HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-06; City Council; 3155; Priority Plan for Expenditure of State Bond Funds' H S C I T O F Agenda Bill No. t/.->O Referred To: C A R L S B A m, C A L •I F O R N I A Date: August 6, 1974 Subject: Approval of Priority Plan For Submitted By: Expenditure of 1974 State Bond Funds Ed Johnson, Parks and Recreation Director Statement of the Matter The passage of Proposition I of the Bond Act of 1974 has made it possible for the City of Carlsbad to be authorized to receive $83,048. Each city was to name a project and by the authority of the Parks and Recreation Commission, Hosp Grove Park was designated for development beginning the fiscal year of 1975-76. The basic plan for the San Diego County is to implement 50% of the money to the cities and 50% to the County Regional Park System. Approval may be indicated by Resolution # of the governing body or by letter signed by an authorized represen alive. Exhibit 1. Locationi, of County Regional Park System and appropriations of ,conies to be retteived by each city. See attachments. 2. 8-20-74 Memo fr.,)m Parks and Recreation Director dated 8-13-74. 3. Resolu�,;.ion No. 3479 approving priority plan. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the priority plan for the expee I ture of the 1974 State Bond Act Fund and approval of Resolution #s7 �►,7&? • A-3 No. City Manager's Recommendation Dater —August 6 1974 It is my understanding that this matter has been discussed by the City Council on previous occasions and that it has been generally agreed that Hosp Grove should be designated as having priority for expenditure of the City's portion of the funds. If this is the Council's wish, Resolution No. 3479 should be approved. 8-20-74 In the attached memo from the Parks and Recreation Director, relative to the 1974 State Bond Act, he has indicated Lhe Parks and Recreation Commission's request for a revision of the priority list. We have contacted the State i garding the need of cities to submit a priority list for use of the funds and have found that it is desirable that cities indicate a priority use. Should the situation change in the future, there is a procedure for transferring the monies to another project. Council Action 8-5-74 The matter was continued for further consideration. 8-20-74 The Council accepted the recommendations Qf Park and Recreation Commission and the list of priorities on expenditure of state Park Bond Funds, and further, directed the staff to do whatever is necessary to register disapproval of the County's priorities in regard to the Regional ParK Program, specifically, the lowered priority of Lake Calavera in said program. Resolution No. 3479 regarOing approval of the priority plan was continued to August 26, 1974. 8--26-74 This matter was not considered at the meeting of August 26, 1974. 9-3-74 Resolution No. 3479 was adopted by title only with further reading waived. (3L.tT1_i G tl '� xr L.: , �ivlic fl�ks 1 rPiio► >� ✓' DAVIO K.SPEER Public Works Administrator County operations Centet. 5555 Orer;and Avenue San Om;o,Caldorma 92123...... Telephone: 565-5416 July 11, 1974 To: All Cities, Park and Recreation Districts and Water or Irrigation Districts Subject: Approval of Priority Plan For Expenditure of 1974 State Bond Funds Forwarded here with for approval by your jurisdiction is the proposed Priority Plan of Expenditure for San Diego County's share ($6,655,630) of funds from the State Beach, Park, Recreational and Historical Facil- ities Bond Act of 1974. Passage of Proposition 1 authorized the is-. suance of bonds in the amount of $250 million, of which $90 million is available as grants to cities, counties and districts for acquisition and development of the above types of facilities. !Under the provisions of the Bond Act, the County was required to consult with all cities and districts authorized to provide park and recreation services in the formulation of the priority plan. This was accomplished through an ad hoc committee on which your representatives served or were in- vited to serve. According to the Bond Act, the plan must have the . approval of (1) at least 50 percent of the cities and districts representing 50 percent of the population of the cities and authorized districts, and (2) the County Board of Supervisors. After approval action by the cities and districts, the proposed plan will be presented to the Board of Supervisors for final approval. The following table illustrates the plan of allocation as recommended by the ad hoc committee, with amounts adjusted in line with the State's final determination of the county's share of bond funds. After the last meeting of the ad hoc committee, San Elijo Lagoon was substituted in the regional park portion of the plan for Calavera Lake (as noted in the table) as a result of discussions by the Board of Supervisors on 5-30-74 indicating a strong preference for -San Elijo Lagoon. For jurisdictions represented on the ad hoc committee, approval of the proposed plan of expenditure as revised will be considered as con- currence with this change. CEPARTIAENTS: 6uddrng Inspection ..... County En¢ineer ..... General Services ..... Sanitation & Elood Control -All EM 2 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY PRIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE OF 1974 STATE BOND ACT FUNDS BASIC PLAN 50 PERCENT FOR COUNTY REGIONAL PARKS PLATE I Sweetwater Acquisition $800,704 San Eiijo Lagoon (Changed from Acquisition 800,704 Calavera Lake) Los Penasquitos Aquisition 800,704 Other County Regional Parks Within Acquisition 800,703 the City of San Diego Kit Carson Park/Lake Hodges, share Development T25,000 cost of regional park facilities with City of Escondido. TOTAL $3,327,815 50 PERCENT FOR CITIES AND THE UfIINCORPORATED AREA Each city $50,000 plus share based on population. $2,698,847 Unincorporated area $50,000 plus a share based on population. 628,968 TOTAL $3,327,815 TOTAL COUNTY ALLOCATION $6,655,630 Indication of approval of the plan of expenditure by your jurisdiction is requested by July 30, 1974. Approval maybe indicated by resolution of the governing body or by a letter signed by an authorized representative. A suggested form of resolution is provided for this purpose. The resolu- tion or letter should be sent to the Park Development Division, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA. 92123. We wish to emphasize the importance of receiving your jurisdiction's ap- proval of the plan by July 30, 1974. Approval by that date is necessa rj to allow final approval by the Board of Supervisors and transmittal to the State before September 15, 1974 which is the deadline for submittal of the plan to support grant applications for fiscal year 1975-76. Grant requests for individual projects for fiscal year 1975-76 must also reach State offices by September 15, 1974. Additional information regarding applications for bond funds will be forwarded in the near future. M We wish to take this opportunity to thank all city, district, and local park planning area representatives who.participated on the Ad Hoc Com- mittee or its various subcommittees. This work has resulted in a sound and equitable plan for obtaining urgently needed recreational areas and facilities. Should you have questions about the Bond Act program or need additional information,,do not hesitate'to call Peter Cuthbert, 565-5861. Sincerely, JANES 0. TENNANT, Park Development Director JOT:PC:ss Enclosures: cc: Special Public Services Agency Administrator Public Works Administrator Parks and Recreation Director Planning Department (Lynn Skinner) Comprehensive Planning Organization (Ruth Potter) PLATE II SHEET 1 SAN DIEGO COUNTY PRIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE OF 1974 STATE BOND ACT FUNDS JURISDICTION NAME OF PROTECT SCOPE ALLOCATION Carlsbad Hosp Grove Park Development $ 83,048 Chula Vista Rhor Park Development 177,131 Coronado Tideland Park Development 86,121 Del Mar San Dieguito Lagoon Park Acquisition 57,786 E1 Cajon Gillespie Community Park Development 152,135 Escondido Grape Day Park Development 131,155 Kit Carson Park Development Del Dios park Development Neighborhood Park Sites Redwood Park Acquisition Juniper Park Acquisition Southside Park Acquisition San Pasqual Park Acquisition Birch Street Park Acquisition Imperial Beach Imperial Beach Park Development 87,329 La Mesa La Mesita Park Development 124,762 National City Kimball Park (Redevelopment) Development 122,140 Oceanside Lake Boulevard Park Acq. & Dev. 142,157 n PLATE 11 SHEET 2 JURISDICTION NAME OF PROJECT SCOPE ALLOCATION San Diego Municipal Park Reserves Acquisition $1,371,937 Crest Canyon Los Penasg4itos Canyon -Carmel Valley- McGonigle.•Canyon Black Mountain South Sorrento-Carroll;Canyon-Soledad Canyon Rose Canyon , San Clemente Canyon Extension Tecolote and Nearby Canyon Uptown Canyons Mission Valley Hillside Kensington -College Area Canyons Navajo Canyon Cowles Mountain Mid -city Hillsides and Canyons Chollas Creek Paradise Valley San Marcos Rock Springs Park Development 63,99.4 Vista Brengle Terrace Park Development 99,152 TOTAL CITIES $2,698,847 2 PLATE II SHEET 3 J*JRISDICTION NAME Or PROJECT SCOPE ALLOCATION UNINCORPORATED COUNTY AREA Acquisition $ 628,968 Allocation ' Local Park Planning Areas Lakeside Lakeview Park $ 72,800 Cerro Road Park Lemon Grove Skyline Drive Park 92,800 Central Avenue Park Montgomery Otay River Park 107,800 Lauderback Park Poway Pomerado Road Park 50,000 Twin Peaks Park San Dieguito Oakcrest Park 107,800 Academy Drive Park Fallbrook DeLuz Park 50,000 Willow Glen Park Valle de Oro Avocado Park 147,768 Kenwood Drive Park Hansen Pond Park Goodland Acres Park Exp. Fuerte Drive Park TOTAL $628,968 JURISDICTION 'COUNTY REGIONAL PARK PROGRAM Sweetwater San E1ijo Lagoon Los Penasquitos Other County Regional Parks within the City of San Diego• San Clemente Canyon Extension Lake Murray/Cowles Mountain Kit Carson Park/Lake Hodges, share cost of regional park facilities with City of Escondido• Museum Amphitheatre Outdoor swimming pool complex Nature and bicycle trails Lakes development Fort Kit Carson and Indian Village play area Tennis courts (12) Softball field (2) d PLATE II SHEET 4 SCOPE ALLOCATION Acquisition $800,704 Acquisition 800,704 Acquisition 800,704 Acquisition 800,703 Development 125,000 TOTAL $3,327,815 ALLOCATION FORMULA GIVEN: PLATE II SHEET 5 a. One-half ($3,327,815) of total County allocation of $6,655,630 directed to County Regional Park Program. b. One-half ($3,327,815) of total County allocation to Cities and Unincorporated arep, of County. c. Population of County by July 1980 is estimated to be 1,800,300 by State Department of Finance. d. Allocation to Counties is based upon projections by State Parks and Recreation Department to yea: 2000. r e. January 1974 population of Unincorporated Area = 331,050 (22.032% of 1,502,600 County population). r Cf. $50,000 allocated to each city and the unincorporated area. r f g. $50,000 x 13 cities + unincorporated area - $700,000 sum of base allocation. h. ($3,327,815 allocation to cities and unincorporated area) - ($700,000 base allocation) L $2,627,815 base for applying percentage allocation to unincorporated area. THEREFORE: a, (22.032% of County population x $2,627,815 money available for percentage allocation) + $50,000 = $628,968 Total unincorporated area allocation., b. ($700,000 base allocation) - ($50,000 unincorporated area) _ $650,000 available to cities. c. $3,327,815 - ($650,000 base allocation to cities + $628,968 unincorporated area allocation) $2,048,847 available to cities for percentage allocation. d. For each city, $50,000 + ($2,048,847 x a city's percentage of total population of 13 cities) Total allocation to a given city. t_ M E M O R A N D U M TO THE CITY MANAGER FROM Ed Johnson, Parks and Recreation Director DATE August 13, 1974 SUBJECT: PRIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURES FOR 1974 STATE BOND FUND On August 12, 1974, a special Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was called by Ed Johnson, Director, asking for a revision of the priorities of the $83,048 that the City of Carlsbad is authorized to receive through the passage of the 1974 State Bond Act. A study of six proposals was undertaken and the list consisted of the following: Holiday Park Hosp Grove Park Magee Park Carrillo Ranch Park Laguna Riviera Park Municipal Swimming Pool The recommendation of the Commissioners was that Holiday Park be the number one priority and the project would be the construc- tion of a Community Branch Center at this location. An estimated figure of $80,000 was reached which would be a structure 3,000 square feet. This is one of four branch centers that is being suggested to be built in the City of Carlsbad. The second priority was the Hosp Grove Amphitheatre. The amphitheatre, to be built in a rustic and woodish atmosphere, was accepted unanimously by the commission. Approximately $75,000 would be the cost for construction in this manner. I have done some research on other amphitheatres and it seems that this is a very reasonable cost for this type of structure. I feel that if we are not able to continue with an amphitheatre that upon receiving the said property from Kamar Construction Company, that .this area be left in its natural state. This project would also correlate with the 1,'76 Bi-Centennial Program. The other proposed programs should be filtered into the Parks and Recreation regular park development program. On August 20, 1974 during the regular City Council meeting, I plan on having six overlays that will identify the six park development programs that were discussed. I am enclosing an information sheet that includes estimated cost, type of develop- ment and work to be completed. I 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 14 m 3 15 � U � oo�Z 16 Z� W a may 17 �aU. } W U WZ "' g Q 18 Z W >a a 19 U 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3479 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CERTAIN RESERVATIONS THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO'S PRIORITY PLAN FCR EXPENDITURE OF STATE BEACH, PARK, RECREATIONAL AND HISTORICAL FACILITIES BOND ACT OF 1974 FUNDS. WHEREAS, the State Beach, Park, Recreational and Historical Facilities Bond Act of 1974 requires that each county shall con- sult with all cities and districts within the County which are authorized to provide park and recreation services anddevelop and submit to the State a priority plan for expenditure of the:County's allocation; and WHEREAS, the County of San Diego has consulted the City of Carlsbad in preparation of the priority plan for expenditure of the County's allocation, including expenditures by eligible cities and districts; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has been actively partici- pating in the development of an acceptable priority plan for expenditure of the County's allocation of State bond funds; and WHEREAS, the proposed priority plan provides that one-half of the County's allocation of $6,655,630 shall be used for regional parks while the remaining one-half shall be divided between cities' and the unincorporated area of the County of San Diego in the following manner: Each city and the unincorporated area shall first receive a base sum of $50,000, and the remainder shall be divided between cities and the unincorporated area of the County on the basis of their population. The State Department of Finance January, 1974, population estimates for the County of San Diego and the cities therein shall be used as the official and final basis for estab- lishing said population allocations; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is in general agreement M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 13 14 a o � N 15 � U � a ap�z 16 z zo � `:3 �¢ 17 w U F } Ui¢gm 18 2 O to > Q a 19 } o 20 '2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 with the County of San Diego proposed priority plan of expenditure of State Bond Act funds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the proposed priority plan for the expenditure of the County of San Diego's allocation of funds under the State Beach, Park, Recreational and Historical Facilities Bond Act of 1974, as specified above, be and hereby is approved subject to the following exceptions: (a) The City of Carlsbad objects to that portion of the Regional Park Plan which deletes Lake Calavera and includes San Elijo Lagoon. A high priority item in any such plan should include the acquisition of Lake Calavera. (b) That portion of the plan which reflects the projects for Carlsbad should indicate that Carlsbad's project. will be one or more of the following: holiday Park, Hosp Grove Park, Magee Park, Carrillo Ranch Park and Laguna Riviera Park. The scope of such project or projects will include acquisition or development or a combination thereof. 3. That the City Clerk is directed to inform the San Diego County Board of Supervisors of this action by forwarding a copy of this resolution to the San Diego County Park Development Division, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego, California 92123. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd day of September, 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis and.Skotnicki. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman McComas. "O�, —I ATTEST l,;j, '' ,, ROBERT C. FRAZEE, M-ayor. / Z04 r&4— ILL=ERG 1RET E, ADAM$, City Clerk BY: NORA• K. GARDINER Deputy City Clerk 2. b f M1 r 'r *r V` LOCATION 1, HOL DAY' PARK 2. HOSP GROVE PARK `6 I 6 FUTURE PARK DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PRELXMXNARY ESTIMATE YEARLY TOTAL EXPENDITURES PROJECT EX°PE'N°D.T'T UR'ES .P.E.R, .YEAR' Community Branch Center 1975 80,000 1975 $ 85,000 Appr. 3000 Sq. ft. 1975 5, 0-00 Tot Lot. 1976 5,000 1976 10,000 Tot Lot Heavy Play Aparatus 1976 1977 5, 000 5',000 1977 51000 Heavy Play Aparatus 1:75 5 Q00 19785, 000 Contingency Expenses 1979 ,, 5,000 1979 51000 Contingency Expenses 1975. 129 Ooo 75 000 1975 92 r o00 Amphitheater Hiking Trails 1975 1,000 Picnic Areas 1975 5 r 000 Drinking Fountain.$ 1975 11000 Rest Rooms/Maintenance Storage 1975 5,1000 Contingency Expenses 1975 976 5, 000 1, 000 1976 23, 000 Hiking Trails _ .1 Play Aparatus 1976 2,000 Parking Lot 1976 14,000 Contingency Expenses 1976 1977 10,000 51000 1977 45,000 Meandering Sidewalks Picnic Areas 1977 5,000 irrigation System 1977 15,000 Landscaping 1977 10, 000 Parking Lot 1977 1978 10, 000 5,000 1978 19,000 Meandering Sidewalks Play Aparatus 1978 4,000 Contingency Expenses 1978 10, 000 5 000 1979 41r000 Meandering Sidewalks .1979 Picnic Areas 1979 5.s000 Drinking Fountains 1979 1 , 000 irrigation System 1979 15f000 Landscaping 1979. 10,000 Rest Rooms/Maintenance Storage 1979 1980 5,000 4,000 1980 9�000 P1a Aparatus y Contingency Expenses 1980 1981 5 r 0Q0 5r000 1981 5,000 Picnic Areas 234,000 TOTAL COMMENTS I k yy YEARLY TOTAL EXPENDITURES LOCATION PROJECT EXPENDITURES PER YEAR COMMENTS 3. MAGEE PARK Picnic Area 1975 10'r000 1975 29800 t Play Aparatus 1975 5,000 Parking Lot J975 8.*800 Drinking Fountains 1975 1.,000 Rest Rooms, Maintenance Storage 1975 -5 000 Shuffleboard 1976 2.v,000 1976 22,,500 Horseshoe Courts 1976 500 Meandering Sidewalks 1976 10'.000 Contingency Expenses 1976, 10"000 Historical Society Headquarters TOTAL 52,o3OO 4. LAGUNA RIVIERA PARK Rest Rooms/Maintenance 1975 10.,500 Storage 1975 5f000 Picnic Areas 1975 5, 000 Drinking Fountains 1975 500 Meandering Sidewalks 1976 15,,000 1976 18,000 Contingency Fund 1976 3 000 Outdoor Handball Courts 1977 15,000 1977 20,500 Picnic Areas 1977 5,r 0 00 Drinking Fountains 1977 500 Contingency Fund 1978 3,000 1978 3f000 Outdoor Handball Courts 1979 15, 000 1979 15,000 TOTAL 67r000 5. CARRILLO RANCH PARK Restoration of Ranch 1976 20,000 1976 40.,000 Irrigation System 1976 15,000 Contingency Fund 1976 5r000 Irrigation System 2977 20.r000 1977 47,,000 Parking Area 1977 10.?000 Rest RoomslMaintenance Storage 1977 5,.000 Contingency Fund 1977 5,.000 Landscaping 1977 7,r000 z Landscaping 1978 7,.000 1978 37,000 Multicomplex Activity Area 1978 10f000 Parking Area 1978 10,f 000 Rest Rooms,lMaintenance Storage 1978 5,000 Contingency Fund 19 78 5, 000 Contingency Fund 1979 5f000 1979 5,000 TOTAL 110,000 5 C. J4 C L LOCATION PROJECT 6. Recommended locations Swimming Pool by Citizen's Committee 1. Magnolia and valley 2. High School TOTAL GRAND TOTAL OF PROJECTS -1 - $ 129 ., 000 2. 2.34,000 30 52,300 4. 67,000 5. 110.r 000 6. 1.00,0000 692,300 4 "- p iM 3 Yd1 YEARLY EXPENDITURES 1975 100,000 100,000 �I II `1\ TOTAL EXPENDITURES PER YEAR 1975 1001000 EXPENDITURES PER YEAR (TOTAL) 1975 $ 317, 300 1976 113,500 1977 117,500 1978 641000 1979 66,000 1980 9,000 1981 451-,'0`0 0 ri $ 69 2, 300 r COMMENTS 1 G e A w i