HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-20; City Council; 3169; FY 1974-75 Safety personnel salary schedule amend. - - .T H E CITl OF CARLSBA C A L I FAR N I A Agenda Bill No. J/S? August Da fe : Referred To: Subject: AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 3483 Submitted By: ESTABLISHING FY1974-75 SALARY SCHEDULE Jerome N. Pieti FOR MISCELLANEOUS AND POLICE SAFETY Personnel Director PERSONNEL TO INCLUDE FIRE SAFETY PERSONNEL. u =J Statement of the Matter : As a result of the failure of the City and t e Caklsbad Firefighters Association to reach agreement during meet and confer sessions concerning changes to conditions of employment for Fiscal Year 1974-75, the City Council accepted recommendations by the City manager. As a result of this action the City Council amended the schedule of salaries of Fire Safety Employees by increasing salaries by 7.5%. This amendment was adopted as a separate Fire Safety Salary Schedule. Subsequently, at Council direction negotiations between the City and Carlsbad Firefighters Association continued. These negotiations resulted in a Memorandum of Understanding previously considered and accepted by the City Council. RESOLUTION NO. and its attached Exhibit "A" implement the salary increase provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding by reflecting the integration of salary ranges and steps for Fire Safety Employees in the Salary Schedule of Miscellaneous, and Police Safety Employees. It further serves to rescind Council action taken in RESOLUTION NO. 3484 establishing a Fire Safety Employees Salary Schedule. RESOLUTION NO. ,3473 with Exhibit "A" amending RESOLUTION NO. 3483. Exhibit Staff Recommendations to City Manager It is recommend-ed that the Council adopt Resolution No. ,3477 establishing the Salary Schedule for Miscellaneous, Police and Fire personnel for Fiscal Year 1974-75. AB No. 31b7 City Manager's Recommendation Date : Auqust 20, 1974 Concur with staff. This recommendation, if adopted, will bring the Fire Safety personnel in line with salary increases granted other personnel within the City. As previously discussed with Council, the additional 1.5% salary increase being granted to Fire Safety personnel by this resolution will not become effective until September 1, 1974. Salaries for all other personnel will continue unaffected from the retroactive date of July 1, 1974. Council 'Action 8-20-74 Resolution No. 3493 adopting an amended salary plan for fiscal year for 1974-75 for Fire Safety personnel was adopted. -2- 1: 1: 1: 2: 2; 2; 21 2: 21 2' 2; 2' 31 3 3, RESOLUTION NO. 3491 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN AMENDED SALARY PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1974-75. WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 3482 ac- cepted the City Manager's recommendations regarding wages and othei terms and conditions of employment for Fire Safety personnel for fiscal year 1974-75 and by Resolution No. 3484 implemented a portion of said recommendations by the adoption of the Salary Plan for said employees for said year: and WHEREAS, in so doing the City Council agreed to consider further amendments to said plan as the result of negotiations which were to continue for two weeks between Management and the Firefighters Association; and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Understanding has been reached as a result of said negotiations and has been approved by City Council Resolution No. 3492 ; and WHEREAS, it is now appropriate and in the public interest to implement that portion of the Memorandum of Understanding providing for a further salary adjustment by the adoption of an amended Salary Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Revised Classification and Salary Range Schedule, as set out in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted as the Salary Plan of the City of Carlsbad for all Miscellaneous, Police and Fire Safety personnel for fiscal year 1974-75 to be effective on the first day of the first pay period of September, 1974 through the balance of said fiscal year. Prior to the effective date of said Schedule the Salary Plan for Miscellaneous and Police personnel as adopted by -... .- . . . . . - . ._ . . .... -. . .-.-- ............. ............ ... <.- ..... .. .- .. - . .- .. - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 It 14 9 2c F ti 21 22 2: 24 25 2e 27 2e 29 3c 33 32 , ,** Resolution No. 3483 and the Salary Plan for Fire Safety personnel as adopted by Resolution No. 3484 shall remain in effect. Upon said effective date said Plans shall be superseded by the revised Plan as adopted by this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 20th day of August , 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Cmn. Frazee, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Skotnicki. NOES : None. ABSENT: None. ,K&GL&Le ROBERT C. FRAZEE, yor 2. -~ .-. .. __ ............ ._ . .- ..... ...- CITY OF CARLSBAD .-. , L~ASSI FICATION AND SALARY R/>..GE SCHEDULE Miscellaneous, Police Safety, Fire Safety Employees Fiscal Year 1974-75 CLASSIFICATION RANGE ACCOUNTANT 35 A DM I N I S T RAT I V E I NT ERN 29 ASSISTANT CITY LIBRARIAN 36 ASSISTANT PLANNER 37 ASSIST, TO FINANCE DIR. 42 ASSIST. TO PLANNING DIR. 50 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 45 AUDIO-VISUAL CLERK 17 AUDIO-VISUAL LIBRARIAN ' 29 BUILDING INSPECTOR 37 CHI LDREN ' S LI BRARIAN 32 CIVIL ENGR. ASSISTANT 40 CIVIL ENGR. ASSOCIATE 46 CLERK STENOGRAPHER 16 CLERK TYPIST 13 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR 20 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER^ 26 C.S. 0. COORDINATOR] 47 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 38 CONSTRUCTION MAINT'MAN 19 CUSTODIAN 16 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 21 t ENGINEERING AIDE 27 EQUIPMENT MAINT.FOREMAN 36 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 32 EQUIPMENT MECH. HELPER 20 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF 47 FIRE CAPTAIN 43 FIRE ENGINEER 39 35 ' 22 FIREMAN GARAGE ATTENDANT HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 29 INTERMED. ACCOUNT CLERK 17 JUNIOR PLANNER 31 LIBRARY ADMIN, ASSIST. 28 LIBRARY ASSISTANT 25 LIBRARY CLERK 15 LIBRARY CLERK I1 (Artist) 17 MA I N T E NAN C EM AN 21 MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR 29 PARK CARETAKER 21 PARK FOREMAN 36 1Police Funds Grant CLASSIFICATION RANGE PARK LANDSCAPE TECHNICIAN 28 PARK MAINTENANCE LEADMAN 26 PLANNING TECHNIC IAN 28 POLICE CAPTAIN 47 POLICE LIEUTENANT 41 POLICE OFFICER 36 POLICE SERGEANT 40 P R I N C I PA L C I V I L E N G I N E E R 54 PROPERTY MAINT. FOREMAN 34 PUBLIC WORKS FOREMAN 38 PUBLIC WORKS LEADMAN 28 P.W. SANITATION INSPECTOR 29 RECREATION LEADER I 5 RECREATION LEADER I1 12 RECREATION LEADER I11 22 REC R EAT I ON SUP E R I NTEMDENT 3 6 RECREATION SUPERVISOR 32 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN 26 SECRETARY 21 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY 23 SECRETARY TO CITY MANAGER 24 SECRETARY TO POLICE CHIEF 23 SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK 22 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 43 SENIOR CLERK STENOGRAPHER 18 SR. COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR 22 SENIOR ENGINEERING AIDE 34 S E N I 0 R L I B R A R I A N 29 SENIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT 29 SENIOR LIBRARY CLERK 21 SENIOR MAINTENANCEMAN 25 SENIOR WATER SERVICEMAN 25 STREET SUPERINTENDENT 39 SWITCHBOARD OPR. RECEPTION. 15 TREE TRIMMER LEADMAN 28 - WATER LEADMAN 27 WATER MAINTENANCE FOREMAN 36 WATER PUMP FOREMAN 37 WATER PUMP OPERATOR 29 WATER SERVICEMAN 21 WAT E R S U P E R I NT E N D ENT 42 YOUTH RESOURCES COUNSELOR^ 36 EXHIBIT "A" TO RESOLUTION NO. 3493 Page 1 of 2 pages. ---a v- .C--'l--.*- -_- ~isce~-~aneous and Police Safety rd..Fire Safety Personnel '. BI-WEEKLY.SALARY SCHEDULE B i - Ji e e k 1 y Steps RANGE 'A B C D E 13 .. ,252.04 264. 62 278.20 291.78 306.. 38 . 258.58 271.16 284.74 299. 34 313. 92 14 15 264.62 278.20 291.78 306-38 321.96 I 16 271.16 284.74 299.34 313.92 330.02 278 . 20 291.78 306 . 38 321.96 338. 07 306.38 . 321.96 338 07 354. 68 330 . 02 346.12 . 363.72 321.96 ' 338-07 354 . 68 372 . 78 354.68 . 372.78 ' 391.40 381.84 . 400.96 363.72 372.78 391.40 410.52 381.84 -400.96 - - 421.08 391-40 410 . 52 431.14 400.96 421.08 * 441.70 410. 52 431.14 452 . 78 421.08 441.70 463 . 84 i 391.40 410.52 431.14 452 . 78 475.41 32 400.96 421.08 441-70 463-84 486.98 410. 52 431.14 452.78 475. 41 499.06 ' 421.08 441.70 463.84 = 486.98 511.64 .33 34 35 431.14 452.78 475.41 499 . 06 524 . 21 36 441.70 463 . 84 486.98 511.64 537. 29 452.70 475.41 499.06 524. 21 550.37 463 . 84 486.98 511.64 537. 29 563.96 475.41 499.06 524 . 21 550. 37 578.04 486.98 ~ 511.64 537.29 563.96 592 . 12 ' 499.06 524. 21 550. 37 578 . 04 606.72 42 511.64 537.29 563.96 592 . 12 621. 81 43 44 45 550.37 578 -04 606.72 637.40 . 669.10 46 563.96 592. 12 621.81 653 . 00 685.70 47 578.04 606. 72 637.40 669.10 702.30 48 592 . 12 621.81 653.00 685.70 .719,90 50 621 . 81 653.00 685.70 719.90 755-62 284.74 299.34 313-92 330.02 .- 346.12' 17 18 313.92 ' 330.02 346.12 .363.72 301.84 - * 524 . 21 550 . 37 578 . 04 606.72 -637.40 537 . 29 563.96 592.12 621.81 . 653.00 -. 49 606 . 72 637 . 40 669.10 702. 30 737.50 - 51 637.40 ' 669.10 702.30 737.50 774. 73 52 653 . 00 685.70 719.90 755.62 793.85 53 669 . 10 702.30 737.50 774.73 813. 47 54 685.70 719 . 90 755.62 793.85 833.09 55 '. 702.30 737 . 50 774.73 813.47 . 853.72 56 719.90 755.62 793.85 -- 833.09 874.34 - 2 - EXHIBIT "A'* TO RESOLUTION NO. 3493 _-. ~~ . . 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