HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-21; City Council; 3068-1; ENCINITAS YELLOW CAB PERMITq -i II E CITY Bo F C A R L S B A I), a C A IJ.I E’O R I 7- 2- Agenda Ri1.Z IJo, 3068 Supplement No* i Date: May 21, 1971 -- ticfcrred To ; --^---_----__ Subject: - Submitted B Xncinitas Yellow Cab Permit City Attorn -/ \X -- ----- -__ 3 ,S t: c? t c RI e n 1: of the Jja 1- i- e r In accord with your direction of r4ay 7, 1974 this office has prepa a resolution granting a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity t Encinitas Yellow Cab Company authorizing them to serve certain are the City of Carlsbad subject to certain conditions as set out in t resolution. __-___---_I_-___.-~ ,, * 6 Erhihit Resolution No .Ja granting Certificate of Convenience and Neces -------- Staff Recozamcndations to City Manager If the Council desires to grant permission for Encinitas Yellow Ca operate two taxicabs in the southern part of our City, your action adopt Resolution No. =T&Ag . --- -- -- - - I May 21, 1974- Date: m -I_ AB No. r Ci t y Ma nil yer ' s Re corxmen da ti on I_-______ Concur with staff. Co trn c i 1 A c t i o n L_I_________ 5-21-74 Resolution #3428 was adopted, granting Certificate of Con\ and Necessity to Gayton A. and Filomena Marcello for one 3 date of adoption of Resolution. -2- * a Q ‘t Affidavit of Publication - STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ss. County of San Diego -__.__..__._ s says that she is the Prim ......-...................... dlC, tic; -.---. -i .-__I ........ of ~h~ Carlsbad Journal, a weekly newspaper of general ckula+ion, Prinfed and Publishc city of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and State Of Cdifornk and that the notice Of ’ snnexed is a tr day of ............. copy, was published .. _.I~-...+ imes in said newspaper, commencing on - ..... .....-...-._.............., A.D. I9 -::.-I namely on +he following dates: NoTlCE OF PUBLIC HEARING ,?( ; RE: CERTIFICATE OF PUBL,~ .? CONVENIENCE AND :,. Z’li. L 5 , NECESSITY. ._ .................-......................-.-..--.-....- --- NoTlCE 1s HEREBY GIVEN that +he city Council of the City of ‘arkbad Will hold a Public H~~~- ing in the City CoUnCif Chambers, l2O0 ‘Irn Avenue, Carisbad, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. t0 consider an ENClN1TAS YELLOW CAB, for a . ......._. ......... ............._._..........-.. ..... ..-....-....--.-...- California, on Tuesday, May 7, .._. ........._...... ............... ___.._ .. ....-. ....... ..-. ............... ...-- application submitted by Cer+iflcate of convenience and Necessity to opeiaie taxicab ser- vice in the South portion of the City Of Carlsbad, In accordance with Ordinance No. 6010 of the City of Carlsbad, California. !!!”.b: April 25, 1974 -__ ..- .......... ” -..--.... -.......-.- .... -..-- .... __._._.____._.__....-__~_.__.-...---.-.-- 1-.-..------- ._.___. ~ ..........-....................... .-I-...--...----.-..--.----, CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL No. 1123 ..I.__.I__C__..C.._.. ... ..-........... .... - .............. .-..-....-.. ..... ._” ..---...--....” .... - .... .- .... - .... -.-----..------. ........_..........-......... ........... ...-.-----.-.-..-- ” .... ....-. ...-. ................................................ .-. .........-....-..---..-....- ........1...._C...._l.__.....-....-........--....-...-....-...-...... _ .................................................................. .........-...... Signed a+ Carlsbad, California this .. day of ........... ....ei,... __.________... ....__.. . _.-..-... 1 hereby declare under penalty 0 that +he foregoing is +rue and c0rrQ Principal 0 e.;.;<?w. ..%d Legal Decree NO. 172342 e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. NOTICE IS HEKEESY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, on Tuesday, May 7, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. to consider an application submitted by ENCINITAS YELLOW CAB, for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to operate taxicab service in the south portion of the City of Carlsbad, Ordinance No. 6010 of the City of Carlsbad, California. in accordance with CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Publish: April 25, 1974 - d... / L. . . I Ir .- .. j?p.- i. 1 q/&-/+f _. .,, / 'LLd.2 i!/ 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 14 Qm 2 g 15 -as g 10,. OU2z 16 205g GC $E mG -I 17 c IS< $286 "oE-"$ 18 20 fn q k 19 9 E u 20 wv 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 ,I -/ -0 RESOLUTION NO. 3616 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE TO THE ENCINITAS YELLOW CAB COMPANY TO OPERATE TWO TAXICABS IN THE CITY OF CARSLBAD AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO ISSUE SAID CERTIFICATE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS, WHEREAS, the Encinitas Yellow Cab Company in accorc Chapter 5.20 of the Municipal Code has applied for a Certij of Convenience and Necessity to operate taxicab service wil the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said chapter a public hearing held before the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on Mal 1975, to determine whether or not the public interest, con' and necessity require the issuance of the certificate appl. and WHEREAS, at said hearinq all persons having intere a the matter were heard: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correc 2. That the public interest, convenience and nece require the issuance of the certificate applied for. 3. That said certificate is hereby issued to Gayt and Filomena Marcello, doing business as Encinitas Yellow .Company, subject to the following terms and conditions : - ." 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .n 14 2 5 g 15 &5 nosE 16 O--I 17 ,io 5a $$86 18 20 v, 55 d 19 20 ' 21 a% g $0 z gLLc wo SE"Qm 4 E D 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e ** (a) (b) Two taxicab vehicles are authorized. (c) The schedule of fares to be charged shall The certificate permits service throughout City of Carlsbad. Initial drop $.50 including first 1/5 mile; $.lo fc additional 1/5 mile: waiting time $4.80 per hour. (d) The certificate and the operation of taxi pursuant thereto shall be subject to all of the prc of Chapter 5.20 of the Municipal Code. (e) The certificate is issued for an initial F of one year, said period to commence on the date of tion of this resolution. The City Council may grar two one-year extensions by minute action without hc additional public hearings. (f) Applicant's application form dated March 2 s.ha11 be part of this certificate and their letter January 14, 1975 on file in the office of the City shall be part of this certificate and is incorporat reference herein. (g) The City shall have the right to inspect E vehicles at any time to insure they are maintained operating condition. their application dated March 22, 1974. Applicant shall file certificates of insul the amounts of $100,000/300,000 with the City Clerl to commencing service pursuant to this certificate No taxi stands are permitted. (h) Applicant may only use the vehicles listt (i) (j) 4. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to issuc copy of this resolution as a certificate in accord with Ch, 5.20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 5. That the certificate shall not be issued until applicant has complied with all of the hereinabove terms a tions.- 6. That Resolution No. 3428 is fescinded. 2. . * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 P 14 S' y g 15 uz g ;:Us oo=z 16 z 5" !2E i$ m.3 5 17 ,io 5a +>uJ" zWXo 18 $222 as E v) 3 d 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 u 0 adjourned PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED atan/regular meeting o City Council on the 19th day of March I 1975, by the f ing vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Frazee, Chase, Lewis, Skotnicki and Cas NOES: None. ABSENT: None. y&LTcL.AL/\(L R BERT C. FRAZEE,,,Mayor ATTEST: c 7fl m,Ad J 7 ,flb4d// MAYGAR T E. ADAMS,, City Clerk (SEAL) v" 6 * * .\ 3. I t 6 THE ONLY LOCAL YELLOW CAB SERVING YOUR HOME COMI * ~~~~~a~ ~e&clc @ OWNED - OPERATED BY GAY AND PHYL MARCELLO PHONE 753-6044 568 FAITH AVENUE CARDIFF BY THE SEA, CALI .’ c 9 --< 3% -*. s= March 21, 1974 y’yi v Paul Bussey, Citg Manager 1200 Elm St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: Enclosed is our check for $15.00 along with the information you requested for a Certificate of Convenience for south Carlsbad. We intend to have two roving cabs for this area. All cabs ai registered to Gayton A. and Filomena Marcello DBA: Encinita! Yellow Cab. Please see attached sheet for necessary informa- tion. In addition to owners we have one driver, Richard N. Tewes. Department with a good driving record. Also, all drivers wi. consent to fingerprinting as stated in the Carlsbad Municipa. Code, Chapter 5.20. Thank you for your cooperation. Mr. Tewes has been accepted by the San Diego County Sheriff? *LW& Gay on A. Marcello Encinitas Yellow Cab FM/mam Encls. I COMPANY NAME ENCINITAS YELLOW CAB PHONE 753-6044 COYS?ANY ADDRESS S. A. A. NOVA 1 1973 6-SEDAN 214-656 lX69D3L198968 H40084 State of California authorized the issuance of a the San Diego County Code and in consideration for the sum ,of--. --_--_--_..-____-_____ EI~~-jLDOJ..LARS-.(...@0, -uy--.------.-----------I-----..---....--.----*-----------------,.---.-------------*----------------.-----------.-----*-..----------.------------. ENCINITAS YELLOW CAB RM 280-1Il 200 2-71 DAWCO ransportation License Pu sua t o Mot r Vehic Tr n portatlo Ice e ox 1 Thlr Llcensr 11 i -33 37 9 -64 *k-?&d -6% -160985 568 FAITH AVE. FEE $5.00 CARDXFF-BY-THE-SEA, CA 92007 BT-300-F REV. 1 (10.63) 0 COMBiNATION- AUTOMOBILE POLICY * / 1 I, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68131 End.Attd: ~11583 c' #6-Amend BI&PD A: #8-~oss Payee 49, I' ' NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY RENt No.CAL 18949 !I, *' Item 1. Named Insured and Address: (No, Street, Town, County, State) o Gayton A. Marcello & Filomena Marcello DBA: Yellow Cab 568 Faith Cardiff, San Diego, Calif. i. Bill Reder Ins. Item 2. Polici Period: (Mo. Day Yr.1 ( Months) 594 First St, horn J;4-]4 to 3-4-75 BnCjlnitaq ,Calif e 12:01 A stan ard time at the address of the named insured as stated herein. The automobile will be principally garaged in the above town or city, county and state, unless otherwise stated herein I Occupation of the named insured is (IF MARRIED WOMAN. GIVE nusmANo s OCCUPATION OR BUSINESS) ' Taxicab ,I Designation of igsured for purposes of division 2 of coverage C, if required by Insuring Agreement Ill Item 3, The insurance afforded IS only with respect to such and so many of the following coverages as are indicated by specific or charges. The Iiyit of the company's I!ability against each such czvfrage shall be as stated herein, subject to all the terms of tk reference thereto- by Collision or Upset but including Fire, Theft , Item 4. Description of the automobile and facts respecting its purchase by the named insured. Body Type, Truck Siae, Truck Load Identif-atoon Number I I I Number F 0 B List Price or Class b Actual Cost PI ;$:{ Trade Name Model Capacity, Tank Gallonage Capacity, Serial Number IS1 of Delivered Price Rating When Purchased or Bus kalmg Capmty Motor Number IY) Cylmderr at Facto.), Symbd Including Equipment Month, ye. Car 1 Car 2 AS PER SCHEDULE ATTACD Any loss under Coverages D, E, F, G, H and I is payable as interest ma appear to the named insured and #2&3 ) G *M 1 The automobile is unenci otherwise stated herein.' The encumbrance, number and amount of each installment payment, due date and amount of final P.O. Box 81567, San Diego, Cad.92138 Item 5. The purposes for which the automobile is to be used are "pleasure and business," unless otherwise stated herein Comer c ia 1 Item 6. Unless otherwise stated herein (a) If no automobile is described above, the total number of private passenger automc the effective date of this policy by the named insured and by his spouse, if a resident of the same household, does not exceed o with respect to bailment lease, conditional sale, purchase agreement, mortgage or other encumbrance, the named insured is the s( avtomobile IC) During the past three years no insurer has canceled insurance, issued to the named insured, similar to that affori As Per Policy Application Welch & Co. Winni Countersigned:San Francisco, Calif .3/8/74 lz By 3 Absence of an entry means "No Exceptions * THIS DECLARATIONS PAGE, WITH "POLICY PROVISIONS-PART A". AND END (RFV 5 1 rR1 ftt I r , ,I, r I. I-, I lr, I PI JDL6019XK California THE ABOVE NUMBERED COMBINATION AL4TOMOBILE POLICY 4 1) f, t I i 4-12-74 i I Police Department: I i ! Would you please make the necessary check on this matter prior to the May 7th City Council Meeting at which time a Public Hearing will be held. City Clerk's Office ng : MEA i I 1 I I I I , I b 1 2 4' 3 5 6 7 s 9 10 I1 12 14 8.. .d g 15 %: o, 16 du. us oogz, $0 gee v 2 -1 17 ZU'80' WTNQ 18 5p y 'I- @z 19 5 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 l3 0 < 2 f; is UC'm Q > V t 2'1 28 29 30 31 32 i H-4 m 0 i RESOLUTION NO. 3428 A RESOLUTION OT' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CALXLSBAL), CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEPEST, CCNVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE TO THE EIU'CINITAS YELLOW CAB COMPANY TO OTERATE TWO TAXICABS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND @RDERING THE CITY CLERK TO ISSUE SAID CERTIFICATE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDIT10?3S . I 1677HEREAS, the Encinitas Yellow Cab Company in accord Chapter 5.20 of the Municipal Code has applied for a Certifi of Convenience and Necessity to operate taxicab service with the City of Carlsbad, and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Chapter a public hearing k held before the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on May to determine whether or not the public interest, convenience necessity require the issuance 02 the certificate applied fc WHEREAS, at said hearing all persons having Interest I the matter were heard, KOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council c City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the public interest, convenience and neces: require the issuance of the certificate applied for. 3. That said certificate is hereby issued to Gaytoi and Filomena Marcello, doing business as Encinitas Yellow Ci Company, subject to the following terns and conditions: (a) The certificate is limited to the area of ! Carlsbad, that being all land within the City limit! lying south of Palornar Airport Road with the additic of Palomar Airport itself. (b) Two taxicab vehicles are authorized. (c) Schedule of fares: Initial drop $.50 inc1i first 1/5 mile; $.lo for each additional 1/5 mile; I time $4.80 per hour. Certificate shall be subject to -a11 of the (a) visions of Chaster 5.20 of the Municipal Code. L I .k I 1 2 3 4 5 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 I.3 n 14 5m A 8 15 f5lL no2Z %Js 16 z 6u !22<E u I36 ~hl- $gq 18 zz y E - .u N e5 a v i 17 UJ 0 , >I- u a 3 I-9 20 21 22 0 23 ' 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 * 0 (e) Certificate is issued for a period of one y only, said period to commence on the date of adoptic of this resolution. (f) Applicant's application form dated March 22 shall be part of this certificate. 4. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to issue certificate in accordance with the application,&h Chapter 5 and with the terms of this resolution. 5. That the certificate shall not be issued until t applicant has canplied with all of the hereinabove terms and tions. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regul a r nee t of the City Council on the 21 st day of May , 1974, I: following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis NOES: None ABSENT: None I t c I ROBERT C. FRAZEE, kayo1 ATTEST: i,.? // /y [y&& 4 )4&/, IQqGARET E. ADAMS,CCity Clerk I/ (SEAL) 2.