sr::p.-!n ~.>:~LS,-I .:f <+,:; :3;;.22;-,y- d,,;p:~<~;: *':ry ~k?) ,hc t;3.:.!s o.lJ J;oL;l;ticj of fir par/;+, w;:I bt qs/cr,~zj jy !!#a or;~:~:l p"i;:y C: ;t ,,,sf bs ;awiu!:j cm~lJad Ly rni'o:rcmm? ;ram f j,'t.'T ;; n-! c +~I,~C/'O; ;.aruronce. !r is If rrancronJJm of rAe poi;cy dexcr:Sej kcre;.? ct J:,* c'J?o of ;s;"a .;er>3f onlir fvrnlshcdcr o m:!rr.; o!;nformirt;on a .'/;--nrw-r ;T r.:;S mvmornnJum or io~vruncr rhr wwcls "ih;s ?o:;cy" ~k!l nppaor it shot; L? coI,,trycJ ro be D rc;wun:u ?a :o;J oC+'n;,-d pd;:y. EXHIBIT 13 ". ____". ... "_ .. a. ... , I di,*\-,-/ e!a I.Y> aoa=' I+ : '-_A t' . i' - ' j", ;;y;I- . _. ,,7TACWk. - rac*cr ho. . k.Al OI IhCYl*.hC% C3*?**1 r&FT "I '"e -*L ir +A;) *.-.--, r"-.q-;p ~.--"-.n-? 17 A".- ,..+ L"".->"-J ". %*. -.: "J Y . *"".""- """1_" "." I"" " "" ~ . ~.'" r:,4P, T-.*-.i-.-" c.7 ""-~-"I-k- j !5,',L> *r. *f i::."./ _I, &L..%-d "L.&"+ . .3 3 s> C"." 7 ( O?iu*i?'a k, 1 <-,-I .r, P--;cI-? r,o C**-L"? 7. +".a L".~~,o ch" U-LL ' 1 *rL ,115 . pl;cy covcrs,;hc following &>:iitJC< ?rojtr:y, all sit!c;a:d on ~~~~~~.~~,...~~~~~----~ ....................................................... -u---J L""" .. ...- 2 abut.. ........................ rni:cr ......... H, ~- ~. w ............. fro3 Town of .................................... ..............._ ..._.................................... .____" ".""". " c.1-1*: ,3J, - - "._ I ." ____ LiS~~O c *-c *, , -"r r. C. .I.. r .."_ :... ... .", ,--- _." ."" ~.. " ;*- % .+ SCC ..................... TXP ..... - .........-... Pb.n~c ........................ County of.. ..._............ %.~J...+.Aw~ .........-..... . .._.__. S:~tc of .... -a- !."? f, "Y" XAKI: ~i Fire ;Pro:ectioi\ Ris!&t, if any. ........ ....-.._..................-...... ... ...._.......- -_ -.- ..._.......... ............ ..........-. ........ ...._..........._...._.. .d '4 - - . , , . ,. - .'."i Q ? c - YL", """ -""...A .............. -i c -, ITZM L HA7X ' XO. tj.3'3 r?" .~-, ,? .. -* 1. f.- ....... ? ................. On tht .................... reef .................... h~~usb,o co~ki~kg raa-,,,,J:yb.~,&n .... +.+? f:~\I]y unifs. while LY4, *u \" 0 nPG* ~.,"-~:". """"""."" y? ~ E,""- G--;-J only 2s 1 Dwc:l;ng Uocsc. (D;aprzm x-~..-u .-.._-..... .+ 2. $...-......._......._I.On Kouschold Furnitu:e and Tersonal Pro;er:y, nll oa?y wh3c coniziscd in the above desctibcd . $j,!Jc3, house. yp=* - . --"?":. CY . -7y .~- 3* 3. s......... ......_........... On thc .................... roo1 ................ -...Elui[<ing co-:~,nrn3--.--,---~"-~ f:mily tinits, whiie " Ia.r only as a Dv,,elling Wouje. (Diagram XO ...... f ,..,_._.... .. +.&&&..+ L" p. r T, --- ?-.--- r::.y c:q * * 1. $.........._................On Household Furniture and perron^: ?ro?wy. ai: 03lp \chi!: CoDtaincd in thc Ias: above ( ~03~, .' dwelling house. 7, y 3-9 Jy--";y~~ .. rz-2 p 2 ;?L-?e7 . A. - o '' zz3a. .......... .........._...., whiie c-***-kl onlj-a--w&e..b;e (3iJxo ._-_._ w.. .-.-.) .=... ,. 5. $._......................-.On the .............._.... rmi ~.~..Euildinx.~~~.~-~;~~-~-~~ Du..~.lliz.= Zcuse ocxribed un&: : "-a -I - _... ".' -2 ......... """" +pJ~~~, -2 e -Le-c/+zG. S.-- _...__.-...-- On the ............... :....roo: ...._.............. Bcildkg. wkile occu?kcl GX!~ as a Sara. jDiigian KO ..___ Q .._" t? .. 9 7. S .....-......._............ On Hay, oa!y while contained in the above dcscri'ucd h:r~ bui:dir.g. * 8. $ adjoin ins on the .................... rwf .................... EL;iiJing. whi!e occu~icc! ody :s 2. \'<id&ll, Tower, Tank c Rouse. including purn$;i,- rna:hiccry ;mi its eqi?rz<zt. di only while contained in, G:X or atr;che =* br-?'. bdding. (Diagram .............. &I, *WV %7 .- 4. ?&.;E; p75& $y"p 'a 1 xees/u$$. $.._..._...................On ;he .._. .roof Buildin,?. \\.'niiC ocwpizd GOly a5 d 9 ..._._ ?:.J.. .!). $ ........................... On the .............. roo: .................... Bdding, ts>i!: occu?id ~21~ as a ........................................ ._____.__ ............. .................... ............................. 3 5.zz (Diaaram h'o ....... .... ..:, "t' 4 0 Yp.bo rs Ea (I&ram Lo ?@ ..................... j s,25;j,23~l. *. .S. t3,&+3, On the .............. E.roOrC' yyrr-? .... -.?. .Ruiidinx:. while occqied GAY IS a,.*&& .............- i... __.__.__,__ D> r"l ....................... (Giagram So ...................... ) *12. on Pou!try (SOT. COVEXED USDER ASY OTEER ITELi 07 THIS POLICY), only the above dcscrihd farm. TH!S A!~fOVXi+ ATTXCHISI: IS EriCiI BE:':I,DISG AS3 ' OPES IX TiiE PRO?ORTiON TH.41 THE V,SLi?'Z OF TEE BIXDS IS EACE UXDER. CLAIJI OS .\XY OSE PiRD SOT TO EXCEED $... ............................................... BL'IL,DI?;G OR [I\; TXE OPEX BEARS TO TiIE VhiUE OF ALL 2IXDS COVZXED "13. $......._.............-.....On .Trays. Buws arid Rox Shook. all only while located ZZywktrc on :he above drscritn4 far1 AMOUST .ITT=\CXISG OX EACH TRAV 03 i?OS OR TSE BOX SHOOK TEE IS TIIE Pi?OI'OKTiOS T)-Z.%T TiiE VALCE Or' SUCii ?XhY OR BOX 02. T;t. SHOOK TIiEREFOil BEAKS TO TXE ACCZEG.4TE VALUE OF ALL T'R.4YS. ASD BOX SHOOK COVEi3F.D HEREL'SDER. . *I-%. $ .......................... On Xov~lle Agricultural E~u~~II*:zL :rn?Irnr:,ts ani SU'i?iies, G! ody \vhi!c on tile above dcscr . or an>-where \kithin :he lirni!s of the ssme county or adjoinins csunties. 7-3 ..... JLp3 .lj. S..~b~~i~~On Er~~~~~~~~i~~~~!~~~~~.~~-~.;~~~~,~~~,~ '&&s* &1:'<in3 2; described 1 under f:em KO * 16. $ ........................... On ............................................... ............................................................ :r ......................................... '17. 3. ........................ On ........................................................................... ........................*...............................-............................ *IS. $...........................On ........ : ................................................ ........._............................................................_.......... : ....... ............. ,... FA*AGRAPM HO. 1. r.035 PAYABLE: I.055, if AJLY, s!la!i 1,~ 3djus:?2 L\-i:h i!w \r!,:rrcd r7cciEcaiig X:~?C?. U?.~PSS o:hc:v:isr rpsc:nc;l by. (2 a$r:<;;l,-n[, or (b) enriorjcii~tnt b,ercon. SYibject to ail thc 1c;n:b 21~1 Con<;i:kx15 Oi ;hi\ piicy :in! t.0 [hi. writte:l ag:cctr,c: .- betrr-rc.n :hi, injurer ard thc folh\vins nan1t-d !'ayrc. j:)>s. if arly, rmirr I:r%(>).. .......................... 5ha!i be 2zy;lble ti3 ........ ......................... :.. .................................... I ~317 a*;k i;uujd ?A? 7 "7 ........... I... .................................................................... whosc rna2ing : .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....-.. ........ r:: 2. Ir.jurnn;e uadrr'this io;m atlacher Oa!y to those items dest::ib::\! ir. :his form f4r '&'hi.:k 3c 2r;lGGrit is s,'no\vr~ ab: s?a~,; p:ovi,?$d Lhvrefflr 3r.d io: not excecdinK such bt3!Cd ano;!nt. 1.-<1: ci,.c;i;ci.,;t *>< I,TG:$ *'!!\~;i~~I;~k''' ;;: 1*1'1~[["~''. ..i[~~~..~!.~tl~)l,l~ l.-[.*]<S]'1'\-l<j< :\SI) l'l,:!<S( IS:',[, }'i~ij!'~,~!;'~'~'''. '.lYO\-:',i::.!:, ~~(;~~~~~l,'i'~!~,\i. 1 . "I<()~.:~f'!.~ i.1 \;i..<*;'. ::\!j'j.i~\~i~,~-l'~ .\s1, sc.1*1'i.i!.:<:', '(I.:;.; i';\l<-\(;!<:\,i'ii (t Oi,. '~'JJ~S ;.'O:<!bL. .~ "-" 1 .3.'Y..Si' I , - -" ; a-~-~~..-2,1.~~ i . . - " - , - i WlJ.rL-.' ir.. s 211-3 July, 1970 , c Q .(b. p P;L; " a 0 81 2 ( .* f? 74 w -.- E;gcndL3 Bill ?To. 3038 Supp. 1 " Date: Aprj 1 16 .. 197 1 h!eferred To : vu. _""l_ ____I__ - Sllbjcct: Subni -t ted B City-Delpy Agreement for Carrillo Ranch ' City Attorn 'L' 1;4 Statement of the Katter - In accord with your direction of March 19, 1974, the attached agr ment has been prepared to provide for the use of the Carrillo Rar by Mrs. Delpy in return for maintenance and upkeep services. It been reviewed and approved by Mrs. Delpy's attorney. Exhibit \ 1. Agreement 3@ 2. Resolution No. Staff Recommendations Adopt Resolution No approving agreement and authorizing Mayor to execute Sam &% I 0 a AB No. 3038 Supp. 1 Date: April 16, 1974 - . City Manager Is Reconmenda t.ion -"""." Concur. co unci 1 Action "" 4-16-74 Resolution #3404 was adopted, approving agreement and author Mayor to execute same. .. s " 2 ... e- i I! 0 ~ ~~. . . .. I t I1 I 11 I 1 I 2 3 4' 5 I rnSOLUTION NO, 3404 "" A WSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, r.?&LIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AG?JEMEMT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ANTOINETTE C. DFLPY FOR THE USE OF TH% IZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID 'AGREEMENT. CARRILLO RANCH BY MRS. DELPY AND AUTHOR- 6 hereby resolve as follows: 7 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California " 8 1. That that certah agreement between the City of ( 9 and incorporated herein by reference is hereby approved. 12 the 16th day of April, 1974, a copy of which is attached he 11 Mrs. Delpy in return for maintenance and upkeep services datt 10 bad and Antoinette C. Delpy for: the use of the Carrillo Rancl 13 11 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby n 14" authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on v1 2. m 55 o) (-j& w P g->V $kg6 .a A N g l5 of the City of Carlsbad. no3z 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of - m$p u:. 54 l7 City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the wo .. ~$2 3 l8 ?G~A day of April, 1974, by the following vote, to wit: $5 : 3.9 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis 2- !z u 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ,' q 28 ,I, ,, J. 29 30 31 32 .,I 11 I ~ NOES: None ABSENT : None ATTEST: 54-) " A:;' ~!,t@,[&~ FA&&, NP-R(:ARET E. ADAM$, iCi ty Clerk i/ (SEAL) I 1, 0 0 , :. RESIDENT CARETAKER AGIiEEMENT THIS AGREEbENT made this '16th day of April, 1974, by and between TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter referred to as "CITY" , and ANTOINETTE C. DELPY, hereinafter referred to as "CARETAKER", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, ANTOINETTE C. DELPY presently resides On a parcel of property approximately twenty acres containing the residence of CARETAKER, a portion of the Carrillo Ranch, and WHEREAS, said Ranch is presently owned by the Carill 1 Ranch Partnership, and WHEREAS, under property development agreements the twenty-acre parcel containing the homesite of CARETAKER wil-1 be deeded to the CITY OF CARLSBAD for park purposes by the Carrillo Ranch Partnership, and WHEREAS, it is desired by the parties that CARETAKER remain in occupancy of the residence and homesite for a peri of time prior to the date upon which the CITY OF CARLSBAD will comnence development of the said homesite as a park, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS COVENANTED AND AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: 1. CAmTAKER will continue to remain in occupancy and residency in the residence presently established on the proposed park site containing approximately twenty acres of real property and described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference thereto for a period subject to termination by CITY upon six months' written notice given to CARETAKER at the aforesaid residence but in. no event prior to December 31, 1975. Such occupancy and residency shall be at no cost to CITY. 2. No rent shall be payable by CARETAKER during the 0 0 period of occupancy except that nominal rent of One Dollar ($1,09j per year may be payable in the event California governm-ental law would require such a lease rental payment. I 3 - CAIZETAKER would act as a caretaker for the prloperty, acting as an independent contractor and in no way as an employee of CITY. 4. CARETAKER will maincain the property in its pr'esent condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and will continue to maintain the property in such condition during the entire period of occupancy. 5- CAPaTAKER at no cost to CITY shall maintain fire and extended coverage insurance on the property in the amounts presently maintained thereon by Carrillo Ranch Part- nership as shown in Exhibit B attached hereto. CITY shall be named as an additional insured on such policy. 6. CARETAKER may terminate her occupancy and all requirements that she may have under this lease upon giving thirty days' written notice to CITY at the City Hall in Carlsbad, California, addressed to the City Manager of CITY. 7. CARETAKER may occupy the residence in the manner and style in which she presently occupies the premises as her residence with the right that she may allow other person to remain in residency with her but shall not sublease the 7 premises or assign her rights under this agreement in any manner without the written consent of CITY. 8. It is the express intention of the parties that CARETAKER may treat the residence and the property as her home.subject to her obligation to maintain the condition of the premises as set forth above during the period of her occupancy. However, CAPSTAKER shall be obligated to rnaintai both interior and exterior walls and roof in at least their present condition and shall be obligated to requirements of 2. 0 0 landscaping only to the extent that the premises are pres- ently maintained in a landscaped condition. 9. CITY shall have the right to inspect the premise and its immediate grounds at reasonable times during dayligh hours upon giving notice to CARETAKER of the intention of CITY, its officers and employees, to make such inspections, Such inspections shall be for tne purpose of assuring the proper maintenance of the premises and for no other pur- poses, CITY shall have the- right to inspect the balance of th,e property from time to time) 10. Upon the termination of the period of written notice duly given by CITY, CAPSTAXER shall vacate the prem- ises, leaving them in broom-clean condition and remove thlerefrom only her personal property which shall include all decorative items and household appliances ordinarily and cu,stomarily removable by occupants of residence premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures and caused this document to be executed by of:ficers duly authorized. Dated: April 16 , 1974. CITY OF CARLSBAD BY )$?-*e o er . razee, d+q/ Meor t r. BY . L!? &3ii4?y,& Adams, L~ty Clel ANTOINETTE C. DELPY, CAEGZTAKER 3. e 0 EXHI13IT A I Being a portion of the East one-half of the North- west one-quarter of Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, Sari Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego ,, St.ate of California, according to the Official Plat thereof, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the North one-quarter corner of said Section 19; thence along the North line of said Northwest one-quarter, North 89O39'04" West 1321.00 feet thence leavin said North line along the West line of said East one-half South 0°06*44" West 2171.70 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- NING; thence retracing North 0,'06'44" East 848.80 feet; then leaving said West line North 79'55'10'' East 1337.69 feet to a point on the East line of said Northwest one-quarter; thence along said East line South 0'20'46" West 200.00 feet; thence leaving said East line South 60°00'00" West 400.00 feet; thence South 33O32'10'' West 673.18 feet; thence South 8008'00" West 197.85 feet; thence North 82"36'50" West 575.97 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEG- TNNING S Containing 20.00 acres. d t EXHIBIT A . .".' . - -. - - - , . .: ~ - - -- - .'.* -. .-,- . >L-dW I L., :;;* . ' - ti ?ru:ucds I Co& f" E?; I-="& !s&.kd LAL&-L4ji,* -. ."-* -q e,>? "rYyc".-.r", io k rjli-5 mu-0 >7.r-I-.7 7: "n-b !.!C!;l:; -c..:-? "4 bLWa 7""C UL-2U.W -3. -7.- ,-,- .\ h" - . Cfd ;<if,,, ..', J-."J - . T.,L 53;2 n-)u p-.-.r"2a Ll "ALL4 L . . . ' FAzGj : -j *,,> I* .- G. . iff J .. *. t. * : :. ,* Policy Term I J 7PLSh3. 3 .. e?+* ,/-?:I " .. . 'i.. ,I:"; ' . -1 us.€2~ . . -:.: - .&+ ;: . .. *- -4 Y8Wb kapk (Ma. Oar YtJ E*p;fOl;C.> !"Ma. oay ut.) .. : -. . .. . .. .. ." .I .,- .:. . . .- .. - ". . - . ., . .: :.. . . ._I 4.': .. .. - I. ., 5. . - .. '. . .. .. x33 A4\.>Li,AhLE . : i;-LrL" &fp=?.$(-JF, .1 '<i-"3d&?- QF c> a<-- ?3 .- ' *r .. &nni 6 bhb b bLh4 d CAZIFGZXrA STAXfJAXa foz:,'Z, F;?\f ;&YSC,;X;yCE po:i<'y . ' ; &x; .. i. TZi5 CGXt?ANY HAS 1SSc1.C3 A ?3LIfY Of INSU2ANCZ AS FOLLbWS: li.2d?AKCZ is PA3Vi2ED.AGAISST O.'ILy iH(35E DE2:LS AKU Fop O'::Y 7hGjE :SVER>I;;: IX:DICAT:I) jEcGv/ BV A PRE~~UM CHA~~ : ~ OTHa PEakS AN3 FO.3 O%ER CC)vERAZ:S OXLY W%EN EX~XSES HE~EOS OR AD~ED HEaflO. -i. .- I . A PP.G'J ?+ i i i ' PS:+'A:> TEPv AX.%Uh: P.AY.V.ENT - ~ AT j..~;r.T;>., I ??E&,. p.4~. pl& jG&j PrGviced ilcseit Kame a: Each) p?~:.::;;:, DU: 1 zsz c...~~a 0:; f?tXlL(S1 Iorurcd Again;r any Cover- i RATE ' ! -_ ! .- via 3 ZG,ESG-GQ 5' - -$:* 5 . Li$5,G0 FI2E AN3 LlGHTNlNG . xxxxxxx 5 vp- $ 5 82i:-:,cc EXTEKDE3 COvEiiAGE .. .. . 5 - .. .. ,095 . $ 5 3w.m v=:.: -*- .- - - - 'S . $ s $ j,,*g3!$&\ .- I c.' - BQt .. :.. P a #$$$$% : .. :. . &"".-?-: .+,. ,,,FS _I_ . .... . . ;$ ,?&.zGk;;=L,:.:; . .x ;- . '.":: *->. 1 -#".: .":. >pg;z ,.-. I" ~ >."- .- . . - -. . .. ' . 1. . s '2 Jcd*2it TOTAL PRE5rlU.M TCTALIS) 5 . t r-.. L.- ?'L.Cf :zq:.\ i;NEER 3. ? 2. p. I" . ,. ;Arr.!not f-rr or Fire ' 3,:r Ccnr ol ! "-6 i lrcm, ani ix:cnded C-J- Coilrsurrnca 1 i KP* ierJ;r. or Sther ?crib: A,pplic:b;r f =~",=;ni~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A~~~L~~ i tru;lC:mg;r) rovrr.d op DESCZlZ7IOH AX3 Wp5&\X Q.$?u-,* COvERES) "_ . ..c: li %Ti.& a dwei:mg sta:e rrumbur of fam;[;pr. 1.- 6 p"q pz@"F7+L ;no '" @-$i Q- -& **.&A - .Obi'' @$j$Q ~ . &"2?h 'T.<-.7..>.**.. " ~*~~-~~,~~.;-~L..-~...~ " , ."". -,. ...i-- .*I .' - . I".." - " .. .-..- .-,: /l+""::-G;- i[". - * '. . .. . -grc7;.b. -. *? %-- -* . :. .<f' ..,; _..; . 1; .I <: - ,>e- a"- - '. - .*c. ,,A:, -1 ;+ $. &; 'IS !$ ::> c. g - .. . _._ -. .. .OQ . 1\ \ -. _. _.- "" "' . r- ~ , .." "1" .... I ., _.J "..-"*." yv:-.s- '. -kd</:" .. - - ,,.L,. t.3-Z :. .-.'>. i. - <+- .'1 - I" .=.. " . ' . .. . Subj-ct t3 Cstm No!s). 21B 7n0,,3~$$7igj 5p . * li0 7p sz; - CR s LkJ33mrr ~~ri's- alt; IAortgage C(,IU;C: SAiect to the' prorIsmns of me rncrfgagc C~JUS~: arrachei hereto, IOjS, ii any, On bui'iding items, rhsl] h .- - -.- - h;A Lx ;-&=(;;a &pl?lk, ? "JBG 11% o yAs=z, azGxs?* Cb-Ap;er;.;rwG:e Oat? ln=="r *.;-rJs! Ot 3ORTC.GEC:k' A-0 W*lLlIG byorx~s:cs' A5e-q 3f e' v ay:>a -"?<a .,A a- 9 /a i 32ts of ?~e;*>roqdun, if 3:k-r i .is ; .-/ i' tsan h:rp::oc !st.? 5ho.cn abQvc: s " .Jd ...>"d ' , .:-be " _- fo: +,? t.2:- of ,:zrs :cic,;~r-i I:.o,~ fr>m ;.:.:pc::oc dc:? ,I.~..,, atov,. fist so. In,~; rn =.: ;.:*...# ~13:~. :$c*,r. oo:.,r /\T h'ow '5;;nc'jrcj TIT.~; a: Ixatbn sf ;r?>s:ry ,nvclb*.ri, tc zn a.nyuni nQr elr:e-d,nJ the abaYe sl.l:; -,..> *n;~re .- .-:;r!:c ?::--=;! zhav: 2nd lec;al r<>rzsc>tdtivc:, to r+ ehtea? oi :b-. Jct-Jal c>h VJ!U? of :he FroJerry a: fhe flrn;. ir; .[. -->.c-:~.!tn; :by 3.-ourrr whiz!] Ir w:ul.j cojt 1.3 rcpir or rcgldcc i!-A? p:cpr:y wltir rtutx:al ci 1;i.c krnJ 3rd <UA;I:~ v,;;h,n a ce,:;on2t.c ,b-h :':: W,-~T~' dI:,?ra.?:i! iC; arty incr::asoj CCjt of fC?lrf 3C iC<.:?;:rtK:ICn by r?djGn of any orj!nJnc$ 0; IJW r,>guj3:tnq c-,61s:c,,c~i~ -c.t + *!-::-,* - .r:;?c.:>::.-m ffv i>;i r;.:ul;iq !:.am InrerrtJ>riw oi 5:,.~>2<5 oi n-a*ufacrc,re, n.2- in ~ny rvznr f3r my.? th..tn ;bcI tnt..r~st ,-. ?3L:.CY, EX.CZ2': 2.5 ti52::':SAFTC4 ?ROV:3E3, :3 :f.t pr.?p?~:; .!c--r.\.:d i*--.-.r"t wn:;.: I. t:;:a::.j or c:.;fl:.~sc<;i <I.. d.:;-rfL.*:.: (3 !kt,; p; :lcb, -r ... 3 : '.J>., ci :J:G ;J-(','I*:*. pl~:,: IO r*h~ch .~?y .Jf thn yr~<x::; shsii rt,xc>clr.;,; bs r:c*r/el is-t pra;-;v+il:)n fnrn tiic 9,xrl~; ,a;L,r'.~ ... ;,',I..-.,. .,.,I r. .t cf~,:..:*.vs. - 4- ,- a:;"- : .-;, AJ>2 D. rant, L;C:+TriiN< AF~D er REZ~\SYAL FZOM PRS-M:SES ESDAN~E~ED EY THC PERILS 1~522;~ J\~~lr;S .. , ."-?. ..., -1- - p, >.C,- ,:.._.,. .. ??. . > __ . ., p.:;::j 5h;n;i n;t t.f ,.,]!1.1 cr~e~;: w.:n ;!rc sr::*::n c.?:P~.?; .sf 16:; c7,;:.33ny. .. r,YZ ;; n*! c ,i&y'oF ;nsuranca. If ir o trcrnurmJ.Jrn of &e poky dcrcr:boj hero;;, o/ t:a+ data ofirruo harmf adis furnirh*dcr o m:)tr.-uf informo6on 0, u~;ccsrsr: .';~y /A?> the t;3&.ts o;,d IiobXrtic~ of tke perf;+> w;ll br gavrrnrd by tlos c.r;c;nc/ poiicy CI ;r 1.20~ be !w.+!q!;y amudad by en<o:~@m*ot lrr~rn f; V,'>-n*v-r ;n !.L;r m-moro.*Jum ol insvrumce Ihr wyrds "ih;r Po:;cy"lba!I nppeor it rho!; ;e ronltrved /o be 0 ,e;cr*n;e 19 :aid orfaincl po!;cy, EXHIBIT B ~ . . - ./. "_, "" " ..~. ~ ..-.. ~ . . r0LI-v hO. . W4Yf Of IhLu*.bCLc3*-*** .?, , . J&~-~J'J> &*oron-'. , ,;at tlLIO* ** "J v-~Lr~~~;~ y,"----.-~ .3 *""" """"&J " -. I $z:-.7-r?,5 s"z3. "F" ---.+:> r-373.7 t"-,"r ""..."""." ___ 1 L"> L,,J, =$?A * "" _.". ~ "- I II.YC3 *o ." "::&"A& . p La <'.-5Vli?, I.. *'-l.b*C bDah - -"" j-. r,* *I p;?,~ SIGMSfJ 1 L .I...'.r"<,, r' .,, f-.- ... ; ...... .".." _."_"_, c Thi3 polky covcrs,ihc foilowing &gcribcd pro;crty, all situzccd on ~~,~~~~-~~...~-'~-~~~ f~a:cd shut milts .-..-... li .N ,,.~ .... -,~,-~ ;... ..................................................... W"J 2L""" .......................... H. s. .. w ............. t:on Town *f::.--.-..?ii?:?.Y2. ..--_....- . .............................................. .- rJ_. *._ - J scc ~wp .....,,.......,... bn ge ..-.................... County of .....-..............................-....-..".. s:ltc of..,.sd- Q?\" T . _. /,-a: !-r-".,"' Xanc of Fire Protection District if any, ............I..,...............__.............._._..--.---..,....-.... .................,...,.......,.-.,......:....,....,.. ..................... C"". R4TZ ' NO. til) m-3 iTZM n c..Ld ", 5, c -* 1. $ .ht-..a-..On the ..........._....... roof..?.G?..Ruildirsg ro;::Jni:.g ~~~,.-,~J~.~,~*~~..-.~-~ f-xily units. whik ( y"-""""- ......... LI;; ;i o m F ~ z.,<-- ~~-~-"- only as a Dwelling Hw~sc. (Diagrxn U * 0 ..-. u .-.-......-. ."..IIF-3 a. 2, $..._.......-.._..__.On HouscholG Furniture 2nd Personal Pro;er:y, aIi G~Y while cantLic& in thc above dtscribd < ' 3,3ZX house. wpp& . e-, .;y ", 3* 3. $......,..........._........On t'nc r00s Bui!t!ing con:a~n~na-= ".-__ "-2 kmily units. while 0 ..- .".I. . -.- . .................... .................... " VY 8. . only as a Dwelling Houje. (Diagram SO 3 __.__ ~ p~*d- L+"A p. 7" F" - r,?.- qv ..... ...... -. .. * 4. $ .......... L .. .............. On Household Furniture and Persona: Prp>e:V, si: G7Ii)- whik co3:inecl in thc 1~s: above c & ,3c,< dwelling house. ' ' fijxzk? ~~z-7~ 2 :?~m?? 5. $._ .-.................._. U pkub On the ...._........_.... rocx ~..~ui[di~~,~~~~~~~~.-~~ D\\dli?z kfcusXriSed un&: I "2 *?l %""." .Le& T "/ y~ :'Q S.-...H..UI1....LIIOn the 2 'vhilcrpZ;;;* rmf. _.._ Bu;ld;ag. w-I;ilc occupicd G":Y a5 a 3ar;l. (Dizgiam KO.-..+..-- l.p>F& - .. -. -:"-.. "a - ............... x2,r-o .-.. ....".".-.."...., --+J onl~w~w~~a-,~.p (~~a~~,,...,..~ ,.._._I .r- ............. .... .............. r? ~. - 7. s ......-...-.-............ On Eay, only while contained in the above GescriSed Sam building. * 8. S ....__...._... ..-..... On the .................... rmf .................... Euiiding. w3ik occupid only 2s a. ll'irdm~ll, Tower, Tsnk ( House. including punpiag machincry and its ec;ui?ncnt. all only whik contained in, t:l or attache .. . z$,L;au building. (Dirgrarn ?:p L-4 .............. 1 y-~] on the _.._-.___.... -. .roof Euiiling. while ocopicd only as d ................ * _.._._ k:.A 4, 3%"; p=m& =-7r .................... ............. ... UJ (Diagram X9 ._.._...___ ... 3JJG3, Wp.& L . *:* .!). $....._.........-......._.On the ......-...... ~ roof ..._.......... *...Bullding. whil: occu?ied only as a .................................... ._... . ______ r?- s-3 L (Diagram So ...................... 1 L$&?2, ys'h ....................... .... * 5,2wirSil. S. On the .............. B.roo!?!...t". .Ruildin.q. while occqied only as z..* .___.___.. i... _ ........_. 0y-J (Diagram Xo ................... -..) '$2. $.._................._......On Pou!try (SOT COVERED WDER ASY OTEEZ ITEM OF THlS PO1,TCY). Gdy ;he above descrihd iarm. THIS .-\SfCiVST AT'fXCHISfi IS EACi-I BVILDISG AS3 1 OPEN IS Ti4E TRO?ORTION TH.4" THE V.4LUE OF TEE EIXDS IS EACX . BL'ILDI?;G OR IX THE OPES BEARS TO TIIE VALUE Or" ALL EIIRDS COVEXED .. UXDER. CL?\Ilf OS .\XY OSF, BIRD SOT TO EXCEEDS ................................ ...,. .............. *13. $ .. ....._............- ,... 0n.Trays. Buxzs ad Box Shaok. all only v;hi:e located anywhcrc on the above &scribed farr AMOUST ATTACHIXG ON EACH TRAY 02 i3OS OR TXE 60s SSOO'r; TZE IS TffE Ptl~~l'ORTIQX TXAT TiiE VALUE; 0; SuCs 'ixAy (jx 80): OR ~k SHOOK THEREF02 BZ.AF(S TO TuE ACCREGATE vr\Lt't OF ALL TR,dYS. ASD BOK SHOOX COVEXED HERECSDER. .. . '+14. $ ..... i .............. ......On >!ovatIe Agricultural Equiprtlcar. :mpIzrnrr.ts acii Su?p1ic~. r:! only w'dc on th< above Ccscri * or an)-where r\ithin the lirni!s of the same county or aljoining coun!its. rJ.$3 -1s. S..-. 3 -.7>. E On E~~:&~~t&&l~~\1~2.s ~~&&&j$;b* brti!d.in3 2escribcd under I:cm KO ..... J tpL-wWU% - .% Ui.LA &*?.-? " ~ u t. ;:>; 16. $............................On...... ; ................................................................................................... 4-.3*.2 i ....................................... I +17. $. ....................... On ...................................................... ..._........_. ............................................ ! .............. ................................ *IS. $ ........................... On.. ...... : ......................................................................................... ". . .................................... : ........................ ?h**CRlPH . WO. 1. LOSS PAYABLE: Lo5s. if ally. S!13!i br adjustc3 \vith ii~ Irlwrr.d sg:cif,ca;ig r.amc3. uzlr'ss o:kerc-;sr sj~rci~cd by, (L ;b<;rz;;lenl, or (0) erlr'rorjcittent f,erron. s;abjccC to ail thi- tc;n:b 31d CCowii;i:)nS Oi :his poiicy :+mi 7.0 rhs \viitte:l 3g:ecci;ts hc;wcc> :hi., Insurer ad the iullowing nanlrd !'J~zc. lors. if any, wv?cr I:?m(>).. .............................. sh:I bt p;yable tu ......... ............................ : ..................................... F- ~~~z~ ............ : ......................................................................... \vhosc xailinz : ..................................... , ................................................................................................................................................................... _. Insurance cnder'this iorm attaches only to those items Zcst:ribd ir. t:nia.forrn- idr wilick ar. ar.o~nt is shown abg s;lacc provifisd thcrrfnr and ior not esceeclicx such stated arno;:cr. !:<I: fi,*:~;l~tI.~:l r~l L~.:I::s ''i!\--;I,ili%[;''. ''l<[)~.:Ll'h~i~: 5:- I*j*IsIl.:~". ..]1~)~..~!.~i1rJi,i~ i:i..*1;s['1*\.ki< ;\SI) l't.:::s~X:\l, I'i<OI'i~!~'J'~'''. '*l!O\*:\i;;.!;, ~~,~;i~i~~t;~'~!:~\~, >;,.;x*:, :~~[l,i.[~~[[~,s'~'~; ,.\x11 ~1'~'1';.il.~~~', Sl.;i. i+;\lt.AI;!<.\i'ii 0 111.. 'ClIlS ;.'O::h\. .._ * ... 1 .lrY W.b, t a-:?L...T12, 2-9 . ..""_ 1 July, 1970 . *LA .A,L S" ir:. F .o : -;,' .. cO Pa . *.-.-!* 211-B El! -_