HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-06; City Council; 3231; SURPLUS PROPERTY - PLAZA CAMINO REAL# THE CITY OF CAR L S B A D, 0 C A L I F 0 2 L'? 1 e November 6, 197~ Agenda Bill No. -31 Date : Referred To : Subject: Submitted By; SURPLUS PROPERTY - PLAZA CAPlINO REAL William C. Bald1 Asst. City Manac Statem2nt of the ?latter Central Federal Savings and Loan is requesting that the City sell, 0: lease, a triangular portion of land adjoining their parking lot on tl South side of Marron Iioad - West of Central Federal Savings and Loan The Parking Authority was contacted. regarding this sale, or lease, b asked that the City Council decide whether or not this property should be sold, or leased. Staff is requesting the Council to appro an appraisal of the subject property. The Parking Authority has fun( to pay for an appraisal. This will enable staff to determine a sale or lease. Exhi bi t Map of property. Staff Recommendations tc the City Manager The staff be instructed to hire an appraiser to determine at what minimal value to the City. price the property should be sold, or leased, as the parcel has 0 0 November 6, 1974 Date: AB No. Cit;. Manaqer's 2ecomxendation It has been determined that the parcel in question is the property of the Parking Authority and they are the Proper agency for processing the attached request. However, they do not wish to take action witho the general consent of the Council. should the Council approve of di posing of the parcel, the City can provide staff assistance to the Pa ing Authority to properly dispose of the land. It is anticipated tha after having the land appraised, it will be set to public bid with th appraisal price being established as the minimum bid price. Co unci 1 Ac ti on 11-6-74 The City Manager requested this matter tabled. -2- 0 e / Centml Fedeml Savings September 19,1974 Mr. Paul Eussey, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: Enclosed is it copy of my letter to Bill Baldwin indicat- ing our interest in city-owned land at the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center. that the area just west of the May Company parcel, number 167-260-28, is part of parcel number 167-260-17, which is apparently owned by the City of Carlsbad. I took the liberty of forwarding these two items, in case they would expedite matters in the event that Mr. Baldwin's files are inaccessible during his absence. Very truly yc)urs, Also enclosed is a map which shows L WILLIAM R. LEiONARD Research Director Enclosures 0 ,e August 23, 1974 Mr. William C. Baldwin Assistant City Manager 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Fir. Baldwin: As I indicated in our conversation earlier today, we at Central Federal are quite interested in establishing a drive-up facility at our Carlsbad branch office. The office is located at 2585 El Ceno Real, fronting on blarron Road in the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center. be specifically located just west of our present office. The proFosed two-station drive-up facility wouli To afford proper access and parking, Central Federal would need tl use the May Conpany parcel, number 167-260-28, as well as a porti of the land owned by the City of Carlsbad just to the west of the May Conpany parcel. frontage of this land, which extends back about fifty feet, to th bank at the rear. Central Federal would like to either lease or purchase this appro mately 2,500 square foot portion of land, and we request thzt you explore tho possibilities open to us. %e are prepared to conside acquiring the entire piece of City property between Marron Road a the bank on the south, if necessary. we suggest the possibility of establishing the desired facility d across the street fmm our Carlsbad branch office. This, again, necessitate leasing or acquiring City property. I will be glad to furnish any further information regarding our p for the drivenup facility in Carlsbad, and may be contacted at 232-6611, extension 317. Although I will not be in the office the week of August 26, Mr. Robert Klaiber will be able to assist you. Very truly yours, We anticipate the need for about fifty feet As a further alternative, , WILLIAM R. LEONARD Research Director df *, < cncr s mm b CJ ri ~3 I# , ;o--lT-T 0--00 CnTD 73 -4 CI 0 73 ---I um <.-. mrT1 zz cn 3r-rcrICI-mOioD-0. =zr"m~r"cAA,Pu'",, .>s.pIII X-- - u n--r-o-.',--.o E-. = z (r] Eovo-cAc-->~c- " n v -k,-w-rm_ ___ U--L-<"WeoNLd jl NUmoU"_ ,A_'-- - - c *> - %" v - - -4 \ 0 .. ..