HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-06; City Council; 3147; FAU 3 Year Capital Expenditure ProgramTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Agenda Bill No. $i J-J Date August 6, 1974 Referred To: Subject:. Submitted By: FAU 3 year capital expenditure program Public Works Administrator Statement of the Matter The various agencies in the County have submitted projects to the County Thoroughfare Advisory Committee for the purpose of evaluation and ranking in order that FAU funds allocated to the County might be earmarked for eligible projects. The County Board of Supervisors has requested that the City Councils review the recommended 3 year program for the purposes of complying with public input requirements. The County, in compliance with the Board of Supervisors directive, has furnished information to be reviewed by each City within the county, allowing 30 days for review, at the end of which time they or any City Council may request a public hearing on the program. Exhibit A. Public Works Administrator memo B. County Engineer letter of transmittal C. 13 page summary of FAU 3 year program D. Board of Supervisors Policy No. J-27 D. Local fund transportation fund 1974-75 claims F. urban mass transportation administration capital grant programs G. federal aid interstate programs Staff Recommendations to City Manager That City Council receive and file FAU program information supplied by County. AD No .Date: August 6, 1974 City Manager's Recommendation ' Concur with staff. Council Actio'n 8-6-74 The Council acknowledged receipt of the FAU 3-year capital expenditure program and ordered' the same filed. MEMORANDUM July 29, 1974 TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Federal Aid Urban (FAU) program As reported earlier, the combined FAU funding program for the fiscal years 73-74, 74-75 and 75-76 is being presented for review to each City Council within the County. The information package furnished by the County included a letter of transmittal, a 13 page breakdown of the 3 year program, a copy of County Board of Supervisor's Policy No. J-27 (which sets forth requirements for public input in the pre- paration of the FAU program). Also included is a summary sheet listing local transportation fund expenditures, urban mass transportation administration capital grant programs, and the Federal aid interstate and transit related projects program. The crux of the matter lies in the summary sheet, which is sheet 1 of 13 in the FAU 3 year program. The only submitted projects which are eligible for expenditure within the City of Carlsbad are transit-related projects which were sponsored by Oceanside, the administrator of the North County Transit District. The two projects submitted by the City staff were rated number 69 and number 79 out of a total list of 79 projects submitted for consideration. I will address myself to the rating system later in the memorandum. Analysis of the expenditures indicates that the percentages of funds spent in North County approxi- mate and in fact somewhat exceed the percentage of population in the North County. Less than 10% of the funds were allocated to transit- related projects, and every effort appears to have been made to maximize the effect of FAU funds on improving the roadway network within the county. Should the City of Carlsbad choose to challenge the program, there does not appear to be much chance of success and we risk the maintenance of good relations with our fellow cities and the county organizations when future funding programs are under consideration. With regards to the rating systems used to determine priority, consider- ations given to projects were characteristics, regional characteristics, use factors, network factors, project readiness factors and traffic and safety factor. Of the characteristics analyzed, largest weight was given to traffic and safety factors and to the regional characteristic factors. Since traffic counts in Carlsbad are not very high when compared with other regions of the county which have projects in for consideration, and since the traffic and safety factor was a major weighted factor, it becomes readily apparent why the low rankings of the Carlsbad projects. As previously suggested, it is my opinion that we should proceed with the construction of Elm Avenue from Valley to Donna as budgeted. We should proceed to finalize the plans and specifications for the con- struction of Elm from Donna easterly to El Camino Real and hold the City Manager July 29, 1974 Page 2 project in readiness should other projects on the FAU list fall through and we reach an area where funding is possible. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file the FAU 3 year program as submitted. Ronald A. Beckman RAB/de ' COUNTY OP SAN DIEGO PUBLIC WOKKS AGENCY HOWARD M. TAYLOR County Engineer Department of County Engineer County Operations Center. 5555 Overland Avenue San Diejo.California 92123 Telephone: 565 -5177 July 5, 1974 Mr. Paul D. Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: SUBJECT:Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Three-Year Program, Fiscal Year 1973-74, 1974-75, and 1975-76 State regulations require that a three-year program for the expenditure of FAU funds be developed according to an approved cooperative process. The cooperative process, which has already been approved by the State, assigns the City-County Thoroughfare Advisory Committee the responsibility of develop- ing this program for the approval of the County Board of Supervisors. Board Policy J-27 was developed to establish a procedure to provide for public input through local legislative bodies. A copy of this policy statement is attached. This policy requires that the recommended program developed by the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee be submitted to cities for review and comment 30 days prior to consideration by the Board of Supervisors. This policy fur- ther states that upon the request of any City Council or upon its own action, the Board will conduct a public hearing on the recommended FAU program. Accordingly, the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee has developed the attached list of projects comprising the recommended three-year program for FAU fund- ing. This list has been selected by the Committee after reviewing 123 proj- ects submitted by City Councils for consideration. Will you please present this program to your City Council for approval, and provide a written response by about August 1, 1974, so that any required revisions may be made in the program before submittal to the Board of Super- visors. It is important that we receive your response so that we may assure the Board of Supervisors-that adequate coordination to provide public input has been accomplished. CROUPS Construction Engineering Engineennj Services field Operations Planning 1 land Development Mr. Bussey -2-July 5, 1974 Recently the cities recommended making the guidelines for the three-year pro gram be 100% for roads in 1973-74; up to 25% for transit-assist in 1974-75; up to 50% for transit-assist in 1975-76, with the remainder for roads. Thus these expenditure guidelines a Howe d transit-related projects to be up to 25% of the total three-year program. Transit-related projects included in the attached recommended program add up to only 7.3% of the total three-year program. This is due to the nature of the projects submitted by the various cities for consideration. There are, however, other Federal and State assisted programs being actively pursued in this region for transit projects. They are shown in the attached supplemental data as follows: FY 1974-75 Funding Urban Mass Transit Administration (UMTA) Local Transportation Fund Claims Federal Aid Interstate $7,313,000 7,978,000 828,000 The recommended FAU program, together with any further input received from you, is scheduled to be submitted to the Board of Supervisors during the first part of August, 1974. After approval of the program by the Board, the program is to be sent to CPO for its review and action in accordance with State regula- tions. It will then be presented to the State Transportation Board, the California Highway Commission, and to CALTRANS. Very truly yours, . TAYLOR ±y Engineer HMT:JRD:rc Attachments cc: Directors of Public Works w/attachments Mr. J. Dekema, CALTRANS, Attention: Mr. E. Kubichek w/attachments Mr. William Storm, CPO w/attachments Public Works Administrator w/attachments VO !-°?^v-* Ka or IU I (O IL. u •r•C*•iJ V"*•• Oo £ t> U- ^5 U - VJ csrr ho5- c« bu.•n 4 A* J? 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M 1 O 'JU 3 VM Vx 1 ^ ,/^ _, r^,'-x-~- jj t r-J O • rjj "-— Ur «jj 0G. C? CD CO 1- vA C£: s 1 — $ • ro \*'-T /J? ^^-> cr r*"^ C\l i cV J ho h w Ui uJ 1. v/5 G O , 2o H fc» O >)i ^ >»?• - «A 2 C— h--J VJ _. ^ r\fiJ» . vT) Oo:a orcr UJ 4>-• (0 D LL * Hzw £oo a 2 D U- IL . a i^ .£TDTAiUrf Os a. o — * g cs: sDr»i •<*• •rr j* £ y^ *—~-—— |-« O <J> o "Z, U. h O p 0 4X h 0u} ho OL 0 ai ^ 2 <r at U4 vr» • " 0 ..!-' b ,£ O ? ^' o U 1 H o V- 0 (X1 H - £ h : 1 1 v ^! r r- j h oV ounty of San Diego, Calii :nia BOARD OF SUPERVISORS POLICY Subject Public Input in Preparation of Federal Aid Urban Programs Policy Number J-27 Page 1 of 2 Purpose To establish procedures for preparing the Federal Aid Urban programs which will provide for public input by city council review and give opportunity for public hearings by the Board of Supervisors when this is appropriate. Background On February 13, 1974, the Board of Supervisors adopted Federal Aid Urban procedures utilizing the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee to prepare recommended FAU programs. These were later approved by cities, Comprehensive Planning Organization and the California Department of Transportation. The County procedures were prepared subject to State Guidelines which established the County as lead agency in developing a cooperative process and program for distribution of funds available under the Federal Aid Urban Program. The Cooperative process and program must be acceptable to: Cities over 200,000 Cities representing majority of eligible population Majority of Cities eligible for program. On May 9, 1974 (20) the Board of Supervisors directed the Committee to develop a recommended procedure for public input hearingsc The Committee developed the following policy to provide for public input through local legislative bodies. Policy It is the policy of the Board of Supervisors that: A. Recommended programs for expenditure of Federal Aid Urban funds will be developed from projects submitted to the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee by the Councils or Boards of agencies in the urbanized area. B. The recommended program developed by the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee shall be submitted to cities for review anty of San Diego, Califo ia BOARD OF SUPERVISORS POLICY Subject Public Input in Preparation of Federal Aid Urban Programs PolLcy Number J-27 Page 2 of 2 and comment 30 days prior to consideration by the Board of Supervisors. C. The program will be prepared to be acceptable to cities over 200,000, majority of cities, cities representing majority of population. D. Cities not submitting comments shall be deemed to have approved the recommended program. E. The Board shall conduct a public hearing on the recommended program if requested by a city council, or if the Board determines this to be necessary. F. After approval of a program by the Board, the program will be sent to CPO/(San COG) for its review and action in accordance with State guidelines. References B/S Action 6-25-74 (57) LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUND FY 1974-75 CLAIMS Bicycle Allocations . : $ 185,000 Bicycle Trails - National City, . Coronado, Escondido, La Mesa, Oceanside, San Diego, and the County of San Diego City of Chula Vista 95,000 Continuing transit service City of Escondido $ 336,000 Assistance with operating end capital costs of providing three . intra-city transit routes City of La Mesa " - - $ 142,000 Continuing transit service including dial-a-ride system City of Oceanside -. * ---' $ 711,000 Continuing transit service San Diego Transit Corp. $6,509,000 Continuing transit service including development of connections between San Diego Transit and Oceanside Transportation System - TOTAL $7,978,000 Source; Comprehensive Planning Organization Board of Directors meeting of 6-17-74. URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION (UMTA) CAPITAL GRANT PROGRAMS LOCATION FY 1974-75 FY 1975-76 City -of Chula Vista $ 121,000 (2 buses and misc. equipment) $ 117,037 (2 buses and misc. equipment) City of Oceanside ' .$ 804,000 (14 buses and misc. equipment) $ . 5,000 (tools) San Diego Transit Corp.$6,388,000 (105 buses and support equipment) Not Available; Being Studied TOTAL $7,313,000' NOTES: 1. Dollar figures shown are total project costs including 20% matching funds, 2. Amounts shown for FY 1975-76 are estimated only. FEDERAL AID INTERSTATE (FAI) PROJECTS AND TRANSIT-RELATED PROJECTS INCLUDED ' IN THE FAU PROGRAM TABULATION PROJECT FA I Projects Park i Ride, 1-15 & Mira Mesa Park & Ride, 1-15 & Ranch. Pen. Park & Ride, 1-15 & Via Rancho TOTAL Transit-Related Projects Pass. Trans. SR 163 & Friars Bus Turnouts, Jamacha Blvd. Park & Ride, SR 94 & Spring Park & Ride, 1-5 & Palm Park & Ride, 1-5 & Encinitas 69th St.-Waite to Livingston Mini-Terminals, No. Co. Transit Bus Turnouts, No. Co. Transit Park & Ride, Governor & 1-805 Bus Turnouts, Santee & Lakeside Pass Shelters, S. D. Transit Corp. Bus Turn, Mission Gorge Transit Shelters, Intra-City (Escondido) Frontage Road, SR 78, El Camino to College TOTAL TOTAL COST $ 300,000 300,000 300,000 $ 900,000 $ 200,000 31,000 175,000 300,000 300,000 35,000 140,000 20,000 300,000 25,000 25,000 10,000 31,000 100,000 $1,692,000 MATCHING FUNDS $ 24,000 24,000 24,000 $ 72,000 $ 34,000 FAU FUNDS $ 276,000 276,000 276,000 $ 828,000 $ 166,000 6,000 25,000 30,000 51,000 51,000 6,000 .24,000 2,000 51,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 6,000 17,000 $288,000 145,000 249,000 249,000 29,000 116,000 18,000 249,000 21,000 21,000 8,000 25,000 83,000 $1,404,000 (7.3% of total program)