HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-01; City Council; 2187-1; CARLSBAD TRACT 73-45 - LOMA LAGUNA, NO. 20 0 f+ TiiF 7 ITY OF CARLSFAD, CALIFORV'q </ ,' /d -. (?'- /' ' ji ' Date October 1 , 1974 Agenda Bi 11 Vo.g/flTd &-e Referred To: __I---- -. Subiect: 5i;rlsbad Tract 73-45 (Lorna Laguna, No. 2j Submitted By: 7w A. Final Map City Engineer P. Acceptance of future reserved street in park DrivE (subdivision located on both sides of Park Drive (extended) and soi~therly of El Caniino Real-W. Allan Kelly +>, R d - - Statement of the Matter .. I. Engineerinq staff has completed checking the final map of Carlsbad Tract 73-45 (Lena Laguna No. 2) for conformance with the state sub- division map act 2nd applicable local ordinances of the City of Car' bad. .The final map conforms substantially to the conditions of the Tentative map apprGved by the City Council on Yovember 7, 1973, Resolution No. 3253. 2. portions of Lots 18 and 19 designated "portions of lots 18 and 19 reserved for future street," Carlsbad Tract 71-5 Map ido. 7292 recorded May 31, 1972, :vas offered for dedlcatiorl but was rejected and never accepted by rhe City. Acceptance of this reserved future street is ncm in order (see ex- hibit B). .This wily complete the street desigr; requirement for Carlsbad Tract 73-43. Exhibit A. Final map (wail exhibit) a. Resolution 'N~.-J~z-+-- C. Easernent plat Staff Recorrmendations - Adopt a mot ion. 1. Approving the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 73-45 (Lorna Lag.jna ?! Subject to receipt of bonds, fees and agreement within 15 days. 2. Aoprovinq Resolution No. dsas_': regarding acceptance of the port of Lots 18 and 19 reserved for future street of Csrlsbad Tract 71- Yap !io. 77.92. w T . *. Date: October .I, 1974' . . e._ .. AD . [lo. # .. . .. ... .- .. T. - .. .. .. C i t y &fa n a 9 e r ' s ;7 c con m c n 6 a t i on - . -. ,. 1 i I i Conair . -. i -.* a. .. f ! '. . . .. -. I. -- !. -. .. .. ... .. ,. -- ! !. 4 .. c Council kction 10-1 -74 ,~~~r~~~~: !;pd ~~~~~~~~~~~~3~~~c~a~3~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, jc street purposes-certain previpusly rejected easenlent required by Carlsbad Tract 73-45. .' I .. .. -. .. *. .. ... .. - v - i .. J .. MAP NO- i SHZGT 5 CF 5 SHELT5 Lio ScACz ~:>;::131; c 7 I/ 8 I 10 11 12 13 I.4 j 16, i 17 I 19 20 21 22 I 25 I 23 I 24 I 1, The following described real property located i\n t of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, part gldescribed as portions of Lots 18 and 19 designated "portion lots 18 and 19 reserved for future street" according to Map of No. 7292, recorded May 31, 1972, which was previously re by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for public stre1 purposes, is now hereby accepted for public street purposes 2. The City Clerk of the City of Caklsbad shall cause 15lcertified copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the Off -. the County Recorder of San Diego County and to cause a copy to be forwarded to the County Assessor of the County of San 18'State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the day of October 9 1974, by the following vote, to wi AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewqs, McComas and Skotnicki, NOES: !!one ABSENT: !Jon@ r/ ABSTJ:IL!ED: Council-,an Chase >]44c / 2 . /\ 2$A$& RmERT-C. FRAZEE, &jyorL4 IIPTTEST: c s we 198 0. 4. >* ,I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. Virginia M. Smith 1, .-._....._..._______.~.~. Dewty., City Clerk of tlie City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Calif(: hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the originaI .... res-oruti-on ............... passec adopte:l by said City Council, at _____ 8 .... Iceg.U.1.a.r __._._....____ meeting thereof, at the time and by tlie vote t!i original ...... p.es~lu.tinn _.__._______ is now on file in my office: that the saine contains a full, ! t tlierefroin and of the whole thereof. c1 and tlir seal of saicl City of ~ar~s~)ac~, this ..3th. day of .......... October. ,... 1.974 _______. .- L ,'j .1.... De, @I &/6$f23z...&L--. m lYL%r iY5A rn ilzb % b"" t f . ,: F - g SHEET 5 OF 5 5HEEE-TS I. $ UQ -= EXHIBIT c