HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-16; City Council; 3062; SALE OF WATER DEPARTMENT OWNED PROPERTY |BONSALL|CL!3LSBL? 0 ChL_'F,'_S; CITYa OF -, '''LFT - . .- 5' </*A ' 1 / Agenda ail1 Pro .. 3/62 Date: April 16, 19' Referred To: Subject: Suljni tte2 a SALE OF WATER DEPARTMENT OWNED PROPERTY Wm. C. Baldwii (Bonsall) Asst. to City 1--------- -^y -*--l____l---__I _--. 'I , T. Statement of t3e Hatter - 45 The City Council directed that City Water Department property declared surplus by the Council be offered for sale. Further, they wished one property submitted at a time. Consequently, the first property selected is located just west of the San Lu Rey bridge (commonly known as the Bonsall property). The parc consists of 11.62 acres, the zoning is A-48, possible usage would be farmland. The appraiser's opinion of value is $11,60 which is approximately $1,100.00 per acre. It should be noted that this property lies in the San Luis Rey River basin. The topography slopes rather sharply from the center of Highway 76 to the San Luis Rey River bottom. From the river bottom to th highest point on the property is about 35 feet. Exhibits 1. Memorandum to Cit Mana er from City Attorney to City Mana 2. Resolution No. accepting bid, authorizing execution 3. Resolution No 3403Gdeclaring City's intention to sell prop( 4. Copy of appraishl, Itlap, and photographs 5. Park purposes release 6. County Planning release re Procedure for Zale o? Property 7. &#34rraPW . _Ic2dMT- staff Recommendations to the City 'lanagevl That the sale of the property be started with the provision that all present water rights be retained by the City. When sold, arrangements could be made that if the land were to be developed as residential property, then any wells could be the City Attorney as to legal procedure for a sale, and the various steps to be taken will, of course, be reviewed with him. located within a street. Instructions have been received frorr i a e AB 1\13, saker April 16, 1974 City Manayer's ~~comnecdat~~n - -- Concur with staff recommendations. 5-21-74 At the time of this writing no bids have been received for the property. Bids can be submitted as late as 7:30PM, May 21, 1974, or at the time that evening that Council hears the matter. The procedure to be followed is outlined specifically in the City Attorney's memo to the City Manager, dated May 15, 1974. If no bids are received, the Council may then call for oral bids beginning with the minimum price of $11,600.00. ~ounci~'~ction -- 4-16-74 Resolution #3403 was adopted, declaring certain property noi 5-21-74 There were no bids received for the sale of the property, required for public use and declaring intention to sell. and it was the decision of the Council to table the matter. 7 6 0 MEMORANDUM TO : City Manager FROM: City Attorney DATE; May 15f 1974 RE : Procedure for Sale of Property __I_ The Council has by Resolution No, 3403 declared its i tention to sell the Bonsall property at public auction. The sale will take place at 7:30 on May 21, 1974. The following procedure should be followed: 1. Declare the time and place for sale of property has arrived. State minimum price $11,600 and have staff show agraphic and describe poperty briefly as to size, loca- tion, etc. 2. Ask Clerk for any written protests. Call for any oral protests. 3. Ask the Clerk for bids. Instruct committee of Clerk, Attorney and Assistant to the City Manager to retire and open the bids and prepare a report to Council. 4. When we return, examine and declare all bids which conform to terms of resolution. 5. Call for oral bids. Must exceed by 5% highest written bid. 6. Declare highest bid. At the conclusion of this process the Council must decide whether or not to accept the high bid and sell the property. If your decision is to sell, your action is to adopt Resolution No. VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney VFB : af I i I 1 21 '1 4 5! 71 61 8 9 lo l1 12 l3 0 14 Y 8 15 .a: N OLWQ 16 2iqg "tj -t 17 i. fQ t-> w" z~8d 18 6::s zg I? >p CI 19 a5 z 0 20 21 22 24 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 3111 'm $5 ul QOZZ z lj '1 I j/ I1 I IIESOLUTION NO, 3403 --._ ---_ I A PZSOLUTIO?J Or" THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSEAD , CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY, HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, IS NOT PSQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE AND DECLARING ITS INTENTIOZJ TO SELL SAID FERL PROPERTY AT PUBLIC AUCTIOTJ. __I WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the owner of a parct ' inafter particularly described, which parcel was originally ( I tained as a part of the City Water System; and WHEREAS, said real property is not now Keeded for pizl use and is not capable of being used for park or recreationa development; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has recomendec said parcel be declared "surplus"; and I WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interests of t' City to sell said real property at public auction to the hig' bidder; and WHEREAS, on March 15, 1974, the Planning Comj-ssion County of San Diego did determine that the location, purpose extent of said real property disposition is in conformity wi the adcpted General Plan; NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby finds that the pub1 interest and convenience necessitates the sale of the herein described real property. I 3, That the City Council hereby declares said prope "surplus" and declares its intention to sell said property a public auction to the highest bidder. 4. That the City Council hereby declares that said I I development. proFerty is not capabl-e of being used for park or recreatior! I I I i I I 1 I I - 51 61 7 8 9 10 l1 I bounded and described as follows: PARCEL io: I That part of that portion of Lot 4 (West Quarter o Northwest Quarter) of Section 6, Township 11 South Range 3 \?est, San Bernardino Base and Eleridian, according to United States Government Survey ap- proved December 14, 1885, described as follows: Beginning at a point 22 chains North of the Quarte: corner between Section 1 and 6 on the Range line between Township 11 South, Range 3 and 4 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian; thence on a true meridian Sou- 62O East 3.60 chains; thence along the County Road North 48" East 5 chains; thence along County Road I X? l3 9 14 m VJm A0 .a :: 15 %z cn OLW5 nos$ gc:g mgQi 17 u. ?< wo s&ga zgzs 18 5p 43 >t- = 19 16 2 Q< >Q : 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 30 32 North 42-1/2" East 3 chains; thence along County Road North 52-1/2* East 5 chains; thence North 43" East 11 chains; thence North 50-1/2" East 0.80 ~ot 4, Section 6, Township 11 South, Range 3 lilest, San Bernardino Meridian, and 2.27 chains West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 4; thence North 1 chains to South and Easterly edge of San Luis Rey River; thence South 64O12' West along said South ar Easterly edge of San Luis Rey River, 23.33 chains to intersection of the West boundary of Lot 4, Sec- tion 6, Township 11 South, Range 3 West; thence South 6.50 chains to point of beginning. EXCE1TING from the above described property a Deed dated Narch 12, 1952 in Book 440c), page 491 of Official Records, executed by Carlsba6 Mutual Water Company, a corporation, to State of Californi covering the following described property: That part of that portion of Lot 4 (West Quarter of Northwest Quarter) of Section 6, Township 11 South, Range 3 West, San Eernardino Base and Meridian, December 14, 1885, described as follows: Beginning at a point 22 chains North of the QuarteY corner between Section 1 and 6 on the Range line between Township 11 South, Range 3 and 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian; thence on a true meridian Sout 62O East 3.60 chains; thence along the County Road North 48O East 5 chains; thence along County Road North 42-1/2" East 3 chains; thence along County Road North 52-1/2" East 5 chains; thence North 43" East 11 chains; thence North 50-1/2' East 0.80 chai to the intersection of North boundary of Lot 4, Section 6, Township 11 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian and 2.27 chains West of the Nor east corner of said Lot 0; thence North 1.20 chains to South and Easterly edge of San Luis Rey River; thence South 64"12' West along said South and Ij chains to the intersection of North boundary of I 1 according to United States Government Survey approt i j , , Easterly edge of San Luis Rey River 23.33 chains tc I intersection of the Nest boundary of Lot 4, Section ' , 2. I I I 1 I/ 1 I Township 11 South, Range 3 West; thence Soilth 6.50 chains to point of beginning: that part thereof hereby conveyed being more particularly described a: I 5 7 6l 8/ 9/ 10 11 12 13 0 14 Q, .a: d o g 15 52 a 16 dL,5 003z -0z;p mo -I 17 u. 5.r wu &t;gd ggzs 18 zg y KJm z '$ % 191 V 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 c V 27 28 29 30 31 32 II being distant along said West line South 0°02'10" E( 1036.34 feet from a 2-inch iron pipe in a fence corner, set for the Northwest corner of said Sec- tion 6, said point of commencement also being distal along said West line North 0°02'10" West 50.61 feet from Engineer's Station 454 plus 83.66 P,O,C, on thl center line of the- Department of Public Works Survel made in 1951 between Oceanside and Bonsall Bridge Road XI-SD-195-A; thence leaving said West line alor a line parallel with and distant 50 feet Northwestei at right angles from the center line of said Depart- ment of Public Works Survey from a tangent which bears P;lorth 80"50'13" East along a curve to the left with a radius of 950 feet through an angle of 26" 39'53" a distance of 442.11 feet; thence North 54O 10'20" East 1280.89 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 2950 feet througl an angle of 5O00'22" a distance of 257.75 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 6, said poi1 being on the Township line between Township 10 and 1 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridiz distant along said Township line North 88O34'39" Ea: corner set for the Northwest corner of said Section said point also being distant along said Township line South 88O34'39" West 1396.76 feet from a one- inch iron pin set for the North Quarter corner of said Section 6, said point being also distant along from Engineer's Station 475 plus 60.21 P.O.C. on thc center line of said Department of Public Works Survc Containing 4.26 acres, more or less, in addition to that portion thereof lying within the right-of-way of the County Road known as the San Luis Rey Road No. 2, according to Map thereof filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County. 7. That said real property will be sold upon receis I' I l ' l 1646.61 feet from said 2-inch iron pipe in fence said Township line South 88O34'39" West 77.81 feet I I I of sealed bids, which shall be opened at the time and place hereinafter set forth. Said bids must be in writing, sealed and delivered to the City Clerk before the hour of 7:30 p.m. 1 before May 21, 1974, the -time and date hereinafter set for t 1 opening thereof. Said bids must be in writing, clearly mark the outside thereof that they are sealed bids for the purchz I real property, and state the date of the opening thereof. j On May 21, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. at the time and place j 3. 1 I I/ li I 2l opened, examined and declared by the Council in public sess 5 tions specified in the Resolution of Intention to Sell and \ 31 4Ii 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 D 14 m 9 0, 15 ez 8 16 ;=,:Us no3z z>;: :6 '5 17 u. SQ +FWU zZ8d 18 zazg zf! y '1- 4< c~ 19 >V 20 !I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Q u) V 32 Of the proposals submitted, which conform to all terms and I I are made by responsible bidders, the proposal which is the 1 shall be finally accepted, unless a higher oral bid is acce or the Council rejects all-bids. I Before accepting any written proposal, the Council call for oral bids. If, upon the call for oral bidding, an. sponsible person offers to purchase the property upon the ti and conditions specified in the resolution, for a price excc by at least five percent the highest written proposal which made byaresponsible person, such highest oral bid shslll be finally accepted unless the Council rejects all bids. The City Council at the session, if it deems such a( to be for the best public interest, nay reject any and all 1: either written or oral, and withdraw the property from sale waive any informality in the sale. The final acceptance by the Council may be made eitk the same session or at any adjourned session of the same nee held within the ten days next following. 7 8. That the time and place fixed for the opening of sealed bids to sell the above-described real property is thc day of May, 1974, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. 9. That at the time prior to final action any persc interested may protest the proposed sale. The protest nay k written and delivered to the City Clerk or orally ah the me€ considering the resolution. The City Council shall hear and upon the protest. I 10. That each sealed bid must be accompanied by a E 4. I 1 Bond or certified check in an amount not less than ten pzrct 31 5 4 61 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 Q wm 2 -1 E 15 OL w4: 16 mi3 _I 17 u: I?< gk 8 6 18 7 4 F 5 19 >" != " 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 &2 s '0 QOSE z s?c:g 8522 ulu 20 Cn -1 27 28 29 30 erty, subject to conditions, restrictions, reservations, ea5 II ( rnenls, and rights-of-way of record, if any,and subjeck to a I li tention by the City of water rights. The bid submitted shall be €or the purchase price, E in cash or cashier's check'to the City within ten days of tk acceptance of the bid proposal, and shall be payable at the of the City Clerk. Bidders shall solely assume all costs related to the transaction, including escrow fees, if escrow is wanted, Tk City shall secure a policy of title insurance, which shall k the City's sole expense. 12. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directG post copies of this resolution in at least three conspicuous places upon the above-described real property €or not less t ten days before the public auction, and to publish this resc in the Carlsbad Zournal, a newspaper published and circulate within the City of Carlsbad in accord with the law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of City Council on the 16th day of April , 1974, by the ing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen .Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis NOES: None ABSENT : N 0 n e .P&&j ROBERT C. FRAZEZ Playor ATTEST: t 32 I (SEAL(),' 5. I i Sari Diego Coulnty Planning Department Telephone 236 2157 0 THOMAS BRO NO ---A-c/6 __.__ I C(5P 74-09 SCALE I”= 400’ 111 In II 1111. II ’ - .-- . 0 1' / -. ',-: , - . -. : _: - - . . ....... ... .. *---. -. . .. ... .. ... .. * .... . -. ... _. ..... .. .. ~. ...... .. A. .. ... ... .. .I -. r .- .- .. .. .- .. .. .. ., x . .- - c .. . -- ~ .-- ...... .... ,: -. . . -. -- .. .. .. -. .- _. -- - . ._ :...;-. ; -:.. : -: .;<. ... I. r.. .. _. -: . ,_ ._ . I. . b. . - -- . .- .SI ,. .. .i .... ..... - .., ........ .... .. _. .. --. .* -7 .. ......... .... ..- .. I .._ . .- .... ..... > .r .. ..... ...... -*. :' - , ......... , _.*a .. . -. I. ........ .. .- 'r.. &s .. .. ., ..... .- .. .... - .a - Q,' '-. I .. _- . .- _. - --- .. -. ..- -.. .. .. .- . -. . -.- . ..- - . .... . - ..4 0' r 9 - // - -. L - % a e- ~ S32!! Tcr, tcr: P*e&+E&?y - I., .. -I -4 ,- r !? .. :' , - _. 0 : ~ fl : -:: *, 1 *l I-' q ;; ' ,-. . ..- . - , . .i t, b .. .* * >:a .-'i L-: c.2 l?J :-; ..; ;xL! .J ::-. b* 3 -5 =E/; -, . . ." .-_. W". 1.- i A,- ..----.. :.. __._, 2 i' r,7 1 y_ _. ,.- ~ ',:A? .,__ __ -.. - . . - , . . - . . . . --- --*. -.. ,\ (c3,7-! -,L-L:--A I-,? 2 -,,! -= c_' -,- i 2 L 3 :_I i 2 ,) 3 :r' ,- -. .,- 1 - '-, 7 -: LL- L-JdCU _. L; _i - 12 'J "0 \I 3 Lz. -:.:>r?:>L:2 (-~y~~~yfl 1- '71:lq v ",-; Lrl L+:,s., T 15 y 9 z 2 -?;-?;?:,I: L 7 --&~.%.~ 2 17-"- - 0' *?:-!E c-py Gs c-:-p;s?-?D 32,T-2>';sZ S-i-LD .- p;iyzL IS :..3 7 7 3 -\ .a'- ?T 7 -,Lcd - rL-L~ 2Ld.i sF yzs CITY. Di7$,Ct0'rl i&gazkpLs71-l - of krj<s of thl, c-t:I; - cf Czrlsbad 3-ke: OTHE9. ENTITY: 1 St;.te of California. OTBZ:P, ENTITY: 2 1 y-,! COT,-- LLLy of S2,n Diqo. OTHSX E3;TITY: 3 El city of 22ODZXTY DESCRIPTIOX: In t'rs coupty of San Diego with assess3r parcel +170-020-@2 a.-r,ci known as the Bonszll Bridqs P~ropertl7. Acres of land: 11.62 FAIR iLX?.XZT VALUS : $11 I 6 0 C . 0 C) 1.1 L, <L:.,< ---i ! I/ j ~~15~2 ~>~~~~~ >~2+-- ~.~~~~~ y!~ ~~~~!~~>L~~~ oT;pTR pijT1yy l-:.;TZ:\;3S y7 ~~-~.c>:l.~~ ~~.:~~~~.~:" p0-2 Jpz T-2-13 ;,;>*x:<, VALUE A30VZ - I7 i4-Jz"2rizc2L 7. ' - 2 1 I--, . -7 'I -dw,--.y2 c *d-[ ;*:-2-;.z :""a <! { riief, Planniiic !I Proqraminq r--- -I- ~'-2 --,.;X+-C -. Park. %vel o Pu:i1 i c ,Jc)rks ALy:222c\!, .S>n 3f~.oo C: -- *. /[7 Cct. 9, 1373 .~___..._...I ____ -. .- - . - r- rr- 3533 Cverlad AvE., San Dikp 32' - . ~- - .-. "--. __ .. L." ,-.------ @-,(-LC ,df { ...J~L-~G:S&~~L.J -- . -..- ~~ .___ / BOARD 0 JACK WAl 0 FIRST DIS DICK BRC ENVlRONMENTAL DEVE.LOP'WENT AGENCY PLANNING DEPARTMENT L::RtoL* 1600 PAC1FIG H!GH'VAYr SAN DIEGO, CALlFQRNlla, 92101 @ (714) 236-2108 ,I,,, BEAR SECOND K Y OF I FOURYd E LEE TAYl FIFTH D$S - _-.~__--- c: E -; vll A w El E p4 ____ 7'P'Z-GP Cy ?L,@.WNING RE c E, 1 TJ- E Dczt:Z4 March 18, 1974 WN 2 1 1974 _- Mr. Zander City of Carlsbad CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department Planning Department 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Ref: CGP 74-9 Dear Mr. Zander: Conformance to General Plan Report for the Proposed Sale of Excess City of Carlsbad Property Near Bnznsall This is in reply to your correspondence of February 13, 1974, requesting a conformance to General Plan report. surplus City of Carlsbad property within an unincorporated area of the County. The 11.2 acres of surplus property is located between State Highway 76 and the San Luis Rey River, west of the San Luis Rey Bridge and adjacent to the Oceanside City limits. This area is zoned A-4(8) and is designated as Agriculture on the County General Plan. The property is presently vacant and is located within a predominantly agricultural area. proposed highway to the San Luis Rey Flood Plain. Mission Avenue, a collector road, parallels the proposed highway to the east. At its regular meeting of March 15, 1974, the San Diego County Planning Com- mission considered this matter pursuant to Section 65402 of the Government Code and found that the proposed sale conforms with the County General Plan with respect to location, purpose and extent. The report concerns the sale of The property slopes steeply from the Very truly yours, SAN DIEGO COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Bruce H. Warren, Secretary -7 // - -4 , ,*' .. "J ' - "Basil J. By ,f?,.-. ' Deputy BJL : JKP : lk e 0 bF BONSAU Location: Subject propert’/ is located about eight miles East of the City of Oceanside and about four miles North from the City of Vista, just due West of the San Luis Rey Bridge. on the South. Highway 76 is the boundary Neighbornood: The 3onsall Froperby lies within a mxd/resort community that 1s sparsely populated, Land ownersup is held in ten and over acre increments. ire the main utilitzation if land. hiry, chicken ranches, flower and vegetable farms Utilities: of water can be obtained through tne use of wells. of this spcific poperty is not within the purview of this report, however, it has been established that water is available. Electricity is available to the site and an ample supply The water rights TopograDhy: Boundary, Highway 76 to the center of the Sa.n Luis Bey River bottom. From the center of the riTrer bottom to the highest point on the boundary is about 35 feet. The property slopes rather sfiarply from the Southern Acreage: This parcel consists of 11.62 acres. Zoning: A-4-8 Usage: years. for growing fructus incustriales. Adjoining properties have been farmed and ranched for many It is believed that subject property car^ be very well leased . m e Valuation Process Comparable Sales The only sale disclosed through investigation was the sale of 25 acres on thg East side of San Luis Rey Brid-ge. purchased by the City of Oceanside in September 1970 for a total consideration of $25,000.00 or $1,000.00 per acre. is very similar in topography and location as subject. This was This property It is risky to base one"s opinion on one sale. This sale to the City of Oceanside may have been influenced by variables of which your appraiser was not aware. also be reached through the capitalization process (See enclosed In such event the valuation may for brief sumrrary of method), Interviews with farmers engaged in obtaining agriculture laad tnrough leasehold rights are paying between $90.00 to $115.00 per acre per year for such rights. Capitalization out a mean income of $100 per acre per year at 11% rate discloses a valuation of aFproximately $1,100 per acre. It is your appraisers oTi,nion that the valuation of subject proerk is one thousand dollars Fer acre or a total valuation of $11,600.00~ Assessed valuationr there has been no valuation placed on propert4y by assessor. In that subject property is owned by municipal 0 e CAPITALIZATION The appraisal process involves elther/or one of the three methods in finding fair mrket value (1) Cost, (2) krket Value and (3) Capitalizatior The first two are common and used .mainly in residential appraisds. appraising bare land or income property it is possible to utilize method 2, However, it is risky to base an opinion on one or two sales. They may haw been influenced by certain variables of which we are not aware. In instanl case, where the land can be used to obtain income and comparzble sales are not evidenced to the satisfaction of the appraiser, the use of the capital- ization process is warranted, A brief review of the basic concepts involvt and a definition of terms would be hely€ul in understanding this process 01 appraising , ldhen Definitions8 Value is the quantity of one thing which can be obtained in exchange for another thing. to be the equivalent of the worth of the Froyerty being appraised. - Rate expresses a fixed relationship between two quantities and is used as i means of measurements in the valuztion pocess. magnitude to another. Income is the money return or other material benefit arising from the use of a capital good or from tho services of hwan beings. of the four agents in >reduction. Net Incone is the portion of the return or benefit which is left after all costs of production have been paid. Capitzlizztion-is the process of zscertaining the magnitude or worth or value rate which is believed to renresent the proper relationship between the capital good or proDeri;y and the net income it produces. Capitalizatic then, is the treating of an incone strezn oy a mzthematical process whereii a capitalization rate is zp~lied to tht stream for the purpose of determi: the value indicated by that income, The algebraic equation being Incone divided by Rate equals Value. In real estate valuations, it is the amount of money deemec It is the ntion of one It is the produce a e The stream of income can be obtained from the market place or from actual income produced, ing that rate which is one that is necessary to attract capital to the type of investment opportunity being offered, The appraiser uses the deduc tive approach, safety, yield, marketability, potential appreciation, wastii of asset, burden of management? The present investor in the market place . looking for a 1% capitalization rate for improved property with 2% being recapture of the wasting asset. unimproved property is 9$%, there being no wasting factor for land. The judgement of the appraiser is required is ascertain- The expected capitalization rate for - 0 0 i I .. ,~ '! ~ I 1 LOOKIFG SOUT3lJE5T ACROSS PROPERTY ! 'I __.- - . ,-.. . -. _f .- . . . ._ - .-. LOOKING EAST CN WY 76 LOOi;IP;G WEST o?; 30;:s ALL . - I .+ .I -+ 7 m ;rn ,a9 7 7 “r F? ?=3 q @p p Cl q - T fit> 8, /‘1 A!; ,I , q. .: >:N ?,) -:A :J )A :J !A jJ jJ JJ ;>; t 1, :L! J 9 I rus i A,,. .~. .\u ti) 1 rl sr:fiMAp ~- -___ .r? .>. .I ---~-.- 1- tdAP .-. uc. -1. ,r I __ ,.* 4 @I3sUS.Q'h ~. -. . . . .. . .---- -. ------ - - - - ---_- Parcel IO: Tbt ,yri of t:int portion of Lot .I c;cst >;.tr':ar of Xortlrxs:- ?ijnrt?r) 0; Llcricli-n, ;Iccor:i i:q to i[nit-.ci 3 +- q c. n7.t c rn 7 cn c 8 11 r vr: :; n :>? :.* i)v 3'1 Dc c Cll>cr Ze::in:iin:: zt a !mint "2 c!I?i.!1s yorth 01 till ?i>artcr ccmiilr hcivrcen Sxtic ,'>' ' / -*-* .' ?. :> . .' S"ct.:-on 5, Y'g-::;l-i1i.;> 11 Soiitii, 2 ,? 2 ..,'?.j:, sail zcrnarc!i.no 1,-sc :.nd 14, 1885, !1?53:i:.)~d 2s :o?.l.~v:.=: 1 and E on the ?.a~rz 1l1.c L?txccn ~e..l*::::::~:> 11 ~oiith, I:m..;c 3 3-d 4 ':;:est, San 3r?rn3rdinn ::cri5<72; t!?hrco 02 7 -~;p -,~.ri.dLnil S3Jih 67" '.'nSt 3.00 County ?.ox1 :?a:+:l~ 4:'.?o 23s.:- 3 c\,:iRs; a3s: 5 cl1nir.s; rhmc-. ::orill ,130 :-Ji: 1. 0.80 c!~ains to ih= %!it:~>-yctl;.~q nf ::nr:h ;>n,!p<:?i-F 02 Lo'i 4, Scciion G, lowvnship 11 sc,:!y!i, :?::c.- 3 :::st, sjr. ;=rnnr;liiio :,:cric!izn, *!!er,t 02 tb-o 3ort:1.?3ri, t:o=;?.?p 02 ?g.i.ii ~ot .,>; t;iciico Kart:? 1.29 ci3.nins to South ar?d Z'nr.:crljr mi.;? of ;an ~,;!:.s c.?!, :;j:p:r; thrlnco SO?I~!I tlC"12' ::=st aloilz sa4.d So..it'.. 2nd :~~l.?y~~f zd7,: of 3nn Ljis Xep iljire?, I I s a cy,- 1 -c9 ! e,? c c!iainr;; thencr: nlor.7 t;1~ cnu2t:; :!nncl p: !I *I;" xnst 5 ch7irls; ;:1cnc,- 3101 nC 310q Coullty .LO74 Xorth sa:o &-- -. Cc3 M II- ;z iz :ra<.ns; t;icncc 1:ortI: 50:" ~3st m m ?lid 2.17 chiin! 23.23 Ch3:IlS to int2Fsection of t?: :i?;t i)n~:y1~yy of Let 4, Scction 6, Tosn5hl.p 11 South, Xan~c 3 i';egt; c;izr.c2 so:i:ii .si.50 cf:n'_ns zn ?>ojnt of bezLn??.!:g. ECzDTIXrJ fro-1 ;i:o Z':QV_O dzqcyijcj py~?.>rty 3 3ccd dstcd :.!arch 12, 1352 . in 800:r. 44C0, n-75 421 of ~fficinl xCCC:-rjc., c:r.?c~tcd ijy Cnrl.z!?nr: :Ict::ol ?fatei* Co-yx~v, 3 CD~?O~Z~?.~Z, to ~c-atn of Cillfornis, corcri7.g thc iollon dcscribzd ?rcg2rzp : That pzrr of .t3t ?ortion of L.ot '1 (:;.?st cuartor of ?!oP~:I?I~s; fU3FtCP) Of Section 6, To-zsl-in 11 Soi.i?h, Z2n-c 3 ':!est, Snz Esrnardiiln ;azc and ::criu accordi::? to ~iitzJ" siz-izs ~oocaa.i:nt Survq; approvcd 3oce-:b.=r 14, 1ZZ5, dcszri'ad as follnss: P>ri-niz; 3t 3 ?oi.it 23 c!>ahs xorth of the P,i!zrtcr corxr Betmen Scctio 1 and B on tho ?;.any li?s I:ct:.v?on Tov:?.sliip 11 Sciiz!i, X~ny 3 2nd 1 :!:st, Bcrnardino :Iezidi:a; 'i:~aicc 02 a m.23 -,arldF3n So.1'3 63" ZZ5t 3.CO c?.:ins thcncc along :::.? Co,ir'.ty send Earth +!7" :as$ 5 c:13ins; tiimcc r~long Count:. 303d KO:';!? Q.'." 22s; 3 chzixz; rtcncc 31Qng cour.;p ~ozi: xcrth 52':" PYst 5 chains; tii-ncc !ioztk 43' 2:st 11 ci.5~; zkmcs North 50;j" 3st @.S@ chzi io tLc intersxiion 0: ::crth 3ound:ry of Loi *I, Section 6, Tc..:nshi:, 11 SO ,?on;n 3 ;;'est, Esn Szinsrcrro ;:Zridirrn 2nd 2.27 chains ..:'cs; of the Xcrth. zast corzor of sqic Lo: 4; CTence >:or';h 1-20 chi-ins to Sotlth cci sastnr1y cdze of San Lllis 3c:; ZL-?cr; thxc:? 202th 64'12' ;;;est a1oDz ssid Scnth a:id 33st.?rIy ZdZe of Ssn Lais Zcy Zivnr 23.33 chains to inicrsccclon of tha / 'Y .. d&1.! C.W *To ..,st bouzciary of Lot 4, Bxtion 5, To.?:nrhip il South, ?.ar?ye 3 Yost; thonc ---.. .... . .. ~ "- -.-.-_--. ... . - South 5-50 chains tn pciit oi' Lc7inninZ: that pzrt thcrcof Zcrn5y cmveyec! i>s%nT mrc payticularlg dsscribed as Iyinz SoJiicrlp of t:?z fol10r;i~y descri:,cd li~: Coz3cncir.g 3Lc 3 r,oint 03 &>e ;:est li~c of sgid Scctlon G, distznt thcrcon Korth O"05'10" ::=st 1G13.23 foot fro? 3 2 iccli capyd iron pi?= set for tho T?cst Ql23rt2: Zo72lr Oi s2id s;.c'-iOll 5; snid pain?: also beinz distant . aloq said :;'est lizc: Sv.~.',h O"Or!'lO" Zsst 1035.34 feet fro:^ 3 2 ixc> iron pi?e in a foncc corner, s3t for tile Hor'iii7::csi corner of saicl Sction 5, said noint of coxlcncc~?.~~i -Is0 5cin; distant alon? said :;?st line ?Torth 0*02'10" ::est 50.61 feet ir~n Snyinxr's St.t:;.on 45.1 nlus 33.65 2.0.~. on the icmtzz linc of th2 3y;ntncnt of pitb1iL :!or!:s Survey, qndc in 1.551 betvfcan Ccc3nside 27.C ;onsnll Zridyu Coxi :;1-53-1!;3-::; t'.cnzs l~~vijl~ sai Post liw alony 3 liric ?nr-llcl sith znc! distnnt 50 fcei >Tor+!?y/i_~tcrlp at right anr;lc= fro? tho ccntcr linc of said 3ymrtnont of ?ublic I;:orits Survey fro3 a tmyr.t riiiich iicars .?'orill .:(;"50'13" Zast alony: 3 curve to the left mith a rx!iiis oi 950 fcct tkot!:h zn xgle of 2C02,3'53" a dintant Of 442. !1 :zct; tkcnce xortb 5~1"10'?0" Z3st 12T0.39.fcet; t::c-ce alonz 3 tanzcnt CIIIVC tn 'ikc left v.<tfi a riciius of 3950 icct tkrouyh Z:I ~nyie of 5°0r?'12" a clis~~r,cc of Si-75 feet to n poinr. nn tilo Mor::? 112'3 02 ~3id Section 6, said point &inn nn thn Ta*v~zIiip 1i32 Sctriccn Tal:'ns;;in 10 n2d 11, Soath, R3r.y 3 '.icst, Sm Zcmar5ino i;lc'? 2nd :.!rrFdian, d~szant alon: said To-7nshi.p linz Horth 3?'3'1'3!3" Zzzt l'vC5.tI fcot fro- .r.n:d 2 itch iror ,@ .. pip? in fcnco cerwr ?L?L for tkc :\'ort!iwst cmicr nf mid Scction G. wid point al-o bcin? ct1:;trrn; alail: sa-d *rw:~si~ip 1j.p.z Smrh %'34':!1'' ::'est said SccLion C, said poinr Ocinz also c'Crt3nt alnn.~ said To.:;nr.hlp lino South 3.<;'31'39" 3:~s~ 2i.31 iTct fro2 Eii::i?iccr's SLntion 475 plus ~0.21 P.0.C. on thc czntcr lins of said Dcnnrt-ncnt. of -1'n:Ilic Yor::s S:irvzy. ContninLnr: 4.?5 ~CTC~, morc or lnsn. in nrldition to that portion Llicrcoi lyin.: vrit!iin thn rinht of q-7 nf tlm Cncll1i-f Rond ':zor:n ns tho Snn Luis !:cs noact iio. 2, aciorrilnl: to ::3? thcranf filcrl in t.hr office of tllr Coblntp Recorrlor of ~nn 3i-70 cmI:i!:- (EopjzALL P,~~P~-PT P, &/J Z//Z~/~,VRC ' 1396.iG €cct fro3 3 on3 inch cron n4.n sqt ior thq Horth puni'ier ccrncr of .. & (f)-lJ. vl) .. LhU LurS kLg ?&a /JP.Z~~ Uiz7 OC <#dLU/S A?L t' .h'&/UG .. .. . ". .. : Y~SSLATD/~'--- I- &ne/./ 170 - /!-Jc:i 2 /-7=s.cssaez TAY ma. ... ._ .,_ .. _- . .- '. : 17U-OZ . ' -- - i ... ... re - .. .- . -. . .. . .- .- ...... - .,. . - &- --. .. ... >. .... .. ~ -. * .: .. -.---e-- - ... .. - .. -. .. . . _- .. I. - . _. .. .. j. .... ... . ._ .. . -. .. . e. .- . . _. ~ . :. .. -. .I I. .. ... -. . .. a. ..... ....... , k' , '1 ... ._. I' I. .. .. .. .. 1' .... .... ..... >- >' ....... . - -" - .. I --. . .i .~ ... ..... '.- i - .. ,. . .. .. .- <. - _. -- . -. -_ .. . .- -. - .. .. ~ . - .. ... .. .. ~. .. .. .. .. .. .. --. . --. - ..... c. . ' .... ...... ... ..... ... .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. - .. -. .,- -. , . .- _. . .- 2 ., -@ ........ ,__ r .. ... .. .. I. ~. .- a. .._ . -. ... .... ... .. - ~ t ... I 8 6- /7c P *-+q- ..... B ~ J!!a%?i 5& 44 P-*&#aflA?7f - - -, I i -- I ¶ c - ... I .. - -2. .- -.-. - --___. a. --- - - - . - ._ - .. . --- __ .- . .. .4 >I e LIMITING CONDITIOKS It is assumed that the four (4) properties as delineated on the plot map submitted by client to be correct. Possession of this repod, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication, nor ray it be used for any purpose by any but the applicant without the previous written consent of the appraiser or the applicant and then only with property qualifications. We are not required to give testimony or to appear in court by reason of this appraisal, with reference to the properties in question, unless arrangements have been previously been made therefore. U The distribution of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only Imder the existing prow of utilization. The separate valuations for land and buildings must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used, 0 e QUALIFICATIONS OF APPRAISER EDUCATION ( ACABEXIC ) Four years High Gchool - Hyde Park High School 132 college credit - various colleges Chicago, 111. 1932 EDUCATION ( REAL ESTATE) Appraisal 1 and 11, 1961-1962 - University of California Principles of Real Estate, Real Estate Finance - University Real Estate Law, Advanced Real Estate Law - University of Exchanges, Syndication , Estate Planning Income Tax, Escrows, Seal Estate Economics Real Estate Investments of Tennessee California 1963-1964 PROFESSIONAL (REAL ESTATE) Received Real Estate Salesmans License - 1958 1960 to Present - specialized in loans, appraising and Licensed as Real Estate Broker - 1962 the followin? mortgage comFiest The Coluell Conpny - 1960 to 1.965, 1970 to present Sutro Company - 1965 to 1970 investment 8 Appointed exclusive agent for Iiorth San Diego County for Conducted the following number of appraisals/f easibility studies in the past year: 72 - sir,F;le residential nropert.ies 18 - apartment acrzisals 4 - feasibility studies for apxxments and motels 4 - land appraisals - 1 4 8 Affidavit of Publication c -- - 1 IS. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County Of Sen Diego ...................... ................................. .,. .~. ,. ,, - I ~-...___..-...., says +hat she is the Principi of The Carlsbad Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published -y-.-.-c?- 1 .... .- . ... City of CorJsbadl CQUII~~ of Sari Diego, and $tote of Galifornia, end that the notice cd wl day ai ..................... annexed is a true copy, was published ...-+..... times in said newspaper, commencing on tl ......... _____ ............... A.D. I9 c,i-+ namely on +de following da+es: -'-by. ..C ,~ .. e . ...- ~.~~ -'- xcepf-,;* ~~,#,e Council ~c:.,L .- .. -. =. . 1- <.Ij .".%, 0- . , . 1 .. -iL \ "K . ..... ... ....... ....--:.;i.,....i.-r.~.~ ..._ i* -.-----..... .... &.# ...... !.L!Lk ...-.__.______ . ____.__ r .i ~ ,-: ; ..___._ ..... ._. ................ _..___._ r." / 'J .--Lkia--Lk..kk .._____.. ..-_.........._ -- ....... --.... - .... -.-..- .... --..- ___.-- -- ...-_.-_.____.._ .................... .*.- ........ -._..-- .... ----.._.-_...I -...-..--..--_..._ ........ .. .... -..-.--..- ..... --_ ...... ....-..-................-..___._... ... _._._.__._ ..............-..........-....-....-...-.----...-.- - -..- ........ .. .......................... .............._...._....- .... " . ......._. ---._ ... ..............................................._......... - ....-..__-.___-...__.._ .......................... ...... .. .... - ........- - ...._ . ..-......-.._.........- ...................................... ...................._..........-..........-...... ..-. Signed at Carlsbad, California this .....A de y of ...........-....-...... 4 ......... -.'.."..... ......-....-....-....., . ., r- ... .- I hereby declare under penalty of I that the foregoing is irue and correci --.. * ........ .. ..i .... ...'... a ...... Legal Dec:ree No. 172342 -r-- - -~ .. .._-_-- . .>I- ur trl= LI I I oeiween Section 1 and 6 on the the Resolution of Intention to Sell, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Range line between Township 11 and which are made byresponsi- CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, South, Range 3 and 4 West, San ble bidders, the proposal which is DECLARING TH,A.T CERTAIN Bernardino Meridian; thence on a the highest shall be finally PROPERTY, HEREINAFTER lrue meridian South 62" East 3.60 ar-mnied, UP,!-.' - higi-r oral bid DESCRIBED, IS h'"? ins; thenc- *long the '-- nty . i <U or -*'.i.-tS REQUIRED FOR r' - USE AND DECLAR I i.rG ITS Thence along County Road North Before accepting any written INTENTION TO SELL SA!D YZ-%" East 3 chains; thence along proposal, the Council shall Call for REAL PROPERTY AT PUBLIC County Road North 52-l/z0 East 5 oral bids. If, upon the call for oral AUCTION. chains; thence North 43" East 11 bidding, any responsible person WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad chains; thence North 50-1/20 East offers to purchase the property is theowner of a parcel hereinafter 0.80 chains to the intersection of upon the terms and conditions particularly described, which North boundary of Lot 4, Section 6, specified in the resolution, for a' parcel was originally obtained as a Township 11 South, Range 3 West, price exceeding by at least five partof thecitywatersystem; and San Bernardino Meridian and 2.27 percent the highest written WHEREAS, said real property chains West of the Northeast cor- proposal which is made by a is not now needed for public use ner of said Lot 4; thence North 1.20' responsible person, such highest and is not capable of being used for chains to South and Easterly edge oral bid shall be finally accepted park or recreational development; of San Luis Rey River; thence unless the Council reiects all bids. and South 64" 12' West along said South The City Council at the session, WHEREAS, the Director of and Easterly edge of San Luis Rey if it deems such action to be for the Public Works has recommended River 23.33 chains to intersection best public interest, may reiect that said parcel be declared of the West boundary of Lot 4, Sec- any and all bids, either written or "surplus"; and tion 6, Township 11 South, Range3 oral, and withdraw the property West; thence South 6.50 chains to from saleor waiveany informality the best interests of the City to sell point of beginning; that part in the sale. said real property at public auc- thereof hereby conveyed being The final acceptance by the tion to the highest bidder; and more particularly described as ly- Council may be made either at the WHEREAS, on March 15, 1974, ing Southerly of the following same session or at any adiourned the Planning Commission of the described line: Commencing at a session of the same meeting held that the location, purpose and ex- tion 6, distant thereon North 8. That the time and place fixed tent of said real property disposi- O"02'10" West 1613.89 feet from a 2- for the opening of sealed bids to tion is in Conformity with the inch capped iron pipe set for the sell the above-described real adopted General Plan; West Quarter corner of said Sec- property is the 21st day of May, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT tion 6; said point also being distant 1974, in the Council Chambers of RESOLVED by the City Council of along said West line South O"02'10" the City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, the City of Carlsbad, California, as East 1036.34 feetfrom a 2-inch iron Carlsbad, California, at the hour of follows: pipe in a fence corner, set for the 7:30 p.m. 1. That the above recitations are Northwest corner of said Section6 9. That at the time prior to final true and correct. said point of commencement also action any person interested may 2. That the City Council hereby being distant along said West line protest the proposed sale. The finds that the public interest and North0°02'10" West50.61 feetfrom protest may be written and convenience necessitates the sale Engineer's Station 454 plus 83.66 delivered to the City Clerk or oral- of the hereinafter described real P.O.C. on the center line of the ly at the meeting considering the property. Department of Public Works resolution. The City Council shall 3. That the City Council hereby Survey, made in 1951 between hear and pass upon the protest. declares said property "surplus" Oceanside and Bonsall Bridge 10. That each sealed bid must be and declares its intention to sell Road XI-SD-195-A; thence leaving accompanied by a Bidder's Bond said property at public auction to said West line along a line parallel or certified check in an amount not the highest bidder. with and distant 50 feet less than ten percent of the total declares that said property is not from the center line of said $.Fr That the City will execute a capable of being used for park or Department of Public Works grant deed to the property, subject recreational development. Survey from a tangent which to conditions, restrictions, reser- 5. That the minimum price for bears North 80"50'13" East along a vations, easements, and rights-of-, which said property shall be sold curve to the left with a radius of Way of record, if any, and subiect shall be not less that $11,600.00. -950 feet through an angle of to a retention by the City of water 6. That the real property to be 26"39'53" a distance of 442.11 feet; rights. sold is situated in the City Of thence North 54"10'20" East The bid submitted shall be for Carlsbad, County of San Diego, 1280.89 feet; thence along a the purchase price, payable in State of California, bounded and tangent curve to the left with a cash or cashier's check to the City described as follows: radius of 2950 feet through an within ten days of the acceptance PARCEL 10: angle of 5"00'22" a distance of of the bid proposal, and shall be That part of that portion of Lot 4 257.75 feet to a point on the North payable at the office of the City (West Quarter of Northwest lineof said Section6, said point be- Clerk. Quarter) of Section 6, Township 11 ing on the Township line between Bidders shall solely assume all South, Range 3 West, San Bernar- Township loand 11, South, Range3 costs related to the transaction, in- din0 Base and Meridian, according West, Sari Bernardino Base and cluding escrow f'ees, if escrow is to United States Government Meridian, distant along said wanted. The City shall secure 5 Survey approved December 14, Township line North 88"34'39" policy of title insurance, which 1885, described as follows.: . East 1646.61 feet from said 2-inch shall be at the City's sole expense. Beginning at a point 22 chains iron pipe in fence corner set for the 12. The City Clerk is hereby North of the Quarter corner Northwest corner of said Section6, authorized and directed to post between Section 1 and 6 on thq said point also being distant along copies of this resolution in a: ieast Range line between Township 11 said Township line South 88"34'39" three conspicuous places upon the South, Range 3 and 4 West, San West 1396.76-feet from a one-inch above-described real property for Bernardino Meridian; thence on a iron pin set for the North Quarter not less than ten days before the true meridian South 62" East 3.60 Corner Of said Section 6, said point public auction, and to publish this chains; thence along the County being also distant along said resolution in thecarlsbad Journal, Road North 48" East 5 chains; Township line South 88"34'39" a newspaper published and cir- thence along County Road North West 77.81 feet from Engineer's culated within the City of Carlsbad 42-1/z0 East 3 chains; thence along Station 475 plus 60.21 P.O.C. On the in accord with the law. d Nortn 4s" East 5 Liicril:s; all bids, WHEREAS, it appears to be in County of San Diego did determine point on the West line of said See within the ten days next fol'owing. 4. That the City Council hereby Northwesterly at right angles amount of the bid. * County Road North 52-'/1" East 5 center line of said Department of PASSED, APPROVED AND chains; thence North 43" East 11 Public Works Survey. Containing ADOPTED at a regular meeting of chains; thence North 50-%" East 4.26 acres, moreor less, in addition' the City Council on the 16th day of 0.80 chains to the intersection of to that portion thereof lying within April, 1974, by the following vote, North boundary of Lot 4, Section 6, the right-of-way of the-County to wit: Township 11 South, Range 3 West, Road known as the San Luis Rey AYES: Councilman Frazee, San Bernardino Meridian, and 2.27 Road No. 2, according to Map Chase, McComas chains West of the Northeast cor- thereof filed in the office of the ner of said Lot 4; thence North 1.20 County Recorder of San Diego NOES: None chains to South and Easterly edge County. ABSENT: None Of San Luis Rey River; thence 7. That said real property will be ' South 64" 12'West along said South sold upon receipt of sealed bids, and Easterly edge of San Luis Rey which shall be opened at the time ATTEST: River, 23.33 chains to intersection and place hereinafter set forth. MARGARET E. ADAMS of ?he West boundary of Lot 4, Sec- Said bids must be in writing, seal- City Clerk tion 6, Township 11 South, Range 3 ed and delivered to the City Clerk ' (SEAL) .West; thence South 6.50 chains to before the hour of 7:30 p.m. on or Pub: April 25, May 2, 9, 16, 1974 point of beginning. EXCEPTING before May 21, 1974, the time and from the above described property date hereinafter set for the opens ; _................. . ......L.....-......S..., a Deed dated March 12, 1952 in ing thereof. Said bids must be in. :~~~~.~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~ and Lewis ROBERT C. FRAZEE Mayor No. 1129 Book 6600, page *ql of Official Records, executed by Carlsbad side thereof that they are sealed poration, to State of California, property, and state the date of the writing, c,early marked on theout- ............................................... -... ~ .-2.-... ~ .-...-... Public Notices Mutual Water Company, a cor- bids for the purchase of real covering the following described opening thereof. property: That part of that portion On May 21, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. at N-*-st Quarter) of Section 6, resolution for the meeting of the Township 11 south! Range 3 West, Cwnc'lo: the City of Carlsbad, a\i Sa" Bernardino Base and Meri- sealed proposals which have been dim according tc United StEtes received shail be opened, examin- Government ~~'rve. ;ioprz.ied ed and dEciered bv the rii.nri~ in n, -_-X , . .--- TO enSUre publication Of must be sublnitted to the Journal by Monday at 5:30 p.m. preceding the Thurg- rfav nditinn of Lot .i (West Quarter Of the time and place fixed in the your legal notice, all copy