HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-06-18; City Council; 3115; SALE OF POLICE PISTOL RANGE PROPERTY (OLD CARLSBAD DUMP SITE)\. r') j ( - CALIFOR w ci.0 OF c Fi R 2. S E A D, T F: ," Date : June 18, 1 Agenda Bill NO, 311s Referred TO: SUbjPCt: Submitted a SALE OF POLICE PISTOL RANGE PROPERTY Wm. C. Baldwj (Old Carlsbad Dum:p Site) Asst. to the u $4 Statement of the f.fatter Leadership Homes wishes to purchase the Police pistol range property (approximately 2.754 acres). Two bids have been received for the appraisal of this property: Robert Dodd, $600.00 and Carlsbad Properties Inc., $700.00. The City Attorney advises that this sale could be negotiated with Leadership Homes. 7-2-74 Council requested information as to whether or not the Police Pistol Range was considered as a part of open space or park sites. This property is not being considered for either. (-Po ~~mbrts ). A map is attached showing the relationship of the range to open space and parks in the Larwin site as well as Leadership Homes proposed Exhibit subdivis ior .. Report to the City Manager dated June 5, 1974. 7-2-74 Map Staff Recommendations to the City Manager Recommend negotiating a:n option to sell to Leadership Homes after obtaining fair market value from Robert H. Dodd and Associates at their appraisal bid figure of $600.00. After consultation with the Planning and Parks and Recreation Directors, we find that the pistol range property is not necessa to the open space or park development in this area. 7-2-74 e sate: June 18, 1974 A9 No * 0 i City Managerrs ~e~om~~~d~ti~~ At this time we are asking Council only for authority to proceed with negotiations and authority to proceed with the appraisal. disposal will be brought back to the Council as a recommendation at a later date. De.tai:Ls of the negotiations and method of 7-2-74 As requested by the Council, this matter has been reviewed to see if the pistol range site in any way fits into existing City park plans or those park plans for parks in the adjacent Larwin development. After review, it is being recommended that the site is not suitable or planned for park site and that Leadership's park requirement will be met by the dedication of other land or fees in conformance with the City's Park Development Ordinance. Council.Action 6-18-74 7-2-74 The matter was continued for two weeks. The recommendation of the staff was accepted, and the sta directed to proceed with negotiations to'obtain an OptiOll to sell the property to Leadership Homes -2- 0 0 DATE: June 5, 1974 TO : City Manager FROM: Assistant to City Manager RE: Police Pistol Range The City of Carlsbad owns approximately 2-3/4 acres presently used as a Police pistol range and storage for the Public Works Department. This property was acquired from the Carlsbad Sani- tation District on February 13, 1962. The deed on that acquisition says that it contains 2.93 acres +. The Carlsbad Sanitation District acquired this from Mrs e Borden in March, 1945. The map shows there to be 2.158 acres of land. In each case there is an easement from El Camino Real to the site, for road purposes only, 40 feet wide. Highway Patrol permitting their use of the Carlsbad Police pistol range by a resolution dated July 1, 1972, which is subject to cancellation upon 30 days' notice by either party. There is also an agreement with the California This property was a canyon that has subsequently been filled. I do not believe that it was ever properly compacted and would not be suitable for building without proper compacting. At the present: time the City is being asked by Leadership Homes, who are developers, to purchase this site from the City. The City has no obligation to sell to this developer or any other party. However, as this land de- velops, either with Leadership Homes or a series of smaller developments, therearebound to be a great number of com- plaints arising from the firing on this range as well as the nature of the material stored on the property. number of children in this area would certainly be a factor to be considered. The There are two options open to the City if the land One of these would be by the usual bid is to be marketed. procedure, i.e., advertising and calling for open market bid with a minimum price to be established by a competent appraiser. The other method would be to negotiate the sale with Leadership Homes using a minimum price by appraisal and giving them an option to purchase so that title would not e v Memorandum to City Manager June 5, 1974 Page Two pass until they have satisfied the City that this area would be developed into building sites. This method has advantages both to the developer and to the City in that control could be maintained over a prospective purchaser. Further, it would allow the City to continue the use of the range until such time as Leadership Homes was actually going to make use of the property. Upon vacation of the City pistol range arrange- ments have been made with the City of Oceanside to use their pistol range. A determination was made that it was 14 minutes and 6 miles to the Oceanside range, while the Carlsbad range is 3-1/2 miles and takes 8 minutes. Since this is a very small difference in travel time, and the Oceanside range is a much better facility, this possibility is open to the City. The Oceanside Police pistol range is run by the Oceanside Parks and Recreation Department and is open to public use. The California Highway Patrol does not wish to inconvenience the public while they are firing. F7 /.LLL WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Assistant to the City Manager WCB: ldg CITY QF CAl?'iS9;:& .- URPSBAD,. CALiFORNiA 1 ROBE@- h.4. SODD a AS8*@1as, INC. RUL ESTATE APPRAISERS & COUNSELORS 0 TELEPHONE 746-1124 243 SOUTH JUNlPER STREET 0 ESCONDIDO. CALlFORNlA 92025 ROBERT M DODD. MA I. August 15, 1974 SILL M. BRODBECK ROBERT L. GRAVE5 : City of Car lsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Mr. William C. Baldwin Assistant to the City Manager Dear Mr. Baldwin: Pursuant to your letter of authorization daced July 17, 1974, we have inspected the 2.9 acre parcel located adjacent to Appian Road, Carlsbad. As a result of our investigation and analysis of the sub- ject property, we have formed an opinion of the market value. If: is this appraiser's pinion that as sf August 14, 1974 and subject to certain assumptisns and limiting t conditions containec! in his r~.r_tcrt, r,?clr market value of the subject property is e,?2n~t~d to be ~~3,000. This appraisal repcrt con'tair~ st?~.~eif'~Fng Lr data which has been used in forming our spinicaa of valvce. Thank you for the opportuni~y of subn$.c"ring this report, an3 if we can be of further service, or if you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, ROBERT E?. DODD & ASSOCIATES, IN( A?? 3 i <2LL \LA=/ ert M. Dodd, S.R.A., M.A.1. R3f.I: Iju I d, e e APPRAISAL REPORT For CITY OF CARLSBAD Of 2.9 Acre Parcel Land Location Appian Road Carlsbad, California Date of Valuation 14 August 1374 Appraised by WFbert M. Dodd & Associates, Inc. 245 South Juniper Street Escondido, California 92025 - fiakjL&T M DOOD AND ASSOCIATES INC nrAL tSTAT€ APPRAISERS . COUNSELORS - 0 e - - ~ - - TABLE - OF CONTENTS - - - - - - I Appraiser's Certificate 1 ! Assumptions and Limiting Conditions 2 Purpose of Appraisal 3 Subject Property 5 Highest and Best Use 7 Approach to Value 7 Correlation and Value Estimate 11 1 9 Area Discussion 4 Definition of Highest and Best Use 6 ADDENDUM Market Data Sales Plat of Subject Property Qualifications of the Appraiser c ROBERT M DODD AND ASSOCIATES INC REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS ~ COUNSELORS a e APPRAISER'S - CERTIFICATE We do hereby certify that, except as otherwise noted in this appraisal report: in the real estate that is the subject of this appraisal report. We have no personal interest or bias with respec to the subject matter of this appraisal report or the part involved . To the blest of our knowledge and belief, the sta ments of fact contained in this appraisal report, upon whi the analysis, opinions and conclusions expressed herein ar based, are true arid correct. This appraisal report sets forth all of the limi ing conditions affecting the analysis, opinions and con- clusions contained in this report. This appraisal report has been made in conformit with and is subject to the requirements of the Code of Prc fessional Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers .of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. 1. We have no present or contemplated future intere 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No one other than the undersigned prepared the analysis, conclusions and opinions concerning real estate that are set forth in this appraisal report. ROBERT M. DODD & ASSOCIATES, IN( I Dated : August 14, 1974 1[ - 1- 1 t ROBERT M DOGO AND ASSOCIATES INC RKAL ESTATE Al'PRAISCH5 . COUNSELOR5 - a ~ '1 e ~ J 1 ASSUMPTIONS ANC LIMITING CONDITIONS This appraisal is subject to the following assump- tions and limiting conditions: 1. to be correct. 2. in character, nor, do I render an opinion as to title, which is assumed to be correct. clear of any existing liens and encumbrances and under responsible ownership and management. to be held in fee simple interest as of the date of val- uation, and assumed to be in marketable condition. 4. No survey of the property has been made, and no responsibility has been assumed in this matter. information in this report, which has been contributed by others, is assumed to be correct. However, no re- sponsibility is assumed for its accuracy. under current or contemplated land utilization at the date of valuation a.nd is invalid under any other use program. 6. Any opini.on of value to an estate in land that is less than the whole fee simple estate, as of the date of valuation, does not apply proportionately to the value of the entire fee simple estate considered as a whole. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report shall be disseminated to the public through advertising media, news media, sales media or any other public means without the prior written consent on ap- proval of this appraiser. of may be used as court testimony without additional agreement with and consent of the appraiser. Legal description furnished to me is assumed No responsibility is assumed for matters legal 3. Subject property is assumed to be free and Title is assumed t t t I I I The 5. The distribution of value of land applies only I t i 7. 8. This report nor the contents in any part there- - 2- I ROBERT M DODD AND ASSOCIATES INC REAL LeTbTC A,*PULlbtRs . COVN~ELORS ~ f 0 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION t For the purpose of this report the subject prop- erty is legally described by reference to Assessor's Parcel NO. 167-090-14. I 1 I 1 I z AREA DISCUSSION E The subject property is located east of El Camino Real, approximately two miles from the Carlsbad Civic Center. Access to the property is via Appian Road, a recorded county easement. developed with a large complex of condominiums known as Tiburon-Carlsbad. The area to the south and east is, for the most part, vacant acreage. The area to the north is being 1 The area to the west F and to the west sf El Camino Real, is developed with 1 single family dwellings and condominium complexes. There are a few single family dwelling homesites located in the immediate vicinit:y of the subject property. All utilities are available within the immediate vicinity of the subject area, most being located in El Camino Real. since the regional shopping center was completed. area north of Route 78 has been developed with comercia' businesses and offices, and the area south of Route 78 has been developed with homes, apartments and condminiu The area has experienced steady growth The I - 4- ROBERT M DODD AND ASSOCIATES INC REhL ESTATE APPRAISERS - COUNSELORS ~ > 0 e 4 I k f Route 78 gives good access to 1-5 a few miles west of subject property, and to Vista and Escondido to the east. all likelihood will continue strong in the foreseeable future. Demand for property in the area is strong and in i SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property consists of a vacant 2.9 acre parcel of land. the City of Carlsbad as a dump site and more recently as a pistol practice range. more or less, and a ravine bisects the property in a gen- era1 northeast/southwest direction. has been partially filled with refuse by the City Sanita- tion Department. unknown, however, Rick Engineering has estimated that the site would require removal and compaction of approximatel: 100,000 cubic yards of existing material prior to any con- s truc tion. This parcel, at one time, was used by The site is recantuglar in shapc 1 i; t This ravine area The excact depth of this material is 1 The areas at the top of the slopes on each side of I the ravine could possibly be used as homesites. However, if the property were left in its present state, the use of this land for homesites would be marginal in nature. The site is presently zoned R-1-10,000 which is residen- -5- ROBERT M DODD AND ASSOCIATES INC REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS . COUNSELORS 0 a tially zoned one lot for each 10,000 square feet. is a proposal for a subdivision of the land and at that time the zoning will be changed to R-1-7,500. There I I I I I t. DEFINITION OF HICXEST AND BEST USE Highest and best use is that use which prudence dictates will, over a reasonably foreseeable period of time, produce for a typical owner the highest net return or benefits; thus reflecting the highest capital. asset value and generally, at the same time, preserving the utility of the picoperty. "that most profitable, likely use to which the property may be put and for which there is a sustaining demand sufficient to affect the market." 1 The term is further defined as In estimathg highest and best use, we consider: (1) supply and demand. (2) Competitive properties. (3) Use conformity. (4) Size of land and the possible economic type (5) Zoning and restrictions, (6) Neighborhood trends, (7) Hazards, both physical and economic. of improvements which may be placed thereon, -6- ROBERT M DOOD AND ASSOCIATES INC REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS - COUNSELORS * 0 HIGHEST AND BEST lJSE - - Subject Property The zoning of the subject allows development of the property with single family dwellings. consistent with the general area surrounding the subject site. Consideration must be given to the tentative tract map prepared by Leadership Housing, Inc. This tract map indicates the development of a residential subdivisior of 234 homes on approximately 100 acres of land. The subject site is an island in the center of this develop- ment. Therefore, we are of the opinion that the develop- ment of the subject site should be a residential sub- division < similar to, or a part of, Leadership Housing Development. In our opinion, this would constitute the highest and best use of the property at this time, and €or the f oseseeabl-e future. This zoning appear APPROACH TO VALUE Sales of subdivision acreage in the general Carlsbad area have been investigated and sales prices confirmed, in order to make comparisons and form our opinion of value of the subject site. ful in arriving at: an indication of value. The following sales have been help- =7- Rht''a'' Y oeug Ak4EJ h§t40CIATES INC "*& 1Lst*f* h#r@rbf@€@@ v eOUN8ELOrS t" #R P e 0 Sale No. 1 - This sale is located on the east side of El Camino Real and surrounds the subject property: This 101 acre parcel is currently in escrow to Leaderhip Housing, Inc. at a reported price of $8,200 per acre. Mr. George Hutchison expects the escrow to close within the next month or so. The topography of this sale is rolling hillsides, level and interspursed with small ravines. This sale is considered an excellent indicator of value, as it is subject to the same market influences as is the property under appraisement. require a slight upward adjustment for size, however, considering the use and utility of the subject, this adjustment would be minimum. I 1 This sale would Sale No. 2 - Sale 2 is located south and west of the subject property. at a reported price of $630,000 which is equal to $9,960 per acre. Actually, the sale was consumated in January, 1973, as at that time an agreement of sale was recorded between the buyer and the seller. This sale is a 66f acre parcel that abuts El Camino Real, with rolling to rather steep hi1:lside topography. The zoning at the timc of purchase was R-1-10,000, however, the zoning was changed to P.C. in order to allow the developer to build a condominim project. The location of this sale is con This sale recorded in June of 1974 I r i . 0 8- RoBERT M DOOD AND ASSOCIATES. INC RfrL E*TATC APPR416ERS - Couns~~ome e 0 c i , i sidered substantially superior to the subject property, as it has frontage on El Camino Real and also on Skyline Drive to the west. This sale would require a downward adjustment for the locational superiority. Partially offsetting this would be an upward adjustment for the differences in market condition, since the agreement of sale was recorded in January of 1973. Considering the location, size, topography, etc., this sale tends to set the upper limit of value and would require an overall downward adjustment to make it equal to the subject property. Sale No. 3 - This sale is located adjacent to and northwesterly of the subject parcel, and was recordec in December, 1972 for a reported price of $7,150 per acre The parcel consists of 99 net acres and is generally hillside and rolltng topography. Since purchase, Larwin Development Company has graded a portion of the property and built a condominium project known as Tiburon-Carlsbai This sale is considered locationally superior to the subject property as it has frontage on El Camino Real. The topography is generally similar to subject, with rolling hills intercut with ravines. A general downward adjustment would be necessary for the locational superic ity, and an upward adjustment would be necessary for bot 1 B r f -9- ROBERT M DODD AND ASSOCIATES INC f?EAL ESTATE APPRAISERS - COUNSELORS t- e e i I t size and for time of sale. This parcel is considered a reasonable indicator of value as the adjustments re- quired are not large. Sale No. 4 - Sale 4 is located on the east side of El Camino Real, approximately three miles south of the subject property. This sale consists of approximately 51 acres and closed escrow in May, 1973 at a raported price of $7,500 per acre. land-locked as the purchaser owned the mobile home park lying between this parcel and El Camino Real. graphy is gently rolling to level land and would not present a large developmental cost. require a slight upward adjustment for the change in market conditions since May of 1973. The parcel was purchased by the adjoining land owner and as the parcel was land-locked, the purchase price of $7,500 per acre appeared reasonab Le. This parcel was virtually P The topo- The parcel would \. f Sale No. 5 - This sale is located just west of the subject property. The parcel is in escrow at a reported $9,2002 ‘per acre. with a good view to the northeast. the parcel could be divided into 2% acre home sites, in- dicating a value of $25,000 per parcel. This is a ten acre parcel Due to the topography - 10- ROeERT M DODD AND ASSOCIATES INC RIIAL ESTATE APPRAISERS - COUNSELORS i E t P e e Sale No. 6 - Sale 6 is located in the Fire Mountair This parcel closed escrow this month at a reported area. $26,000. costs as a portion of the property has a bank. Utilities are in the street but will have to be brought to the site towards the rear cf the parcel. This sale is considered a good indicator of individual home site values. There will be some additional site preparation i CORRELATION AND VLiLUE ESTIMATE ; ? The sales previously discussed indicate an unadjustec range in value of from $7,500 to $10,000 per acre. adjustment, this range is narrowed from $8,000 to $9,000 per acre. The first estimate of value is based upon the premise that the subject parcel has been cured of dumped =aterial, and has the same use and utility as any of the comparable sales. This value is estimated to be $24,000 which is at the approximate rate of $8,500 per acre. After 1 i 1 b %. I. The sales comparables that have been utilized are basically subdivision land and do not have the soil and compaction problem found on the subject property. this time, a preliminary investigation and a geotechnical reconnaissance has been conducted by Lowney-Kaldveer Associates, Geo1ol:icalEngineers. to be filled to a depth of approximately 30' with un- At The site is estimated i f 1 . i - 11- fiOlBERT M DODD AND ASSOCIATES iNC kkAL ESTATE APPRAISERS - COUNSELORS i ! e a compacted rubble arid refuse. Rick Engineering Company has prepared a preliminary estimate of fill arid cumpaction and when completed, would make the site equal to the surrounding area sales. This cost is estimated to be approximately $80,000. Mr. Houshman Aftahi of Further cons ideration has been given to the utiliza- tion of the entire parcel as a single home site. is felt to set the upper limit of value as the costs of creating the sites would be minimum. The subject would require grading and in order to enhance the site, a minimu] of ground cover could be used over the existing dump. A discussion with knowledeable brokers in the Carlsbad area indicated a lack of single home site sales, as much of the property in th.e area is still held in larger parcels. Sale 5 I Sale 6 indicates ZL site cost based on two sites of $13,00C each, plus costs of earth moving which is similar to the subject. The value based on sale 5 and 6 before adjustme1 indicates a range of $13,000 to $25,000 per site. After adjusting differences in topography, location and view potential, the range is narrowed to between $15,000 and t $20, GOO. t i Considering the market for homesites, the location and the size of the subject parcel, we are of the opinion that the value of the site is towards the lower end of t t i - 12- ‘i : R0f’ER7 M DOOD AND ASSOCIATES, INC Rc*L EnTATE APPI(AIBEH4 . COUNSEL ON^ e e. of the value range. that the market value of the subject property, as of August 14, 1974, is estimated to be $15,000 as a single homes it e. Therefore, we are of the opinion i FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS i I t 1 I 1 ROBERT PI. DODD & ASSOCIATES, I& LCd/-bw .&c Robert M. Dodd., S.R.A., M.A.I. ! Dated: August 14, 1974 -13- RQREAT M DODO AND ASSOCIATES, INC iqE4L. ESTATE APBRAISLRS . COUNSELOHS t? f e e MARKET DATA Sale No.1 LOCATION : AREA: 101.17 acres. LEGAL: East side of El Camino Real, Carlsbad Portion of Lot "J" Rancho Agua Hedionc Map 823. TOPOGRAPHY: Rolling hillside. IMPROVEMENTS : hane - to be developed with a 234 uni subdivision. IJTILITIES : All available. ZONING : R- 1- 10,000 STREET IM- PROVEMENTS : Paved road. PRICE : $828,OOOf or approx. $8,200 per acre. TERMS: Not available. TRANSACTION : In escrow SOURCE : Mr. George Hutchins, buyer SELLER : Grant H. Beckstrand & Mildred B. Beck 3rnR : Leadership Housing, Inc. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. : c-s : b 167-090-13 and 167-100-01 Property in process of rezoning from R-1-10,000 to R-1-7,500. atritll(f M 0~~0 AND AgSOClATES INC iUbL L*f*,r hwwrlsrwr . COUNSELORS a 0 fNriKET DATA Sale No.2 LOWON : West side of El Camino Real, north of Kelly Drive, Carlsbad. AREA: 63.25 acres LEGAL: Portion of Lot 1 of Rancho Agua Hedio City of Carlsbad, Map 823, filed Nov- ember 16, 1896. x;. TOPOGRAPHY: Level to hilly land. IMPROVEMENTS : None. I 1 t 1 t 1 UTILITIES : All available. ZONING : R-1-1O/P.C. STREET IM- P.OYEMENTS : Paved road. mI=E : $630,000 or $9,960 per acre. 3xBMS: $55,000 down. i YXANrnION : Grant Deed Recorded: June 28, 1974 Document No. : 74-174698 DTT: $693.00 full value 5iIImxZ: Douglass Southwest, buyer. i3XLER : E. G. Wilkening, et 6 a1 3UYER : .-SSOR ' S c Doug 1 a s s Sou t hwe s t C orp or at i on S&=EL NO. : 297-200-06 #8@b&' M FneQ PNB ASQieelATFS INC kkkr E?'$Ic bXb.M&l@€#s . CeUN8SLOmS e e YARKET - DATA Sale No.3 L. i LOCATION : East side of El Camino Real, south AREA: 99 net acres. LEGAL : of Marron Road, Carlsbad. B Portion of Lot "J" Rho Agua Hedionda according to Map No. 823, recorded Nov. 16, 1886 & lots 3, 4, 5, Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 West. TOPOGRAPHY: Rolling and hilly land. IMPROVEMENTS : Vacant land at the time of purchase. UTILITIES: All available. ZONING : P.R.D. Now being developed with condominiums STREET IM- PROVEMENTS : Paved road. PRICE : $707,850 or $7,150 (see comments) TERMS : $495,156.13 1st Trust Deed to seller. TRANSACTION: Grant Deed Recorded 12/29/72 Document No. 347021 SOURCE : Robert Wade , Larwin Development Co. SELLER : Carroll R. Kelly & Alice L. Kelly BUYER : Larwin, San Diego, Inc. PARCEL NO. : 167-030-07 and 23; 167-090-26. COMMENTS : Larwin entered into an agreement to c ASSESSOR'S purchase property in 12/71 but due tc time delay involved, closed escrow in December 1972 paying an additional $105 per acre due to the delay in closing. ROBERT M DODO AND ASSOCIATES INC RLAL EBTATE APPRAISERS - COUNSELORS e a MARKET DATA Sale No.4 LOCATION : AREA: 51.85 acres. LEGAL : TOPOGRAPHY: Rolling land. IMPROVEMENTS: None at time of purchase. UTILITIES: None available. ZONING : Agriculture PROVEMENTS: Paved street. PRICE : TERMS : Trust Deed of $322,263.64 to seller. TRANSACTION: Grant Deed East side of El Camino Real Portion of Lot B in Rho Agua Hedionda Map No. 823, filed No.v 16, 1896. STREET IM- 1 $389,000 or $7,500 per acre. Recorded: May 10, 1973 Document No.: 73-125641 DTT: $281.60 less liens and encumbra SOURCE : Mr. Dawes, buyer. SELLER : Richard Geyer, et al. BUYER : Western. Land and Development Company ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. : 209-060-03 and 06 COMMENTS : No utilities available at property. . ROBERT M DODD AND ASSOCIATES INC ~AL EOTATE APPRAISERS - COUNSELORS a MARKET DATA Sale No, 5 e LOCATION : AREA : 10.87 acres. LEGAL : Northeast corner of El Camino Real and Appian Way. Portion Lot "J" - Rancho Agua Hedionda Map 823. Hillside and level pad area. TOPOGRAPHY: IMPROVEMENTS : None. UTILITIES : Water, gas and electricity. No sewer. ZONING : R- 1 STREET IM- PROVEMENTS : Paved road. PRICE : $100,000, or $9,199 per acre. TERMS : Not available. TRANSACTION : In escrow - 3/74 SOURCE : John McCoy, S.L. &B. Corp., guyer. SELLER : Emmett 0. Cilley BUYER : Not available. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. : 167-090-25 ROBERT M DODO AND ASSOCIATES INC RI:*L ESTATE APPRAISERS - CO~N~E~ORS 0 0 WET DATA Sale No.6 LOCATION : Intersection of Jefferson & Ivy, Fire Mountain area. 43,560 square feet or one acre. Annex, Map 1888. AREA : LEGAL : Portion Block "C", North Carlsbad TOPOGRAPHY: Hillside with gully on on2 side. IMPROVEMENTS : None. UTILITIES : Water, gas and electricity. No sewer. ZONING : R- 1- 10 STREET IM- PROVEMENTS : Paved road. PRICE : $26,000 TERMS : Not available. TRANSACTION : Grant Deed Recorded: August 2, 1974 Document No.: 74-208795 DTT: $28.60 full value. SOURCE : Gene Yokwn, Aalert Realty, selling bro SELLER : W. H. Allerhand & Ernestine Allerhand BUYER: PARCEL NO.: 165-210-3 and 28 COMMENTS : Will get at least two homesites. Marshall Cresham & Martha Cresham ASSESSOR'S RoBfHT b4 DOOD AND ASSOCIATES INC. its*L ~STATC ACPR~ISCRS - COUN~ELQRB 0 L I \ ! - V.” ,--- \’.. rl -- -- 0 a QU&IFIGATIONS OF "HE APPRAISER Robert M. Dodd I 11 Educational Back round Resident of Sari Diego County since 1952. A. University + o California two years, 1924 - 1926. B. Palomar College - Accounting I and I1 C. University of California - Los Angeles. Awarded: 1. California State Life Teaching .Credential for Real Estate Appraisal & Real Estate Economics. D. Professionzl Education successfully completed: The American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers: 1. Real Estate Appraisal I - Principle Methods and Techniques - University of Southern California. 2. Real Estate Appraisal I1 - Urban Properties - University of Southern California 3. Real Estate Appraisal IV; Condemnation - Univer- sity of California, Berkeley. 111 Professional Affiliations: A. Member American institute of Real Estate Appraisers Designation,, M.A. I. President San Diego Ch.#42. B. Member Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Designati S.R.A. President Northern San Diego Co. Ch. 11129. C. Member (Registered) American Right of Way Associati D. Member Real. Estate Education Advisory Committee, Palomar Col-lege. E. Affiliate Flember Escondido Board of Realtors. F. Active Member, American Public Works Association. N Appraisal Experience: Stali Appraiser and Right of Way Agent, City of Escondido, 1958 to 1968. As administrative Assistant to Director of Pubiic Works, supervised appraisal and acquisition of real property required for public im- provements. Appraisal included commercial, industrial, apartment, residential and acreage properties. pendent Real Estate Appraiser. During this time I have appraised the Same types of properties. I have been appointed 1)~ thc City of Escondido as consultant for public works projects. Since 1968 I have been self-employed as an Inde- V Expert witnez: Qualified 3s Izxpert Witness, Bankruptcy Court of U.S. District Court, Southern District of California. Qualified as :Expert Witness Superior Court S.D. Count Qualified m :Expert Witness Superior Court Orange co. Ro'sCflT h4 DODO AND ASSOCIATES INC REAL t*T*TL ACPUAISERS . COUNSELORS e e qualifications of Appraiser Robert M. Dodd (con't.) VI Types of appraisals include: 1. Desert acreage 2. Groves 3. Ranches 4. Single fanlily residences 5. Income producing property 6. Commercialt 7. Industrialb 8. Professional 9. Subdivisions & land development 10. Condominiums praisal assigxunentshavebeen completed for the llowing clients: City of Escondido City of Oceanside City of Vista City of Car lsbad Carlsbad School District Escondido Union School District Vista Unified School District Oceanside Unified School District Poway Unified School District Rickqar S cheo 1 Il is tr ic t Rainbow Munic ipa 1 Water District Poway Municipal Water District County of San Diego Hon.Judge Lopardo, Superior Court, S.D. State of California - Division of Highways Standard Oil Company of California Shell Oil Company Composite Systems, Inc. Fabulous Inns of America Transamerica Real Estate Tax Service M. A. Investments Unigard Insurance Company Autotronic Systems, Inc. Chase Manhattan Bank Home Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. Oceanside Federal Savings & Loan San Diego Trust and Savings Bank National Bank of Whittier Procter & Gamble Dist. Co. Title Insurance & Trust Co. Burr oug hs Corporation c 1 - 2- *OE*EAT M DODD AND ASSOCIATES 1NC RcrL ESTATE APPRAISERS - COUNSELORS . .. . d. , -. -I -. ./.... *.' .. .I . . ., . 'F . I. . '' . , ?-' . .,; .. :> - . A: .. ... . - 2.c f, ' . . - .;.@ ' ... :... j . ._. ' ,~ I .. .. , '. .. .. ... .. .. . -_ .>_ . ._. .. '. -. .- ._ . .is_ I. I. I. ~ _. . . J .. ,. .> -*. .'.. .\ ,: , ' .. . _.- .