HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-06; City Council; 3144; S L & B Service Corp- Tentative Map ApprovalReferred ?.- August 6, 1974 subject: Request for Approval of a. Tentative Subdivision submitted By: Map (CT 74-8)' Planning Commission Applicant: S.L. & B. Service Corporation •statement of the Matter fne planning Commission is recommending -efpproval- jof a Tentative Map (CT 74-8). for the reasons outlined" an'd-subject to the conditions stated in Planning Commission Resolution #1080, to allow development of a 10-lot single-family subdivision on 2.31 acres. The proposed subdivision is zoned R-l-7500 and is located at the south- east intersection of. Valley Street and Oak-Avenue.- .' ' The applicant has met all ordinances and policies, including.Public Facilities, of the City of Carlsbad. • •" Condition .48, as stated in the Staff Report to the Planning Commission dated July 9, 1974, was deleted"'with the concurrence of the City Eng.ineer X hi. hit : 1) Planning Commission Resolution #1080 2) S.taff Report to Planning Commission dated July 9, 19.74 3) Resolution Nd. «j7 approving Tentative Map (CT 74-8). Recommcnciztions '• to City Manager: Staf-f recommends that the. City Council, approve the Tenta'tive " Subdivision Map (CT 74-8) for the reasons outlined in Planning Commission Resolution #1080 by adoption of . Resolution No.«5V 7/ approving Tentative Map CT 74-8. " • — — ^~ c A3 NO .Da te: August 6. 1974 City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff. Council'Action 8-6-74 Resolution #3471 was adopted, approving the tentative map for Carlsbad Tract 74-8. — 2 — 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 \w *""" •>«-' •**/ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO, 1030 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE -APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP (CT 74-8) TO ALLOW DEVELOPMENT OF A 10-LOT SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT THE SOUTH- EAST INTERSECTION OF VALLEY STREET AND OAK AVENUE. CASE NO: CT 74-8 APPLICANT: S.L.&B. Service CORP. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did receive a verified application from S.L. & B. Service Corporation i requesting approval of a Tentative Map (CT 74-8) identified as Exhibit A, dated June 3, 1974, attached hereto, to allow develop- ment of a 10 lot single-family subdivision on 2.31 acres of land located in the R-l zone district, located at the southeast inter- section of Valley Street and Oak Avenue. Said property is further described as: That portion of Lot 32 of Patterson's addition to Carlsbad in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 565, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 22, 1888, together with a portion of the southeasterly 10.00 feet of Oak Avenue adjoining said Lot 32 on the northwest as vacated and closed to public use on September 30, 1939 and more particularly described on file in the City of Carlsbad Planning Department. WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and has been determined to have an insignificant impact on the environment for the following reasons: (1) The project is small (2) The project is located in an established residential area. 26 WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with the Public Facility Policy of the City of Carlsbad and has provided the necessary information which insured Public Facilities will be available and current with need; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into consideration the Tentative Map as submitted and the reports of the various 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c reviewing ag WHEREAS Tentative Ma Regulations WHEREAS Tentative Ma WHEREAS fees rather reasons: (1) No hoUc op (2) Th. NOW, TH the City of (U Th f f\CO (2) Th Co T ^Te th a) b) c) d) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did find that the subject Tentative Map does comply with the City of Carlsbad Subdivision Regulations and the State of California Subdivision Map Act; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did find that the subject Tentative Map does comply with the adopted General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is recommending Park-in-lieu fees rather than the dedication of Park Land, for the following None of the land involved in this subdivision has been designated by the City of Carlsbad as prims open space or recreation land; and The subdivision contains less than 50 lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; That it does hereby recommend approval to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad of the above described Tentative Map No. CT 74-8, subject to fulfillment of the following conditions: The development of the property described herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limita- tions set forth herein which are in addition to all municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes now in force, or which, hereafter, may be in force for the purpose of preserving the residential characteristics of adjacent properties. Park-in-lieu fees shall be granted to the City prior to City Council approval of the Final Map. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. A hydrant shall be installed between lots #5 and #7. All public improvements shall be made in conformity to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad, and free of all liens and encumbrances. Improve- ment plans for water and sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the respective service districts -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 e) Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as required by Municipal Ordinance Code. The Developer shall post a bond and/or cash in the amount necessary to energize said street lights for an eighteen month period after construction, to permit the incorporation of the subdivision into a main- tenance district. f) All utilities, including provisions for cable TV, shall be placed underground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. g) Vehicular abutting rights of access to Oak Avenue shall be relinquished on lots #1, 2, 3 and 4. h) Valley Street and Oak Avenue shall be dedicated and improved on the basis of a half street section. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 9th day of July, 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Casler, Little, Jose, Wrench and Dominquez None Forman, Barrett Mary Casler, Chairman ATTEST: Donald A. Agatep, Secretary -3- >y> CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JULY 9, 1974 TO: FROM: REPORT ON: CASE NO: APPLICANT: PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENTSr CONSIDERATION OF A TENTATIVE MAP CT 74-8 S.L. & B Service Corporation c/o John McCoy P.O. Box "B" Carlsbad, CA. 92008 I. REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of a tentative map to allow the development of a 10-lot single-family sub- division on a 2.31 acre site generally located at the south- east intersection of Valley Street and Oak Avenue. II. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Approval of CT 74-8 based on the following findings: . . (1) Conformance to the State of California Subdivision Map Act. (2) Compliance to the Carlsbad Municipal Code requirements, including the Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972. (3) Conformance to the adopted General Plan of the City of . Carlsbad. . (4) Compliance with the City's Public Facilities Policy. Recommended Conditions of Approval: / (1) The development of the property described herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all the requirements, limitations, and restrictions of all municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes now in force, or which, hereafter, may be in force for the purpose of preserving the residential characteristics of adjacent properties. (2) Park-In-Lieu fees shall be granted to the City prior to City Council approval of the Final Map. (3) In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings and adequate fire ,«**"'<•% hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. A hydrant shall be installed between lots #5 and £7. (4) All public improvements shall be made in conformity to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad, and free of all liens and encumbrances. Improvement plans for water end sewer systems shall meat the requirements of the respective service districts. (5) Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as required by Municipal Ordinance Code. The Developer shall pos.t a bond and/or cash in the amount necessary to energize said street lights for an eighteen month period after construction, to permit the incorporation of the subdivision into a main- tenance distri ct. (6) All utilities, including provisions for cable TV, shall be placed underground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. (7) Vehicular abutting rights of access to Oak Avenue shall be relinquished on lots.#1, 2, 3 and 4. (8) The underground water and sewerage systea?, ire not approved as shown and are subject to modification and approval by the City Engineer as part of the final improvement plans. (9) Valley Street and Oak Avenue shall be dedicated and improved on the basis of a half street section. III. BACKGROUND: • ' A. Legal Description: That portion of Lot 32 of Patterson's addition to Carlsbad in the City of Carlsbad,- County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 565, filed in the office -of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 22, 1888, together with a portion of the Southeasterly 10.00 feet of Oak Avenue adjoining said lot 32 on the northwest as vacated and closed to public use on September 30, 1939 by order .of the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County. B- Location: At the southeast corner of the intersection of Valley Street and Oak Avenue. C. Size: 2.31 acres. -2-COPY D. Total No. of Units: 10 E. Density: 4.33 DU's/g'ross acre 5.2 DU's/net acre F. Number of Bedrooms: not available G. Type of Units: Sing!e-Family H. .Coverage: Not available I. Projected Population: Approximately 31 J. E.I.R. Finding: Declared "non-significant" because the project is in an already developed area on a manufactured lot K. Existing Zoning: R-l L. Adjacent Zoning: all R-l M. General P]an- Existing General Plan designates area as Low Density Residential (3-7 DU's/net acre). Proposed General Plan recommends Low-Medium Density Residential (0-4 DU's/gross acre). N. Parks Ordinance Compliance: The Director of Parks and Recreation recommends the payment of Park-In-Lieu fees because there are less than 50 units proposed for this project. 0. Public Facilities Policy: • This project complies with the Public Facilities Policy IV. DISCUSSION OF SPECIFIC ITEMS: If the proposed Land Use Element of the General Plan is adopted prior to the approval of this tentative map, the map will have to be modified by deleting one lot to" conform to the revised density allocations. -3- 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 3471 Q COM § cc < S °" "- D 1iPl ^ uj O Ig l§ Z O co>t ^ Ko 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 City P to the approv 6th of the ments of 197 the en City o subjec condit A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 74-8) TO ALLOW DEVELOPMENT OF A 10-LOT SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT THE SOUTH- EAST INTERSECTION OF VALLEY STREET AND OAK AVENUE. APPLICANT: S.L.& B. SERVICE CORP. WHEREAS, on the 9th day of July, 1974, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1080 recommending to the City Council that Tentative Map (CT 74-8) be conditionally d; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on the day of August _ / 1974, considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said Tentative Map has complied with the require- ments of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 and has been declared to have a nonsignificant impact on ronment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That Tentative Map (CT 74-8) is hereby approved, subject to the execution and/or fulfillment of the following 1. The development of the property described herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all municipal ordinances and state, and federal statutes now in force, or which, hereafter, may be in force for the purpose of preserving the residential characteristics of adjacent properties . 2. Park-in-lieu fees shall be granted to the City prior to City Council approval of the final map. 3. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings, and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. A hydrant shall be installed between lots 5 and 7. 1 2 3 4 5 .6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 _: oe SK < o»^ O «, s 0 3 5 17 "•'•doSigf isJS cc — So E " mZp w i 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4. All public improvements shall be made in conformity to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordinance and other City standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad, and free of all liens and encumbrances. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the respec- tive service districts. 5. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as required by Municipal Code. The developer shall post a bond and/or cash in the amount necessary to energize said street lights for an 18-month period after construc- tion to permit the incorporation of the subdivision into a maintenance district. 6. All utilities, including provisions for cable TV, shall be placed underground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. 7. Vehicular abutting rights of access to Oak Avenue shall be relinquished on lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. 8. Valley Street and Oak Avenue shall be dedicated and improved on the basis of a half-street section. C. JThat said Tentative Map, together with the provisions for its design and improvement and subject to the above conditions, is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 6th day of August , 1974 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas, Lewis and Skotnicki NOES: None r ' • . ABSENT: None •' ' ROBERT C. FRAZEE^ Mayor ATTEST: MARGARES1 E. ADAMS, City ClerkGARES1 < .</ / 0