HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-20; City Council; ; Request for an Amendment of Resolution 1327 which permits Service StationsC I T Y 0 F \ CARLSBAD, CAL IF OR~. -, ( ,f r:1·:...(~~'--)\ ~ =-==~=.;;;.....;;;;-=,,<-;.....;;;;:..:;,_:_\✓ ~e:aaf;~7~ Agenda Bill Referred To: Subject: Request for an Amendment of a City Council #1327 which permits Service Stations Resolution Submitted By: Planning Commissi · Statement of the Matter: The City Council adopted a Precise Plan for Freeway Service Facilities at I-5 and Palomar Airport Road in November, 1966. The Precise Plan identified as Exhibit B of Resolution #1327 permitted only a Service Station on the Northeast quadrant of I-5/Palomar Airport Road intersection. The Precise Plan as adopted in 1966 is an obsolete method of limiting land use. The City now requires all Service Stations be apprcved by a Conditional Use Permit. Therefore, it is recommended that all references to Exhibit Bin Resolution 1327 be deleted. This action was prompted by a request for a Conditional Use Permit which would permit a Diesel Fuel Sales and Tire Service Facility at the vacated Shell Service Station. The Planning Commission approved the C.U.P. and recommended that the Precise Plan adopted ~y City Council Resolution #1327 be amended. Exhibit: 1. City Council Resolution #1327 2. ExhibitB-Map 3. Planning Commission Resolution #1081 Staff Recommendations to City Manager: ' Staff recommends the City Council amend City Council Resolution #1327 and direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary resolution as recommended by Planning Commission Resolution #1081. • ( . AB No. City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff. Council.Action l Date: -2- August 20, 197~ . i ' 1 2 ·.3 4 - RESOLUTION NO~ . .132.7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN FOR PALOMAR PARK FREEWAY SER°V(CE FACILITIES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does .hereby resolve 5 as.follows: 6 l. That proper legal notice was given tif the public hearing 7 · to be held by the City Council to constder the herein adopted pre- 8 c i se plan. 9 2. That a public hearing was held pursuant to said notice 10 at which time evidence and testimony from all persons desiring to 11 speak regarding the herein adopted plan were heard. 12 .3 . That on June 21 , l 9 6 6 , the City Co u n c i l d i d refer the . . . . . 13 precise pla~ back to the Planning Comml~si~n for further study and 14 report. 15 4. That the City Council does<hereby adopt as a precise 16 plan those certain maps des_ignated A and B, Palomar Park Freeway 17 Servic~ Facilities, o~ the Northwesteilj ~nd Southeasterly ~orners . . 18 j of Interstate 5 Freeway and Palomar Airport Road, regulating the 19 location of lots, streets, buildings~ other improvements, open~space 20 etc., as shown or noted thereon. Said maps are by this reference 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 incorporated herein subject to the following conditions: 1. Al 1 domestic water shal 1 be supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Department. 2. All buildings constructed shall be sewered by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 3. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same trench. 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained so as to prevent pond~ 2$ i~g and/or storage of surface water~·•· 29 30 31 32 the I 5. One (l) standard six-inch (611) fire hydrant shall be at fo11owi_ng locations: (a) At the corner of Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas. (b) At the corner of Palomar Airport Road and Lowder Lane. - l 6. All distribution utility facilities shall be placed under- 2. ground as required by Ordinance. ·.3 4 7 •. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided.· 8. A final gradi_ng plan shall be submitted prior to issuance 5 of ~uilding permits on any of the lots~ 6 .9. Location, grade and details of proposed improvements will 7 be s u b Je ct to rev i s i on as re q u ired f o r improve me tit p 1 a n s , a n d a ppr o - 8 val. of Exhibits A and B will not imply acceptance as submitted. 9 10. Th'.e properti.es shall be developed in· the indicated units, 10 (d~lineated in phrases), and sequence of units, (~hases), unless 11 otherwise approved. 12 l 1 • Al l · 1 m prov e me n t s s ha ll c om p l y w i t h t h e s t a n d a rd p 1 a n s . and 13 ~pecifications of the City of Carlsbad. 14 12. Dedication of.street r_ights ,of way on Palomar Airport Road 15 Avenida Encinas and Lowder Lane .. shall be made at this time to comply 16 with the City of Carlsbad 1 s Master Road Plan~ Said streets shall · 17 I be improved as required by the Engineering Department as the phases 18 of the properties are developed. 19 13. Street pavi_ng on Avenida Encinas shall ·consist of two (2) 20 inches of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coat laid upon 21 four ( 411 ) i n c hes of deco mp o s e d gr a n i t e b a s e ma t er i a l , a 11 on a ppr o v - 22 ed subgrade. 23 Street paving on Lowder Lane shall consist of two and one-half 24 .(2 1/2 11 ) inches of asphaltic concrete with stone chip sea1 coat 25 laid upon six (6i1 ) inches of decomposed granite base, all on approv- 26 ed su_bgrade. 27 Street paving on Palomar Airport Road shall consist of three 28 (311) inches of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coat laid 29 upon six (611) inches of decomposed granite base, all on approved 30 .subgrade. 31 14. Type 11 G11 concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in 32 all streets. Concrete cross_ gutters shall be six (6 1 ) feet wide -2 - II Ii II II 1 and located as required for drainage. 2 15. All required street name signs, barricades and safety -.3 devices sh a 11 , be ins ta 11 e d . 4j 16. Sidewalks shall be five (5.1 ) feet minimum in width and 5 located contiguous to the cur:b. 6 (a)· The remaining five foot strips of l.and between the sidewal 7 and the property line shall be: 8 (r) Planted· and maintained with trees Tisted on the City 9 0 ff i c i a 1 Tr e e l i s t or a ppr o v e d sh r u b s , aJl p l a n t e d i n a cc or d a n c e 10 with the requirements of Ordinance No. 917_4 • 11 . (:2) Served by a water irfigatfon system ahd be supplied with 12 bubblers or sprinklers. 13 (l} Landscaping plans shall be subject to final approval -0f 14 j / t h e P l a n n i n g D e pa r tm en t. 15 1_7. Drainage improvements shall fnclude standard inlets, side~ 16 walk underdrain structures and conduit to satisfactory discharge 171 points. I 1a I 1_8. Sanitary sewers, including required manholes and appurt- 19 enances with adequate service laterals for each lot shall be con- 20 structed as required by the City. Easements, where needed, are to 21 be provided by the Developer. 22 19. Water mains, including adequate services to each lot~ 2 3 s ha l 1 b e c o n· s t r u c t e d a s re q u i r e d by t h e C i t y . 24 20. Survey monuments and street tr~es shall be ihstalled as 25 required by City Standards. 26 21. AlJgnment, location and grades of all improvements shall 27 be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Complete plans and 28 specifications must be submitted to and approved by the City before 29 construction of any improvement is commenced. 30 · 22. Dedication of additional rights of way as necessary shall. . 31 be required. 32 23. One free standi!)g s_ign only, not over 35 feet in height -3 - 1 and containing a maximum of 2 faces, each face 200 square feet or 2 less in area, may be used to identify all phases and uses of the 0 total property designated as Exhibit A. 4 24. One free stinding sign only, not over 35 feet in height 5 and containing a maii~um -0f 2 faces, each face 200 square feet or 6 less in area, may be used to identify al1 phases and uses of the 7 tota1. property designated as Exhibit B and all other property aug- 8 menting this area with additional freeway service facilities in the 9 future. 10 25. All other scigns shall be 11 wall s}gnsll VJhich shall conform 11 to Sect i on 3 . 2 7..; 2 7 •of Ord i n a rite No . 80 3 8 • 12 26. The development of this property shall conform to Sign 13 Ordinance No. 8038, Zoning Ordinance No. 9060 and the above condi- 141 tions unless the plans and notes on Exhibits A and Bare more re- 151 strictive in which case thi more restrictive shall govern. 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED At a regular meeting of the 17 City Council held on the 1st day of November, 1966, by the following 18 vote, to wit: 19 20 21 22 AYES: Councilmen Worthing, Neiswender, Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine NOES: None ABSENT: None 23 24 ATTEST: 25 26 27 28 (SEAL) 29 30 31 32 -4 - tnr~ _)L.L . . . ·.:::_···. t W. C. A~ JR.)4a of the City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California ' l 2 3 4 5 6 7 wit: 8 9 10 11 'LANNING COMMISSION RESOLU,PN #1081 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RECINDING THAT PORTION OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION #1327 WHICH ALLOWS A SERVICE STATION ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF I-5 AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CASE NO: PP#OO APPLICANT: MAURICE AND PATSY STONEBREAKER WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain property, to That portion of Lot Hof Rancho Aqua Hedionda, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map 823, filed with the County Recorder, San Diego County Assessor 1 s Parcel 3, Page 170, Book 210, particularly described on file in the Carlsbad Planning Department, 12 has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the 13 i P 1 a n n i n g C om mi s s i on ; a n d 14 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as 15 provided by Title 21 of the 11 Carlsbad Municipal Code"; and 16 WHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the time and in the 17 place specified in said notice on July 9, 1974; and 18 WHEREAS, publ\c hearing was continued to July 23, 1974 to 19 allow staff time to obtain additional information needed on the 20 ability of the site to accommodate large trucks (circulation and 21 tu r n i n g ease ) ; and 22 WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with the Public Facility 23 Policy of the City of Carlsbad and has provided the necessary 24 information which insures Public Facilities wi11 be available and 25 current with need; and 26 WHEREAS, the subject application has complied with the 27 requirements of the City of Carlsbad 11 Environmental Protection 28 Ordinance of 1972 11 ; and 29 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering 30 the testimony and arguments, if any, of a 11 persons who desired 31 to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relative to the 32 amendment of said Resolution and found the following facts and , h l reasons to exist: 2 3 4 (1) It is necessary to rescind the precise plan on the property before the Conditional Use Permit can be issued. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of 5 the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: That it does hereby 6 recommend that City Council Resolution #1327 be amended to r~cind 7 that portion of the Resolution which allows a Service Station on 8 the Northwest corner of 1-5 and Palomar Airport Road; 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 10 of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on July 23, 1974 by the ► ll following vote, to wit: 12 13 14 15 16 AYES: Commissioners Casler, Jose, Wrench, Fikes, Barrett NOES: None ABSENT: Com~issioner Dominquez ABSTAIN: Commissioner Watson 17 18 19 20 21 ATTEST: 22 :: &jL Q~ 25 Donald A. Agatep "I.:~ Secretary 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -2- Mary Ca~ler, Chairman