HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-16; City Council; 3069; Consideration of EIR Change of Zone Calavera Hills-s; // :r c x y Y f*, F CARLSBAD, ~r** " A LI F'-n? R N i V' -^ ''; ' • May 7, 1974 Council Mtg. Agenda BifjL No. *J/<s& / Date: April 16, 1974 Referred To: CITY COUNCIL ... . • . / ?3 subject: Consideration of E.I.R., Change of Zone and „ submitted By: Master Plan for a 3452 unit development to be known as Calavera Hills PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NOS: EIS-230, ZC-138 & MP-150APPLICANT: FARROW REALTORS l//r/2- — , ^•statement of the Matter : The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on January 22, 1974, February 26, 1974 and March 12, 1974, to consider a reauest from • FARROW REALTORS 'for a change of zone from L-C and R-A-10,000 to Planned Community, adoption of a Master Plan and certification of- the E.I.R., to allow development of 3452 units on 808 acres, generally located westerly of Lake Calavera and southerly of College Blvd. At the meeting of March 12, 1974, the-Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1049 approving the change of zone request, and recommending that the City Council certify the . E.I.R. as revised by staff as being in conformance to the City's EIR Guidelines. Resolution No.- 1050 was also adopted at the March 12th meeting, recommending the .City Council adopt the Master Plan (MP-150) (Exhibits C & D), subject to the 19 conditions of approval. Said Master Plan proposes a total of aporoximate y 345<Z dwelling units on the subject property. The staff report of January 22, 1974; does include a letter from the Carlsbad Unified.School District assuring public facilities will be available concurrent with need. aua-nahii-itvAlso at the public hearing,'-the Commission expressed concern about the availability of sewer service, adequate ingress and egress and addressed an aggressive Phased Development Program proposed by the developer and staff. , 3taVf Report dated Jan. 22, 1974 with attachments (EIR). 2. Staff Report dated Feb.. 26, 1974 with attachments ^X^L V-3 r*x7_ 3. Staff Report dated March 12, 1974 9- Resolution^ v£^^ +- . . .1 r- I • !• J- r- M-_4-»» Dl-ln M r> 1^ _L U • \J L Cl J-1 ICt 11V^ C INU . 0. OLdTI r\C(JUr I uaucu Mai^n lu., i^.. nv/q-inanr-fi 4. Applicant's Exhibit C - Master Plan Map 1«- °^lution 5. Applicant's Exhibit D - Master Plan Narrative H-. Resolution 6. Applicant's Exhibit E - Survey and Analysis . . 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. K14JL ' 8. Planning Commissiqn Resolution No. T050_ Staff Recommendations to the City Manager: • That the recommendations of the.Planning Commission be followed by. the City -Council, with specific attention being given to. sewer service, access and phased development. Wo. L Date: May 7y 1974 City Manager's Recommendation Considerable time has been spent by the staff and Planning Commission on this project. The primary concern is that a large section of the City is being planned for development which is not immediately adjacent to other developed portions of the City and therefore some distance from normal City services. This distance from services will increase the cost of these services beyond that normally provided in the core area of the .City. To help minimize this, the Planning Commission and the staff have insisted that as part of the first phase of development, the developer build the extension of either Elm or Kelly Drive. This is an extremely important condition and it is my recommendation that it not be approved without this requirement. Council Action 5-21-74 Ordinance #9388 was given a second reading and adopted -2- CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FOR January 22, 1974 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT ON: CASE NOS. APPLICANT: CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OF ZONE CONSIDERATION OF MASTER PLAN EIS-230 ZC -138 MP -150 R. L. Farrow for Farrow Realtors 8550 Garden Grove Blvd. P.O. Box 247 Garden Grove, Ca. 92642 Since .these applications were filed, Staff has held a number of meetings with the developers regarding this project. The re- sult of these meetings has been a revision of the Master Plan to more realistically depict the maximum density allocations of the property in light of the General Plan. The changes are in two areas: 1) A determination has been made as to what is the net average of the property in question, it is presently written does discuss basis of a net acre, Staff is of the be adequately evaluated unless tt is Therefore, th.e applicant has revised land areas in net acres. It should Since the General Plan as land use allocations on the opinion that no project can presented in the same terms the Master Plan to reflect Be noted that only as a part of th.e actual development can the true net acreage be shown. There- fore, tfi.e final net acres will Be somewhat less as a part of actual development due to terrain and the final urban form. 2) Staff has required the applicant to present the proposed density allocations on the basis of the estimated final urban form rather than project- ing the development on the basis of generalized density allocations, The purpose of this requirement was to give the Planning Commission and City Council the ability to evaluate the project on the basis of what the ultimate project will be in terms of the mix of urban forms within the development and in terms of the impact of the pro- ject on the total community. I. REQUEST: That the Planning Commission consider and recom- mend approval to the City Council of the Final Environmental Impact Report, a change of zone from L-C (Limited Control) and R-A-10 (Residential Agricultural) to P-C (Planned Com- munity), and a Master Plan for a 3,452 residential develop- ment. II.STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: A- Re: EIR-230: That it be moved that the Planning Commis- sion recommend to the City Council that the Final Environ- mental Impact Report BE ACCEPTED to include: 1. The draft Environmental Impact Report contained in this report. 2. Staff's comments summarizing the Environmental Impact Report. 3. Any comments received from other agencies reviewing the Environmental Impact Report. 4. Any public input received as a part of the public hearing held on Environmental Impact Report. Justification is based upon the fact that the final Environ- mental Impact Report does comply with the Environmental Protection regulation of the State of California and the City of Carlsbad. In addition, the final Environmental Impact Report does adequately ex- press the effects of the proposed development on the environment. B. Re: Resource Management Permit: That it be moved that the Planning Commission GRANT a Resource Management Per- mit requiring that any development conform to the develop- ment standards of the RM-2, RM-3 and RM-4 District when applicable. C. Re; Change of Zone: That it be moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that a change of zone from L-C and R-A-10 to P-C BE APPROVED for the sub- ject property. Justification is based upon: 1. Conformance of the proposed P-C District to the adop- ted General Plan requirements. 2. Compatibility of the zoning designation to the exist- ing and proposed development in the area. 3. Compatibility of any development to the existing ter- rain through the application of the Open Space Ordi- nance. D. Re: Master Plan 150: That it be moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that MP-150 BE APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined below. Jus- tification is based upon: 1. Conformance of the Master Plan to all the requirements of the P-C Zone District. 2. Conformance of the proposed density of 5.69 DU's per net acre to the General Plan commitment. 3. Compatibility of the proposed development to existing and proposed development .in the area. 4. The applicant has agreed (see attached) that any de- velopment would conform to the Municipal Code and any applicable policies. -2- ,,A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Prior to the issuance of any permits for any develop- ment, a specific plan and tentative map (if applicable) shall be considered and approved by the City Council for any portion of the property proposed for develop- ment. 2. No tentative map shall be considered on any portion of the subject property unless the boundaries of said map include the approved park sites indicated to be dedi- cated to the City of Carlsbad. Each subsequent subdi- vision shall receive credits from said park sites to meet its requirement of the Parks Ordinance. Said sites shall be dedicated to this City as a part of the approval of the final map of the first subdivision. 3. The construction of the public improvements of the first subdivision adjacent to any approved park site and/or school site shall include the dedication and improvement of the proposed public streets for the full street fron- tage of said park sites and/or school sites. 4. Any proposed subdivision shall include any needed off- site public improvements that are necessary to provide adequate public services to the property within the subdivision. Public services shall be considered to mean adequate circulation and sewer, water and drain- age systems. 5. Any development shall conform to any Open Space Ordi- nance in effect at the time of development. 6. Density allocations shall conform to areas specified on the Master Plan labeled Exhibit C. Density transfers shall only occur if specifically approved by the City Council as a part of their consideration of a specific plan for that area. In no event shall the overall den- sity of the total property exceed 5.69 dwelling units per net acre. 7. Any development easterly of the creekbed extending southerly from the dam of Lake Calavera shall not ex- ceed the General Plan designation of 0-3 families per net acre. 8. All precise street widths and alignments shall conform with any adopted circulation element of the General Plan in effect at the time of development. 9. As a part of any development, the developer shall par- ticipate in the construction of that portion of the future Tri-Agencies pipeline. The applicant shall en- ter into a financial agreement for said participation in a manner acceptable to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 10. Prior to any development, a Master Plan for the water system for the total development shall be submitted to Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the City of Carls- bad for review and approval. 11. Prior to the development of the area of the subject property that must be sewered from the City of Ocean- side, a mutual agreement between the Cities of Ocean- side and Carlsbad regarding an exchange of service boundaries shall be completed. 12. Prior to the development of the area of the subject property that must be sewered from the Vista outfall line, a mutual agreement regarding the capacity rights of said line shall be completed between the Cities of Carlsbad and Vista. 13. As a part of any development, the developer shall participate in the installation of traffic signals for the area to be developed as determined by any established City Council policy. 14. Any development proposed to be located adjacent to existing single-family areas shall be designed in such a manner as to be adequately buffered to miti- gate the impact of such development from the exist- ing single-family areas. 15. As a part of each phase of development, any of the areas indicated on the Master Plan labeled Exhibit .. . C as open space corridors which are within the area to be developed and which the Director of Parks and Recreation does determine to be necessary for public use shall have established upon said area an open space easement for public use. 16. As a part of the first phase of construction, any one of the following shall occur in a manner accep- table to the City Engineer: a. Extend Elm Avenue from the subject property to connect with El Camino Real. b. Extend Kelly Drive from the subject property to El Camino Real. c. Extend Cannon Road from the subject property to El Camino Real. III. BACKGROUND; A. Description - Portions of Lots D, E, J and L, Rancho Agua Hedionda. B. Location - C. Size - Southerly of the present southerly-most ex- tension of Mira Monte Drive (Oceanside) at the northerly-most City limit line of the City of Carlsbad. 808.5 gross acres. D. Total No. of Units - 3,452 DU ' s . E. Density -4.27 DU's per gross acre; 5.69 DU's per net acre. -4- w Coverage -202 acres maximum which would be reduced as a part of the application of the Open Space Zoning Ordinance. 6. Proposed Population - 10,701 people. H. EIR Finding - The Planning Director was determined that the development would have a significant impact on the environment, and a draft Environmental Impact Report has been pre- pared. I. Existing Zoning - L-C and R_A-10. J. Adjacent Zoning - NORTH - R-l, PRO and R-2 (Specific Plan), City of Oceanside EAST - R-A-10 SOUTH - A-l(8), County K. General Plan - IV. WEST - R-l-10 and County A-l(8). Indicates a majority of the property to be low density residential with 2-7 families per net acre. A small portion of the property at the south- east corner is indicated to be estate low density residential with 0-3 fam- ilies per net acre. In addition, a neighborhood commercial facility, two elementary schools, a junior high school site, and a major open space element are shown. L, Resource Management District - RM-2, RM-3, RM-4. M. Parks Ordinance Compliance - If the proposed parks and portions of the proposed open space linkages, con- formance would occur. DISCUSSION OF SPECIFIC ITEMS: A. Re: Final Environmental Impact Report: !• Summary: The preliminary Environmental Report submit- ted by Environmetrics Development Planning, Inc. was accepted by the Department, and this Report includes the Environmental Impact Report which has been revised to provide for Staff's independent judgment of the impacts of the project. In addi- comments of the various reviewing included. full environmental tion, the relevant agencies have been -5- Environmentally, the proposed project is considered to have tremendous impacts since the ultimate project will result in the transformation of a 1.3 square mile portion of the community from a semi-agricultural area to a complete urban form. The provision of open space in the areas of critical environmental concerns does somewhat mitigate the impacts of the project. In ad- dition, the proposed planning of the project over a ten-year period would lessen the impacts of the pro- ject on public services. The location of the property on the fringe of the community does increase the con- cerns of the impacts of the project in the area of growth-inducing impacts. 2. Agencies Notified: The following agencies were sent copies of the Environmental Impact Report: a. LAFCO b. County of San Diego Parks and Recreation Depart- ment c. State of California Division of Highways d. San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board e. Comprehensive Planning Organization f. City of Carlsbad Engineering Department g. Carlsbad Unified School District h. City of Oceanside. Copies of the comments received are attached to this report and have been incorporated in the final re- vised draft Environmental Impact Report. 3. Draft Environmental Impact Report: The draft Environ- mental Impact Report does consist of the preliminary Environmental Impact Report submitted by the applicant which has been revised to include Staff's independent judgment of the environmental impact of the proposed project and any comments received from those agencies reviewing the Environmental Impact Report,(see attached) Change of Zone: The applicant is in the process of annex- ing approximately 760 acres of the subject 808.5 acres to the City of Carlsbad. The remaining portion was annexed to the City in 1962 as a portion of a 930.36 acre annexa- tion which included Lake Calavera. It is expected that this annexation will be completed before any final actions occur on these requests. The requested change of zone from L-C and R-A-10 to P-C, in terms of good planning practices, seems to be the logi- cal zoning for the subject property. -6- C. Master Plan: The applicant has submitted a Master. Plan which cons is t s o f : 1 . Exhibit C - Plan Map. 2. Exhibit D - Master Plan Narrative. 3. Exhibit E - Survey and Analysis. These materials indicate the information required to show the concept of development at the Master Plan stage. In terms of proposed development, the materials indicate the following uses: 1 . Residential : a~i D 4 DU per net acre - 149.4 acres - 597 units. b. D 6 DU per net acre - 425.4 acres - 2,552 units. c. D 10 DU per net acre - 30.0 acres - 300 units. 2. Commercial Center - 20 acres. 3. Public Uses: a. 2 park sites - 20 acres. b. 2 elementary school sites - 20 acres. c. Designated open space areas - 150 acres. d. Potential public safety center - approximately 4 acres (located within the Commercial center). It is Staff's opinion that the applicant, through this Master Plan application, has attempted to project the proposed development in realistic terms. While the emphasis of the residential develop- ment seems to be in the area of cluster housing, Staff is of the opinion that compatibility to existing terrain does require the em- phasis on cluster housing. It is the opinion of Staff that the Mas- ter Plan is well conceived and could be the beginning of a quality development for the community. However, it is felt that some em- phasis will have to be placed upon the locational factors by the Planning Commission and City Council in their deliberation on the request. The applicant's narrative (Exhibit D) on the last two pages does discuss the issue. If it is felt that these statements adequately mitigate the concern of prematurity, Staff is recommend- ing approval of the Master Plan. V. ATTACHMENTS: Affidavit, Robert L. Farrow for Calavera Properties, Inc. -2. Letter from San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission, November 28, 1973. ,/3. Letter from State of California Business and Trans- portation Agency, Department of Transportation, De- cember 10, 1973. /4. Letter from Comprehensive Planning Organization, San Diego Region, December 12, 1973. /5. Letter from California Regional Water Quality Con- trol Board, San Diego Region, December 12, 1973. -7- ...COUNTY OF PublicDwIr'kDS Administrator ency e...i, OM'.t.«. '•»«'• **« <""""« »»••• '» »'•«•• ""'•"" "'" ......... T"iM§": '5 ' s'"*'r December 20, 1973 Mr. Paul A. Williams Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elrn Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 DEC 2t 1973 jCITY OF CARLSBAD .Planning Department Ref: Draft Environmental Impact Report for Lake Calavera Hills Dear Mr. Williams: Finding that the subject draft environmental impact report was well prepared,- we offer the following comments and those of our consultant as contributions to the evaluation process. Cornell, Bridgers, Troller and Hazlett, Landscape Architects, are responsible for preparing a Master Development plan for Lake Calavera Regional Park. Seemingly, too much confidence was placed in the County's Environmental Data System known as "Alert III" as a primary source of information. Since data gathered for a particular cell of little more than 22 acres may seem to be adequate, some data is deficient and other is not provided. For example, with reference to EIR 7 Unique^ Features, there are rather picturesque examples of sedimentary erosion which may be considered to be a redeeming feature of the land. It is noted on EIR 8 Susceptibility to Erosion, that 47 percent of the planning area is subject to adverse erosion. However, it was assumed that the soil is readily controlled when in fact very effective measures will have to be employed to insure against erosion. Stabilizing films, mulches, matting and excellent soil management methods will have to be employed to prevent washout of sandy soils until erosion control plants are well established. Much of the soil does not readily retain moisture, thus necessitating frequent watering which will also contribute to the erosion process. Many plants will be' smothered from soil movement requiring their replacement. Certain plants customarily used for erosion control planting are not satisfactory because their own weight will contribute to instability of the soil. Sandy soils pose innumerable problems requiring more attention than other soils. It seems that a more complete mitigating statement in this regard should have been provided. Several areas in the report are treated lightly. For example, on EIR 25 with reference to Water Supply and Distribution, Sanitary Sewer, Drainage and Roads Park Development Dlvition E. J- MOSES, director ,*>*>*\. Mr. Paul A. Williams - 2 - De center 20, 1973 26), the matter of construction impact is not considered, even though these projects also affect the environment. Whereas public and private agencies are required to provide in depth analyses of the impact such projects have upon en- ' vironment. Mitigation of such impacts should have been elaborated upon in the report. It seems that most environmental impact reports require substantive information or references relative to seismic, flora, fauna, archaeological, historical and other areas. An effort should have been made to identify the seismic zones and provide a description of their magnitude, for example. Because there are no known archaeological sites recorded in the vicinity does not mean that they do not exist. The butte is a prime candidate for artifacts representing several cultural periods. It is recommended that at least a preliminary archaeological survey be made of the entire site. Since a biological report was not provided, there is little validity to the state- ment that the development has little impact upon wildlife. The provision of open- space corridors within the development offers a slight opportunity for mainten- ance of wildlife in the area when the domestic predaceous feline (cat) will de- stroy the ecological balance of the food chain from the rodent to rapture bird life. The domestic canine (dog) will harass rabbits and other animals on the food chain, thus causing the territories of the coyote, deer, bobcat, fox, skunk and predatory birds to diminish until it will no longer be feasible for them to sustain themselves within the confines of the site. Openspace corridors are valuable areas, however, for animals and birds which are able to subsist in man's environment. Relative to ElR 26 Urban Form, it is assumed that upon adoption of Carlsbad's revised General Plan, an accompanying environmental impact report will be pre- pared. The report may lend a certain amount of justification to this develop- ment. For the time being, it must be assumed that this project is necessary for Carlsbad's viability, and therefore justifiable. With reference to EIR 33^Noise, this particular project offers a unique oppor- tunity to provide e f f e c tTve" coh tro 1 s on noise generated beyond the confines of the living unit with the introduction of landscaped buffers, openspace corridors, etc. However, with the provision of high density development, noise will tend to be concentrated, resulting in a higher level of ambient noise in the vicinity of the living unit, particularly within a clustered complex.- Likewise, concen- tration of living units will also cause a concentration of air pollutants. How- ever, with the introduction of open space corridors and abundant landscaping, plant absorption of certain gases will contribute to enrichment of air quality not available in traditional developments. Pages EIR 43-50 dwell on mitigating measures to minimize the impact, etc. These pages seem to place emphasis upon justification of the project, rather than ex- panding upon mitigative solutions to the impact of development. It may be concluded that the report was forthriqhtly presented representing a sincere desire to present the problems and citing established precedents or offering remedial alternatives.^-—K ; ^ ^,—«. /J}// ) /^\3-^f^jt£e*&*~***&&+>is ' /JAMES 0. TENHANT, Acting //Park Development Director JOT:PC:gm y-S (2,. 722-827! 92054 December 20, 1973 Mr. Paul A. Williams Associate Planner City Planning Department 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 9200S Dear Mr. Williams: We have reviewed the Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report for Lake Calavera Hills and have found it to be com- prehensive in its content. Of concern to the City of Ocean- side is" the density it will bring to the area and the need for the use of the City of Oceanside's sewer service. The plan has been reviewed by our Staff and by the Public Works Director, who has discussed with the developer their proposal, and have found that the statements made concerning sewerage for the small part sewering to the north in Oceanside are substantially true. However, later review when plans are available will be necessary for full sewer capacity considerations. The actual physical layout is not shown in this plan. Locations of activities and their relationship to Lake Cala- vera should be graphically illustrated in order to fully determine the environmental impact upon Calavera Regional Park. We are returning the enclosed copy of the plan and would like to receive a copy of the plan for our files. Si CHARLES K; EBNER Assistant Planner Enclosure CKErpc "COUNTY OF &N DIEGO Public I forks Agency DAVID K SPEER Public Works Administrator Ciunt/5555 0»«rlind San S2I23 .: .5*5-55*7 November 9, 1973 Planning Department City of Carlsbad %Djrector of Planning 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gentlemen: Subject: WO VI. 4 1973 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department Master Plan Lake Calavera Hills (Proposed development) dateed October 1973 Subject master plan to reflect accurately the results of several meetings with the developers, Calavera Properties, Inc., and their planning and engineering consultants. We can, therefore, endorse the proposed master plan in principle with the following reservations: Our endorsement in principle in no way is to be considered a commitment that the County will acquire all or part of the area identified on the proposed master plan as Regional Park Reserve or that the County will limit any future acquisition to the area so identified. The reservations above stated appear appropriate in view of the fact that all of the geological and engineering factors relative to the development of land acquisition and development plans have not been fully explored and accomodated. In general, we find the master plan referred to above is of good quality and well thought out. We offer, however, the suggestion that the area depicted as "Regional Park Reserve" should be retitled "Reservation for Open Space". Having just received a copy of the project's Environmental Impact Report we are not prepared to comment on that aspect. During your processing of the proposed Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan County staff will welcome opportunities to discuss with you and/or the developers his development plans and those of the proposed regional park as they evolve as they interface with each other. For additional information and further dis- cussions, please contact the undersigned at (714) 565-5567. Very truly yours EDWIN J. MOSES, Park-Development Director-1 . *"_ • i : .-^.-'" 0. TENNANT Project Coordinator JOT:jb Park D»v»lopm*nt Division E. J. MOSES, Director , 6. Letter from County of San Diego Public Works Agency, December 20, 1973. </7. Letter from City Hall, Oceanside, California, Decem- ber 20, 1973. t/8. Letter from County of San Diego Public Works Agency, November 9, 1973. 9. Open Space Resource Management Analysis, January 4, 1974. "10. Letter from Woodside/Kubota & Associates, Inc., De- cember 10, 1973. ^ll. Letter from State of California - Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game, December 4, 1973. 12. Letter from Director of Public Works, Oceanside, Ca- lifornia, October 5, 1973. 13. Letter from Farrow Realtors, December 28, 1973. /14. Letter from Carlsbad Unified School District, Decem-l/ ber 12, 1973. -8- . .•?. AFFIDAVIT APPLICANT: Robert L. Farrow for DATE Calavera Properties, Inc. P.O. Box 247 Garden Grove, Ca. CASE NO.: MP-150 I, P\ CTIJ^JJ A ^ £MXWQ/"~ , on<? ' '" iJ I 0 , 1974, did review the proposed requirements to be attached to any approval of Case No. MP-150 by the Planning Commission. In s^L/ n -£-J) *~\addition, I, f\ 6^-^i A.., 7d~AS~j~*-S~ , am aware that any developmenimust comply to all requirements of the Municipal Code; and I, /) (r^Ji /-, i7CLS^t^rt*S~_ » also have read Standard Conditions Nos. 1 (Exhibits C & D). 2B, 3, 4, 20 of Planning Com- mission Res. No. 999, dated November 27, 1973, and do agree by the following signature^to comply with these conditions as a part of „ —_ , r,any development' '^ /... iSignaturen ^representing) Company & <^r. Q.Attested: . Address Phone (714) 236-2015 7600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 THAIRMAN --' A l_ P H M. H R A Y CAPTAIN. USN (RET.) :;XFCUTIVE OFFICER M. SCHMI uT "rCRETARY : r^RTEK D. CREMANS : 3UNSEL -EWIS 2OLLINGER :*£MBERS: M BEARCOUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CK BROWN COUNTY BOARD 3F SUPERVISORS J-.LPH W. CHAPMAN 3TAY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT -UIAM J. KARN ''"AL.L.BROOK PUBLIC JTlUITY DISTRICT _E MORGAN MAYOR. CITY OF NATIONAL CITY 7TWARD T. RICHARDSON MAYOR, CITY OF OCEANS1DE ..TERNATE MEMBERS: Z :TH ATHERTON = ONtTA-SUNNYSlDE FIRE --NUEY A. MAHR EAN MARCOb IOUNTY WATER DISTRICT BEE V. MIHALEK ;ITY OF VISTA z K WALSHIOUNTY BOARD - F SUPERVISORS November 28, 1973 W\! : . 1973 CITY OF CARLSBAD Banning Department Paul A. Williams Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Williams: Thank you for the opportunity of reviewing the environmental impact report on the Lake Calavera Hills project. In anticipation that you have a limited number of these reports, I am returning the one you provided us. Very truly yours, S. M. SCHMIDT Executive Officer SMS: dw STATE OP CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANjPORTA*"*"^' AGENCY 'DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 11, P.O.BOX 8HOG, SAN DIEGO 92138 RONALD REAGAN, Governor December 10, 1973 DEC 12 1973 CITY. OF CARLSBAD Banning DepartmentMr. Paul A. Williams Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Williams: We are returning your Environmental Impact Report for"Lake Calavera Hills" as requested. Our Comment is limited to following observation: The development allows 5.25 dwelling units per acre, and will generate about 42,000 daily vehicle trips. Roads in the area should be able to handle this traffic. However, if all of the undeveloped land in the eastern part of Carsbad were developed to this density, capacity problems would occur on many of the major roads. Sincerely, J. DEKEMA District Director of Transportation .By ] "JAMES T. CHESHIRE District Environmentalist DP:ec Attachment cc:JOG JTC BEsser BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION C Vice-Chairman - James Hobet Councilman - Chula Vista SAN DIEGO REGION . EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS SECRETARY Richard J. Huff Suite 524 Security Pacific Plaza - 1200 Third Ave. - San Diego, CA 92101 - (714) 233-5211 December 12, 1973 Mr. Don Agatep, Planning Director City of Carlsbad DEC 1 8 1973 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 C|Ty Qp CARLSBAD Dear Don: Planning Department In light of recent problems with interstaff communications we wish to reiterate our committment to full cooperation with your staff and appreciate your confi- dence in transmitting the Lake Calavera Hills draft environmental impact report for CPO review and comment. The following comments have been generated by CPO staff and as such have not been reviewed by the CPO Board of .Directors. .^f j* /•? Y^ Open Space . ""* 1. The Lake Calavera Hills development was reviewed in relation to the CPO Open Space Plan which showed that the site encompasses several hundred acres pro- posed for acquisition as part of Calavera Regional Park. While the environ- mental impact analysis does indicate 100 acres is being proposed for sale to the County, a full discussion of the relative importance of the additional acreage to the west of the site to the overall park development plan, should be addressed. It is also noted that open space shown on the proposed development Master Plan would provide linkage along streams between the park and land adjacent to the north, south and west. Given appropriate public easement these streams could allow trails shown on the Calavera Lake schematic concept plan even though the land would not be part of the park. Staff believes that with proper treatment of the open space, the reduction of acreage originally proposed for Calavera Park is feasible from a regional open space perspective. 2. Schools The analysis of school needs presented in the draft EIR is the most compre- hensive we have reviewed to date. It gives a solid estimate of school needs both in terms of students generated and additional facilities that will be needed to service the increase in student population. Moreover, it emphasizes the overall school problem that could be encountered by the Carlsbad Unified School District and other school districts in the next 10 to 15 years. The twenty-five EIR's we have received from Carlsbad over the last nine months have in varying degrees addressed the problem of schools. This has in most instances taken the form of identifying sites for projected elementary Member Ac;.j;u;iHS - CAHLKUAD. CHULA VISTA. CORONADO, Dul. MAH, I- L CAJON, L'SCONDIDO, IMi'ERIAL BEACH, i.A MESA, NATIONAL CITY, UCL AN^IDL. SAN UILGO CI1 Y, 15AIJ MARCOS, VISTA. school needs and requiring a front-end operational subsidy by the developer (by number of units) to the school districts involved. None of the develop- ments discussed by the EIR's make any site provisions or adequately dis- cussed measures for alleviating the impacts associated with the projected increase in junior and senior high school student population. For example, the Carlsbad Unified School District does own a 40 acre high school site directly to the southeast of the Lake Calavera Hills development at the future intersection of College Blvd. and Cannon Road. As indicated below, financing new construction and land acquisition has become a major problem. Carlsbad's one high school is currently 150 students over capacity and the one junior high school and four elementary schools are at capacity. The Carlsbad Unified School District's remaining legal bonding capacity is pre- sently $8,138,244; however, no high school bonds have been voted since 1969 and no elementary school bonds have received voter approval since 1966. High School, Junior High School and Elementary School requirements in the Carlsbad area need further study and coordination to insure the timely development and staffing of the additional school facilities that may be needed. 3. Phasing Plan As with'the previous Environmental Reports studied, it is difficult to assess the impacts associated with a single development proposal such as Lake Calavera Hills without having a clear picture of the total level of development proposed for the Carlsbad area. The high levels of development pressure throughout the subregion points out the immediate need for the phasing of related public services for the entire North County subregion. Sincerely, KENNETH E. SULZER Director for Planning and Program Coordination KESra cc: Paul Bussey, City Manager STATE OF CALIFORNIA—RESOURCES AGENCY "**"**' ***"* RONALD REAGAN, Governor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL,BOARD SAN DIEGO REGION 6154 MISSION GORGE ROAD, SUITE 205 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 DECEMBER 12, 1973 % 1973 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ATTENTION: MR. PAUL A. WILLIAMS GENTLEMEN: SUBJECT: LAKE CALAVERA HILLS DEVELOPMENT THIS WILL^ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) FOR LAKE CALAVERA HILLS, A PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 4,200 DWELLING UNITS ON 800 ACRES OF LAND. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WOULD BE LOCATED SOUTH OF HIGHWAY ?8 NEAR LAKE CALAVERA IN THE ClTY OF CARLSBAD. WE HAVE REVIEWED THE EIR AND ARE OF THE OPINION THAT A MORE DETAILED DISCUSSION OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL IS REQUIRED. SPECIFICALLY, THE DESIGN CAPACITY OF THE PRESENT SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITY, THE PRESENT FLOWS AND THE ANTICIPATED INCREASE IN FLOWS FROM THE PROPOSED PROJECT SHOULD BE INCLUDED. OTHER INFORMATION THAT MAY BE USEFUL TO PLANNING AGENCIES WOULD BE A STATEMENT OF THE TOTAL INCREASE IN SEWAGE FLOW FROM ALL APPROVED PROJECTS AND FROM ALL PROPOSED PROJECTS. THIS IS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE LEAD TIME FOR SEWAGE FACILITY EXPANSION. THANK YOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON THIS PROJECT. VERY TRULY YOURS, JOSEPH N. BARRY ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST JNB:MLD OPEN SPA^ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ANAL^S. CASE NO; - \ APPLICANT: PREPARED BY: DATE: I fa/7& PRIME OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION AREAS (RM-1); \C>Q f /V///\). FLOODPLAIN AND WATER RESOURCES (RM-2):- — - - - - HILLSIDE AND SOIL RESOURCES (RM-3): 4 - AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF UNIQUE AND SPECIAL RESOURCES (RM-5): U /A______ _____ ,vyAt WOODSIDB/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTtNoSf ENOINBBRS 2965RooseveltSt..P.O.Box1095»Carlsbad,California92008- (714)729-1194 December 10, 1973 Mr. Donald Agatep Directpr of Planning DtC 1 0 B73 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Subject: Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan Carlsbad Municipal Water District Dear Mr. Agatep: This oVfice has reviewed the subject plan and has made the following determinations: 1. The principal portion of the project is within the retail service area of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. There will be a small portion that will be served by the City of Carlsbad Water Department. * 2. This project is located within the zone of influence of the Tri-Agencies pipeline and may be required to construct portions of that pipeline. 3. The developer will be required to comply with all of the rules and regulations and pay all necessary fees as required by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 4. The developer will be required to submit a master plan water system to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for review and approval. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact this office. \^ry -/John R. Pierce, Project Engineer cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water District JRP/sp In Orange County, Santa Ana 7360 ,. , ; •, ^i, s^v sTATf o? CAi'.-QKNiA—pg5ou*c£s AGENCY RONALD S2AGAN, DEPARTMENT Or FiSH AND GAME ~~ REGION 5 , - . 350 Golden Shore Long Baaeh, California 90302 December k, 1973 Mr. Donald A. Agatep Director of Planning City of Carlsbad . . 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Agatep: Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on SP-1^7, Lake Calavera Hills, ;gJ^^^Saps and plans for CT 73-52, 73-55, and 73-53- *"A Our review and evaluation has indicated that we have no comments on this proposed development. Sincerely, aert D. Montgomery Regional Manager Region 5 \ ALTON RUDEN Director of Public Works P. 0. Box 30 RECEIVE-., OCT 1 -^"f|*fc CIVIC CENTER ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER% 321 N. NEVADA ' PHONE: 714 722-8271 OCEANSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92054 October 5, 1973 Mr. Gary L. McCabe, President McCabe Engineering, Inc. 607 Aldwych Road El Cajon, Ca. 92020 Gentlemen: I have reviewed your map and your letter of October 2 regarding your Lake Calavera Hills project. I did discuss this matter in a general way with Dennis O'Leary and I did tell Dennis that the City of Oceanside would cooperate with the City of Carlsbad, as requested, in serving that portion of Carlsbad which drains • naturally northward into the Buena Vista water shed at Lake Blvd. since we expect Carlsbad to serve some portions of Oceanside which drain to the Aqua Hedionda water shed. Of your 87 acres/ however,-only 38 actually drain to Lake Blvd., although the re- mainder could be sewered in that direction. I also told Dennis that, until the City's overall treatment and reclamation pro- ject v/as completed late in 1974, we are overloaded in the Buena Vista Water shed. In answer to your specific question, the City of Oceanside will cooperate to serve the 38 acres which drain northward on a per- manent basis provided the flow .of sewage does not commence 'until after completion of our force mains and pump station in 1974.. We might temporarily serve additional acreage that can sewer to Lake Blvd. until such time as Carlsbad facilities are available but this would, be up to the City of Carlsbad and the Oceanside City Council. This information is supplied you in a spirit of cooperation with a neighboring City and if you wish to proceed in this matter, your request should be made through the City of Carlsbad. The infor- mation contained in this letter is in conformance with the dis- cussion I had with Dennis O'Leary except that I don't believe the date or completion of our sewer project v/as discussed. Yours truly, Alton L. Ruden Director of Public Works cc: City Manager City Engineer ALR:jm REALTORS >*#" EXECUTIVE OFFICES • 8550 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD, P.O. BOX 247, GARDEN GROVE, CALIFORNIA 92642 • TELEPHONE (714) 530-2170 December 28, 1973 RECEIVED DEC. 311973 Mr. Paul Williams r*rrv r\r o»™ ™.~ Planning Department && QE CARLSBAD City of Carlsbad CHMng Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Paul: We have certainly appreciated your time and thoughts in assisting us develop a Master Plan for Lake Calavera Hills which will be a beneficial addition to the community of Carlsbad and embody the concepts of the city planning staff. After analysis from a planning and economic standpoint we feel we can make the adjustments to our Master Plan that you have indicated will provide acceptance by the city. It is our understanding this is establishing density's on a basis of four D.U. per net acre for R-l design and six D.U. per net acre for PUD design. Net acreage to be determined by deducting major roads, schools, parks and 23% for interior roads R-l sub-divisions and 10% interior roads for PUD. In the case of Lake Calavera Hills this translates . specifically into the following: Gross Acreage - 808.5 Deduction - major roads - 51 acres Deduction - parks - 20 acres Deduction - school sites - 20 acres Deduction - commercial site - 20 acres Deduction - interior road based on 10% & 23% Net acreage - 605 acres Total number of units - Based on density's of 4 & 6 = 3,452 dwelling units. We are very aware that terrain is a major concern and in our specific plan submissions we will be giving maximum emphasis and consideration to design, layout, etc. PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES: RESIDENTIAL RESALES • INVESTMENT COUNSELING • NEW HOMES • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT MOTELS/HOTELS • MORTGAGE FINANCING • ESCROWS • INSURANCE • MARKETING • CONSTRUCTION * DEVELOPMENT \ Mr. Paul Williams December 28,;Pa'qe Two As you are aware we have met several times with the county regarding the Lake Calavera Regional Park. Because the county has made no definite decision at this point we have not set aside any specific acreage for regional park inclusion. We are, however, pledging our cooperation should they be able to bring the regional park into actuality and are not planning any immediate con- struction on those lands which might be included in the regional park. Under the new revision we have attempted to be fairly realistic not only in placing our anticipated density's where we feel they should be from a planning standpoint but also taking into consideration the terrain, etc. As we mentioned, though, we probably will be controlled geographically as to where the initial construction is started based on access of sewers, roads, etc. Gobar & Associates, a national recognized marketing firm, are in the process now of recommending what type of project our first unit should be. Should we find that product demand is other than what is intended in the specific geographic area of the Master Plan you have confirmed that we can transfer the density's between Planning Analysis Areas within the Master Plan as long as we do not exceed the total number of approved units. We will have the Master Plan Report completely redone reflecting the new # of units and a Master Plan Map of the planning analysis areas with gross acreage, net acreage, # of DUS and density per net acre, indicated. Hopefully this will be available prior to January llth. It is our understanding that the city will continue to follow up in all areas necessary regarding sewer service and other utilities to the project. Should this change or you wish us to participate directly in any way I would appreciate your letting me know as soon as possible. Thanks again for your time and if you have any additional comments please don't hesitate to make them. s Sincerely, /i. <s ^ Jerry F. Farrow mjh CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 801 PINE AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Gentlemen: Paul A. Williams, Planning Department December 12, 1973 RECEIVED DEC 1 3 1973 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department 1 The•Governing Board of this district had an opportunity to review the environmental impact report for the proposed Lake Calavera Hills project. On December 10, 1973 the board took action authorizing the district to reply as follows in accordance with your request of November 18, 1973. The school board and the district administration find that the section dealing with schools contained within this report is quite accurately stated and is a most comprehensive study. It is hoped that this information will assist you in the further studies of this proposed residential developmen Sincerely FRED H. LANCE Business Manager FHL:aw Att. ADMINISTRATION 729-9291 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FOR February 26, 1974 TO: REPORT ON: CASE NOS.: APPLICANT: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OF ZONE CONSIDERATION OF MASTER PLAN EIS-23Q ZC -138 MP -150 R. L. FARROW for Farrow Realtors 8550 Garden Grove Blvd. P. 0. Box 247 Garden Grove, Ca. 92642 These matters were continued from the Planning Commission meeting of January 22, 1974 to permit the Planning Commissioners sufficient tim to review all the materials presented regarding these requests. Rather than mailing all the materials presented to each of you again, staff does request that you bring the draft E.I.R. attached to the staff report dated January 22, 1974 to this meeting. During this period of continuance, staff has met with the appli- cant to discuss two issues which were: the recommended condition No. 16, regarding a direct connection from the development to El Camino Real, and the second issue which was that of pre- maturity of the development. As a result of this meeting and further evaluation, staff is of the opinion that the extension of Kelly Drive or Elm Avenue to El Camino Real as a part of the first plan of development necessary to provide what is to ba an adequate -level of service to the residents of initial and subsequent developments. The extension of and College Drive would not provide considered the Cannon is no longer recommended, since this extension a more direct connection to the developed part of Carlsbad than if the Route 78 and College Drive route would be considered as the connection. Such a connection in terms of standards of improvement would be on the basis of two travel lanes, minimum "shy" distance, and emergency shoulder parking access-rather than a fully improved street. With, regard to the issue of prematurity; staff believes that it can only be mitigated by appropriate phasing of the development in terms of location and size of such phase. For example, to start the development with some 20 dwelling units along the easterly boundary of the subject property would be considered premature; whereas, development initiated along the westerly boundary and 'continued easterly and/or southerly in 150 dwelling -1 - c unit increments to the completion of the project would not be. To provide public services to the former would be more costly than to service the latter. Since the master plan is considered to be a further refinement of the general plan land use commit- ment on the property; rather than an approval for immediate development of the property, staff believes that this issue of prematurity should be confronted as a part of this consideration of the first element of the precise development, i.e. the first specific plan. If sufficient consideration is given to the phasing program by the applicant, staff believes that the pre- maturity issue may be alleviated. I. REQUEST: That the Planning Commission consider and recom- mend approval to the City Council of the Final Environ- mental Impact Report, a change of zone from L-C (Limited Control) and RA-1Q (Residential Agricultural) to P-C (Planned Community), and a Master Plan for a 3,452 residential development. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: .A.. Re: EIR-230: That it be moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the Final Environmental Impact Report BE CERTIFIED to include: 1. The draft Environmental Impact Report contained in the report of January 22, 1974 staff report. 2. Staff's comments summarizing the Environmental Impact Report. 3. Any comments received from other agencies reviewing the Environmental Impact Report which were incor- porated in the review drafts E.I.R. 4. Any public input received as a part of the public hearing held on Environmental Impact Report. Justification is based upon the fact that the final Environ- mental Impact Report does comply with the Environmental Protection regulation of the State of California and the City of Carlsbad. In addition, the final Environmental Impact Report does ade- quately express the effects of the proposed development on the environment. B. Re: Resource Management Permit: That it be moved that the Planning Commission GRANT a Resource Manage- ment Permit requiring that any development conform to the development standards of the RM-2, RM-3 and RM-4 District when applicable. -2- W C. Re: Change of Zone: That it be moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that a change of zone from L-C and R-A-10 to P-C BE APPROVED for the subject property. Justification is based upon: 1. Conformance of the proposed P-C District to the adopted General Plan requirements. 2. Compatibility of the zoning designation to the exist- ing and proposed development in the area. 3. Compatibility of any development to the existing terrain through the application of the Open Space Ordi nance. D. Re: Master Plan 150: That it be moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that MP-150 BE APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined below. Justification is based upon: -* 1. Conformance of the Master Plan to all the require- ments of the P-C Zone District. 2. Conformance of the proposed density of 5.69 DU's per net acre to the General Plan commitment. 3. Compatibility of the proposed development to existing and proposed development in the area. 4. The applicant has agreed (see attached) that any de- velopment would conform to the Municipal Code and any applicable policies. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Prior to the issuance of any permits for any develop- ment, a specific plan and tentative map (if applicable) shall be considered and approved by the City Council for any portion of the property proposed for develop- ment. 2. No tentative map shall be considered on any portion of the subject property unless the boundaries of said map include the approved park sites indicated to be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad. Each subsequent subdivision shall receive credits from said park sites to meet its requirement of the Parks Ordinance. Said sites shall be dedicated to this City as a part of the approval of the final map of tha first subdivision. *~ j •* 3. The construction of the public improvement of the first subdivision adjacent to any approved park site and/or school site shall include the dedicatio'n and improvement of the proposed public streets for the full street frontage of said park sites and/or school sites. 4. Any proposed subdivision shall include any needed off-site public improvements that are necessary to provide adequate public services to the property with- in the subdivision. Public services shall be con- sidered to mean adequate circulation and sewer, water and drainage systems. 5. Any development shall conform to any Open Space Ordi- nances in effect at the time of development. 6. Density allocations shall conform to areas specified on the Master Plan labeled Exhibit C. Density transfers shall only occur if specifically approved by the City Council as a part of their consideration of a specific plan for that area. In no event shall the overall den- sity of the total property exceed 5.69 dwelling units per net acre. 7. Any development easterly of the creekbed extending southerly from the dam of Lake Calavera shall not ex- ceed the General Plan designation of 0-3 families per net acre. 8. All precise street widths and alignments shall conform with any adopted circulation element of the General Plan in effect at the time of development. 9. As a part of any development, the developer shall par- ticipate in the construction of that portion of the future Tri-Agencies pipeline. The applicant shall en- ter into a financial agreement for said participation in a manner acceptable to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. TQ. Prior to any development, a Master Plan for the water system for the total development shall be submitted to Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the City of Carls- bad for review and approval. 11. Prior to the development of the area of the subject property that must be sewered from the City of Ocean- side, a mutual agreement between the Cities of Ocean- side and Carlsbad regarding an exchange of service boundaries shall be completed. 12. Prior to the development of the area of the subject property that must be sewered from the Vista outfall line, a mutual agreement regarding the capacity rights of said line shall be- completed between the Cities of Carlsbad and Vista. -4- 13. 14, 15 ks a part of any development, the developer shall partici- pate in the installation of traffic signals for the area" to be developed as determined by any established City Council policy. Any development proposed to be located adjacent to existing single-family areas shall be designed in such a manner as to be adequately buffered to mitigate the impact of such development from the existing single-family areas. As a part of each phase of development, any of the areas indicated on the Waster Plan labeled Exhibit C as open space corridors which are within the area to be developed and which the Director of Parks and Recreation does determine to be necessary for public use shall have es- tablished upon said area an open space easement for public use. 16.As a part of the first phase the following shall occur in City Engineer: a: Extend Elm Avenue from the with El Camino Real. b. Extend Kelly Drive from the Camino Real. of construction, any^ one of a manner acceptable to the subject property to connect subject property to El 17 Prior to any development, the applicant shall submit a revised Master Plan to the Planning Department for con- sideration and approval. Said revised Map shall reflect the school sites as approved by the Carlsbad Unified School District and the resulting reduction of the net acreage of the property. III. BACKGROUND: A, B. Description - Portions of Lots D, E, J and L, Rancho Agua Hedionda. Location -Southerly of the present southerly-most ex- tension of Mira Monte Drive (Oceanside) at the northerly-most City limit line of the City of Carlsbad. C D E Size -808.5 gross acres. Total No. of Units - 3,452 Du's. Density -4.27 DU's per gross acre; 5.69 DU's per net acre. F. Coverage -202 acres maximum which would be a part of the application of the Zoning Ordinance. reduced as Open Space -5- G H. Proposed Population - 10,701 people. EIR Finding -The Planning Director was determined that the development would have a significant impact on the environment, and a draft Environmental Impact Report has been pre- pared. I J Existing Zoning Adjacent Zoning - L-C and R A-10. NORTH - R-l Plan), City PRO and R-2 of Oceanside (Specific K. General Plan EAST - R-A-10 SOUTH - A-l (8), County WEST - R-l-10 and County A-l (8). Indicates a majority of the property to be low density residential with 2-7 families per net acre. A small portion of the property at the south' east corner is indicated to be estate low density residential with 0-3 fami- lies per net acre. In addition, a neighborhood commercial facility, two elementary schools, a junior high school site, and a major open space element are shown. L. Resource Management District - RM-2, RM-3, RM-4. M. Parks Ordinance Compliance -If the proposed parks and portions of the proposed open space linkages con- formance would occur. N. Compliance to C.C. Policy No. 17 - A letter from the School District has been received. IV. DISCUSSION OF SPECIFIC ITEMS: A. Re: Final Environmental Impact Report: 1. Summary: The preliminary Environmental Report submitted by Environmetrics Development Planning, Inc. was accepted by the Department, and this Report includes the Environ- mental Impact Report which has been revised to provide for Staff's independent judgment of the full environ- mental impacts of the project. In addition, the relevant comments of the various reviewing agencies have been included. Environmentally, the proposed project is considered to have tremendous impacts since the ultimate project will result in the transformation of a 1.3 Square mile -6- portion of the community from a semi-agricultural area to a complete urban form. The provision of open space in the areas of critical environmental concerns does somewhat mitigate the impacts of the project. In addition, the proposed planning of the project over a ten-year period would lessen the impacts of the project on public services. The location of the property on the fringe of the community does increase the concerns of the impacts of the project in the area of growth-inducing impacts. 2. Agencies Notified: The following agencies were sent copies of the Environmental impact Report: a. LAFCO b. County of San Diego Parks and Recreation Depart- ment c. State of California Division of Highways d. San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board e. Comprehensive Planning Organization f. City of Carlsbad Engineering Department g. Carlsbad Unified School District h. City of Oceanside. Copies of the comments received are attached to this report and have been incorporated in the final re- vised draft Environmental Impact Report. 3. Draft Environmental Impact Report: The draft Environ- mental Impact Report does consist of the preliminary Environmental Impact Report submitted by the applicant . which has been revised to include Staff's independent judgment of the environmental impact of the proposed project and any comments received from those agencies reviewing the Environmental Impact Report said E.I.R. was forwarded as a part of the staff report for January 22, 1974. B. Change of Zone: The applicant is in the process of annex- ing approximately 760 acres of the subject 808.5 acres to the City of Carlsbad. The remaining portion was annexed to the City in 1962 as a portion of a 930.36 acre annexa- tion which included Lake Calavera. The City Council did approve the annexation on February 19, 1974. The requested change of zone from L-C and R-A-10 to P-C, in terms of good planning practices, seems to be the logi- cal zoning for the subject property. C. Master Plan: The applicant has submitted a Master Plan which consists of: 1 . Exhibit C - Plan Map. 2. Exhibit D - Master Plan Narrative. 3. Exhibit E - Survey and Analysis. These materials indicate the information required to show the concept of development at the Master Plan stage. In -7 - terms of proposed development, the materials indicate the following uses: 1 . Resident! al : a. D 4 DU per net acre - 149.4 acres - 597 units. b. D 6 DU per net acre - 425.4 acres - 2,552 units c. D 10 DU per net acre - 30.0 acres - 300 units. 2. Commercial Center - 20 acres. 3. Public Uses: a. 2 park sites - 20 acres. b. 2 elementary school sites - 20 acres. c. Designated open space areas - 150 acres. d. Potential public safety center - approximately 4 acres (located within the Commercial center). It is Staff's opinion that the applicant, through this Master Plan application, has attempted to project the proposed develop- ment in real istic terms. While the emphasis of the residential development seems to be in the area of cluster housing. Staff is of the opinion that compatibility to existing terrain does require the emphasis on cluster housing. It is the opinion of Staff that the Master Plan is well conceived and could be the beginning of a quality development for the community. However, it is felt that some emphasis will have to be placed upon the locational factors by the Planning Commission and City Council in their deliberation on the request. The applicant's narrative (Exhibit D) on the last two pages does discuss the issue. If it is felt that these statements adequately mitigate the Concern of prematurity, Staff is recommending approval of the Master Plan. V. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Affidavit, Robert L. Farrow for Calavera Properties, Inc. 2. Letter from San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission, November 28, 1973. 3. Letter from State of California Business and Trans- portation Agency, Department of Transportation, De- cember 10, 1973. 4. Letter from Comprehensive Planning Organization, San Diego Region, December 12, 1973. 5. Letter from California Regional Water Quality Con- trol Board, San Diego Region, December 12, 1973. 6. Letter from County of San Diego Public Works Agency, December 20, 1973. 7. Letter from City Hall, Oceanside, California, Decem- ber 20, 1973. 8. Letter from County of San Diego Public Works Agency, November 9, 1973. 9. Open Space Resource Management Analysis, January 4, 1974. 10. Letter from Woodside/Kubota & Associates, Inc., De- cember 10, 1973. 11. Letter from State of California - Resources Agency, -8- 12. Latter from Director of Public Works, Oceanside, California, October 5, 1973. 13. Letter from Farrow Realtors, December 28, 1973. 14. Letter from Carlsbad Unified School District, December 12, 1973. NOTE: These attachments are contained in the staff report of January 22, 1974. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT March 12, 1974 TO: REPORT ON: CASE NOS.: APPLICANT: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF EIS CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OF ZONE CONSIDERATION OF MASTER PLAN EIS-280 ZC-138 MP-150 R. L. Farrow for Farrow Realtors 8550 Garden Grove Blvd. P. 0. Box 247 Garden Grove, Ca. 92642 These matters were continued from the Planning Commission meeting-of .February 26, 1974 to permit one commissioner to listen to the tape of the Planning Commission meeting of January 22, 1974 regarding these matters. It is requested that the commissioners bring the staff reports on these items for the meetings of January 22, and February 26, 1974. DISCUSSION OF PHASING: At the meeting of February 26, 1974, - . membersof the commission indicated a concern regarding the ability to guarantee some logical planning of the proposed development. Staff, in the report, indicated that the actual phasing of the development would mitigate any concern of pre- maturity if it were done in an appropriate manner. If the commission desires, it is considered appropriate to impose a time limit for the commencement of the total development or its various phases. The applicant indicates in his master plan that he proposes to construct approximately 340 D.U. per year and that, on this basis, the total development would take approximately ten years to complete. To a city, the importance of phasing is based upon the opinion that the initial and each subsequent phase should be planned and related to surrounding existing and potential development and existing and planned public services and facilities, by so relating such phase, failure to develop subsequent phases will not adversely effect either the phases already completed or surrounding develop- ments. Based upon the recommended 17 conditions, the first phase of development would have to at least include portions of P.A.A. Nos. 1 and 10 and any portion of the P.A.A.'s (See applicants exhibit C to relate these numbers) which include either the extension of Elm Avenue or Kelly Drive. Therefore, logically, development 'should begin with P.A.A. #1 and the park site in P.A.A. #10 or with P.A.A. #10 and the park site in P.A.A. #1. A possible phasing program would be as follows: — "1 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1. P P P P P P P P P P P .A .A .A .A .A .A .A .A .A .A .A .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. #1 #4 #6 #9 #10 #2 #5 #7 #3 #8 #11 and p (281 (113 (216 (299 (432 (211 (300 (222 (799 (77 a D D D D D D D D D rk s .U. .U. .U. D.U .U. .U. .U. .U. .U. .U. ;i te in s) -s) - s) - 's) -c ^o y c i ^ s) - s) - s) - s) - P.A.A. #10 (502 D.U."s ) Phases Years 1974-76 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981-82 1983 1984- 198-5 1986-87 1988 This phasing program would average 230 D.U.'s per year. The commercial development would occur as a part of Phase 8 (1984) or could occur as a separate phase. In addition, any firm commitment-regarding the regional park would effect phases 9 (1985) and 10 (1986-87). Such a phasing program would be of benefit to the city in terms of being logical and would also provide suffi- cient time to negotiate sewer rights with Vista at phase one and with Qceanside at phase 6 (1981-82). In addition, the development of-P.A.A. #1 would provide a direct connection to El Camino Real by way of Elm Avenue and would eventually provide a second connec- tion by way of the Kelly Drive - Marron Road. By Phase 6 (1981-82) all the major connections to the existing developed portion of Carlsbad would be completed. If the Commission wishes this to occur sooner, P.A.A. #2 should develop as Phase 2. require a precise staff would condition No. 19 be attached If the Commission deems it appropriate to development program as a condition of approval recommend that the following additional to any approval: (Condition No. 18 was proposed at the meeting of February 26, 1974 and deals with requiring the applicant to extend sewer to each phase of development.) 19. Unless any deviation is approved as a part of the specific plan process, by the Planning Commission, develop- ment of the subject property shall occur in the following manner: Phases 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - Pp pp ppp p .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. #1 #1 #4 #6 #9 #1 #2 #5 0 0 Planning Analysis Area Numbers (Exhibit C) #1 and the parksite in - Year of Development 1974-76 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981-82 1983 Planning Analysis Area Year of Phases Numbers (Exhi bit C) Development 8 - P.A.A. #7 - 1984 9 - P.A.A. #3 - 1985 10 - P.A.A. #8 - 1986-87 11 - P.A.A. #11 - 1988 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLU"WN NO. 1049 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL, APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM L-C and R-A-10 TO P-C (PLANNED COMMUNITY), ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EASTERLY OF EL CAMINO REAL, ON THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD, WESTERLY OF CALAVERA LAKE. APPLICANT:R. L. FARROW for FARROW REALTORS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission d'id on the dates of January 22, 1974, February 26, 1974 and March 12, 1974, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider a request by R. L. FARROW, for FARROW REALTORS, for a change of zone from L-C and R-A-10,000 to P-C (Planned Community), on property generally located easterly of El Camino Real on the southerly extension of College Blvd., westerly of Calavera Lake, and more particularly described as: All those portions of Lots D, E, J and L of Rancho Agua Hedionda, according to the Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896, a portion of said property being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California and being more particularly described on file in the Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, the Planning Commission was presented the Final Environmental Impact Report and recommends to the City Council the certification of same; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed development with regard to the Interim Open Space Zoning Ordinance and "does grant a Resource Management Permit, subject to the condition that any development shall conform to the retirements of the RM-?, RM-3 and RM-4 districts; and, WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the approval of a change of zone necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Title 21: 1. Conformance of the proposed P-C district to the adopted General Plan requirements. 2. Compatibility of the zoning designation to the existing and proposed development in the area. XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3. Compatibility of any development to the existing terrain through the application of the Open Space Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby recommend approval to the City Council of an amendment to Title 21 for a change of zone from L-C and R-A-10,000 to P-C (Planned Community). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of ~^ft)<fi,(iJiCarlsbad Planning Commission, held on the 12th day ofi February., 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Casler, Forman, Jose, and Wrench NOES: Commissioner Little ABSTAIN: Commissioner Dominguez • ABSENT: None MARY CASLER, Chairman ATTEST: DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary -2- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUliON NO, 1050 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL, APPROVAL OF A MASTER PLAN (MP-150) FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EASTERLY OF EL CAMINO REAL ON THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD, WESTERLY OF CALAVERA LAKE. APPLICANT: R. L. FARROW for FARROW REALTORS WHtREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did receive a verified application from R. L. FARROW for FARROW REALTORS, requesting approval of a Master Plan (MP-150) to allow the development of 3452 residential units, on property generally located easterly of El Camino Real on the southerly extension of College Boulevard, westerly of Calavera Lake, and more particularly described as: All those portions of Lots D, E, J, and L of Rancho Agua Hedionda, according to the Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896, a portion of said property being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California and being more particularly described on file in the Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, the Planning Commission was, on March 12, 1974, presented with the Final Environmental Impact Report, and recommends to the City Council the certification of same; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed development with regard to the Interim Open Space Zoning Ordinance and does grant a Resource Management Permit, subject to the condition that any development shall conform | to the requirements of the RM-2, RM-3 and RM-4 districts; and, WHEREAS, at the public hearing of March 12, 1974, the Planning Commissior did consider all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, and did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the recommendation for approval of this Master Plan (MP-150) necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 1 Conformance of the Master Plan to all the requirements of the P-C Zone District. 2. Conformance of the proposed density of 5.69 dwelling units per net acre to the General Plan commitment. XX XX 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3. Compatibility of the proposed development to existing and proposed development in the area. 4. The applicant has agreed, in writing, that any development would conform to the Municipal Code and any applicable policies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby recommend to the City Council, adoption of Master Plan No. 150, subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. Prior to the issuance of any permits for any development, a Specific Plan and Tentative Map (if applicable) shall be considered and approved by the City Council for any portion of the property proposed for development. 2. No tentative map shall be considered on any portion of the subject property unless the boundaries of said map include the approved park sites indicated to be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad. Each subsequent subdivision shall receive credits from said park sites to meet its requirement of the Parks Ordinance. Said sites shall be dedicated to this City as a part of the approval of the final map of the first subdivision. 3. The construction of the public improvement of the first subdivision adjacent to any approved park site and/or school site shall include the dedication and improvement of the proposed public streets for the full street frontage of said park sites and/or school sites. 4. Any proposed subdivision shall include any needed off-site public improvements that are necessary to provide adequate public services to the property within the subdivision. Public services shall be considered to mean adequate circulation and sewer, water and drainage systems. 5. Any development shall conform to any Open Space Ordinances in effect at the time of development. 6. Density allocations shall conform to areas specified on the Master Plan labeled Exhibit C. Density transfers shall only occur if specifically approved by the City Council as a part of their consideration of a specific plan for that area. In no event shall the overall density of the total property exceed 5.69 dwelling units per net acre. 7. Any development easterly of the creekbed extending southerly from the dam of Lake Calavera shall not exceed the General Plan designation of 0-3 families per net acre. 8. All precise street widths and alignments shall conform with any adopted circulation element of the General Plan in effect at the time of development. 9. As a part of any development, the developer shall participate in the construction of that' portion of the future Tri-Agencies pipeline. The applicant shall enter into a financial agreement for said participation in a manner acceptable to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. XX XX -2- /•*•>. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1-0. Prior to any development, a Master Plan for the water system for the total development shall be submitted to Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the City of Carlsbad for review and approval. 11. Prior to development of the area of the subject property that must be sewered from the City of Oceanside, a mutual agreement between the Cities of Oceanside and Carlsbad regarding an exchange of service boundaries shall be completed. 12. Prior to the development of the area of the subject property that must be sewered from the Vista outfall line, a mutual agreement regarding the capacity rights of said line shall be completed between the Cities of Carlsbad and Vista. 13. As a part of any development, the developer shall participate in the installation of traffic signals for the area to be developed as determined by any established City Council policy. 14.. Any development proposed to be located adjacent to existing single-family areas shall be designed in such a manner as to be adequately buffered to mitigate the impact of such development from the existing single-family areas. 15. As a part of each phase of development, any of the areas indicated on the Master Plan labeled Exhibit C, as open space corridors which are within the area to be developed and which the Director of Parks and Recreation does determine to be necessary for public use shall have established upon said area an o'pen space easement for public use. 16.Asa part of the first phase of construction, any one of the following shall occur in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer: a. Extend Elm Avenue from the subject oroperty to connect with El Camino Real. b. Extend Kelly Drive from the subject property to El Camino Real. 17. Prior to any development, the applicant shall submit a revised Master Plan to the Planning Department for consideration and approval. Said revised Map shall reflect the school sites as approved by the Carlsbad Unified School District and the re- sulting reduction of the net acreage of the property. 18. As a part of any development, the Developer shall be responsible to extend sewer service to each phase of development, at the owner's expense. 19. Unless any deviation is approved as a part of the specific plan process, by the Planning Commission, development of the subject property shall occur in the following manner, with each phase beino completed prior to the issuance of building permits for the next ohase: XX XX XX -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 38 PLANNING ANALYSIS AREA PHASES NUMBERS (Exhibit "C") 1. P. A. A. #1 or #9 and all park sites 2. P. A. A. #4 or #6 3. ' P. A. A. #6 or #4 4. P. A. A. #9 or #1 5. P. A. A. #10 6. P. A. A. #2 1. P. A. A: #5 8. P. A. A. #7 9. P. A. A. #3 10. P. A. A. #8 11. P.A.A. #11 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of Carlsbad, at their regularly scheduled meeting of March 12, following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioner Casler, Wrench, Forman & Jose.. NOES: Commissioner Little ABSTAIN: Commissioner Dominguez ABSENT: None YEAR OF DEVELOPMENT 1974-76 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981-82 1983 1984 1985 1986-87 1988 of the City 1974, by the MARY CASLER, Chairman ATTEST: - DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary. .4- 1 i 1 [ rI ! - < ,\ X o 8 co-j 8 • 0- CMB- < en 0 "• 3 59° ilo> > °— t < itO «r — ' U.' . 5 <"• . uf 0 £|8oUJ •£.. CN rfo ^ - Sz o w > 1- cc > o1- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. '3406 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING CHANGS OF ZONE FROM L-C and R-A-10 to P-C (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED WESTERLY OF LAKE CALAVERA AND SOUTHERLY OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: ' RY L. FARROW FOR FARROW REALTORS WHEREAS, on March 12f 1974, a duly advertised public hear- ing was held before the Planning Commission in the manner pre- scribed by law to consider a change of zone from L-C and R-A-10 to P-C on property generally located westerly of Lake Calavera and southerly of College Boulevard, more particularly described as; All those portions of Lots D, Er J and L of Rancho Agua Hedionda, according to the Partition Map there- of No. 823, filed in the office of the County Record- er of San Diego County November 16, 1896, a portion of said property being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California and being more par- ticularly described on file in the Planning Depart- ment of the City of Carlsbad. WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution No. 1049 recommending said zone change which is herewith referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, on the 7th day of May f 1974, the City Council held a public hearing on the matter, received all recom- mendations and heard all persons interested in or opposed to the proposed change of zone; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was prepared and discussed at a duly noticed public hearing before the Planning Commission and the City Council and was certified as complete in compliance with City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: > 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 en 00 J 1 15"s ; 8"S|| 16 5*5 17 ' w O Z O co > H CC IS 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. That the findings of the Planning Commission contained in the aforementioned Resolution No. 1049 constitute the findings of the Carlsbad City Council. 3. That the approval of the proposed change of zone classification is necessary to carry out the general purpose of Title 21 of the Municipal Code. 4. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad intends to adopt an ordinance to effectuate the proposed change of zone. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 7th day of May , 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis. NOES: None ABSENT: None ROBERT C. FRAZ^T, Mayor ATTEST: MARGARET^E T ADAMsTcityClerk By: NORA' .K. GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk (SEAL) " : 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 oSi| 16 Its! 1?O ^ —I JL I § | cc CM < CD z ^ 8 a" -I«ui 2 <N < J-Oo o: - 3z O S > t a 19< < •*••' o 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. '3407' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MASTER PLAN (MP-150)FOR A 3452-UN1T' DEVELOPMENT ON 808 ACRES TO BE KNOWN AS CALAVERA HILLSf GENERALLY LOCATED WESTERLY OF LAKE CALAVERA AND SOUTHERLY OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: FARROW REALTORS BY R. L. FARROW WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did on the 12th day of March, 1974, hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law to consider a request by Farrow Realtors for approval of a Master Plan (MP-150)to allow the devel- opment of 3452 residential units on property generally located westerly of Lake Calavera and southerly of College Boulevard, and more particularly described as: All those portions of Lots D, E, J and L of Rancho Agua Hedionda, according to the Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County November 16, 1896, a portion of said property being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California and being more particularly described on file in the Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad. WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1050 recommending approval of said Master Plan (MP-150) which is incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was prepared and f discussed at a duly noticed public hearing 'before the Planning Commission arid the City Council and was certified as complete in compliance with City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordi- nance of 1972; and * WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed development with regard to the Interim Open Space Zoning Ordinance and does grant a Resource Management Permit subject to the condi- tion that any development shall conform to the requirements of the RM-2, RM-3 and RM-4 districts; and WHEREAS, on the 7th day of May , 1974, a D<CO • cc Scc < en o 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c duly advertised public hearing was held before the City Council to consider the proposed Master Plan (MP-150) ,. and after hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Council did find the following facts and reasons present which in their opinion are necessary to carry out the general purpose of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; 1. The proposed application is consistent with the General Plan as it applies to contiguous properties within the City of Carlsbad/ 2. The proposed zone is consistent with the Housing Element of the General Plan. 3. The proposed development satisfies the intent of the Planned Community (P-C) Ordinance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: . 1. That the above recitations are true and correct, 2. That the findings of the Planning Commission contained in the Resolution No. 1050 constitute the findings of the Carlsbad. City Council. 3. That the approval of the proposed Master Plan (MP-150) is necessary to carry out the general purpose of Title 21 of the Municipal Code. 4. That the Master Plan (MP-150) detailed in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1050 is hereby approved subject to all the conditions set out in said resolution and to the following conditions: (a) Approval of this Master Plan indicates acceptance by the City Council of a general scheme of development for the property. It is part of an on-going planning process and is subject to amendment in the future. (b) Approval of the Plan does not constitute any guarantee that individual Specific Plans will be subse- quently approved nor that the availability of public facilities and services will necessarily coincide with the developer's time table for construction. Availability of public services will be evaluated in the context of Specific Plan approvals. (c) Specific Plans will be evaluated in accord with Municipal Ordinances in force at the time when said Plans 2. AX f * * • - o< DC < o» 0 u. ^ 5 §0 iin >• ^. O— t— < u- ^ Z § °" " £ ~ on ^ i • • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 £o i 19 o 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 are before the City Council for approval. Approval and construction of a Specific Plan pursuant to this Master- Plan shall not vest any rights in the balance of the Master Plan nor create any vested rights to the approval of any subsequent Specific Plans. (d) Condition No. 19 of Resolution P.C, No, 1050 is revised to read as follows: "P.A.A. No. 1 will read P.A.A, No, 10 whenever it appears and P.A.A. No. 10 will read P.A,A, No. 1 whenever it appears," (e) Condition No. 16 of Resolution P.C. No, 1050 is revised to read as follows: "(1) As part of the first phase of construction the developer shall construct at his expense the extension of Kelly Drive or Tamarack Avenue from El Camino Real to the subject property in a man- ner acceptable to the City Engineer." "(2) As part of the second phase of construction the developer shall construct at his expense the extension of Elm Avenue from El Camino Real to the subject property in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer." 5. Master Plan (MP-150) as conditionally approved by this Resolution consists of certain documents on file in the Planning Department and incorporated by reference herein as fol- lows : (a) A Master Plan map marked "Exhibit C (MP-150)". (b) A document entitled "Addendum to Lake Calaveras Hills Master Plan Report" dated January 11, 1974 and marked "Exhibit D (MP-150)". (c) A document entitled "Survey and Analysis" dated January 11, 1974 and marked "Exhibit E (MP-150)". f PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 7th day of May , 1974, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. v ATTEST:ROBERT C. FRAZSE, Mayor MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk By: NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk 3. (SEAL) VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. 'CITY ATTORNEY - CITY OF CARLSBAD1200 ELM AVENUECARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 920081 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 W *** ORDINANCE NO. 9388 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY GRANT- ING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM L-C and R-A-10 TO P-C (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED WESTERLY OF LAKE CALAVERA AND SOUTHERLY OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: R. L. FARROW FOR FARROW REALTORS The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The following described real property is granted a change of zone from L-C and R-A-10 to P-C (Planned Com- munity) : All those portions of Lots D, E, J and L of Rancho Agua Hedio.nda, according to the Partition Map there- of No. 823, filed in the office of the County Record- er of San Diego County November 16, 1896, a portion of said property being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California and being more par- ticularly described on file in the Planning Depart- ment of the City of Carlsbad. v EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the i adoption o'f this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption, INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the yth day of Mav • 1974, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 21 St day of Mav / 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis NOES: None ABSENT: None * ^ /^T—/2 X/"" -^s(.U~lj~&^-T (— ^&?^Z<g,e ATTEST: ROBERT C. FRAZEE, 'May or ^~~7f^7 ~/"¥* ///y MARCAR/T E. ADAMS^ City Clerk