HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-02; City Council; 3049; C.P.O. Preliminary Plan - Palomar AirportE CITY 9F CARLSBAD, ' C ALIFVRNIA Agenda Bill No. \,SL^Ar/ ' Date: April 2, 1974 Referre/LToJ CITY COUNCIL • - • Subject: , . . , - Submitted By: .C.P.O. Preliminary Plan - Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Palomar Airport. Planning £/ V •statement of the Matter : The Comprehensive Planning Organization-has submitted, numerous copies of the subject report to the City for review and-comment. A public hearing was held by C.P.O. on March 18, 1974 on the Palomar Airport Land Use Plan, and upon request of the public and the City of Carlsbad, acceptance or adoption of the report was withheld until the regularly scheduled C.P.O. meeting in April, 1974. The Planning Director, in a presentation to C.P.O., stated it -was the -staff s position that before acceptance or adoption of.the proposed plan: 1. C.P.O. should make a formal public presentation to the City Council and Planning Commission, in order for the City to .establish a firm •position on the Plan. 2. Determination be made on the feasibility of the additional runway and the distance between the existing and the proposed. 3. Consideration of the City of Carlsbad General Plan revision. The attached report outlines C.P.O. obligations as the Airport Land Use Commission, - pursuant to State law, and the proposal for land use in the airport vicinity. Exhibit • 1. C.P.O. Preliminary Pla.n - Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Palomar Airport. staff Recommendations to the City Manager: Staff recommends that C.P.O. Land Use Plan be.evaluated in light of City of Carlsbad efforts to revise the Land Use Element in the General Plan, and formal adoption of (the C P 0. Plan be withheld until such' time as the City Council has adopted the City s General Plan and related the City's General Plan revisions to the C.P.O. proposa . It is also recommended that C.P.O. give a formal presentation to the City Council at their April 2, 1974 meeting. A CPO representative presented the preliminary CPO Plan at the Planning -Commission's Meeting on March 26, 1974. AS Wo. _ Pate.- April 1 _ 1 Q74 City Manager's Recommendation While it would be desirable to have CPO withhold adoption of their Airport Plan until the City's General Plan, this may not be practical. If not, particular attention should be given to the potential runway separation distance which will have a significant effect on the airport impact area. Council'Action 4-2-74 The CPO representative was instructed to do everything within his power to postpone the adoption of the CPO Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Palomar Airport until such time as the General P Ian of the City of Carlsbad or Pereira Master Plan for Palomar Airport is adopted, which ever occursfirst. -2- larch 15, 1974 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: C.P.O. LAND USE PLAN FOR PALOMAR AIRPORT The Comprehensive Planning Organization has contracted the firm of Wilsey and Ham to assist in the preparation of a Land Use Plan for properties under the influence of Palomar Airport and its associated operations. The Plan is to be presented to the C.P.O. at a Public Hearing on Monday, March 18, 1974. The Plan_was developed in conjunction with a citizens ad-hoc committee made up of North"Courity citizens, and specifically, representatives from San Diego County, Stin Marcos, Vista, S.D.G.SE., and Carlsbad(D. Agatep, Mary Casler and Mayor Frazee). The committee is aware, as individuals, of the potential impacts represented by the airport, and are in general agreement with the findings and recommendations of the C.P.O. Land Use Plan. Specifically, however, I would like to outline several problem areas and inconsistencies which occur in the C.P.O. plan when a comparison to Carlsbad Planning efforts is made. 1. A premise of the entire plan is the construction of a second airport runway, 1850 ft. north of the centerline of the existing runway. C.P.O staff and consultant's position is that the 1850"ft. separation is the maximum separation which may have an effect on land use decision. The "1850"'. separation has as a basis, the recommended location for a second runway to meet 1990 Practical Annual Capacity (PANCAP) for Palomar Airport operations, submitted to San Dieqo County General Services (Airport Operations) by Vim. Pereira & Associates.. Pereira, under contract to the County, was tasked to develop a Master Plan for the airport lands and to recommend'(1) project 1990 airport demands; (2) the necessity of an additional runway; (3} the recommended locations and facilities to meet 1990 demands; (4) noise levels/contours which could be generated by the 1990 airport activity. Pereira's initial report to the County and the City of Carlsbad re- commended the location of a second runway 1850 ft. from the existing one. On that premise, C.P.O. based the maximum impact that could be generated by future Palomar Airport Operation. Historically, it has been popular knowledge in Carlsbad that the o f- : County was going to purchase enough land north of their existing line so as to allov,' for the construction of an additionpropertyj~ - i - -^/ runway separated, center!ine to center!ine, by 1000 Pereira recommendation represented a major departure expansion understanding. an ft. in additional The the airport The staff has analyzed the area which would be impacted by airport expansion, and it is our opinion that approximately 4300+ acres (l/6th of the total planning area of 24,500 acres) will be impacted' to the point that non-residential uses should be encouraged. Any increase in runway separation would proportionately increase the impact area. It is not rational to assume that the City of Carlsbad is, or would be able to justify 4300+ acres of commercial, industrial, recreational,open space or agricultural use without public or legislative assistance. I am,additionally,of the opinion that a final determination of runway separation should be made prior to final determination of airport impact area and recommended land use. Final disposition can only be achieved when Pereira has given its final report to the County, and then the County presents its recommendations for the Airport Master Plan. 2. A second consideration is the coordination of Carlsbad General Plan revision as it relates to the airport vicinity and C.P.O's recommended land use pattern. "V C.P.O. has developed a land use pattern for the airport vicinity using Community Noise Equivalency Levels (CNEL) and crash hazard potentials. Although this department is in agreement with the intent of compatible land uses, the C.P.O. plan shows substantial non- residential areas which lack substance. The areas east of El Camino Real and south of Palomar Airport Road are shown as non-residential, and without additional specific planning, these areas may be unnecessarily declared non-residential. The western oortions of the preliminary land use plan'also show non-residential'land uses to 1-5, which is'substantial in comparison to the need for other than residential, agricultural, and open space land. The C.P.O. preliminary plan also used as a basis, the existing Carlsbad General Plan for land use determination north of the airport. It would be wise if final land use determinations would only be accomplished after the current Carlsbad General Plan revision is finished and an evaluation of service requirements (i.e.,sewer, circulation, fire, police), based on the General Plan Revision, have been identified. 3. Inasmuch as the proposed land use plan is going to substantially affect Carlsbad, it would be wise to present the C.P.O. recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and comment, prior to final adoption. To date, with the exception of the Ad-Hoc Committee CPQ^LcLUse Planae 3. and a presentation to the Carlsbad Chamber, a public meeting/hearing on the Plan has not been held. In conclusion, I v/ould recorn^end that the City staff make a formal presentation to the C.P.O. at the Public Hearing on Monday, March 18, 1974, requesting consideration of the following, before accepting or adopting the Palotnar Airport Land Use Plan: 1. Public presentation to Carlsbad City Council and Planning Commission for report to C.P.O. 2. Determination of final runway separation. 3. Adoption of City of Carlsbad General Plan revision. If you^have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact"my office. DONALD A. AGATEP, Planning Director DAA/dk