HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-19; City Council; 3047; QUITCLAIM OF WATER EASEMENT GRANTED TO CARLSBAD MUTUAL WATER CO. ACROSS A PORTION OF TCT 115, CARLSBAD LANDS, PARCEL SPLIT NO. 220 COLONIAL MALL, LTD.THF CITY OF CARLSPAD, CALIFORI.!IA Date March 19, 1974 " Agenda Ei 11 Y 0.3d 7,7 ---- Refe r red. To : - 7dA @ -- Subject: Submitted By: Quitclaim of water easement granted to Carlsbad Public Works Mutual Water Co. across a portion of Tct 115, Carlsbad Lands, Parcel Split No. 220 a 1 - ul r T.td I - Stat,errie-,_nt of the Matter This easement as granted to the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company in 1934 is no longer required by the City of Carlsbad. Water mains have been moved to public rights of way in this area. Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a quitclaim deed is required. . Exhibit --_u A. Quitclaim deed B. City Council 'Resolution No*Y/ Staff Recommendations to City Manager Adopt Resolution-No. Lg3v authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a quitclaim deed of subj ct water easement. h C Date: March 19, 1974 . I. .- .. -- .. .- City Wanager's accomnendation - Coneur with staff recoynendation. *. . .. . Co unci 1 c ti on 3-19-73 Resolution #3391 was adopted, authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute a quitclaim deed for water easement. * . . .- Ciw L L __ MAIL TAX STATWEWS TO r M*- Colonial Mall, Ltd. sw 2.0. BOX 275 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Wmfi City B St,-?* I L TO 403 CA (8-68) SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Docunentary Transter Tax S NIL - Conpted on full valaemproperty conveyed or computed on full value less liens and en- .- - .--1 - THlS FORM FURNISHED SY TITLE INSURANCE ANDTRUST COMPANY , FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, . the City of Carlsbad, -a municipal corporation in -the State of Californ: a corporation organized under the laws of the state of California , e hereby REMISES; RELEASFS AND QUITCLAIMS to - / - .* - -- . .- - Colonial Mall- Limited, a limited- partnership .. / C r' -. - - .- I- - -_ c _- - the following described real property in the City Of -Carlsbad 7 , State of California: -- -. Countyof San Diego All that portion of a20 00 -foot easement described as the -ea-s.ter-ly . - 10- feet of the- westerly l222.97- feet: of _Tract 115, Carlsbad Lands, . ~ !lap 15'61 , as gran%ed- by - d-eed tQ Car-lsbad Mutua-1 Water Company, of San <Diego,Ccunty.that' is within the northerly' 200 feet of said Tract 1x5 - -1 . - Y - -- ,< -'" . . I __--- recor,ded April- 110, 1934 in- Book 276, Page 469 of Off-icial- Recos-ds - >. 7' , . -_ - . I. - .- . . -* c - 1 ,- .* - Assessor '-s parc'el no. . .r .. -- e \ * .- .- - -_ -- 156-180~23 .* -. .- -. _- All as shown for .convenien'ce sake on Attachment' "A? , attached hereto- I and-kade a part hereof-. -. .I -. _- - *I > - . -- - 1 3 t rr, -60’ I 11 A II EXHIBIT a . . -.- _. I -I . . . I . " .. .~. ., ... _-,_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3391 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' CAZ.LSB.?!-f), CALIi1OR3IA, ArlTHORIZING THE P4AYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED IWOLVING A WATER LINE EASEMENT NO LONGER REQUIRED BY THE CITY - --LI-- WHEREAS, a water line easement exists in the City or' Carlsbad 10 feet in width, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, this water line easement is no longer required by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1, That the above recitations are true and correct. .. 2,. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a quitclaim deed in the form shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, in favor of the person or persons legally entitled thereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 13th day 0.2 !4arcll 1974, by the following vote, to wit: -I_ r. c AYES: Counci hen Frazee, Chase, fvkComas and tewi s. NOES : %OM?