HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-06; City Council; 3143; Amend Parking Standards For P-M ZoneSubject: Consideration of an Amendment to Title 21 . Submitted uy: of the Carlsbad Municipal Code regarding Parking Standards for the P-M (Planned. Industrial) Zone District Planning Department 11 fin Statcr<?cnt of thc Ir'at%: The Planning Commission by Reso1utio.n of IJ Inten.tion No..'107, held a Public Hearing to consider'an a'mendment to the : parki'ng standards for uses in the Planned.Industria1 Zone. The Planning ' Commission by Resolution #lo84 determined that.'the parking standards of the . PM Zone were restrictive and should be revised to reflect realistic require- ments and also provisions for compact cars. . .This action was prompted by a Variance*request from Hughes.Aircr.aft (Systems Capital,) to allow a reduction in total required parking stalls, and also. allow for a certain percentage.of compact car stalls. The Planning Commission ' determined that the appropriate action was to revise P-M parking standards to be more in line'with actual usage fa.tes for all potential uses. The Commission indicated that.they considered the proposed revision.of F"M parking standards as an interim measure, and urged that thc City Council .tnitiate a re-evaluation of all commercial'and industrial parking standards. - .' .. .I .- . . .. .. .. ' Exhibit Staff Report. to the Planning Commission' on- proposed Zone Code Amendment. _I Planning Commission Reso1ut;on R1084. ... .? If the City,Council concurs, the City Council should direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance and return the matter at the next Council meeting. .. , I i l~ . City Manager’s Recommendation - I Concur with staff. r ate: AUgUSt 6, 1974 i Council’Action ! 8-6-74 It was agreed that the staff be instructed to prepare documents ! necessary to amend the parking standards for uses in the Planned i Industrial Zone; further that the staff review parking standards in all zones and report back to the City Council. -2- PLAnNING DEPASTMENT CITY OF CARLSBAO STAFF REPORT FOR JULY 9. 1974 ". TO: THE PLANNING CG>!b!TSSION FROM: THE FLAMING DEPA3T?li?IT SUBJECT: ZONE CODE AMENDMENT fZCA-63 Revision to Parking Standards For The P-M (Planned Industrial) Zone At their June 11th meeting, the Planning Comission directed Staff to prepare a Code Amendment to revise P-M parking standards to be mre in line with actual usage rates. The application for a Variance from Systems Capital this re-evaluation of P-M parking standards. (Hughes) and concerns expressed by other planned industrial uses prompted In creating the attached standards, Staff evaluated the following data: 1. Parking surveys taken on six occasions at the Hughes facility and on one occasion each at Beckman and Burroughs plants; 2. Results of a vehicle survey taken at three San Diego Area Industrial Parks; 3. Standards for Planned Industrial uses established by other Cities/Counties. A data sumnary has been attached to this report. Staff believes that the two most accurate measures of parking needs are the stall ratio. square floor area to parking stall ratio and peak shift employee to parking The local survey indiztes a mean compact car percentage mix of 34%. Pro- visions for compact car parking is desirable because it minimizes excessive paving. However, there is a problem posed by allowing compact car stalls: that the best way ts accomodate compact cars is to have permanent signs posted that of ensuring that compact stalls are used by compact cars. Staff believes at certain sections of the lot indicating compact cars only. Marking of in- dividual stalls is unfeasible because it is not visible until the car approaches the stall, and also because the painting requires regular maintenance. Mixing standard and compact stalls within the same areas is also undesirable. RECObPlENDATIDNS: Staff is recomnending that the Plannfng Commission move to recmend approval of ZCA-63 tg the City Council based on the following justification: (1) The proposed parking standards will adequately provide for (2) The reduced .parking requirement will eliminate excessive paving, parking needs anticipated with any P-M use; and increase site landscaping. I Zone Code Amendment #63 Amending Section 21.44.210 Carlsbad Municipal Code 21.44.2'10 OFF-STREET PARKING IN P-N ZONE: Every parking area in the p-M Zone shall be governed by the following provisions in addition to those covered in Section 21.46.160: (1) Off-street parking shall be provided at the ratio of one space for each 400 square feet of building area, or one for each 1.0 employee on the maximum working shift, whichever is greater; (2) No parking shzll be allowed in a front, side or rear yard adjoining a street, or within ten feet of an interior side or rear property line; (3) The Commission may, by resolution, allow up to 25% of the.total required parking spaces to be reduced in size to accomodate compact cars provided that: A) Compact car spaces are located in separate 6) Aisles for compact car spaces are clearly parking aisles from standard sized spaces; marked with permanent pole signs denoting "COMPACT CARS ONLY"; C) . Compact car spaces shall be located in close. proximity to the facility which they serve so as to encourage their maximum usage; D) Compact car spaces must be a minimum width of 7.5 feet and a minimum length of 15 feet; 1 " :- ._ ! 1 2 .3 4 5 5 7 0 9 10 11 3.2 13 '14 15 16 17 10 Z9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ' 27 28 29 30 31 32 - PLANNItIG COMMISSION R€SO?UTIO>I NO. 108C A RESOLUTIOEl OF T9E PLAIINING COVIMISSION OF THE .~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAO,~ CAL~FORNIA, RECOMMENDING THE AHENOMENT OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY REVISING SECTION 21.44.210 AS IT PERTAINS TO PARKING STANDARDS FOR USES IN THE P-M (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL) 'ZONE; ACCORDING TO THE PRO\iISIONS OF TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. CASE NO: ZCA-63 KEEREAS, a Reso1u:ion oi intention was ?:sss< to hold one public hearing to consider the amendment of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by Amending Section 21.44.210 entitled Off Street Parking in P-M Zone; and WHEREAS, the purpose was to modernize and update the existing Zoning Code of the City of Carlsbad; and NHEREAS. notice of hearing to amend the Zoning Code, pursuant to the provisions of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code entitled "Zoning", was published in the Carlsbad Journal, a news- paper of general circulation published in said City of Carlsbad, and the Affidavit of Publication is on file in the records of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS. the purpose was to consider the change, amendment and supplement in said regulations; That of amending Secti'on 21.44.210 of the Municipal Code. Said wording to read: OFF-STREET PARKING IN P-M ZONE: Every parking area in the P-M Zone shall be qoverned by the following provisions in addition to those iovered in-Section 21.44.160: (1) Off-street parking shall be provided at the ratio of one space for each 400 square feet of building area; (2) No parking shall be allowed in a.front, side or rear yard adjoining a 'street, or within ten feet of an interior side or rear property line; (3) The Commission may, by resolution, allow up to 25% of the total reauired parking spaces to be reduced " ~~~~ in size to accomodate compact cars provided that: a b ) . Compact car spaces are located in separate park'ing aisles from standard sized spaces; ) Aisles for compact car spaces .Ire clearly marked with permanent pole signs denoting "COMPACT CARS ONLY"; ..I .- .. .. . , .. .. i I i ! i .. :! i: c) Compact car spaces shall be located in close proximity to the facility which thpv serve cn as to encourage their maximum usage; .. ". .- " d) Compact car spaces must be a minimum width of 7.5 feet and a minimum length of 15 feet; 5 HHEREAS, a public hearing was dzly and prop'erly held at the Sijtin? and piace s?eci:ifd in said n3tico, on July 9, 1974; and 7 WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, the above 8 ed in the Carlsbad Zoning'Code. 9 mentioned changes in the Zoning Code should be hereinafter includ- 10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEG by the Planning Commission of 11 Commission does hereby recommend to the City Counci'l that it take '15 general welfare of the inhabitants of said City, and the Planning 14 in the Zoning Code and that the same will be for the benefit and 13 public necessity, convenience and general welfare require the chan, I2 the City of Carlsbad, California, and it does hereby find that the 16 17 such steps as may be necessary to change by ordinance or amendment P-M (Planned Industrial) Zone. 19 Section 21.44.210 pertaining to Parking Standards for uses In the 18 to the existing Carlsbad Zoning Code the amendment or addition to 20 PASSED; APPROVED AND ADOPTED at 'a regular meeting of the City 21 26 25 24 AYES: Commissioners Casler, Little, Jdse, Wrench and 23 following vote, to wit: 22 of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on July 9, 1974, by the 32 31 30 ATTEST: 29 28 27 Dominquez NOES: None ABSENT: Forman, Barrett Mary Casler, Chairman Uonald A. Agatep, Secretary ... 110 WESTA STREET.SUITE 1100. SAN DIEGO~CALIFORNIA ea01 714 ZlS-GSsl P~ly 9, 197.1 Chairamman Casler City of Carlsbad "1200 Elm A-nue Planning Codssim Carlsbad, California 92008. Re:' zone Pqking Standard Revision .. Dear Mrs. Casler: As of Jme 20th, I was informed of the red& and probable revision of t>e City's P-M varkinq standards a3d was requss- ted to provide itput relative to our past ad projected park- in5 requirercnts. . . As you are no doubt aware, Cabot, Cahot & Forbes poliry is of "recorded" deed restrictions, therefore we are extreely to disallw any on-street parking via the strict enforco-nt 'conscious of the'need ?or adequate on-site parking iiozder ment continuity. to mintah our leasing flexi3ilitp and yet provide Bevelop- Attached is a cw of Vmjcct Data' sheet which reflects Parks in California, Arizona and Washington. The inEoarnation data from several of our existing facilities in Industrial provided outlines the occup+cy uscs, site areas , building areas and the parking ratios. Since thio data was cor?pileU via correspondence with our various CC&F offices, architects and Planning staff prior to the Planning comission meeting this ccnsaltants, it has been inpossible to review With Lle City evening. One copy of. this correspondence with attachments. infornation and review. is being hanZ-deliveired this date .to Mr. Don Agatep for Staff * " . Based on our experiences in developing and providing facili- . ties for the verious users within the business commnity, the . folloving outline sets forth +e P-H parkhg standards that we .. July 9, 1974 Chairwoman Casler Page 2 wozld suqgest be reviewed and adopted by the Cityof Carlsbad: Office , One (1) parking space per 250 square feet of "net'" office area . Nanufacturir,g and Processinq 2 .area (office included) One (1) parkinq space per 500 square feet of gross building Storaqe, Wholesale and Distribution One (1) parking space per 250 square feet of 'net. office area and one (1) parking space per 1,000 square feet of warehouse andlor storage area Laboratom, Professional and Research 'One'..(l) parking space per 400 square feet of "net" area Electrical Substation, Gas Rsmlator Station and Related Economies One (1) parking space per 500 square feet of building area While we have not specifically incorporated &y special con- s5,derations for compact cars within our facilities; we have experienced a "use" ratio of from 24 to 12% at various locations. I sincerely hope that the enclosed data and suggestions will prove helpful to the Planning Commission in concluding this matter and I am extremely appreciative of the opportunity -to cooperate in the development of a via3la Parking Ordinance. .. . Very truly yours, .. ... , ._ Paul HammDns Project Engineer m:lh cc: Don Agatep, Planning Director Enclosure 1 r . Plant Hughes Bec kman .. ,, Burroughs Rohr ,. :I:. Sorrento Court , ,. , 'Balboa Avenue Averages DATA SUMMARY Sq. Footage/Parking Ratio 228 347 201 , , . I. 623 ,496 ., i 281 - 362 Parking Space Per Employee "- 1.97 2.13 0.6 0..8 " 0.5 .. 1 - 1.2 Percent w 47 37 ,.. .. " " 38 t