HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-03; City Council; 3246; REVIEW OF TAXI CAB ORDINANCE% / u/ THE CITY . OF CARLSBAD, * CALIF.0; Agenda Bill No.ja#b Date: December 3, Referred To: Sua jict : Submitted REVIEW OF TAXI CAB ORDINANCE Paul D. Buss City Manager Statement of the ?fatter By letter dated November 12, 1974, Mr. R. B. James, County Coordi of the Law & Justice Agency, has requested that the City Council authorize a staff member to participate in a task force with the tention of reviewing and developing a uniform taxi cab ordinance. Exhibit Letter dated November 12, 1974, from Mr. R. B. James, County Coor of the Law & Justice Agency. Staff Recommendations It is recommended that the City Council appoint the City Manager his designated representative as the City of Carlsbad's represent on the task force for taxi cab ordinance review. 0 e December 3, 1971 Gate: AB No, City Manager's Recorninendation See staff recommendation. Council 'Action 12-3-74 The Council accepted the staff recommendation appointing 1 Manager or his designated representative as the City of C: representative on the task force for taxi cab ordinance rc c/ y /7@ e e COUNTY OF SAN DWG4 LAW 8r JUSTICE AGENCY * POST OFFICE BOX a( SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92182 o (714) 236-28 ROBERT B. JAMES COORDINATOR November 12, 1974 City Council City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue Attention: Mayor Robert Frazee Carlsbad, California 92005 Dear P4ayor Frazee: As the result of a request from the Qiamond Cah Cornpanv of San Dieqo, the Board of Supervisors recently directed this Agency to meet with the incorporated cities of this county to discuss the possibilitv and advisability of a uniform taxi rate structure. Each city manager and the other taxi operators were contacted and an exploratory meeting was held on November 7, 1976, to discuss the suggestion put forth hy the Diamond Cab Company. It was the consensus of those in attendance at the meeting that thc requlation of the taxi industry is a matter of definite concern to each city in this county and that this concern qoes beyond tl setting of rates to other important issues of licensing and service levels. After much discussion, it became apparent that the formation of a county-wide task force, to review the entire spectrum of qovernnental-taxi industry relationshins, was an idc Of considerable mezit. It was additionally recoqnized that the initial direction on an issue of this maqnitude must come from the highest policy setting level -- the legislative bodies in e< incorporated city. The purpose of this letter, therefore, is to reauest the partic. pation of your city in this task force effort which will have a: its charge the analysis of taxi industry requlation, Included : this charge will be the responsibility to nrovi.de information a1 relative to the issues of rates, licensina, service levels, and all other aspects of taxi otxnations. recommendations to the City Councils and tLe Board of Supervisoi % * e November 12, 19 Mayor Robert Frazee -2- Assuming who will be representing your municipality. Very truly yours, your Council's approval of this request, I would appreciate your advising me of the identity of individual(s1 RBJ:mh cc: Diamond Cab Company Department of Transnortation Sheriff fle e 0 >I..-] '1 :','I - c:l'j:'J, I:;, $ . 53 fol. <,;le 1'4TZi l/:; IililP .l.O i'~:. .rich ?,( i:j c!nnl I./;; iTyj ;.(2 ):..CJg fo? c;;ch h 3..00 i'or p:?rccl. Geliver-J o;? c::~itj.pg tiinc 1.;: ~<.,tc.r r3t.c: for 10 mile extension oi' city ~Jm;~ld~.T~. _- i (1127-3300 - Cin CP,E;L.:;) $ .60 for the first 1/5 mile .I.C for czch acisI.tional 1/5 mile h.130 for each hour of waiting the - (:O),[):,:<!.ll~ ._ - _._____ (1135-223.1. - CITY CIZR!:) $ .50 :or the firs'; 1/5 mile .10 for- czch :!dGitioral 1/5 nile 5.00 for each hour of wi?tinn c;, .tine -_--____ 1) j.: [ ~ ,'/l..;; (755-9363 - CITY CLFJi:) $ .GO for the f:.rct 1/G nile .10 for each E.:'tditionnl I./() rii3.e .10 for each ninutc- of wzitir7.g time ($6.0~1 per hour) -__ 3, Ci">JOT.ir . .__- (442-4441 - CI?Y CUKI:) $: .65 for the first 1/5 xile .lo for erich ccid'itionnl 1/5 mile 4.80 for each haul4 of vaithg time -._--...I__ F: 5; c G:;n TD 0 (745-2200 - CITY CLE.i?K) $ .50 for the first 1/4 mile .10 for each ndditional 1/4 zi1.e 5.110 for each hour of waiting time ze /?Q 1.;: meter rate for cut of city trips u ---_ _-_ 1.A.L EXkClI (423-8309 .. CI~ CLE~K) $ .GO for the first 1./5 mile .IO ;OV c>r.c~i a<(~i.tionnl 1/5 r?i.lc 4.60 for etch hci;r of' wajtir;; ti.?? I* * .., 4 0 0 ,< , . (!,, -,_; , .:. j .- i: i I!' r' (:: .: j; ) .:,, .c:c: j'(-:r' j,!l<~ f.l !':'i, :I /I; !:;: 1 f, ! L' . .. . . -1 0 .''(\?* <*;+ci; 1; .cfJ !'C!.!. e:?!.!: ho?: !' 1 (k/,(-m31. - CITY cl,l::;l:) <; .65 or tpL2 r$.rst J./> mile ..'LO .:"c;i- C?::CII ::c.irjitjono!- 1-/5 1nj.1~ 11 .e3 ~OY CZC~ I:DI:?' of' lTz-jt.ir,; t<r;c (rp2-fi2-jl - Cl'iTSi c. '1 .'IO for the first 1.17 mi1.c .PO i'or each succccdizs 2/7 ni:i.Ie 6.00 f'or cnch :ha?1.r of wtiitirlt; t,kine .-)) 2 I- ~1.lrcIi~~rg;e for each ~iiilc necessary .to return to ( if 5 mi.le:: os nore froiii city liraitz s/.:..: :):!::?o - CT:")' ( SDl'i, - Y!..XI I-spEcTo3) , -------------_ $ .65 for the first l/> nilc .J.O :f'o~ es.ch additiozal 1/5 milo 4.00 for cach hour of waitir!?; tLTe GO - CO1.ii.il.Y (sI)pI? - TLiXI I>:SpECTOI{) 'l' 4. .>O for thc first l/5 mile ---_ --- .IO for each additional 1/5 ni1.e 4.80 for each hour of waiting tiqle ---_I_- (7&-4020 - CITY CLE;RK) ,Q $ .50 for the first 1/4 mile .10 for each additional 1./4 mile qJ$$Q 5.00 for ezch hour of waiting time --- v I ST). (726-1340 - CITY CLERK) c + .TO ?or the first 1/)+ mile .10 for each additional- 1/5; nile .lo for each !:iii!utc of weitir.C; time ($:G,oo per ~~~L1~) 1.. CC f'oy ~~ccll dol i.vc?ry 1'; !,).'~CT ~nt;~ for out of city trips (a 4 4 0 e COUNTY N DE LAW & JUSTICE AGENCY POST OFFICE BOX 8 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92112 * (714) 236-28 ROBERT B. JAMES COORDINATOR October 28, 19 Mr. Paul D. Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Calsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: The Board of Supervisors has requested that I meet with representatives from each of the incorporated cities in the County of San Diego to discuss and study taxi rates. This direction has come about as the result of a suggestion to establish a uniform rate structure to be used by all tax cab operations in the County. Although the primary purpose of this meeting is to discuss rate structure issues, I recommend that we take the oppor- tunity to review all issues relevant to taxi operations. I have scheduled the meeting for Thursday, November 7, 1974 at 2:OO P.M. in Room 5029, Courthouse Annex, 242 West "B" Street, San Diego, California. If you cannot attend, pleas6 call my Secretary at 236-2846, to provide the name of your representative. 3 I Sincerely, RBJ/mt