HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-15; City Council; 3219; FY 1974-75 salary schedule amendment.* *X X E CITY OF C A R L S 3 A D, CkZLF'ORNIA .Date: Qctober 15, $934 Agenda Bill No. keferred To: Submi t ted By : subject: ,ELMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. Jg& AMENDING SALARY SCHEDULE, FISCAL YEAR JEROME N. PIETI 1974-75. Personnel Director Statement of the j!attcr: The present organizational structure of the I Utilities-Maintenance Department creates disparities between salaries and responsibilities. The department has four divisions; Utilities, Streets, Equipment Kaintenance and Building Maintenance. The larger two divisions of Utiltities and Streets are managed by superintendents. The greater responsibility is in the Utilities Division with a superintendent salary range of 42. The Streek Division superintendent salary range is 39. The budgeted complement within these two divisions provides for foremen to assist the superintendents. The Equipment Maintenance and Building Maintenance Divisions are managed by foremen, the former with salary range 36, the latter with salary range 34. The responsibilities of these two divisional foremen involve not only supervision, but administration, budgeting and accountability to the department head on an equal basis with the divisional superintendents. scope of their functions far exceeds those of other foremen. Therefore, it is recommended that proposed salary range changes shown below be implemented to match salary to responsibility and create a differential between supervisors and employees. The PRESENT SALARY RANGE CLASS IF ICATION PROPOSED RANGE 42 (no change) 39 36 34 38 37 (no change) 36 The attached resolution and schedule which would effect WATER SUPERINTENDENT S'IREET SUPERINTENDENT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FOREMAN PROPERTY MAINTENANCE FOREMAN PUBLIC WORKS FOREMAN WATER PUMP FOREMAN WATER MAINTENANCE FOREMAN exhibit contains changes to the these changes. Exhibit: RESOLUTION NO. 3599 with EXKIBIT "A". Staff Fkcommendations to the City Manager: Staff recommends adoption of exhibited resolution. 42 40 38 38 37 37 37 present salary City Manager's Recominendaticfl Date: October 15, 1974 Concur with staff recommendation. It should be noted that the Public Works Foreman which is a one step reduction in salary is a vacant position. While the position exists in the City's classification salary plan, it is not budgeted and it is not intended to be utilized in the foreseeable future. Council 'Action 10-15-74 Resolution #3533 was adopted, adopting an for fiscal year 1974-75 - (various superv Utili ties-Maintenance Department). amended Salary Plan sory personnel in the -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1c 11 12 12 2c k V 21 2; 22 24 2: 2t 27 2E 2s 3c 31 3; RESOLUTION NO. 3533 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN AMENDED SALARY PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1974-75. WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 3523 adopted an amended salary plan for fiscal year 1974-75; and WHEREAS, the City Manager recommended that the salary ranges for various supervisory personnel in the Utilities-Mainte- nance Department be adjusted; and WHEREAS, the City Council accepted those recommendations and desires to accomplish the salary range adjustments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the revised classification and salary range schedule as set out in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted as the salary plan of the City of Carlsbad for all Miscellaneous, Police and Fire Safety personnel for fiscal year 1974-75, to be effective upon adoption of this resolution. 3. Upon the effective date of the revised salary plan adopted hereby, the salary plan adopted by Resolution No. 3523 and all previous salary plans shall be superseded. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 15th day of October , 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, McComas and Skotnic NOES : None ABSENT: None -3 ROBERT C . FRAZEE 4 Mayor fl ATTEST : 1J (SEAL) i. -, P - - CITY OF' CARLSBAD CLASC ICATION SALARY RALVGE XEDULE Miscellaneous, Police SafEty, Fire Sarety EXp1oyee.s Fiscal Year 1974-75 C LAS S IF I CAT I ON -- ACCOUNTANT ADJIINISTRAT IVE INTERN ASSISTANT CITY LIBRARIAN ASSISTANT PLANNER ASSIST. TO FINAECE DIR. ASSIST . TO PLANNlNG DIR. ASSOCIATE PLA"E,3 AUD I 0-V I S UAL CLERK AUDIO-VISUAL LIERARIAN BUILDING IWSPECTOP, CHILDREN ' S LIBRARIA!!l CIVIL ENGR. ASSOCIATE CLERK STENOGRAPHER CLERK TYPIST COWlUNITY SERVICE OFFICER1 CIVIL ENGR. ASSISTANT COW-IUNICAT IONS OPERATOR C . S .O . CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION ,WINT 'MAN CUSTODIALU DEPUTY CITY CLERK ENGINEERING AIDE EQUIPMENT MECHANIC EQUIPMENT MECIl. HELPER FIRE BATTALION CHIEF FIRE CAPTAIN FIRE ENGINEER FIREMAN GAWGE ATTENDANT HEAVY EQUIPMEXT OPE9ATOR INTERMED. ACCOUNT CLERK JUKIOR PLANNER LIBRARY ADMIN. ASSIST. LIBRARY ASSISTAXT LIBRARY CLERK LIBRARY CLERK I1 (Artist) IEJIALNTENAXCENAN MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR COORDINATOR1 EQUI:P?I,IENT MAINT .Fc3??EP4APl RANGE 35 29 36 37 42 50 45 17 29 37 32 40 46 16 13 20 26 47 38 19 16 21 27 32 20 47 43 39 35 22 29 17 31 28 25 15 17 21 29 38 RAhTGE CLASSIFICATION PAXK CARETAKER 21 PARK FOREMAN 36 ' PARK LANDSCAPE TECHNICIAN 28 PARA 15AINTENAiJCE LEADXE.N 26 PLAXNING TECH13 ICIAN 28 POLICE CAPTAIN 47 POLICE LIEUTENANT . 43 POLICE OFFICER 36 POLICE SERGEANT 40 PRINCIPAL CIVIL EXGINEER 54 PROPERTY IJLIINT. FOREFAN 38 PUBLIC WORI<S FOREMAN 37 PUBLIC WORKS LEADMAN 28 P.W. SANITATION INSPECTOR 29 RECREATION LEADER I 5 RECREATION LEADER I1 12 RECMATION LEADER I11 22 RECFUZATION SUPERINTENDENT 36 RECREATION SUPERVISOR 32 REFERENCE LISRARIAN 26 SECRETARY 21 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY 23 SECRETARY TO CITY -nlALUAGER 24 SECRETARY TO POLICE CHIEF 23 SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK 22 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 43 SENIOR CLERK STENOGRAPHER 18 SR. COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOZ 22 SENIOR ENGINEERING AIDE 34 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 29 SENIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT 29 SENIOR LIBRARY CLERK 21 SENIOR MAINTENANCEHAN 25 SENIOR WATER SERVICEMAN 25 STREET SUPERINTENDENT 40 SWITCEBOAFD OPR. RECEPTION. 15 TFEE TRIMMER LEAD,NAN 28 WATER LEADPIAN 27 WATER MAINTENANCE FOREMAN 37 WATER PUMP FOEMAN 37 WATER PUMP OPERATOR 29 WATER SERVICEMAN 21 WATER SU PE RIiJTElilDENT 42 YOUTH RESOURCES COUXSELOXl 36 -- lPolice Funds Grant EXHIEIT "A" TO RZSOLUT1GI.I NO. 3533 Page 1 of 2 pages. CITY OF CARLSSAD Miscellaneous, Police Safety, Fire Safety Employees B 1 -WE E I(Ly S>.L,X?.Iy s C DrJ LE -- Fiscal Year 1974-75 RANGE B i- Wee k ly Step S A B c D E 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 252.04 258.58 264.62 271.16 278.20 284.74 291.78 299.34 306.38 313.92 321.96 330.02 338.07 346.12 354.68 363.72 372.78 381.84 391.40 400.96 410.52 421.08 431.14 441.70 452.78 463.84 475.41 486.98 499 . 06 511.64 524.21 537.29 550 . 37 563.96 578" 04 592.12 606 . 72 621.81 637.40 653.00 669.10 685.70 702.30 719.90 264.62 271.16 278.20 284.74 291.78 299.34 306.38 313.92 321.96 330.02 338.07 346 . 12 354 . 68 363.72 372.78 381.84 331.40 400.96 410 . 52 421.08 431.14 441.70 452.73 463.84 475.41 436.98 499.06 511 . 64 524.21 537.29 550.37 563.96 578.04 592.3.2 6135.72 621.81 637.40 653.00 669.10 685.70 702.30 719.90 737.50 755.62 278.20 286.74 291.78 299.34 306.38 313.92 321.96 330.02 338.07 346.12 354.68 363.72 372.78 331.84 391.40 400.96 410.52 421.08 431.14 441.70 452.78 463.84 475.41 486.98 499.06 511.64 524.21 537.29 550.37 563.96 578 . 04 592.12 606.72 621.81 637.40 653.00 669.10 685.70 702.30 719 . 90 737.50 755.62 774.73 793.85 291.78 306.38 299.34 313.92 306.38 321.36 313.92 . 330.02 321.96 330.02 338.07 346.12 354.68 363.72 372.78 381.84 391.40 400.96 410.52 421 (. 08 431.14 441.70 452.78 463.84 475.41 486.98 499.06 511.64 524.21 537.29 550.37 563.96 578.04 592.12 606 . 72 621.81 637.40 653.00 669.10 685.70 702 . 30 719.90 737.50 755.62 774.73 793.85 813.47 833.09 ' 338.07 346.12 354.68 363.72 372.78 381.81 391.40 400.96 410.52 421.08 431.14 441.70 452.78 463.84 475.41 486.98 499.06 511.64 524.21 537.29 550 (. 37 563.96 578.04 592 . 12 606 . 72 621.81 637.40 653.00 669 . 10 685.70 702.30 719..90 737.50 755.62 774.73 793.85 813.47 833.09 853.72 874.34