HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-03; City Council; 3242; REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1-10,000 TO R-1-7500 AND REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP - GRANT H BECKSTRAND (LEADERSHIP HOUSING SYSTEM< f CITY e L;F C A R L S B A D, * c A L r i. o R N I & I- December 3, 1974 "s w% * Agenda B-iII NO. Da t€! : _.-_l__l *-Referred TO : --I_ CCI Submitted By : subject: Request for approval of a Change -of Zone from R-l~'lO,OOO to R-1-7500 and request for approval of Planning Commis: tentative subdi Applicant: Grant statcncnt 0' t-he ;.latter The Planning Commission held Public Hearing c October 22, 1974,and continued the matter to November 12, 1974. The a is requesting a Change of Zone from R-l-70,000 to R-1-7,500 and approv Tentative Subdivision Map for the purpose of developing 234 homes on a 107 acres generally southeast of El Camino Real and Highway 78. The p area to be rezoned also contains the 2+ acre old City Dump site curren used as a Police Pistol Range. Planning Commission is recommending that those areas being proposed as Space on the Tentative Map be rezoned to Open Space as part of the Cit Councils consideration of the requested zone change. The Planning Commission, after discussion, unanimously recommends to t Council the requested zone change as modified and the tentative map be approved. The applicant has met all requirements of the City of Carls c__- . including Public Facilities-. Exhibit Staff Reported-dated 11/12/7.4 Resolution No. lllland 1112 staff ~econmendations Staff recommends City Council approve ZC-142, as modified, and CT 74-3 Council concurs with Staff recommendation, the matter should be retur the City Attorney for the drafting of the necessary documents. . e e A3 ' No. -_ Sate: December 3, 1974 c t t y ?4 a n 3 g 2 _r ' s _? e co m 3 -2 -? rJ 2 t i c R Concu:c with staff recommendation. - --~- C0unc.i 1 Action - 12-3-74 The staff was instructed to prepare the documents necessar approval of the zone change and tentative map for Carlsbad 74-4. It was agreed that condition #19 of Resolution #11' the Planning Commission be amended to include the words 'I minimum of 28' roadway". The EIR was accepted by the Cour 9 e . Iy E MO RAN D UM e P November 12, 1974 TO: PLANN ING COMT.4 I SS I ON FROH: PLANNING DEPARTI4E:iT SUSJECT: ZO1'4E CHAIiGE-142 Tentative Xap - CT 74-4 E I R-242 LEADERSHIP HOUSING - QUAIL RIDGE The subject application was continued by the Planning Commission SO the applicant could purchase the City owned pistol range whic! is a portion of the site. This has been accomplished. I. RLQ-UEST: The applicant is requesting approval of a Zone Cha from R-1-10,000 to R-1-7,500 and Open Space and approval of Tentative Map to allow the construction of some 234 single- family homes on 107 acres located generally southeast of El Camino Real and Route 78. I I. - F.ECO!/IMENDATIONS A,. On the EIR: Staff recorninends that EIR #242 be CERTIFI for the following reasons: 1) The EIR has been properly noticed and reviewed, meeting all requirements of CEQA and the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance. 2) The adverse effects of the proposed project are presented with adequate mitigations and alternati to lessen their impact. 13. On the Zone Change: Staff recommends APPROVAL of ZC-1L based on the following justification: 1) The combination of R-7-7500 and Open Space Zones provides for an effective utilization of buildab' areas and preclusion of development in areas wit considerable slope. 2) The proposed subdivision meets all standards for the R-1-7500 zone classification. 3) The proposed zoning conforms to the City of Carl General Plan and Municipal Code. 0 0 a C. On the Tentative Map: Staff recommends APPROVAL of CT 74-4, based on the following justification: I) Conformance to the Subdivision Map Act. 2) Conformance to the Carlsbad General Plan and Staff recommends that CT 74-4 be subject to the following conditions: 1) The final maps shall be submitted for approval wit in one year from the final action by the City Council on tnt. Tentative Subdivision Map. The final map shall be in substantial conformance on t tentative subdivision map known as Exhibit A, date October 22, 1974. 2) The development of the property described herein s be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all the requ ments, limitations and restrictions of all municip ordjnance and State and Federal statutes now in fo or which, hereafter, may be in force for the purpo of preserving the residential characteristics of adjacent properties. 3) .All public improvements shall be made in conformit the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria a Standard Plan, the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encumbrances. Improvement p for water and sewer systems shall meet the require ments of the respective service districts. 4) All land and/or easements required by this Ordinan shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without c to the City and free of all liens and encumbrances No easements shall be recorded prior to recordatic of the final map unless approved by the City Engir shall be placed underground and/or shall be complc concealed from view. 6) Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for i required by Municipal Ordinance Code. The develo! shall post a bond and/or cash in the amount neces: to energize said street lights for an eighteen mor period after construction, to permit the incorport tion of the subdivision into a maintenance distric This shall be done prior to approval of final map Municipal Code. 8 5) All utilities, including provisions for cable TV, -2- e e- 4 ' '7) The improvement plans shall include a report ,Jf a geological investigation and a complete gruding plan of the entire site when required by the City Engineer. The report and plan shall be prepared by Civil Engineer licensed by the State of California, and experienced ir erosion control. Said Engineer shall certify that the3 have investigated the site and prepared data with full consideration of the consequences to the included and neighboring properties and conform to the standards of the Geological Safety Element of the General Plan. 8) All slopes created as a result of this development shal not exceed a 2:l slope or as approved by the City Engir !3) If requested by the City Engineer, an amended Tentativc Map shall be submitted for approval by the City Enginec prior to preparation of the final map to assure compliz to all conditions of approval. 10) In order to provide for reasonable fire protection dur- the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings and adequatc fire hydrants with required fire flows and dry-stand pipes shall be installed prior to framing construction< 1.1) Park land dedication of Lot 72 shall be granted to the concurrent with City Council approval of the final map 12) Street trees, when required by the City, shall be instz ed by the applicant at his expense. Trees shall be of a type approved by the Parks Department and shall be installed to their specifications. If removal of any existing trees is required by the City, said removal shall be at the applicant's expense. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to make all arrangemenl with the Parks Department concerning the requirements ( this condition. These arrangements are to be made pric: to approval of the Final Map. designated in accordance with the standards and policic adopted by the Planning Commission on file in the Planr Department. Said names shall be approved by the Planni Director prior to approval of the final map. 14) The C.C. & R's for this development shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval prior to the approval of final map. 13) Street names shall be subject to approval and shall be -3- 0 0- c , 15) Mith construction of the first unit, the developer shall install an off-site sewer .line to serve the subject property which shall be compatible with the City's Mastei Sewer Study for the area and conform to City Standards. standards on the basis of an 84' right of way width for the full frontage of the subject property. (NOTE: Elm Avenue on the easterly boundary shall be dedicated and improved on the basis of a 1/2 street section (42' right 16) Elm Avenue shall be dedicated and improved to City of way). 17) The developer shall enter into an agreement with the City providing for contribution by the developer toward the cost of a fully actuated traffic signal at the inter section of Elm Avenue and El Camino Real, in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer pursuant to such a traffic signal policy as the City Council may adopt. 18) All-weather access shall be provided to all manholes anc cleanouts. Any water, sewer or storm drain lines instal in slopes shall be placed normal to the slope. 19) Elm Avenue shall be extended west from Unit #1 to El Camino Real prior to occupancy. The applicant shall also post a bond for the extension of Elm Avenue to the project's southeasterly boundary prior to occupancy of Unit #1. 20) Improvement plans for the water system shall meet the requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and City Fire Marshall. except at public street intersections. participate in the construction of that portion of the future Tri-agencies pipeline. The applicant shall entc into a financial agreement for said participation in a manner acceptable to the Carlsbad Municipal Water Distr 2:;) The applicant shall enter into discussions with the No, County Transit District and City Planning Staff to exp how public transportation needs of the proposed subdiv can best be met. 24 1 An Open Space easement over Lots 70, 71, 160 and 239 s be granted to the City of Carlsbad concurrent with approval of the final map. 21) Access rights shall be delinquished along Elm Avenue 22) As a part of the development, the developer shall -.4 - 0 e & 25) In graded areas, all property lines shall be located at the top of the slope. 215) The developer shall maintain all the open space ease- ment areas designated on the tentative map until phase I11 of the development has been constructed. A main- tenance program shall be provided for in the C.C. & R's which are to be submitted to the Planning Director for approval Prior to turning the maintenance of the Open Space easements over to the City, the applicant shall install a fully automated sprinkler system, landscaping and a 10 foot wide asphaltic concrete path, in a manner acceptable to the Parks and Recreation Director. The path shall be within the Open Space easement Crom the City Park to the Southerly property boundary and shall be a maximum grade of 7%. 111. - BACKGROUND A. Description: A portion of Lot "J" of Rancho Aqua Hedionda in the City of Carlsbad, according to Map 823 filed with the San Diego County Recorder. Appian Way and Marron Road. B. Location: On the east side of El Camino Real between C. Size: - i- 100 acres. D. Total Lots: 234 Single E. Proposed Phasing: Dwell i ng Units Area Unit 1 69 - f 40 Ac. Unit 2 87 - f 31 Ac. Unit 3 78 - + 29 Ac. F. Gross Density: 2.34 dwelling units/acre G. E.I.R. Finding: An Environmental Impact Report has bee prepared by City Staff, with the aid of reviewing agenc A copy of the Environmental Impact Report has been atta to this report. H. Existing Zoning: R-1-10,000. I. Adjacent Zoning: R-1-10,000 and P-C J. General Plan: The Land Use Element of the General Plan shows the property in question as Low-Medium Density . Residential at 0-4 dwelling units per acre and Open Spa -5- L1 0 a- The proposed development would have a density of 2.34 DU/acre. Areas with considerable slope have been left in Open Space, meeting the requirements of the Open Space and Conservation Element. The Open Space areas shown provide a continuous corridor which will connect with the San Diego Gas & Electric Easement and approved Park site on the Larwin Property. K. Parks Ordinance Requirements: The Parks and Recreation Department has recommended that Lot 72 (4 acres) be dedicated to the City in order to meet the requirements of the Park Dedication Ordinance. This park would be tied in to the Larwin Tiburon Park Site. Actual dedication required for the proposed subdivision is 5 1.34 acres. L. Public Facilities Policy: The applicant has provided evidence that public facilities will be provided to service the project. Copies of letters from the Carlsbal Municipal Water District and City Water Department have been attached. M. Circulation: The project will be accessed through Elm Avenue extended from the Larwin subdivision. 80th "A" Street and Elm Avenue will tie in to future subdivisions to the south and east. The looped street system proposed for the subdivision is to be built to City Standards (44' to 60' Row) and will be adequate for both general circulation, fire protection and service vehicle (i.e., trash) purposes. IV. - PIAJOR PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: A. Appropriateness of Zones: Concurrent applications for zoning and subdivisions can pose several problems. the applicant is proposing K-1-7503 zoning, only 28% of the lots witha'n the subdivision are less than 8,000 square feet. eight percent of the lots are between 8,000 - 10,000 square feet and 14% are in excess of 10,000 square feet. The subdivision, therefore, exceeds minimum R-1-7500 zone require. ments for most of the lots. A problem could arise, however, if the tentative subdivision map would be allowed to expire and the property would remain K-9-7500. Therefore, Staff believes that the only assurance that the proposed subdivision concept will be carried out is to approve a split '2-1-7500 and Open Space Zone. The Open Space Zoning will limit the boundaries of grading and development, and generally constrain any major subdivision redesi In this instance, althoug Fifty- -6- .. - * e- I, B,, Relationship to Surrounding Land Uses: Larwin subdivision, the surrounding developments are predominantly single-family residential. in this area are: 1. Relationship of development to hillside areas; 2. Relationship of housing type and price to Housing Element goal! As regards the former concern, the proposed subdivision is generall! more responsive to natural land contours than surrounding develop- ments, units in the $40-60,000 range. meet the needs of only a limited segment of the City's population. With the exception of the The critical concerns of development Regarding the latter, the applicant proposes to build Housing in this price range will ATTACH PIE NT S : EIR-242 Please bring Exhibit A - ZC-142 and Staff Report delivered in your 10-22-74 packet. Exhibit A - CT 74-4 -7- 0 e -b '* PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7311 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CONCERNING THE CHANGE SPACE (Q/S) YO ALL014 CONSTRUCTION OF SOME 234 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES ON 107 ACRES LOCATED GENERALLY SOUTHEAST OF EL CAMlNO REAL AND ROUTE 78. APPLICANT: GEORGE W. HUTCHINS OF ZONE FROM R-l-lO,OOQ to R-1-7,500 AND OPEN CASE NO. ZC-142 WHEREAS, a verif%"ed application ~QP 3 certafta property ', All that portion of lot J, Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the County of San Diego, State of California, accordin to map thereof No. 823, on file in the office of the County Recorderp and further described as: Beginning at a point %"n the northwesterly boundary of said Rancho Agua Hedisnda, said pcaa"nt being also the most northerly corner of recard of survey map No. 54'12 as filed fn the office sf said County Recorder; thence along the boundary of said Record of Survey No. 54.12 south 58 03852t* east 710001a feet $2 the TF"iJ$ Pal"n$ of Beg8arnlng; thence continuh-lg ail said bcmdary the P!3Slowing COuFSes: (I) South 58 038!52'' East 3842.69 feet (2) North 69 35'48'' East 348,QQ feet (5) North 06 35'447') West 198Q.41 feet thence 'iearv-ing said bo~~ridary Mor-th 32 20'01" East 336. been filed with the Cfty of Carlsbad and referred to th ning Commission; and (3) South 24 57e5282 East 1865?27 feet (4) North $9 49"Q2't West 2335*37 feet (6) North 58 77"9'1 Nest 1550.82 feet feet to the True Paint af Beginninga WHEREAS, satd verffiecf applicatian constitutes z recjue idecl by Title 21 ~f the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the gublis hearing was held at the time and i e speca'ficed in said notice on October 22, 1974 and con svember 12, 7974; and I$HEREWS, the applicant has complied with the Public Fa cy Qf the City of Carlsbad and has provided the necessa rmation which insures Public Facilities will be availat ent wtth need; and NHEREAS, the subject appl icatton has complied with the % -& 0 requirements of the City of Carlsbad "Environmental Protect Ordinance of 1972"; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and cons the testimony and arguments, if any, of a71 persons who de5 to be heardg said Commission considered a71 factors relatir the zone change and found the fo1't;awing f2cts 2nd rnezsQnS 'i (1) The combination of R-1-7500 and Open Space Zones provides for an effective utilization of buildable areas and preclusion of development in areas with considerable sf ope. (2) The proposed subdivision meets all standards for 1 R-7-7500 zone classification. (3) The proposed zoning conforms to the City of Carlst General Plan and Municipal C~dle- NOW, THEREFORE, BE KT RESOLVED by the Planning Cornmis: - the city of Garlsbzsl, Ca73fornia, as follons; khat B c,haPr: zone -is apgrsved for use 08: sajd property to aI?r~~d carrstri of some 234 single family homes on IO7 acres located generi - ssratheast of El Ca.m"rno Real arid RGuxe 18 on approxfmztely . acres as skswsr. on Exhfbit A dated 3-5-74. PASSED, APPRQVED AND ADOPTED AT a regular meeting oi" . of Carlsbad Planning C~mm%ssion held on November 12, I974 I following votes to wit: Commissioners Watson, Wrench, Fikes, and Casler None Commissioner Dominguez ABSTAIN: None Mary Casler, Chairman . Agatep, Secretary -2- 0 0 4 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 11 12 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COfYTMISSIOM OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CONCERNING THE TENTATIVE MAP TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF SOME 234 SINGLE- FAMILY HOMES OW 107 ACRES LOCATED GENERALLY SOUTH- EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND ROUTE 78, CASE NO. CT 74-4, APPLICAFIT: GEORGE W. HUTCHINS WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain property, to wit: A portion of Lot liJi6 of Rancho Aqua Hedjonda in the City of Carlsbad, according to Map 823 filed with the San Diego 'L County Recorder; has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the P?anning Commission; and WHEREAS, safd verified application constitutes a request as prov Title 23 of the "Carlsbad Municipal Code"; and \$HEREAS, the apgl iciant hzs cornpa jed with the Pub1 -m"c Faci7 i ty Pol the Cjty of Garlsbad and has provldeb The necessary infcrrxatfon vthScl-i Public Facilities nbl7 be available and current with need; and WHEREAS, the subject. application has cornpi fed wf'ih the requireme City OF Carlsbad "Environmental PrsstecQfon Ordfnartce of 7972"; and WHEREAS, sal$ Carnmissisn cons-idered all factors relatfrtg to the Map and found the f~llaw-issg facts and reasons to exist: 1, The reqUeS$ed Use CC??lf~~~S to the %bdjVfSfCU'l F?tap kChL, 2, The requested use conforms to the CarTsbaci General Pian anc Mun'B'cipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the PTanning Corrirnfssion sf thr Carlsbad, California, as follows: That a Tentative Map is approved . said property to allow the construction of some 234 single-family hoi acres located generally southeast of El Camino Real and Route 78, an1 to the following conditions: I. The final maps shall be submitted for approval within one. the final action by the City Council on the Tentative Subd Map. The final map shall be in substantia7 conformance on tentative subdivision map known as Exhibit A, dated Octobe The development of the property described herein shall be the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which ar addition to all the requirements, limitations and restrict all municipal ordinance and State and Federal statutes noh or which, hereafter, may be in force for the purpose of pr the residential characteristics of adjacent properties. 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13, 3.2 ab3 14 15 96 2.7 1% $9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2’9 28 0 e 3. All public improvements shall be made in conformity to the C Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plan, the division Ordinance and other City Standards, to the satisfac the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad and all liens and encumbrances. Improvement plans for water and systems shall meet the requirements of the respective servic districts. All land and/or easements required by this Ordinance shall b to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of liens and encumbrances, No easements shall be recorded pric yecsrdatjm of the final map upless approved by the CiQ En5 5. All utilities, including provisions for cable TV, shall be 1 underground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. 6. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as require( Municipal Ordinance Code. The developer shall post a bond i cash in the amount necessary to energize said street lights eighteen month period after construction, to permit the incc of the subdivision into a maintenance district. This shall prior to approval of final map. The improvement plans shall include a report of a geologica gation and a eanplete grad?’ng p7as of the entfre sfte when 1 by the Clty Epeg-ineer, The rep(trt 2.nd plan shall be preparec Engineers liiceansed by the State of California, and expeenten1 erosion control. Safd Englneer shall certffy that they havl Investigated the site and prepared data with full considem the consequences to the included and neigkborjng properties form to the standards of the Geological Safety Element of t Plan, ,415 slopes created as a result of this development sfialj FIG a ?:I slope or as approved by the City EngSrieer. If requested by the City Engineer, an amended Tentative Map submitted for approval by the Cfty Engineer prior ’cs Frepar the f?jna9 map to assure cornpill”ance to all conditjons of app In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during i strustion period, the subdivider shall maintain passable ve access to all bufldings and adequate fdre hydrants with req fjre flows and dry-stand pipes shall be installed prior to construction. Park land dedication of Lot 72 shall be granted to the City current with City Council approval of the final map. Street trees, when required by the City, shall be installed applicant at his expense. Trees shall be of a type approvc Parks Department and shall be installed to their specifical If removal of any existing trees is required by the City, 5 removal shall be at the applicant’s expense. It shall be 1 responsibility of the applicant to make a11 arrangements wi 4. 7. 8, 9, 98. 59. 72. 29 30 32 31 I Parks Department concerning the requirements of this condil These arrangements are to be made prior to approval of the 13. Street names shall be subject to approval and shall be desi accordance with the standards and policies adopted by the F Commission on file in the Planning Department. Said names approved by the Planning Director prior to approval of the - 2- e 0 1 2 final map. 3 4 5 6 7 14. The C.C. & R’s for this development shall be submitted to t Planning Director for review and a;?proval prior to the appr With construction of the first unit, the developer shall in off-site sewer line to serve the subject property which sha compatible with the City’s Master Sewer Study for the area form to City Standards. Elm Avenue shall be dedicated and improved to City standard basis of an 84’ r-ight of way width for the full frontage of subject property, (NOTE: Elii; Avenue on the easteriy bound be dedicated and improved on the basis of a l/2 street sect The developer shall enter into an agreement with the City p for contribution by the developer toward the cost of a Full traffic signal at the intersection of Elm Avenue and El Car in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer pursuanl a traffic signal policy as the City Council may adopt. All-weather access shall be provided to all manholes and cl Any water, sewer ~r storm drain lines installed in slopes 5 placed normal to the s%cage. 19. Elm Avermare shall be extended west from UnSt #I to Ei Cmini prior to i%ccaipancy. The appf.:cmt shall also past a band 1 extens-i”on of Eh Avenue to the p;rojectt‘s southeasterly hut to occupancy of Unit #si r Improvement plans for the water system shaii meet the requ- af the Garlsbad Municipal Water District and City Fire Mar: 21, Access r-ights shall be re1fnqo;shed alrdng Elm Avenue excepi public street intersections, 22. As a part of the development, the deveioper shaii particfp; construction of that portion of the future Tri-agencies pii The applicant shall enter jnto i: ffnancfal agreement for st participation in a manner acceptable to the Carlsbad Plunic- District. The applicant shall enter into discussions with the North f Transit Distrfct and City Planning staff to explore how pul transportation needs of the proposed subdivision can best An Open Space easement over Lots 70, 71, 160 and 239 shall to the Cjty of Carlsbad concurrent with approva? of the fi 25. In graded areas, all property fines between lots shall be of the slope. 26. The developer shall maintain all the open space easement a designated on the tentative mar, until phase 111 of the dev has been constructed. A maintenance program shall be prov in the C.C. & R’s which are to be submitted to the Planniri for approval prior to turning the maintenance of the Open Easements over to the City, the applicant shall install a automated sprinkler system, landscaping of all constructed and a 10 foot wide asphaltic concrete path, in a manner ac to the Parks and Fecreation Director. Landscaping program expected to be applied to natural vegetation that will rem path shall join the City Park to the Templin Heights prope south and shall have a maximum grade of 7%, except as appr the City Engineer. 15, 16. right of way). %. a 17* 9 10 3.3. 92 3.3 14 15 16 9’1 18 19 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 18. 26. 23. 24, -3- r e e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on November 12, 1974 by the followir Commissioners Watson, !.lrench, Fi kes, Jose, Casler None ABSENT:: Commissioner Bominguez ABSTAIN: None Mary Casler, Chairman Donald A, Agatep, - 4- I