HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-06; City Council; 3227; Procedure for adjustment plats vs parcel maps*' THCITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOR Agenda Bill NO. *j3,£ / Date November 6., 1Q74 Referred To: Subject: Parcel Maps-addition to Carlsbad Submitted By: Municipal Code Chapter 20.20 to allow (/ adjustment plats to be filed in lieu of lr-— parcel maps in certain cases. City Engineer Statement of the Matter Chapter 20.20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, regarding parcel splits, does not presently distinguish between normal parcel splitting and simple lot consolidations or property boundary adjustments. A Carls^ bad property owner wishes to make a simple boundary adjustment on a large parcel, and has requested a revision of ordinance to allow a separate boundary adjustment procedure. City administration concurs with this request. This procedure is introduced as a separate section of the Parcel Split Chapter of the Municipal Code. In it, the procedure is defined, qualification criteria is enumerated, and cross reference to the fiarcel split procedure is made. Exhibit 1. Memorandum from Public Works Administrator - " i 2. Letter dated July 24, 1974. Staff Recommendations That the City Council approve the proposed addition to the Municipal Code, in concept, and direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary resolutions for presentation to the City Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting. AS No. Date: November 6, 1974 City Manager's Recommendation This matter has been raised on numerous occasions. Most cities have some provisions within their Parcel Map Ordinance for minor lot ad- justments without being responsible for all public improvements and it is recommended that the City Council instruct the staff to prepare the necessary changes to our City Code to provide for similar adjust- ments. It should be pointed out, however, that the staff recommenda- tions will still provide less flexibility than most cities provide since most other cities have a strong Public Improvement Ordinance which requires the installation of public improvements in connection with the issuance of a building permit. While our proposal is a step in the right direction and will solve some of the problems we have encountered, to more completely resolve the problem, a Public Improve- ment Ordinance will need to be developed. Council'Action 11-6-74 The Council accepted staff recommendation, and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare the document necessary to amend Chapter 20.20 of the Municipal Code to allow adjustment plats to be filed in lieu of parcel maps in certain cases. MEMORANDUM October 28, 197^ TO : City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance amending Chapter 20.20 of the Municipal Code In order to handle at staff level those minor property line adjust- ments and lot line consolidation cases that we would prefer not come under the conditions of our present parcel map ordinance, we would propose that the Municipal Code be modified to allow for administra- tive lot line adjustments. We would such as : suggest that the ordinance modifying the Code contain wording An adjustment of boundary creating no additional lot or parcel or a consolidation of two lots where standard public improve- ments exist, may be made by filing an adjustment plat with the City Engineer. The plat shall be of a size and form prescribed by the City Engineer and shall bear the signature of the owners of the lots or parcels involved. Title reports for the lots or parcels involved shall be submitted at the time of filing. Upon receipt of a filing fee, which is the same fee set for parcel map recordation, the City Engineer will approve the adjustment plat if it is determined that the exchange of property or lot consolidation does not: 1. Create additional lots. 2. Include a lot created illegally. 3. Impair any existing access or create a need for a new access to any adjacent lot. 4. Impair any existing easement or create a need for a new easement. 5. Violate zoning requirements. 6. Alter the city limit boundary. 7. Require substantial alterations of existing public improvements or create a need for new public improvements. The plat may be conditionally approved subject to further monumen- tation as required to retrace the adjusted property boundary. Other- wise, the plat will be disapproved, and the boundary adjustment or lot consolidation shall be accomplished by filing a tentative and final parcel map in the manner set forth in this chapter. Additional wording as may be required to outline procedures, forms to be used, etc. can be worked Attorney and staff. the application out between the City Ronald A. Beckman RAB/de ^ £ QVESTORS w DEVELOPMENT & MORTGAGE CORPQR/VT1Q 7T VC.fr P July 24> 1974 The Honorable Robert C. Frazee Mayor of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Frazee: Enclosed is a plat showing the Palomar Vista,Ltd. ownership (shaded in blue) and mine (shaded in red). It is our mutual desire to adjust the contiguous portion of our boundary to consolidate the one and one half acre parcel, indicated by red cross hatching, with my ownership. This transaction would not be a division of land as defined by the State Map Act since no additional parcels would be created. In 1972 the City of Carlsbad revised Title 20 of its code. Title 20 establishes requirements, procedures and standards for subdivisions and parcel maps. Prior to the revision of Title 20, a boundary between contiguous properties could be accomplished by the filing of a Boundary Adjustment Plat; however, no provision has been made to allow for this type of transaction in your new ordinance. As a result, your city staff has interpreted that this exchange of property can be accomplished only by the recording of a parcel map. The Palomar Vista, Ltd. parcel contains approximately 200 acres and my property consists of 26 acres. It is not my intention to create another parcel, but only to include that portion of Palomar Vista property that lies in the same topo- graphic plane as my property with my ownership. I feel that the City of Carlsbad should have a procedure to allow such a transaction without the financial hardship of conforming to the parcel map requirements. I am sure my problem is not unique, and I request that an adden- dum or r.ew ordinance be adopted that would provide for boundary adjustments. Sincerely, // j/J f f ^A .^ 5,e,c\ *'£-'&•' f f^f- *"" *'-*-->**'sw.. Russell W. Grosse RWG/db Enclosures5B5O AVENIDA ENCINAS • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA aaooa • PHONE • 714 • 72a-92B<* CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE *SS*UlOa • ARIZONA • NEVADA CONTRACTORS LICENSE a1199S