HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-09-17; City Council; 3037-1; Gasoline Vapor ControlsTHE CITY OF C!iRLSPAD, CAL I FORD IA A)ertda Bi 11 vo. 3•-' Supplement 1 Date seo _1-7�19J4 Referred To: yl;w Subject: —� — Submitted 8y: Gasoline Vapor Controls Interim Utilities/ Maintenance Director Stat "lent of t h a f1att:r This item is being presented for Council consideration in order to comply with recent Air Pollution Control District rulings concerning gasoline vapor control ruling. In the basic Agenda Bill staff was directed to file application by April 1, 1974 with San Diego County APCD. The staff filed two (2) applications and the San Diego County granted permission to construct (Exhibit A). The City is ready to proceed with the lease -maintenance contract with Environics, Inc. The City recognizes: that budgeted vehicles for 1975 will require un- leaded gasoline; that present gasoline tank capacity needs to be in- creased; and that accountability of gasoline should be provided. Utilizing City employees, all these items can be installed by City forces if the current budget for vapor control devices is increased from $6,000.00 to $11,500.00, The additional $5,500.00 for gasoline facility remodeling could come from the Revenue Sharing Reserves in which the vapor control devices is allocated from, thereby requiring no fund transfer. Exhibit A. County of San Diego, Department of Public Health. Letter of May 31, 197.4. B. Staff report on asoline facilities. C. Resolution NO. D. Resolution No. �-- Staff Recommendations to City Manager Adopt a motion approving Resolution No..[— authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract for Vapor Controls and authorizing the expenditure of an additional $5,500.00 from Revenue Sharing Funds. and Resolution No. 2, aut Lhorizing fund transfer. AB No. City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff. Date: September 17, 1974 Council'Action 9-17-74 Resolution #3518 was adopted, authorizing execution of a contract, and Resolution #3519 was adopted authorizing an amendment to the Budget. -2- P1 . T ...- . w ... AT- -. - , + ' o of ur i�i C VIP n" �,�. ��n„-�Z,:.%� ,•'d'a"''rrr' i{..._;,mat ».�;'� ^` . ���• 1 �:,,t�5"��Z,.1+...�*S`�` •s ' �' ;1 1 t rci i ; f ? � rr+ � •�`.y » :t_. �.. � r�„ +,.�i .. yy.r•;:..t•„ %�+••.'Y � ',1r •.r• r. a a + al n a n 1.�,�� ,1 �,�„•„ 1 OF PUBLIC I1r,,A .1'IT J U. ASKC%',.M O 24 ?.H ,-\ 01NCcroA or Pueuc HcAvp 31, 1974 + !.fr. Ronald A. Becic=n, public Iiorks Administrator Certified Return City of Carlsbad, City Ball Receipt Requested ; 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92-008 Dear Mr. Beckman: After examination of your applications for Air Pollution Control District F Authorities to Construct and Permit's to Operate the gasoline dispensing facilities listed in this letter, the District has decided on the following action: Authorities to Construct are granted hereby pursuant to Rule 20, Rules and Regulaxions for the follotrin3 facilities located at: 1. 1200 E2_*, Ave., Carlsbad Stith an estimated total through -put of 5000 Gallons per month dispensed from (1) one, 1000 Gal- lon underground tank for Regular Gasoline (Appl-No. 4036). r 2. l•105 Oak Ave., Carlsbad with an estim :ted total through -put of 4000 gallons per month ctispensea frcn (1) one 2000 Fallon underground tank for Regular gasoline (App. ilo. 4037) Moh facility listed above is to be equipped vith an I:,.tviranics Inc. Vapox 400 vapor recovery system consisting of: One vapor recovery nozzle-Environics Nodal B, (1) plooud catalyticn reactor, (1) 107 pound carbon bed, (�) 77 _ carboy. bed, and (1) Rotron 1•1-357 blower at each facility Reference dralfings : Vapox 400 schematic dated 1/7/74 Vapox 2lozzle :�Ddific-tion dated 11!9/73 Dover Corp./ 0'_rl Dra:ting 110. CC-1631-1IRL-2 V apox 400 Description of Operation L1ate1 10/12/73 Plot Plans labelel "Carlsbad City hall: and"City of CarlsbaJ, Corporatlon YaWd" EXHIBIT "A" Salina all 4 t1 v"('rpmakd and ar:r4 of Syr, DaV Cf)ttntY Page 2. Tnese Authority to Construct are issued cnnlitional on the fol.lowin7,: One foW`11 inch sa. plins� ports are to be installed in the litre Wore and after the catalytic reactor and at the exit of Carbon Bed I40. 2 on the vent from the storage tanks. Test facilities and instruments shall be supplied by the appli- cant in accordance irith the District's instructions. Vapor return lines shall slope toward the underground storage tanks and there shall be a liquid trap with a check valve at the low point. Tne vapor return hose from the nozzle shall be connected to the to*•rest point on the dispenser housing. Iaera shall be vapor return iY�11 :E �JGrTYr�3 rEYL:s ZJ '.;Z" 't9 Y:� :r'3EL r all. �..7 .; .2:11*Y :tY 1 ie caulk fuel drops shall be limited to 4500 gallons. This Air Pollution Control District Authority to Construct does not relieve the holder froze obtaining permits or authorizations that r.-.ay be required by other governmental agNncies. The installation of this equipment must cottrply with all applicable mver=-.-,t building codes. Please notify the Air Pollution Control District as soon as the equipment is in- stalled aria in operational status so that it ray be evaluated for Permit to Operate purposes. Applicant must be prepared to r=ke all changes to this equipment if in- dicated by future tests. No further applications are necessary. if you have any questions regarding this action, please contact Mr. Mark Evetovich, Senior Air Pollution E:tgineer, at 236-3826. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. NE S :B1U-'c :lwr Sincerely, IiORI-VIN E. SCHIML Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer .ECEIV EP JUN I 1 i"!z' CITY Or OA,1t_St;A0 Engineering Department September 6, 1974 MEMORANDUM TO: Public Works Administrator FROM: Utilities/Maintenance Director SUBJECT: City Gasoline Facilities The City is currently about to install vapor control devices on its gasoline storage and pumping facilities. The City has an approved "Authority To Construct Vapor Control Devices" from the County of San Diego. The Requisition fo'. the vapor control devices and the Agenda Bill for Council approval has been prepared for your consideration. There has been related problems with the gasoline facilities which need to be resolved prior to installation of the vapor control devices. First, the City has in its 1974-75 Budget requirements for nine (9) new police vehicles, plus other vehicles. The new Police vehicles will effect the gasoline facilities, due to the fact that the new Police vehicles will have a requirement for unleaded gasoline, which the City has no facilities for and also it will place an additional burden on the gasoline facility at City Hall which is at near capacity for effective utilization. The second problem concerns accountability. With the price of gasoline increasing, the accounting of usage of the gasoline becomes increasingly important. The third problem is that the tank capacity of the City Hall gasoline facility is only 1000 gallons, which has been stated, is now at full utilization. The fourth problem is that one of the pumps at the City Yard is old and need of replacement. To solve these problems we have outlined several options that the City could take and investigated each option. The options were: 1. Reconvert City Hall gasoline facilities to 5000 gallon tank utilizing private contractor and add the costs to the Vapor Control lease contract. 2. Reconvert the City Hall and City Yard gasoline facilities utilizing City forces. 3. Provide new vehicles with gasoline credit cards. EXHIBIT "B" t i I City Gasoline Facilities (continued) -2- 4. Provide all vehicles with gasoline credit cards. In investigating the first option the proposal provided by the Environics, Inc. was an additional $5,495.00 for install- ation of a new 5000 gallon gasoline tank at City Hall. This was rejected because of thehighcost and the fact it would only solve one of our problems. In investigating credit card use, it was found that there are no twenty-four (24) hour stations available in Carlsbad and with the uncertain situation concerning fuel, we could not obtain a firm contract from a local dealer. The credit cards would also increase the fuel costs to the City where as we pay 43� a gallon for gasoline and the station prices are well over 50�. In investigating utilizing City employees to do the work of converting both gasoline facilities, we found that the Mobil station at Elm Avenue and Madison, which has gone out of busi- ness, will sell the City three (3) 5,000 gallon gasoline tanks for $1,133. We would test the tanks prior to acceptance. We also found that we could resolve the problem of accountability by purchasing two (2) new gasoline pumps with devices that re- cord the gasoline used and identifies the vehicle by use of a special key issued to each vehicle. The cost of the pumps with special accounting devices is $3,413.00. Therefore, for about $6,000 total cost the City could have at both gasoline facili- ties an enlarged gasoline capacity, new pumps, and accountability. We have also investigated the cost of the vapor control device lease for the remainder of this fiscal year. The City has al- located $6,000 in the Budget for Vapor Control. The cost of the interest for leasing has in the meantime increased, but due to the fact that we have not signed the contract we have saved sev- eral months of payments. The contract, if signed this September will cost the City about $5,500 for the remainder of the fiscal year. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That City forces install the used tanks (5,000 gallon) at both City Hall and City Yard. 2. That new pumps (Model 55) with Printrol Devices be installed by City employees at City Hall and City Yard (one each). That the gasoline facility at City Hall be used only for un- leaded gasoline when we receive the new Police vehicles. 4. That an additional $5,500 be allocated to cover the cost of the installation of new pumps, tanks, and miscellaneous ex- penses connected with the installation. City Gasoline Facilities (Continued) -3- 5. That the funding be authorized from the Revenue Sharing Contingency Funds since the vapor controls are being paid for out of Revenue Sharing. This would require no transfer of funds, just an approval to utilize the funds. total cost of this project not exceed $11,500.00. 6. That the � This includes the $6,000.00 already budgeted for vapor control devices. 1 Respectfully, Z�I(/Q a C. E. GIBB CEG:pag l i RESOLUTION NO. 3518 r 21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THEXCITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE 3i OF A CONTRACT, AND AUTHORIZING FUNDS FOR A LEASE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR GASOLINE VAPOR RECOVERY 4 SYSTEMS AND RELATED COSTS THERETO 8 WHEREAS, the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District 6'(APCQ) has ruled that ,lost gasoline storage and dispensing 7�facilities in San Diego County must have a vapor control system 8�installed by December 1, 1974; and 9I WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has gasoline storage and dispens- 10iing facilities at City Hall and the Public Works Yard on Oak Avenue, 111in which the APCD rules are applicable thereto; and 12 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has deter- 13 mined that it is in the public interest to proceed in an expedi- 14 tious manner to comply with the APCD rulings; and 15 WHEREAS, the City has requested and been granted permission 16 to construct an approved gasoline Vapor Control System; 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of 18 Carlsbad, as follows: 19 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 20 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby author- 21 ized to execute a contract for the Lease Maintenance with 22 Environics, Inc. for said Vapor Recovery Systems. 23 3. That the expenditure of $11,500.00 is hereby authorized 24 out of Revenue Sharing of the City of Carlsbad solely 25 and exclusively for the purposes of providing funds for 26 the payments for the Lease Maintenance Contract for 27 gasoline vapor control systems during fiscal year 1974-75, 28 and related costs of installing gasoline storage tanks 29 30 31� 32 . and pumps. I r i IPASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City 2 1 of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held September 17, 1974, by the 3ifollowing vote, to wit: i 4� AYES: Councilmen Chase, McComas, Lewis and Skotnicki 5� NOES: None 6 ABSENT: Councilman Frazee i ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor 8 ATTEST: 9) 1Q ("S E•A L) , i5' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3r 32 , city tiler -2- i 1 2 J 4 5 Se 7 8 9 10� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3C V� 3� Ll RESOLUTION NO. 3519 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE AMENDMENT OF THE BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, that the budget for Fiscal Year 1974-75 be amended to indicate an appropriation of $5,500.00 from the Revenue Sharing Fund to the Mechanical Maintenance Account (1-123-91) to be used for Vapor Control Devices. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the 17th day of September , 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Chase, McComas, Lewis and Skotnicki NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Frazee r ROBERT C. FRAZEE, ilayor 4TTEST: MARGARET E. ADAMS,,(City Clerk ( seal)! I