HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-20; City Council; 3143-1; Revision Of Parking Requirements For P-M ZoneReferred To : Subject: - Submitted By: Revision of Parking Requirements City Attorney for P-M Zone. t /fh Statement of the Matter The City Council at your meeting of August 6, 1974, directed the City Attorney to'prepare the necessary documents to revise the parking re- quirements for the P-M Zone. The Ordinance adopting the revision is attached. .. Exhf bf t Ordinance No. adopting revision. .. .. Staff Recommendations to City Manager If the Council desires to amend the Municipal Code to revise the parking for the P-H Zone, your action is to introduce Ordinance NO. .. , ... , ,i 8 I City Manager's Recommendation .. Concur with staff. The Planning Department has reviewed'the parking requirements of the various zoning ordinances and found that there is no direct conflict between the changes i t i ,I being recommended in the P-M Zone and the other requirements. ,< While there is no direct conflict between the requirements ! of the various zones, in some cases the relationship of the requirements is not logical. The Planning staff has been into better relationship with one another. :[ instructed to continue its review of all zones to bring them 't ; ! I Counci 1 Action' .. ! 8-20-74 Following the public hearing, Ordinanc.; No. 9402 was I 9-3-74 Ordinance No. 9402 was given a second reading by title , introduced and given a first readi.ng. only with further reading waived and was adopted. .. ,, -2- ! ". b 1 Y oRDTRAB& RO. 9402 2 3. 4 5 AR ORDINANCE O? THE CITY COUACIL OF TEE CITY OF ULRSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUE8DING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.44 OF THE UWSBAD XCJNICIPAI. CODE BY THE -3ENT OF SECTION 21.44.210 TO REVISE THE PARKJAG FZQUIFtEHENTS FOR THL! P-H ZONE. 6 Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 21.44.210 9 SECTION 1: Title 21, Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad 8 does ordain as follows: 7 The City Council of the City of Carlshad, California 10 11 to read as follows: spaces shall be located in a front, side or rear yard adjoining 14 13 space= required for all uses within the P-I4 zone shall be as 32 17 up to 25% of the total required parking spaces to be reduced in 16 line. 15 standing the provisions of Section 21.44.130, the nrnnber of parkin! follows: one space for each 400 square feet of building area. None of said a street, or within ten feet of an interior side or rear property '21.44.210 Parking spaces required--P-H zone. Notwith- (11 off-street prking shall be provided at the ratio of 'j - i ,&+IS ; SE?E .u*= ! L.23 5Cag 18 (Bl Aisles for conpact car spaces are clearly I 5 proxinity to the facility which they sene so as to encourage j 5 20 their maximum usage, (2) The Planning Commission may, by resolution, allow size to acccnnmodate compact cars provided that: parking aisles from standard sized spaces, marked with permanent pole signs denoting "Compact Cars Only", (Cl compact car spaces shall be located in Close (A) canpact car spaces are located in separate 1 sf-s 19 (D) cmpact car spaces must be a minimum width of 21 EWECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty 22 7.5 feet and a minimum length of 15 feet." 23 ~ODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the 27 tion. 26 once in the Carlsbad Jmmal within fifteen days after its adop- 25 adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least 24 days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the 28 and thereafter 29 carlsbaa City council held on the day of August , 1974, ! 30 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a reqular meeting of said Council 32." "1- - - .I. . .- i. (I i heid on the Jrd day of September, 1974, by the fallowing vote, 2 to wit: 3 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, and Skotnickl. NOES : None. ABSENT: Councilman McComas. 6 7 8 9 ATTEST: 11 BY: NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy 12 (SEAL) CA- ROBERT c. FUZEE, Mayor 2. u ! ! i ! ; I i r !